How to allocate memory for a static n-dimensional array in c++ - c++

What is the best way to allocate memory for an n-dimensional array in c++ at runtime? I am trying to read a matrix of values from a file, and depending on which file I read, the matrix could be any size. However, once the matrix is created, its size is static.
Since I don't know at compile-time what the size will be, I can't define it as int[a][b], so I was experimenting with using pointers to pointers like int**, but when I declare int** arr; arr[0][0] = 1 I get an error. I've experimented with other solutions as well. For example, I tried using one of the answers to Determine array size in constructor initializer, using int* arr; arr = new int[a], but it doesn't seem to work once I try to use it for two dimensions. Granted, I could be using it incorrectly, but the following block of code gives me a segfault:
int** arr;
(*arr) = new int[a];
edit: And of course, right after I ask the question, I find something semi-suitable in Need help regarding Dynamic Memory Allocation for two dimensional arrays in C++. I'd prefer not to do it this way, but it's definitely doable.

You would do it something like this (stolen from this answer):
int** ary = new int*[sizeX];
for(int i = 0; i < sizeX; ++i)
ary[i] = new int[sizeY];
Alternatively, you can do this:
int *ary = new int[sizeX*sizeY];
// ary[i][j] is then rewritten as
It might remove the headache of pointer indirection.


How to create a pointer to pointers

The problem that I have is to create a specific matrix.
I have to use an array called for example ptr with x pointers. Each pointer in this array should point to a new array (in this case, an int array; each array is a new line in the matrix then).
All x arrays should be created with new; in the end, it should be possible to access the matrix with ptr[a][b] easily.
After a lot of trying and failing, I hope that someone can help me out.
Thank you in advance!
Since this is obviously homework, let me give you a better answer for your sake to go alongside the accepted one.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(10, std::vector<int>(10));
// ^ ^ ^
// Column count ______| |________________|
// |
// |___ Each column is
// initialized with
// a vector of size 10.
That's a 10x10 matrix. Since we're using vectors, the sizes are dynamic. For statically sized arrays, you can use std::array if you want. Also, here's the reference for std::vector.
If the number of pointers in the array is known, you could simply use a raw array of pointers to int:
int* my_array[10]; // 10 int*
Then you should allocate memory individually for each pointer in the array using usually a for loop:
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
// each int* in the array will point to an area equivalent to 10 * sizeof(int)
my_array[i] = new int[10];
On the other hand, if you don't know the size of the array, then you need a pointer to pointers:
int** ptr_to_ptr = new int*[10];
Note that I am allocating space for 10 int* and not int.
Remember to deallocate the memory allocated above also for the internal pointers, once you don't need that memory anymore.

Allocating an array of pointers

I'm hitting an odd segmentation fault that is happening somewhere and I was wondering whether it could be due to the way I allocated the matrix array of pointers.
It's declared as such in the .h file:
int **matrix;
But when I pass it, I am using it in this way int *matrix[], in order to
access individual rows with matrix[i] (this made a lot of my tasks simpler).
So, when I am allocating the matrix, should I have done:
matrix = new int * [vertices];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
matrix[i] = new int[vertices];
Or for the third line, should I use the -> operator:
matrix[i]-> new int[vertices]; // Or something like this.
And what is the difference between the two?
The first option you suggested is completely fine in this case. But the second one with the -> operator is not even a valid syntax. The first line from the first suggestion actually creates an array of int* of size vertices:
matrix = new int * [vertices];
Each of the elements of this array is initialised with some garbage values. You can make sure it is initialised with zero by using braces like this: new int * [vertices](). But in either case accessing any of the pointers by matrix[i]-> would be meaningless. In fact the arrow operator -> is a dereference operator that is used exclusively with pointers to objects that have members. Hope that helps.

Incrementally dynamic allocation of memory in C/C++

I have a for-loop that needs to incrementally add columns to a matrix. The size of the rows is known before entering the for-loop, but the size of the columns varies depending on some condition. Following code illustrates the situation:
N = getFeatureVectorSize();
float **fmat; // N rows, dynamic number of cols
for(size_t i = 0; i < getNoObjects(); i++)
if(Object[i] == TARGET_OBJECT)
float *fv = new float[N];
// How to add fv to fmat?
Edit 1 This is how I temporary solved my problem:
N = getFeatureVectorSize();
float *fv = new float[N];
float *fmat = NULL;
int col_counter = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < getNoObjects(); i++)
if(Object[i] == TARGET_OBJECT)
fmat = (float *) realloc(fmat, (col_counter+1)*N*sizeof(float));
for(int r=0; r<N; r++) fmat[col_counter*N+r] = fv[r];
delete [] fv;
However, I'm still looking for a way to incrementally allocate memory of a two-dimensional array in C/C++.
To answer your original question
// How to add fv to fmat?
When you use float **fmat you are declaring a pointer to [an array of] pointers. Therefore you have to allocate (and free!) that array before you can use it. Think of it as the row pointer holder:
float **fmat = new float*[N];
Then in your loop you simply do
fmat[i] = fv;
However I suggest you look at the std::vector approach since it won't be significantly slower and will spare you from all those new and delete.
better - use boost::MultiArray as in the top answer here :
How do I best handle dynamic multi-dimensional arrays in C/C++?
trying to dynamically allocate your own matrix type is pain you do not need.
Alternatively - as a low-tech, quick and dirty solution, use a vector of vectors, like this :
C++ vector of vectors
If you want to do this without fancy data structures, you should declare fmat as an array of size N of pointers. For each column, you'll probably have to just guess at a reasonable size to start with. Dynamically allocate an array of that size of floats, and set the appropriate element of fmat to point at that array. If you run out of space (as in, there are more floats to be added to that column), try allocating a new array of twice the previous size. Change the appropriate element of fmat to point to the new array and deallocate the old one.
This technique is a bit ugly and can cause many allocations/deallocations if your predictions aren't good, but I've used it before. If you need dynamic array expansion without using someone else's data structures, this is about as good as you can get.
To elaborate the std::vector approach, this is how it would look like:
// initialize
N = getFeatureVectorSize();
vector<vector<float>> fmat(N);
Now the loop looks the same, you access the rows by saying fmat[i], however there is no pointer to a float. You simply call fmat[i].resize(row_len) to set the size and then assign to it using fmat[i][z] = 1.23.
In your solution I suggest you make getObjectFeatureVector return a vector<float>, so you can just say fmat[i] = getObjectFeatureVector();. Thanks to the C++11 move constructors this will be just as fast as assigning the pointers. Also this solution will solve the problem of getObjectFeatureVector not knowing the size of the array.
Edit: As I understand you don't know the number of columns. No problem:
deque<vector<float>> fmat();
Given this function:
std::vector<float> getObjectFeatureVector();
This is how you add another column:
The number of columns is fmat.size() and the number of rows in a column is fmat[i].size().

initialize an int[][] with new()

I am a c++ newbie. While learning I came across this.
if I have a pointer like this
int (*a)[2][3] describe this as declare a as pointer to array 2 of array 3 of int:
When I try
int x[2][3];
a = &x;
this works.
My question is how I can initialize a when using with new() say something like
a = new int [] [];
I tried some combinations but doesn't get it quite right.
Any help will be appreciated.
You will have to do it in two steps - first allocate an array of pointers to pointers(dynamically allocated arrays) and then, allocate each of them in turn. Overall I believe a better option is simply to use std::vector - that is the preferred C++ way of doing this kind of things.
Still here is an example on how to achieve what you want:
int a**;
a = new int*[2];
for (int i =0; i< 2;++i){
a[i] = new int[3]
... use them ...
// Don't forget to free the memory!
for (int i = 0; i< 2; ++i) {
delete [] a[i];
delete [] a;
EDIT: and as requested by Default - the vector version:
std::vector<std::vector<int> > a(2, std::vector<int>(3,0));
// Use a and C++ will take care to free the memory.
It's probably not the answer you're looking for, but what you
need is a new expression whose return type is (*)[2][3] This
is fairly simple to do; that's the return type of new int
[n][2][3], for example. Do this, and a will point to the
first element of an array of [2] of array of [3] int. A three
dimensional array, in sum.
The problem is that new doesn't return a pointer to the top
level array type; it returns a pointer to the first element of
the array. So if you do new int[2][3], the expression
allocates an array of 2 array of 3 int, but it returns
a pointer to an array of 3 int (int (*a)[3]), because in C++,
arrays are broken (for reasons of C compatibility). And there's
no way of forcing it to do otherwise. So if you want it to
return a pointer to a two dimensional array, you have to
allocate a three dimensional array. (The first dimension can be
1, so new [1][2][3] would do the trick, and effectively only
allocate a single [2][3].)
A better solution might be to wrap the array in a struct:
struct Array
int data[2][3];
You can then use new Array, and everything works as expected.
Except that the syntax needed to access the array will be

Multi-dimensional array and pointers in C++?

int *x = new int[5]();
With the above mentality, how should the code be written for a 2-dimensional array - int[][]?
int **x = new int[5][5] () //cannot convert from 'int (*)[5]' to 'int **'
In the first statement I can use:
x[0]= 1;
But the second is more complex and I could not figure it out.
Should I use something like:
x[0][1] = 1;
Or, calculate the real position then get the value
for the fourth row and column 1
x[4*5+1] = 1;
I prefer doing it this way:
int *i = new int[5*5];
and then I just index the array by 5 * row + col.
You can do the initializations separately:
int **x = new int*[5];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
x[i] = new int[5];
There is no new[][] operator in C++. You will first have to allocate an array of pointers to int:
int **x = new int*[5];
Then iterate over that array. For each element, allocate an array of ints:
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
x[i] = new int[5];
Of course, this means you will have to do the inverse when deallocating: delete[] each element, then delete[] the larger array as a whole.
This is how you do it:
int (*x)[5] = new int[7][5] ;
I made the two dimensions different so that you can see which one you have to use on the lhs.
Ff the array has predefined size you can write simply:
int x[5][5];
It compiles
If not why not to use a vector?
There are several ways to accomplish this:
Using gcc's support for flat multidimensional arrays (TonyK's answer, the most relevant to the question IMO). Note that you must preserve the bounds in the array's type everywhere you use it (e.g. all the array sizes, except possibly the first one), and that includes functions that you call, because the produced code will assume a single array. The allocation of $ new int [7][5] $ causes a single array to be allocated in memory. indexed by the compiler (you can easily write a little program and print the addresses of the slots to convince yourself).
Using arrays of pointers to arrays. The problem with that approach is having to allocate all the inner arrays manually (in loops).
Some people will suggest using std::vector's of std::vectors, but this is inefficient, due to the memory allocation and copying that has to occur when the vectors resize.
Boost has a more efficient version of vectors of vectors in its multi_array lib.
In any case, this question is better answered here:
How do I use arrays in C++?