Found on the Internet latest base Maxmind GeoIP Organization. But it is in binary form. How can I convert this database to CSV or another format for export to mysql or sqlite? I need to see all the data in a readable form.
p.s. OS - Windows.
I need to load data from excel to table . i.e. upload excel from apex application and then load the oracle database table. I have been advised to avoid plugin so am looking for oracle apex processed using which i can do this.
Any advice/steps/links to information would be very helpful.
Th file to be loaded is .xlsm with macros but the macros can be ignored.
Apex 20.2
There's nothing built-in for allowing your users to load an Excel file into your Apex app and store the data into a database table.
Personally, I've used Carsten Czarski's XLSX_PARSER package with good results. The source code is clean and I even enhanced it to parse for my custom needs.
I found these two good references via Google:
Jeff Kemp's great review of many possible solutions for various data formats, including Excel -
Anton Scheffer's Excel2Collections package -
Yes, You can do it without even using the Data loading wizard provided by oracle apex, so here is the video, in which I have in detail explained how you can do it, with simple 2 steps.
Oracle APEX Upload Excel Data into Table or Collection in an Easy way without a Data loading feature
How to add a PDF as Read object in mappings in Informatica Developer ?
pdf is an unstructured file to have to use informatica B2b tool to convert such unstructured file into structured and then read.
Using Sqoop I’ve successfully imported a few rows from a table that has a BLOB column.Now the part-m-00000 file contains all the records along with BLOB field as CSV.
1) As per doc, knowledge about the Sqoop-specific format can help to read those blob records.
So , What does the Sqoop-specific format means ?
2) Basically the blob file is .gz file of a text file containing some float data in it. These .gz file is stored in Oracle DB as blob and imported into HDFS using Sqoop. So how could I be able to get back those float data from HDFS file.
Any sample code will of very great use.
I see these options.
Sqoop Import from Oracle directly to hive table with a binary data type. This option may limit the processing capabilities outside hive like MR, pig etc. i.e. you may need to know the knowledge of how the blob gets stored in hive as binary etc. The same limitation that you described in your question 1.
Sqoop import from oracle to avro, sequence or orc file formats which can hold binary. And you should be able to read this by creating a hive external table on top of it. You can write a hive UDF to decompress the binary data. This option is more flexible as the data can be processed easily with MR as well especially the avro, sequence file formats.
Hope this helps. How did you resolve?
Pl help me to read data from a password protected excel file with informatica
Basically i need to convert excel to csv and read with informatica
Never done that, but I would do as follows.
Excel is accessible using ODBC. So define a ODBC data source in the server
(you would probably have to define a NAME in excel to delimitate the area you want imported).
Using (in Designer). Source->Import from database
you can then create the Source and specify the password.
I'm not too familiar with ArcGIS, but is it possible to export geo-spatial data from SQL Server in a format that can easily be imported by ArcGIS? Is there a proprietary format for ArcGIS?
I'm not interested (I don't think) in purchasing ArcServer, I just want my data exposed (via web services) a client who does use Arc.
If you are using ArcMap 10.0 version, then use the Query Layer feature to add SQL Server Spatial table data into ArcMap 10.
Use "File->Add Data-> Add Query Layer.." interface.
Using this You can connect to a SQL Server spatial tables and add them into ArcMap. Once you added into ArcMap, You can convert these data into Shape file format (a generally used GIS data files for ESRI ArcGIS tools). There are certain limitation with this method.
Another way is use ogr2ogr tool
see the link for more details