Combining for-loops in C++ - c++

I am making a GoBoard and want to check if the Black player has won the game. I made four for loops to check, whether there are 5 stones in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally. I would like to combine them however, to save some lines of code. How to do it? Is it possible to simply check for the White player as well using the same for loops or should I make a new bool for the White player?
class goBoard {
boardSquare* entrance; // A pointer containing the address of the boardSquare-object at the top left of the grid.
void zip (boardSquare*, boardSquare*);
boardSquare* makeRow (); //(int amount)?
int m, n;
//goBoard ();
goBoard (int numberOfRows, int numberOfColumns);
~goBoard ();
void build ();
void computer (char colour);
bool squareEmpty (int x, int y);
void human (char colour);
void print ();
bool done ();
bool won ();
void makeMove (int x, int y, char colour);
};//class goBoardbool
goBoard::wonBlack () {
boardSquare* currentSquare = entrance; //assuming that the player starts at the entrance
bool nextSquare = true;
if ((*currentSquare).colour == 'B') {
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
if (nextSquare == true) {
currentSquare = (*currentSquare).neighbours[2]; //.neighbours[2] is a pointer to the square to the right of the current square
if ((*currentSquare).colour != 'B')
nextSquare = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
if (nextSquare == true) {
currentSquare = (*currentSquare).neighbours[4];
if ((*currentSquare).colour != 'B')
nextSquare = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
if (nextSquare == true) {
currentSquare = (*(*currentSquare).neighbours[2]).neighbours[4];
if ((*currentSquare).colour != 'B')
nextSquare = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
if (nextSquare == true) {
currentSquare = (*(*currentSquare).neighbours[6]).neighbours[4];
if ((*currentSquare).colour != 'B')
nextSquare = false;
if (nextSquare == true)
return true;
return false;

If you want to reduce the linecount, I would go for something on this line:
enum class Direction {vertical, horizontal, downRight, upRight};
enum class Sign {negative, zero, positive}
enum class Semen {white, black};
template <typename Elem>
unsigned int howManyInARow(Direction direction, Sign sign, Elem elem, Semen semen){
unsigned int ret = 0;
if(elem == semen){
ret = 1;
if(negative != sign)
ret += howManInARow(direction, positive, elem.getNeighbour(direction, positive), semen);
if(positive != sign)
ret += howManInARow(direction, negative, elem.getNeighbour(direction, negative), semen);
return ret;
Could'nt test it because I don't have the elements. Give it a try and I can elaborate on it if you like it


C++, initialize a 2d array. error:subscript requires array or pointer

New to C++. Here is my code:
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
const int Gardensize = 20;//Garden size, a 20X20 2d array
const int initialants = 100;//100 initial ants
const int initialdoodlebug = 5;//5 intial bug
const int antType = 1;//
const int doodleType = 2;//
const char antchar = 'O';//ant will display'O'in the window
const char bugchar = 'X';//
class Garden;
class Organism;
class Ant;
class Doodlebug;
class Garden {
friend class Organism;
friend class Ant;
friend class Doodlebug;
int checkType(int x, int y);//check the element type (ant or bug)in the grid
void Display();
Organism grid[Gardensize][Gardensize]; //C2079 'Garden::grid' uses undefined class 'Organism' I have already define the class Organism in advance,have no ideal how to fix this error.
Garden::Garden() { //initialize the garden, set all elements in grid to "NULL"
for (int i = 0; i < Gardensize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Gardensize; j++) {
grid[i][j] = NULL; //error:subscript requires array or pointer
Garden::~Garden() {
for (int i = 0; i < Gardensize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Gardensize; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] != NULL) {
grid[i][j] = NULL;
void Garden::Display() {
for (int i = 0; i < Gardensize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Gardensize; j++) {
if (grid[i][j].getType == antType) {
cout << antchar;
else if (grid[i][j].getType == NULL) {
cout << ".";
else if (grid[i][j].getType == doodleType) {
cout << bugchar;
cout << endl;
int Garden::checkType(int x, int y) {
return grid[x][y].getType();
class Organism {
friend class Garden;
virtual int getType() {}; //
virtual void breed() {};
virtual bool starve() {};
virtual int move( int &breedtoken) {};
int x = -1; //initial xy place
int y = -1;
Garden garden;
bool moved; //used to define whether org has moved or not
int breedtoken = 0; //used to define whether org need to breed
class Ant : public Organism {
Ant() {}; //
Ant(int x, int y, Garden* g)//initial a ant object by define the xy place in the gardene
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
garden = *g;
~Ant() {};
virtual int getType() {
return antType;
virtual int move(int &breedtoken);
virtual void breed() {};
virtual bool starve() { return false; };// ant wont starve
int Ant::move(int& breedtoken) {
int dir = rand() % 4;// randomly select direction
switch (dir) {
case 0 :// 0move upwards
if( this->x > 0 && garden.grid[x - 1][y] == NULL ){
garden.grid[x-1][y] = garden.grid[x][y];
garden.grid[x][y] = NULL;
case 1:// 1 move downwards
if (this->x < Gardensize - 1 && garden.grid[x + 1][y] == NULL) {
garden.grid[x + 1][y] = garden.grid[x][y];
garden.grid[x][y] = NULL;
case 2: // 2 move leftwards
if (this->y > 0 && garden.grid[x][y-1] == NULL) {
garden.grid[x][y-1] = garden.grid[x][y];
garden.grid[x][y] = NULL;
case 3: // 3 move to right
if (this->y < Gardensize- 1 && garden.grid[x][y + 1] == NULL) {
garden.grid[x][y + 1] = garden.grid[x][y];
garden.grid[x][y] = NULL;
this->breedtoken += 1;
return breedtoken;
class Doodlebug :public Organism {
Doodlebug() {};
Doodlebug(int x, int y, Garden* g)
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
garden = *g;
virtual int getType() {
return doodleType;
int main()
Garden garden;
int antCount = 0; //Ant counter, used to intilize 100 ants
int DoodleCount = 0;
Ant antarray[initialants];
Doodlebug doodlebugarray[initialdoodlebug];
while (antCount < initialants) {
int x = rand() % Gardensize;
int y = rand() % Gardensize;
if (garden.checkType(x, y) == NULL) {
antarray[antCount] = Ant(x, y, &garden); //initilize 100 ants
while (DoodleCount < initialdoodlebug) {
int x = rand() % Gardensize;
int y = rand() % Gardensize;
if (garden.checkType(x, y) == NULL) {
doodlebugarray[DoodleCount] = Doodlebug(x, y, &garden); //用数组的模式创建100只蚂蚁
The project is not finished yet. Right now, the code can initialize 100ants and 5 bugs. It can run properly but keep showing"subscript requires array or pointer " wherever I write grid[i][j] in the for loop. and " 'Garden::grid' uses undefined class 'Organism'" when I define the "Organism grid[][]" in the Garden class. I wonder to know how can i fix these 2 errors, and what's wrong with my 2d array grid?
The problem with the 2d array is caused, because you try to create an array of Organisms, which are up to that point only declared, not defined, and so the compiler doesn't know their size and can't create an array of them. This can b fixed by reordering your classes, or by putting the class declarations in headers. You can also just replace the array with a dynamic array (double pointer), and initialize it after they have been declared.
The other error is just a consequence of the first, fix it and they will both disapear.
You should try reading some book about c or c++ first, and learn a bit about pointers, and design and structure of c++ programs

C++: Value of pointer changes "randomly"

I'm creating a function that creates a map from an image with a maze in it.
It takes the image, goes to every pixel and decides if it has to create a node there. One rule is, that when it finds a white pixel at one of the borders it will either be the start or the end node. To tell my pathfinding function where to start, I push the node into a vector(like all other nodes, too) and save the address of that node in a (double)pointer. My problem is, at the end of the loop, the variables in this node change their values(a bool variable might get the value 133) I actually never modify most of the members in this loop. I really have no idea why this is the case...
For examle:
After assigning the node to the pointer:
Completed: false
DistanceTo: 4294967295
PreviousNode: 0x0
XPos: 3
YPos: 0
m_vConnections: <0 Elements>
After function finished:
Completed: 8
DistanceTo: 32674
PreviousNode: SomeAddress
XPos: 3
YPos: 0
m_vConnections: <0 Elements>
The node at SomeAddress actually has completely screwed values, too, but I suspect that the address just changed and it now interprets the data found there as a node.
Sometimes m_vConnections becomes "inaccesseble" which results in sigsegvs when I try to connect something to it.
My function:
bool CreateGraph(const sf::Image &mMaze, std::vector<dijkstra::CNode> *vGraph, dijkstra::CNode **mStart, dijkstra::CNode **mEnd, SMazeCol mColors)
*mStart = 0;
unsigned short nExits = 0;
//Get Maze Colours
sf::Color mWallColor = mColors.Wall;
sf::Color mPathColor = mColors.Path;
//Create nodes
for(unsigned int y = 0; y < mMaze.getSize().y; ++y)
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < mMaze.getSize().x; ++x)
if(mMaze.getPixel(x, y) == mPathColor) //Current pixel is a path
bool bTop = false;
bool bBottom = false;
unsigned short nNeighbours = 0;
//Check surroundings of pixel
if(y != 0 && mMaze.getPixel(x, y - 1) == mPathColor)
bTop = true;
if(y != mMaze.getSize().y - 1 && mMaze.getPixel(x, y + 1) == mPathColor)
bBottom = true;
if(x != 0 && mMaze.getPixel(x - 1, y) == mPathColor)
if(x != mMaze.getSize().x - 1 && mMaze.getPixel(x + 1, y) == mPathColor)
//Decide if a node has to be created at that pixel
if(x == 0 || y == 0 || x == mMaze.getSize().x - 1 || y == mMaze.getSize().y - 1)
dijkstra::CNode mNode;
mNode.XPos = x;
mNode.YPos = y;
if(*mStart == 0)
*mStart = &vGraph->back();
*mEnd = &vGraph->back();
else if(nNeighbours == 2 && bTop != bBottom)
dijkstra::CNode mNode;
mNode.XPos = x;
mNode.YPos = y;
else if(nNeighbours > 2)
dijkstra::CNode mNode;
mNode.XPos = x;
mNode.YPos = y;
if(nExits != 2)
return false;
The CNode class:
struct SConnection
SConnection(CNode *To, unsigned int Distance);
CNode *To;
unsigned int Distance;
class CNode
std::vector<SConnection> Connections()const;
bool AddConnection(CNode *mTo, unsigned int nDistance);
bool AddConnection(const SConnection &mConnection);
bool RemoveConnection(CNode *mTo);
bool operator > (const CNode &rhs)const;
bool operator < (const CNode &rhs)const;
bool operator == (const CNode &rhs)const;
CNode* Addr();
bool Completed;
unsigned int DistanceTo;
CNode *PreviousNode;
unsigned int XPos, YPos;
std::vector<SConnection> m_vConnections;
SConnection::SConnection(CNode *To, unsigned int Distance)
this->Distance = Distance;
this->To = To;
:Completed(false), DistanceTo(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()), PreviousNode(0)
std::vector<SConnection> CNode::Connections() const
return m_vConnections;
bool CNode::AddConnection(CNode *mTo, unsigned int nDistance)
if(mTo == 0)
return false;
if(mTo == this)
return false;
for(auto &it : m_vConnections)
if(it.To == mTo)
return false;
m_vConnections.push_back({mTo, nDistance});
mTo->m_vConnections.push_back({this, nDistance});
return true;
bool CNode::AddConnection(const SConnection &mConnection)
return (AddConnection(mConnection.To, mConnection.Distance));
bool CNode::RemoveConnection(CNode *mTo)
for(auto it = m_vConnections.begin(); it != m_vConnections.end(); ++it)
if(it->To == mTo)
for(auto it2 = mTo->m_vConnections.begin(); it2 != m_vConnections.end(); ++it2)
if(it2->To == this)
return false;
bool CNode::operator >(const CNode &rhs)const
return DistanceTo > rhs.DistanceTo;
bool CNode::operator <(const CNode &rhs) const
return DistanceTo < rhs.DistanceTo;
bool CNode::operator ==(const CNode &rhs)const
return DistanceTo == rhs.DistanceTo;
CNode *CNode::Addr()
return this;
Your main problem is here:
dijkstra::CNode mNode;
if(*mStart == 0)
*mStart = &vGraph->back();
*mEnd = &vGraph->back();
else if(nNeighbours == 2 && bTop != bBottom)
dijkstra::CNode mNode;
else if(nNeighbours > 2)
dijkstra::CNode mNode;
Local variables are not placed in global heap, and can be forgotten by programm soon after the code block where they were created is finished.
The better way to improve your code is to rewrite function declaration as
bool CreateGraph(const sf::Image &mMaze, std::vector<dijkstra::CNode*> *vGraph, dijkstra::CNode **mStart, dijkstra::CNode **mEnd, SMazeCol mColors)
And inside function change all:
dijkstra::CNode mNode
std::shared_ptr<dijkstra::CNode> mNode =
std::shared_ptr<dijkstra::CNode>(new dijkstra::CNode(X, Y));

Function pointer declared in struct for graph, assign same function

Basically i cant make work this logic simulator! I made an adjacency list that connects all the gates one to each other and then assign a value to them and AdjList that is the head should calculate the value using the function pointer. Problem is the only function it calls is And!(Xor Nand etc.. are never called)
The specific points are where pointer are initialized
struct AdjList
struct AdjListNode *head;
string GateName;
string OutputName;
bool result;
function <bool (vector <bool>)> ptrf;
and were they are assigned
if(i < Gate_IO.size() )
ptrPos = Gate_IO[i].find_first_of(' ');
switch (strtoi ( (Gate_IO[i].substr(0,ptrPos).c_str() )))
case strtoi("AND"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = And;
case strtoi("NAND"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Nand;
case strtoi("OR"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Or;
case strtoi("NOR"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Nor;
case strtoi("XOR"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Xor;
Then in function CalcGateValue() they are called to execute the program! it seems like they are recognised and assigned to the right value in VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf i tried to cout in that point and it goes into that cycle but the only function called when i call CalcGateValue() is And! Am I missing something?
Here is the complete code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
int compare(string a, string b)
int n = count(a.begin(), a.end(), 'I');
int q = count(b.begin(), b.end(), 'I');
return n > q;
constexpr unsigned int strtoi(const char* str, int h = 0) //string to int for switch cycle
return !str[h] ? 5381:(strtoi(str, h+1)*33)^str[h];
bool Xor(vector<bool> inputs)
{ cout<<"Xor function called!"<<endl;
int counter = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < inputs.size(); i++)
if ( == 1)
if (counter % 2) //Xor gate gives output 1 if and odd number of 1 inputs is given
return 1;
return 0;
bool And(vector<bool> inputs) //static per richiamare la funzione dalla classe
{ cout<<"And function called!"<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < (inputs.size()-1); i++)
if( == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
bool Nand(vector<bool> inputs)
{ cout<<"Nand function called!"<<endl;
return !And(inputs);
bool Or(vector<bool> inputs)
{cout<<"Or function called!"<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < (inputs.size()-1); i++)
if ( != )
return 1;
return;//Any position it's ok because all nPoss are the same.
bool Nor(vector<bool> inputs)
{ cout<<"Nor function called!"<<endl;
return !Or(inputs);
* Adjacency list node
struct AdjListNode
int nPos;
bool gValue;
string name;
struct AdjListNode* next;
* Adjacency list
struct AdjList
struct AdjListNode *head;
string GateName;
string OutputName;
bool result;
function <bool (vector <bool>)> ptrf;
* Class Graph
class Graph
int V;
int circInputs = 3;
int circOutputs = 2;
int circGates;
int PrimaryInputs = 0;
vector<string> ioPuts;
struct AdjList* VectorHeadPtr;
Graph(vector<string> Gate_IO)
int ptrPos,cntr;
int cntrIO = 0;
int prevPrimaryInputs = 0;
bool flag_remove_duplicates = 0;
string GateToConnect;
circGates = Gate_IO.size();
V=Gate_IO.size() + circInputs + circOutputs; //n°gates+input+output letti dal file
sort (Gate_IO.begin(), Gate_IO.end(), compare);
for (cntr = 0; cntr < (Gate_IO.size()-1) && (PrimaryInputs == prevPrimaryInputs); cntr++)
PrimaryInputs = count (Gate_IO[cntr+1].begin(), Gate_IO[cntr+1].end(), 'I');
prevPrimaryInputs = count (Gate_IO[cntr].begin(), Gate_IO[cntr].end(), 'I');
PrimaryInputs = cntr; //Here starts first N
for (int i = 0;i<Gate_IO.size();i++)
VectorHeadPtr = new AdjList [V];
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
if(i < Gate_IO.size() )
ptrPos = Gate_IO[i].find_first_of(' ');
switch (strtoi ( (Gate_IO[i].substr(0,ptrPos).c_str() )))
case strtoi("AND"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = And;
case strtoi("NAND"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Nand;
case strtoi("OR"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Or;
case strtoi("NOR"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Nor;
case strtoi("XOR"):
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = Xor;
VectorHeadPtr[i].head = NULL;
stringstream ss;
ss << Gate_IO[i];
for (string temp; ss >> temp;)
if ( ('I') || ('O') && (temp!="OR") )
else if ( == 'U')
ptrPos = Gate_IO[i].find_last_of(' ');
VectorHeadPtr[i].OutputName = Gate_IO[i].substr(ptrPos);
if (flag_remove_duplicates == 0)
sort (ioPuts.begin(), ioPuts.end() );
ioPuts.erase (unique (ioPuts.begin(), ioPuts.end() ), ioPuts.end() );
flag_remove_duplicates = 1;
VectorHeadPtr[i].head = NULL;
VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf = NULL;
VectorHeadPtr[i].GateName = ioPuts[cntrIO];
for (int i = 0; i < Gate_IO.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
ptrPos = Gate_IO[i].find_first_of(' ')+1;
Gate_IO[i].erase (0,ptrPos);
ptrPos = Gate_IO[i].find_last_of(' ')+1;
Gate_IO[i].erase( ptrPos);
stringstream ss;
ss << Gate_IO[i];
ss >> GateToConnect;
for (string temp; ss >> temp;)
* Creates new adjacency list node for addEdge function
AdjListNode* newAdjListNode(int nPos, string Name)
AdjListNode* newNode = new AdjListNode;
newNode->nPos = nPos;
newNode->name = Name;
newNode->next = NULL;
return newNode;
* Add edge to graph
void addEdge(string source, string destination)
int from, to;
for (int i = 0; i < V; ++i)
if ( (source == VectorHeadPtr[i].GateName) || (source == VectorHeadPtr[i].OutputName) )
from = i;
else if (( destination == VectorHeadPtr[i].GateName) || (destination == VectorHeadPtr[i].OutputName) )
to = i;
AdjListNode* newNode = newAdjListNode(to, destination);
newNode->next = VectorHeadPtr[from].head;
VectorHeadPtr[from].head = newNode;
* Print the graph
void printGraph()
for (int i = 0; i < circGates; i++)//meno ooutput+input
AdjListNode* Ptr = VectorHeadPtr[i].head;
cout<<endl<<"Gate connections for "<<VectorHeadPtr[i].GateName;
while (Ptr)
cout <<"-> "<< Ptr->name;
Ptr = Ptr->next;
cout<<" Output name is:"<<VectorHeadPtr[i].OutputName<<endl;
void calcGateVal()
vector<bool> Val={0, 1, 0};
vector<bool> Op;
for (int i = 0; i < circOutputs; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < circGates; i++)
AdjListNode* Ptr = VectorHeadPtr[i].head;
while (Ptr)
if (Ptr-> == 'I')
for (int j = 0; j < ioPuts.size(); j++)
if (Ptr->name == ioPuts[j])
Ptr->gValue = Val[j];
Ptr = Ptr->next;
for (int i = 0; i < PrimaryInputs; i++)
AdjListNode* Ptr = VectorHeadPtr[i].head;
while (Ptr)
Ptr = Ptr->next;
VectorHeadPtr[i].result = VectorHeadPtr[i].ptrf(Op);
cout<<"Gate Value is: "<<VectorHeadPtr[i].result<<" OutputName: "<<VectorHeadPtr[i].OutputName<<" GateName: "<<VectorHeadPtr[i].GateName<<endl;
for (int i = PrimaryInputs; i < V; i++)
AdjListNode* Ptr = VectorHeadPtr[i].head;
while (Ptr)
for (int j = 0; j < PrimaryInputs; j++)
if (Ptr->name == VectorHeadPtr[j].OutputName)
Ptr->gValue = VectorHeadPtr[j].result;
Ptr = Ptr->next;
for (int i = PrimaryInputs; i < circGates; i++)
AdjListNode* Ptr = VectorHeadPtr[i].head;
while (Ptr)
Ptr = Ptr->next;
VectorHeadPtr[i].result = VectorHeadPtr->ptrf(Op);
void displayOutput()
{ cout<<endl;
for (int i = 0; i < circGates; i++)
cout<<"Value of outputs are ("<<VectorHeadPtr[i].GateName<<") "<<VectorHeadPtr[i].OutputName<<": "<<VectorHeadPtr[i].result<<endl;
* Main
int main()
vector<string> G_d;
G_d.push_back("AND 2 U0 I0 I1 N0");
G_d.push_back("XOR 2 U1 N0 I2 O0");
G_d.push_back("AND 2 U2 N0 I2 N1");
G_d.push_back("AND 2 U3 I0 I1 N2");
G_d.push_back("OR 2 U4 N1 N2 O1");
Graph gh(G_d);
// print the adjacency list representation of the above graph
return 0;
I think your code does not produce what you say it produces. Please see here: - Check the output of this
Why do you want to convert strings to integers with strtoi with your case comparisons? :
case strtoi("NAND"):
a better approach would be strcmp or store each in a string perhaps a look up table and do a "==" equal equal comparison which is overloaded for strings.
Consider passing your vectors and objects around by reference rather than value, you might be expecting a return in your object but since you pass by value you never see them and this also avoids the overhead of making a copy of the vectors.

transform a one dimension Array into two dimension in Mac doesn't work

I attended a class of C++, not like all my students, I bought a Mac using xcode to run and edit my files. But recently there is a piece of code, that can be well ran in Ubuntu system, but in my mac, it kept giving me error.
the error appears in this line: char (*maze)[width] = reinterpret_cast (m_maze);
and there are 3 lines with the same above content. if you use the code in Ubuntu, it runs successfully, but in mac, it terminates and report 3 same errors.
the warn said: can not initialize a type of type 'char()[width]' with an rvalue of 'char()[width] '
Plz help
the code is about a mouse in a MAZE.
here are the codes:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
const char MOUSE = '*';
const char WAY = ' ';
const char WALL = '#';
const char PASS = '.';
const char IMPASS = 'X';
typedef enum tag_Direction {
class Stack {
Stack (void) : m_top (NULL) {}
~Stack (void) {
for (Node* next; m_top; m_top = next) {
next = m_top -> m_next;
delete m_top;
void push (EDIR dir) {
m_top = new Node (dir, m_top);
EDIR pop (void) {
if (! m_top)
throw underflow_error ("Underflow of Stack!");
EDIR dir = m_top -> m_dir;
Node* next = m_top -> m_next;
delete m_top;
m_top = next;
return dir;
class Node {
Node (EDIR dir, Node* next) : m_dir (dir),
m_next (next) {}
EDIR m_dir;
Node* m_next;
Node* m_top;
class Mouse {
Mouse (size_t x, size_t y) : m_x (x), m_y (y),
m_total (0), m_valid (0) {}
size_t getx (void) const {
return m_x;
size_t gety (void) const {
return m_y;
size_t gettotal (void) const {
return m_total;
size_t getvalid (void) const {
return m_valid;
void stepright (void) {
remember (EDIR_RIGHT);
void stepdown (void) {
remember (EDIR_DOWN);
void stepleft (void) {
remember (EDIR_LEFT);
void stepup (void) {
remember (EDIR_UP);
void stepback (void) {
switch (recall ()) {
case EDIR_UP:
void remember (EDIR dir) {
m_brain.push (dir);
EDIR recall (void) {
EDIR dir = m_brain.pop ();
return dir;
size_t m_x;
size_t m_y;
size_t m_total;
size_t m_valid;
Stack m_brain;
class Game {
Game (size_t width, size_t height) :
m_width (width), m_height (height),
m_maze (new char[width * height]),
m_mouse (0, 1) {
if (height < 3)
throw invalid_argument ("The maze is too small!");
srand (time (NULL));
char (*maze)[width] = reinterpret_cast<char (*)[width]> (m_maze);**
for (size_t i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < width; j++)
if (i == m_mouse.gety () &&
j == m_mouse.getx ())
maze[i][j] = MOUSE;
if ((i == 1 && j < 4) ||
(i == height - 2 && j >width-5))
maze[i][j] = WAY;
if (i == 0 || i == height - 1 ||
j == 0 || j == width - 1)
maze[i][j] = WALL;
maze[i][j] =
rand () % 4 ? WAY : WALL;
~Game (void) {
if (m_maze) {
delete[] m_maze;
m_maze = NULL;
void run (void) {
for (show (); ! quit () && step (););
void show (void) {
char (*maze)[m_width] = reinterpret_cast<char (*)[m_width]> (m_maze);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_height; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_width; j++)
cout << maze[i][j];
cout << endl;
cout << "Total steps:" << m_mouse.gettotal ()
<< ",Valid steps:" << m_mouse.getvalid ()
<< endl;
bool quit (void) {
cout << "Press<Q>to exit,Other keys to continue..."<<flush;
int ch = getchar ();
cout << endl;
return ch == 'Q' || ch == 'q';
bool step (void) {
char (*maze)[m_width] = reinterpret_cast<char (*)[m_width]> (m_maze);
size_t x = m_mouse.getx ();
size_t y = m_mouse.gety ();
if (x + 1 <= m_width - 1 && maze[y][x + 1] == WAY) {
maze[y][x] = PASS;
m_mouse.stepright ();
if (y + 1 <= m_height - 1 &&
maze[y + 1][x] == WAY) {
maze[y][x] = PASS;
m_mouse.stepdown ();
if (x - 1 >= 0 &&
maze[y][x - 1] == WAY) {
maze[y][x] = PASS;
m_mouse.stepleft ();
if (y - 1 >= 0 &&
maze[y - 1][x] == WAY) {
maze[y][x] = PASS;
m_mouse.stepup ();
else {
maze[y][x] = IMPASS;
m_mouse.stepback ();
x = m_mouse.getx ();
y = m_mouse.gety ();
maze[y][x] = MOUSE;
show ();
if (x == 0 && y == 1) {
cout << "I can't get out!cry~~~~" << endl;
return false;
if (x == m_width - 1 && y == m_height - 2) {
cout << "I am OUT!!!" << endl;
return false;
return true;
size_t m_width;
size_t m_height;
char* m_maze;
Mouse m_mouse;
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc < 3) {
cerr << "Method:" << argv[0] << " <width> <height>"
<< endl;
return -1;
try {
Game game (atoi (argv[1]), atoi (argv[2])); ();
catch (exception& ex) {
cout << ex.what () << endl;
return -1;
return 0;
char (*maze)[width] = reinterpret_cast<char (*)[width]> (m_maze);
is not standard: warning: ISO C++ forbids variable length array 'maze' [-Wvla].
You have to use
m_maze[y * width + x]
instead of

Why I am getting zero output for all the values in array?

I got this implementation for maximum matching off the net and is trying to give its input through main class. But I am getting zero for all the places in match. What am I doing wrong?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
void add_edge(int u, int v);
void edmonds();
struct edge {
int v, nx;
const int MAXN = 1000, MAXE = 2000;
edge graph[MAXE];
int last[MAXN], match[MAXN], px[MAXN], base[MAXN], N, M, edges;
bool used[MAXN], blossom[MAXN], lused[MAXN];
int main ()
// return 0;
cout << match[0];
cout << match[1];
cout << match[2];
cout << match[3];
cout << match[4];
cout << match[5];
cout << match[6];
inline void add_edge(int u, int v) {
graph[edges] = (edge) {v, last[u]};
last[u] = edges++;
graph[edges] = (edge) {u, last[v]};
last[v] = edges++;
void mark_path(int v, int b, int children) {
while (base[v] != b) {
blossom[base[v]] = blossom[base[match[v]]] = true;
px[v] = children;
children = match[v];
v = px[match[v]];
int lca(int a, int b) {
memset(lused, 0, N);
while (1) {
lused[a = base[a]] = true;
if (match[a] == -1)
a = px[match[a]];
while (1) {
b = base[b];
if (lused[b])
return b;
b = px[match[b]];
int find_path(int root) {
memset(used, 0, N);
memset(px, -1, sizeof(int) * N);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
base[i] = i;
used[root] = true;
queue<int> q;
register int v, e, to, i;
while (!q.empty()) {
v = q.front(); q.pop();
for (e = last[v]; e >= 0; e = graph[e].nx) {
to = graph[e].v;
if (base[v] == base[to] || match[v] == to)
if (to == root || (match[to] != -1 && px[match[to]] != -1)) {
int curbase = lca(v, to);
memset(blossom, 0, N);
mark_path(v, curbase, to);
mark_path(to, curbase, v);
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
if (blossom[base[i]]) {
base[i] = curbase;
if (!used[i]) {
used[i] = true;
} else if (px[to] == -1) {
px[to] = v;
if (match[to] == -1)
return to;
to = match[to];
used[to] = true;
return -1;
void build_pre_matching() {
register int u, e, v;
for (u = 0; u < N; ++u)
if (match[u] == -1)
for (e = last[u]; e >= 0; e = graph[e].nx) {
v = graph[e].v;
if (match[v] == -1) {
match[u] = v;
match[v] = u;
void edmonds() {
memset(match, 0xff, sizeof(int) * N);
register int i, v, pv, ppv;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
if (match[i] == -1) {
v = find_path(i);
while (v != -1) {
pv = px[v], ppv = match[pv];
match[v] = pv, match[pv] = v;
v = ppv;
You set elements of match in two locations: In build_pre_matching() and in edmonds(). In both of these cases, no change will happen if match[x] for some index x isn't -1. The only other place elements of match get a value is during static initialization where the values get zero initialized. Since the initial value is zero and the values are only ever changed if at least one of them happens to be -1, I would expect that the values retain the value 0.
You might want to use something like
std::fill(std::begin(match), std::end(match), -1);
at a strategic location since you seem to assume that the values are initially -1. Of course, you also should consider the idea of not using global variables because this doesn't scale and works really badly in a multi-threaded program.