ColdFusion built in web server, how to test from a domain - coldfusion

So I want to do this: -> localhost (ColdFusion local web server)
I can currently only do this:
Any ideas on how to achieve this using built in web server?

One solution is to add
to your windows/etc/hosts file
(You'll need to do this as an administrator, so right click notepad and 'Use as administrator', browse to the file and edit that way).
This will make all requests on your local machine for point to (i.e localhost) - don't forget to remove it when you're done testing, as it will obviously stop you looking at the real site when you go live with it.
This will allow you to do, but if you want to map /myapp_folder/ to the root of the domain using the technique above, you'll have to use something more sophisticated like apache or IIS.


Local development with Django

I am using dnsmasq on my mac in order to force the domain I'm developing for ( to resolve to localhost.
This means that if I go to, it uses the local development server, which is what I want.
But it also means that if I try and go to the real, that doesn't resolve to the real site, obviously - it's using localhost.
Is there a way for me to develop locally with port 8000 but also be able to view the real site (without a port - or port 80)?
Everyone seems a bit confused about what I'm trying to do here so let me explain.
I'm trying to develop a site so that it can display different content on any subdomain of In order to do that, I need to use the Sites framework without setting SITE_ID and let the Sites framework figure out the Site by looking at the domain in the request.
That means that I can't use localhost:8000 when testing as there is no Site with localhost as the domain. I need to use (or,, instead.
But in order to do that, I need to point at localhost in the hosts file. However, that means that the real doesn't resolve any more.
That's what I'm trying to figure out here.

Browserify + WebStorm debug breaks routing in React-Router v4 BrowserRouter

I am writing a single page app with React for educational purposes. My React-Router v4 BrowserRouter handles client side routing correctly on CodeSandbox but not locally. In this case, the local server is the webstorm built-in devserver. HashRouter works locally but BrowserRouter does not.
Functioning properly:
You are likely serving your app on the built-in webserver (localhost:63342), right? Internal web server returns 404 when using 'absolute' URLs (the ones starting with slash) as it serves files from localhost:port/project_name and not from localhost:port. That's why you have to make sure to change all URLs from absolute to the relative ones.
There is no way to set up the internal webserver to use project root as server document root. But you can configure it to use URLs like http://<host name>:<port> where the 'host name' is a name specified in hosts file, like myhostName. See
The solution was to understand how push state routing and the history API works. It is necessary to proxy requests through the index page when serving Single Page Applications that utilize the HTML5 History API.
The Webstorm dev server is not expected to include this feature, therefore the mention of Webstorm in this thread was a mistake.
There are multiple libraries of < 20 lines which do this for us, or it can easily be hand coded.

Open cart 2.0, in WAMP the basic ui is not visibile to the other pc

Hi i just installed openCart in my localhost, and in my computer everythings fine,
and after Putting online my WAMPserver
i am able to see my page using other computer by ip address
but the design or the basic theme,css of my open cart is not loading...
any idea?
Go to your config.php files (both in the root and in /admin) and change all the URLs from (probably) http://localhost/ to the IP e.g.
Note: you will need to use the IP when browsing from BOTH PCs in future.
That's probably the simplest solution. Depending on your WAMP setup, you can also set up an alias in the vhost e.g. "myopencart" and then add an entry in your hosts file on each PC to map this domain to the correct IP.
In the vhost:
ServerAlias myopencart
Hosts file on the hosting PC: myopencart
and on the other PC: myopencart
Then you can hit myopencart in the browser instead, which is nicer than an IP. But meh, that's all it is... nicer.
If you need more help with that, just google "virtualhost wamp", there are a million guides out there.

Hosts manipulation with port number

I am trying to accomplish a simple task:
Every request with a URI of:
Will also be available through:
I've defined my hosts file:
So if the URI is:
It is being redirected to localhost - the default IIS8 page - which is the wwwroot folder on windows. Great!
However the followings don't work:
Anyway to make it work?
ASP.NET Web API doesn't work very well with localhost address (for instance you cannot add cookies from the server for localhost address).

Coldfusion 8: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

I installed Coldfusion 8 trial version on my system (XP Professional sp3).
I created an Folder in the “C:/Coldfusion8/wwwroot” called “buildProject” containing an Index.cfm and some other .cfm files.
But I am unable to access the Neither my project files or CFIDE/Administrator
I tried the following URLS
http://localhost /wwwroot/buildProject/index.cfm
http://localhost /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
http://localhost /wwwroot/buildProject/
http://localhost /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
• I cleared the browsing “History” from both IE and FF.
• I have restarted the CF server in the Control Panel >Administrative Tools > Services
• Even restarted the IIS
Getting the same error.
Further I was trying to access IE/FF via CFbuilder But still I am getting the error
“The connection was refused when attempting to contact [URL].”
If you connected Coldfusion to IIS, then you probably need to connect on port 80. Which you did try, but if you connected Coldfusion to IIS, then the document root is IIS's document root, not the document root you created your new directory in.
I believe the document root for IIS on XP is c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
So, try putting a test.cfm file in there that just contains "hello world" or something, and see if you can request it from there.
Hopefully you installed IIS first and were happy it was working before installing CF.
Try connecting to your IIS on http://localhost
You should get the default IIS .htm landing page , probably index.html or something, so at least you know IIS is working fine.
If you then try http://localhost/nosuchpage.htm you will see a 403 error (as long as you didnt specify to allow directory browsing). In the standard IIS error page you should be able to see
Physical Path D:\inetpub\wwwroot
or wherever IIS thinks your web root is. When you then install CF to use IIS (rather than standalone) it will use this path as your web root.
Rename your index.html file as index.cfm and connect to it on
If vanilla html pages are working from the directory but .cfm pages are not then you probably need an CFIDE mapping (I think one quick workaround is simply to copy your CFIDE folder and drop it into web root).
What happens if you try typing this in as a url:
http://{your i.p. address}:8500/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm
I bet it works