Visual c++ 2008 not showing runtime errors - c++

I'm working on a project in Visual C++ 2008 Express and I have noticed that the program has stopped saying that there are run-time errors. Whenever I run the program, it just loads the latest stable build. It doesn't even show me the errors, because they disappear after launch. I want to know what is wrong with my code and fix it, but it just wouldn't show me the errors. It's my first program in Visual C++ and I have to do it until tomorrow. Please help!
EDIT: Solved, look in my comment


Code Execution cannot proceed because SDL2.dll was not found

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with c++ code. I'm working on a new project and Visual Studio has no issues building the code, however when I actually run the program I get this error.
I have SDL2 installed as I have another program that runs just fine. So I'm not really sure what the issue is here.
you can copy the SDL2.dll to the systemm32 folder and that should solve your problem

LNK1124 error debugger cannot find .exe file

image of error
I'm having an error with visual studio every time I'm trying to use cin to get the guess of the user without that it works fine.
console message with error
this happening to me since I install visual studio 2017 just a couple of days ago.
I'm trying to learn c++ for unreal engine just started learning and i came across
that error anyone who have this error maybe this can be helpful for them.
first, let me tell you wah t the problem was i was trying to run a 32bit debugger on my 64bit pc cause visual studio install it that way so if you are getting this error on any of your projects all you have to do is change the project to an x64 bit project.
go to the Top bar "Build"
then go to "Configuration manager"
in there change it to x64 bit instead of 32bit
hopefully this can help someone
the link to the page that i read to fix is here.
after all the changes code runs well and no error anymore.

Visual Studio 2015 freezes when debugging a cpp code

I've installed Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. I'm trying to create a c++ OpenGL project, however, it always freezes when I'm debugging(ctrl + f5). I've tried to write a simple program that prints text to the screen and it still freezes. The build completes successfully, projects in C# don't freeze as well. When I'm trying to run the cpp project VS freezes completely and I have to kill the process, running the .exe directly freezes the explorer..
I haven't found any solution to that kind of problem in the web, and I was hoping that someone here will know what to do..
Thanks :)
Try setting a breakpoint on the very first line of your main, click on debug and see if it gets to the breakpoint. If it does, try stepping through until you see what is causing your freeze.
I had exactly the same problem as you. Turns out my Avast anti-virus was causing the issue. I disabled it and now it's working.
I found the answer from this question:
Visual Studio 2015 freezes when finished building

Visual Studio stops breaking on assert()

This started happening today for a Visual Studio 2013 project but I have seen it now and then over the years in other Visual Studio versions.
Running a debug build and for some unknown reason aborts stop raising the message dialog that allows you to break and debug and instead you simple get a message in the output window and the program terminates.
- abort() has been called
The program '[9408] test_explode.exe' has exited with code 3 (0x3).
Over many years as a C++ developer this gremlin pops up now and then and I always forget how I solve it and can't see what the cause was. I'm sure someone can shed more light on what's happening and the correct fix and at a minimum I'll at least add my own notes.
A manual call to _set_error_mode(_OUT_TO_MSGBOX) somewhere in my program restores the correct behaviour. So it appears the default error mode is being set wrong by some compiler option or Visual Studio setting? I'm just not sure what.
All Debug->Exception settings are enabled.

cannot find .exe file in Visual C++ Express 2010

So, I installed Visual C++ 2010 for the fifth time, I believe, and every time I debug a program, even the simplest c++ program fails to compile, and I get the following error:
Unable to start program 'C:\Users\Ruth\sid\game\Debug\game.exe'.
The system cannot find the file specified.
I don't know why this is happening or if I need to create an exe file. myself. I need help fast. Thanks.
Do the setup program of Visual C++ 2010 includes a repair program? If it does, then run it and try to repair your MSVC by clicking the "Repair" button therein and following the next procedure, but it takes time to complete.