Card not showing; goes straight to home card - google-glass

I am trying to show a card so I know everything up to that point works. However, when I try to display the card, it just goes straight to the home card. The card I was trying to show was just going to display what was said in the voice recognizer before but that didn't work so I just put plain text and that didn't work either. Application goes - voice trigger --> voice recognizer --> this service:
public class MedMinderService extends Service {
public String MedName;
public String voiceResults;
private static final String TAG = "ShowData";
private static final String LIVE_CARD_ID = "showdata";
public static final String PREFS_NAME = "MyPreferencesFile";
private TimelineManager mTimelineManager;
private LiveCard mLiveCard;
public void onCreate() {
mTimelineManager = TimelineManager.from(this);
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
String voiceResults = intent.getExtras()
String MedName = voiceResults; //MedName declared
SharedPreferences MedInfo = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = MedInfo.edit();
editor.putString("MedName", MedName.toString());
mLiveCard = mTimelineManager.getLiveCard(LIVE_CARD_ID);
Intent i = new Intent(this, ShowDataActivity.class);
The intent at the bottom goes to this activity:
public class ShowDataActivity extends Activity {
private LiveCard mLiveCard;
public static final String PREFS_NAME = "MyPreferencesFile";
private GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
SharedPreferences MedInfo = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
Card ShowDataCard = new Card(this);
ShowDataCard.setText("IT WORKS!");
//ShowDataCard.setText(MedInfo.getString("MedName", "your medication"));
View ShowDataCardView = ShowDataCard.toView();
The "ShowDataCard" that has been commented out is what I was origonally trying to do with the voice recognition but it wouldn't even work with the text "IT WORKS!"
Again: I am just trying to show a card with the text "IT WORKS"

The easiest way to get a live card to appear with just text is using widgets that are compatible with RemoteViews. You can find a list of them in the GDK documentation here:
under the Creating low-frequency live cards section.
Here is some sample code (based on your code above) that can get that working quickly:
final String LIVE_CARD_ID = "showdata";
mLiveCard = mTimelineManager.getLiveCard(LIVE_CARD_ID);
RemoteViews remoteViews =
new RemoteViews(getPackageName(), R.layout.layout_helloglass);
// Make sure Glass navigates to LiveCard immediately
The layout file can look like this for layout_helloglass.xml:
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
android:text="Hello, Glass!" />
If you still want to navigate to another Activity from your LiveCard, you need to associate the Activity with a PendingIntent and then associate that PendingIntent with the LiveCard's action. This would happen immediately before the LiveCard.publish() method:
Intent i = new Intent(this, ShowCardActivity.class);
mLiveCard.setAction(PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, i, 0));
That should get you up and running! Hopefully this will help.

There was a bug in the GDK Sneak Peek that prevented voice prompts from creating Services. If one inserted a Log.d() call in a Service's onStartCommand() override, they would discover that it were never called.
This bug has been fixed in the GDK Preview. This behavior should not appear again.
This question was rewritten after the GDK Preview launch to remove this outdated answer. Thanks to user Falcon for notifying me.


wicket I'm using three panels, but only one is displayed at a time, when the third panel is added to the code the second never appears

I have a Modal class, when this modal is opened, it shows a panel asking the user if the user wants to proceed with the operation. If the user selects Yes the request is sent to the DB, which takes some time, during this time the first panel should be replaced by the second (which displays a spinner). This indeed happens if we do not use the third panel. Although I want to replace the second panel by the third panel in order to inform the user if the operation was successful or not (which depends of the message object,if it is null or have an error message).
So when I use addNewPanel(panel3, target) I never see panel2. I put a thread.sleep(5000) instruction after addNewPanel(panel2, target) and even so, this panel didn't appeared, I only get the initial and panel3 in the end.
If I do not use panel3 I see panel2.
Does anyone have an idea why is this happening?
Below I have the code of the Modal class
public class DetailsModal2 extends Modal<IModel<UserDomain>>{
private IService service;
private BootstrapAjaxLink<String> noButton;
private ResponseMessage message;
private ProcessingPanel panel2;
private AlertPanel panel3;
private Panel replacedPanel;
public DetailsModal2(String id, IModel<UserDomain> model){
replacedPanel = new AreYouSure("replacedPanel");
panel2 = new ProcessingPanel("replacedPanel");
panel3 = new AlertPanel("replacedPanel");
addButton(new BootstrapAjaxLink<String>("button", null, Buttons.Type.Warning, new ResourceModel("details")){
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//I was expecting to see this panel
// this puts this button invisible
//this changes the label of the No button to Close
message = service.addUser("X");
if(message == null){
else {
System.out.println(""+ message.getError());
}//close if
else if(service.retrieveData())
message = service.removeUser("X");
if(message == null){
System.out.println(""+ message.getError());
System.out.println("It was not possible to access the db");
noButton = new BootstrapAjaxLink<String>("button", null, Buttons.Type.Primary){
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
public void addNewPanel(Panel addpanel, AjaxRequestTarget target ){
Panel newPanel = null;
newPanel = addpanel;
}//close class
<div><span wicket:id="replacedPanel"> </span></div>
Wicket atmosphere is deprecated from wicket 8 and will not be supported anymore, so do not use it ..

Hiding / showing markers: OSMDroid / OpenMaps

I have an app which uses or googlemaps or openMaps (offline) depending of connection state.
In each case there are markers, for places or point of interest or… I want that the user can display or hide some category of markers.
When using google maps I have a menu and in the action bar when some item is selected it toggles between showing or hiding the markers from the correpondent category; As for google maps that works easily & perfectly using isVisible();
As for osmdroid i have not found in the doc any equivalent to isVisible(), neither any show() or hide() method. So I have tried to use as a workaround somemarkers.getAlpha() & somemarkers.setAlpha(), toggling between 0 & 1 alpha values.
No error occurs but the visibility of markers remains the same, not toggling, or only randomly when i tap 10 or 20 times on the action icon.
In the log i get "InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed" which seems to me to be the cause.
But what to do to avoid this?
KitKat, SonyXperia Z
In osmdroid, the method to hide/show overlays (markers) is:
Overlay.setEnabled(boolean enabled)
I have done this bit differently.
Extend ItemizedIconOverlay
Add as an overlay to mapView
Hide markers by using removeAllItems or removeItem
Show marker by adding it to the itemized overlay list
Create a new Overlay class by extending ItemizedIconOverlay.
Note: WaypointOverlayItem extends OverlayItem. {It's your custom overlay model class}
public class NavigatorItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedIconOverlay<WaypointOverlayItem> {
private Context mContext;
public NavigatorItemizedOverlay(final Context context, final List<WaypointOverlayItem> aList) {
super(context, aList, new OnItemGestureListener<WaypointOverlayItem>() {
public boolean onItemSingleTapUp(int index, WaypointOverlayItem item) {
return false;
public boolean onItemLongPress(int index, WaypointOverlayItem item) {
return false;
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
mContext = context;
Add this Overlay to your map
//Add Itemized overlay
navigatorItemizedOverlay = new NavigatorItemizedOverlay(getActivity(), waypointOverlayItemList);
To Add marker:
To hide all markers:
There are other methods:
removeItem(position) and removeItem(waypointOverlayItem)

How to close the card by itself after executed a HTTP request?

I have an app with contextual commands. After triggered a contextual command, it will make a HTTP request with a link and post the result on the card, something like, "Completed!". I want this card to be closed by itself after one second so that the user need not to tap to close it. Once the result card is closed, it will go back to contextual command lists with "Ok, glass" at footer and ready for next command.
May i know how to do that?
private class HTTPRequest extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) {
try {
if (mWhat.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) {
// get json via YouTube API
URL url = new URL("");
mUrlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(
int ch;
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
while ((ch = != -1) {
b.append((char) ch);
mResult = new String(b);
} catch (Exception e) {}
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
You can use an Android Dialog for this:
Use CardBuilder to create the "Completed" card using the MENU layout.
Create a new instance of Dialog and set its content view to be the view returned by CardBuilder.getView.
Show the dialog.
Use Handler.postDelayed (or some similar mechanism) to automatically dismiss the dialog after the desired amount of time has passed.

WICKET: Updating a self-made Panel

ive got the following Problem:
my self-made video-class (extending Panel) doesnt get updated, if its model changes.
Thats the current state:
I got a Class "A" with a ListChoice. This Class creates the Panel "descrPanel", which gets a Model, containing the current selected Item of the ListChoice. It is updated, when the User selects something in the ListChoice (The ListChoice got an AjaxBehaviour, updating the descrPanel via target.add(descrPanel)):
Class A:
PropertyModel<Exercise> currExerciseModel = new PropertyModel<Exercise>(this,"selectedExercise");
final ExerciseDescriptionPanel descrPanel = new ExerciseDescriptionPanel("descrPanelTag", currExerciseModel);
In Class ExerciseDescriptionPanel, i inserted my self-made Video-Class (extending Panel). Also i inserted a MultiLineLabel:
Class ExerciseDescriptionPanel
public class ExerciseDescriptionPanel extends Panel {
private IModel<Exercise> model;
private Exercise exercise;
public ExerciseDescriptionPanel(String id, IModel<Exercise> model) {
super(id, model);
this.model = model;
MultiLineLabel mll = new MultiLineLabel("mll", new Model() {
public String getObject() {
if (ExerciseDescriptionPanel.this.getModel().getObject() != null){
return ExerciseDescriptionPanel.this.getModel().getObject().getDescription();
else return "";
Video video = new Video("myVideo", new Model<Exercise>(){
public Exercise getObject() {
if (ExerciseDescriptionPanel.this.getModel().getObject() != null){
return ExerciseDescriptionPanel.this.getModel().getObject();
else return new Exercise();
Well, what i dont understand is: While the Description is updated based on the current selection of the ListChoice, the Video-Class just ignores it and keeps returning the "new Exercise()", which schould only be returned at the first load of the ListChoice, when no selection is made.
I also provide you the Video-Class:
Class Video
public class Video extends Panel{
private IModel<Exercise> model;
public Video(String id, IModel<Exercise> model) {
super(id, model);
String src = ((Exercise)model.getObject()).getVideo();
String startPicDest = ((Exercise)model.getObject()).getPicture();
WebMarkupContainer flashSrc = new WebMarkupContainer("flashSrcTag");
flashSrc.add(new AttributeModifier("value", "config={'playlist':['" +
startPicDest +"',{'url':'"+ src +"','autoPlay':false}]}"));
Ive been searching through the internet for hours now, without finding anything helpful.
Hope you guys are able to give me some solution to this problem. Thanks in regard.
You're pulling the exercise out of the model once only:
public Video(String id, IModel<Exercise> model) {
super(id, model);
String src = ((Exercise)model.getObject()).getVideo();
How is this supposed to be up-to-date when the exercise changes later on?
You have to get the actual value for each render:
WebMarkupContainer flashSrc = new WebMarkupContainer("flashSrcTag") {
public void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
Exercise temp = (Exercise)model.getObject();
String src = temp.getVideo();
String startPicDest = temp.getPicture();
tag.put("value", String.format("config={'playlist':['%s',{'url':'%s','autoPlay':false}]}", startPicDest, src));
NOTE: Please ignore this humble try to help you, svenmeier's answer is way better than mine.
I'm not 100% sure if this is true, but could it be related to the difference between your Video being a MarkupContainer and the MultiLineLabel being a WebComponent?
Both the Video and the MultiLineLabel are added to the ExerciseDescriptionPanel in its constructor. If I understand the Wicket documentation correctly, as long as the surrounding Page and thus the ExerciseDescriptionPanel stay the same instance, the markup of the Video will not be regenerated. It says:
A Page renders itself by rendering its associated markup (the html file that sits next to the Page). As MarkupContainer (the superclass for Page) iterates through the markup stream for the associated markup, it looks up components attached to the tags in the markup by id. Since the MarkupContainer (in this case a Page) is already constructed and initialized by onBeginRequest(), the child for each tag should be available in the container. Once the Component is retrieved, it's render() method is called.
Maybe you calling modelChanged() on your Video once you change the Model of your ExerciseDescriptionPanel could indicate that the markup has to be refreshed.

LWUIT List works terribly slow

I've faced with the well-known problem in LWUIT. My list component with the checkbox renderer scrolls very slow. If to test my application on emulator it runs quite smoothly (nevertheless I see CPU utilization splashes up to 60% during scroll action), but if to run it on mobile phone it takes a couple of seconds between focus movements.
There's a code of renderer:
public class CheckBoxMultiselectRenderer extends CheckBox implements ListCellRenderer {
public CheckBoxMultiselectRenderer() {
public void repaint() {
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(List list, Object value,
int index,boolean isSelected) {
Location loc = (Location)value;
return this;
public Component getListFocusComponent(List list) {
return this;
that's the code of my form containing the list:
protected void createMarkup() {
Form form = getForm();
form.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Label title = new Label("Choose location zone:");
title.getStyle().setMargin(5, 5, 0, 0);
form.addComponent(BorderLayout.NORTH, title);
list = new List(StateKeeper.getLocationsAsList());
// list.setSmoothScrolling(true);
list.setListCellRenderer(new CheckBoxMultiselectRenderer());
list.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
// List l = (List)ae.getSource();
// l.requestFocus();
// l.setHandlesInput(true);
Location selItem = (Location)list.getSelectedItem();
form.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, list);
I would be very thankful for any help!
We must be so carefull building lwuit List. If we have made something wrong they can work worse than expected. I recommend you to take a look on this
LWUIT Blog ListRender
You can also rewrite your paint method. You list's speed will be increased.