Https server with cpp-netlib - c++

How can one use cpp-netlib to implement a HTTPS-server?
cpp-netlib can be used as a HTTP server (see service selector, handler and main in my example code).
With boost::asio setting up a SSL connection is not too hard (see my attempt at SSL).
cpp-netlib accepts a boost::asio::io_service via the options provided to the constructor (cpp-netlib reference)
The following questions stop me from combining asio SSL and cpp-netlib:
Both SSL via asio and cpp-netlib use an asio acceptor that listens to a port (e.g. 80 or 443) and then a separate session for the actual connection.
I assume that for HTTPS:
You use the asio ssl acceptor
Which instantiates a connection
Then perform the SSL handshake over this connection, and finally
Have cpp-netlib serve HTTP over this connection
But how can I separate cpp-netlib's HTTP connection handler from the acceptor is uses?
Or does one pass a io_service from the asio SSL connection? If so, which one? Or are they all the same?
Or is there a completely different route to take?

A long shot, but have you tried the following:
before including the boost network http client.
Make sure OpenSSL is in the compiler path.

The most recent release of cpp-netlib contains a working example. You'll find it in cpp-netlib-0.11.1RC2/libs/network/example/http/ssl. The github files are there:
You have to use an async_server.


using c++ wss server with websocket++ or other c++ websocket lib

I am trying to write a c++ websocket server and have browser/chrome clients connect over websockets, for a multiplayer game. The websocket c++ library I'm using atm is websocketpp or websocket++. I wrote an app that allows clients to connect over ws and localhost, but when I add an ip for the address, connections don't occur at all. Now I think I have to use ssl and wss for ip connection? I tried it and there is some connection activity, but then the handshake times out. Could I be experiencing cross-orgin issues, or what, do i need ssl? I am new to websockets. Could the problem be my ssl certs I made with openssl? I can post code, or if you are familiar with a c++ library to do websockets, what is it? Is this even a possible thing to do?
There could be multiple reasons why it won't connect over ip.
The first is port forwarding. On a local network it's not necessary but running a server over a remote network, portforwarding has to be done. You can just run your server then use a simple port checker (there's many websites for them) to see if a connection can be established.
The other reason could be as you said ssl. If you are running your client on a web host, the host may require a connection to be made over ssl/wss for websockets. If your server isn't running a valid ssl certificate then this could prevent the client from connecting to your server. I know for exampe Github pages requires the server to be running wss or valid ssl certificates on the server side in order for a client connection to be established; however, if you use a custom domain name for Github pages then you can disable the need for ssl.
In order to get valid ssl certificates you would need to register a domain for your ip address then either buy certificates or use free certificates from zerossl or other distributors.
Here is a game I have written which connects to a c++ server which I'm running on my own machine with its own domain with valid ssl certificates and the client is running on github pages with a custom domain I have registered.
It's basically multiplayer minesweeper where the objective is to locate the flags rather than avoid them.

Establish http connection through seperate tcp stream

I am working on Client Server application. Client side uses Windows Networking API's to establish connection with server. There are many HTTP requests I am requesting,which can use persistent connection. However for one HTTP Request I have to send it through seperate TCP stream,how can I achieve this? Currently my HTTP request is using the already used TCP stream which is causing issue. I have control on client code,so is there any header I can include to make sure http request does not share the connection
WinHttpSetOption(handle, WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_CONNS_PER_SERVER, &maxConnections,

SSL tunnel with Boost::Beast

I want to connect to a proxy server that only allows HTTP connections, to speak with the target server by HTTPS.
The proxy server documentation states that the only way to do that is by means of the HTTP Connect verb (they are planning to add direct HTTPS connections to the proxy server itself, but for the moment only HTTP connections are allowed).
In my C++ program, I successfully connected and worked with the target server using ssl_stream's during a couple of months, using boost::asio without boost::beast, but I want now to use a proxy using boost::beast to make things easier; so, I now how to work with boost::asio but I'm a boost::beast newbie (and I don't fully understand how SSL works either).
The think is that, in my understanding, when you use a ssl_stream, you encript the whole communication, however, what I need now is to insert the encrypted message within the CONNECT HTTP body, and I don't know how to do that.
I've readed that this has something to do with the lowest_layer/next_layer thing but I'm not sure.
Could anybody provide an example of a full read/write connection with a proxy-server? or at least further clarifications?
Declare a variable for the connection (ioc is the io_context)
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> stream{ioc};
Build a CONNECT HTTP request message (req) using Beast
Send the request to the proxy in plain-text (note next_layer())
boost::beast::http::write(stream.next_layer(), req);
Read the HTTP response from the proxy
If the response has OK status, the tunnel is established
Now perform the SSL handshake:
At this point you can write HTTP requests to stream and read HTTP responses from stream using Beast as normal (do not use next_layer() again).

How to make Qt Websocket and QNetworkRequest (HTTP) to use the same connection?

Is it possible with Qt to upgrade a HTTP connection that handles the normal HTTP requests to a Websocket with the same connection?
I'm thinking about something like this with Poco libraries, but all done in Qt similar to QtWebApp.
The simple answer is no and that is mostly because of specifics of the server side. And Qt just follows the protocol available and exposed by the server (HTTP/WebSocket) as mostly the client-side development framework and AFAIK won't be able to do the kind of transformation you want of going from HTTP to Websocket that are two different protocols. But of course, theoretically that can be done as long as both protocols able to use IP port 80. But that implies new unique sever and new unique client implementations.
We use both WebSocket and REST in our app. And WebSocket is for triggering the client by the server to do something. Client gets the "poke" from the server and starts normal JSON HTTP-based exchange with the server.
Somewhat relative link:

boost::asio send get request after ssl connection

I'm using boost::asio and I've been looking at the example code on how to connect to an ssl host. But I want to send a get request after I've connected to the server through ssl, how is this possible? Do I send a get request as the http example do exactly?
After the handshake is done (handle_handshake in the example) and there was no errors, you should be able to use the connection just as any other Boost ASIO connection.