How to add a library to Eclipse C - c++

I have seen several other answers in order to add a library to my C+= project in eclipse.I have tried to add the path to the linker in Miscellaneous section using -L"and the path of the folder" and -l"the name without the lib prefix in the begging and the .so at the end"
I try to add libxl library so i use -lxl (for and -L/home/username/libxl3.5.3.0/lib/ (which the location of the lib file).
I have also tried to give it under the Linker menu and adding the name and the path in the Libraries section.
I get error that: /usr/bin/ld does not find -lxl file and it returns error
I am using -static to linker in order to make an executable that has the all the libs included but when i do not use -static the problem with the lib resolves from build but still when i try to run the program i get error that i the program can not open shared file cause the file does not exist.How can i fix this?

When you add the library name to a C++ project in eclipse, do not prefix it with -l. Eclipse will do this for you when it invokes the compiler. For example if you want the boost_regex library, just input boost_regex not lboost_regex. Eclipse will do the rest for you. Or in your specific case, just use xl not lxl. You don't need the - either, nor the -L before paths as erenon points out in the comment below. Note that the above applies to the method of adding libraries using the Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols dialog form for adding libraries using the Libraries and Library Paths tabs.
You are trying to link statically to a shared library. In my experience I have always used *.a files rather than *.so files to employ static linkage. This other answer Static link of shared library function in gcc seems to suggest that you are not actually able to link statically to *.so files.


C++ Eclipse use libraries

I am currently encountering a few errors with Eclipse c++. I am a complete newbie to c++ and because I knew Eclipse from java I thought it might be ok. Now to the issue:
I want to use the curl library, but I have no idea how to include it correct. Everywhere around the internet I found that I have to go to the compiler settings, include the library there, go to the linker settings and include it there as well. Now the linker has 2 different panels, one for Libraries (-l) and one for Library paths (-L).
I have downloaded the curl library to this directory:
How do I have to include the Library correctly now?
Here is the error:
g++ "-LC:\Users\Hannes\Desktop\eclipseC\curl-7.45.0\include\curl" -o HelloWorld.exe HelloWorld.o -lcurl
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lcurl
In the editor the automatic completion for curl methods does work.
EDIT: Removing \include\curl from the Library path (-L) didn't work as well.
You have included what looks to be an include path not the library path. Is there a /lib directory under the curl path?
The c/c++ includes should be the path to the header files for curl, the linker path should be to the libraries not the headers, so .a and .dll files normally (normally under a /lib directory).

Linker can't find lib in Eclipse/JNI/ANT

I am trying to build a large Java/c++ project involving JNI and ANT in Eclipse, under Linux. One of the source c++ files calls the log10() function for mathematical calculations. The project compiles fine, but fails at linking, where it complains that it cannot find the library necessary to link log10().
My problem is that I am unable to properly tell Eclipse to link that file, even after the following steps:
Added the correct library path in the linker options,
Added a reference to libm in the linker include list,
Added -lm to the full compile options list,
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the library's location,
Copied the library to the current directory.
What am I doing wrong/has anyone had such experiences with correctly linking libs in Eclipse? Any suggestions?
This is a bit confusing.
If you fail to find your library at runtime inside your java environment :
Try loading your .so library inside the java environment before making any calls to log10.
Notice how I left "lib" and ".so" out.
However, you are complaining of a Linker problem from C++, you cannot link to a dynamic file. You can only link to a static library, or a static export library (so you need a libm.a file to which to link at compile time, and then your program will require at runtime).
Could you post the exact message you are receiving and when you are receiving it ?

Include a static library in a static library - CodeBlocks

I'm having an issue compiling a static library using Code::Blocks 13.12. I need to use a third party static library from within my own static library. So, I have libOtherLib.a and I'm trying to build libMyLib.a and link in libOtherLib.a. The problem is that the linker is not including libOtherLib.a during the linking phase of the build. Here is some additional information:
I am using the GNU GCC Compiler
In Project build options for the whole project (not specifically Debug or Release)
I have added libOtherLib.a in the Link Libraries list in the Linker Settings
I have added the path to libOtherLib.a in the Search directories -> Linker list
I have added the path to the .h file for libOtherLib.a in the Search directories -> Compiler list
The library compiles completely fine (produces bin/Debug/libMyLib.a with no errors)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have an inkling that it is related to this being a Static Library rather than an application (console or otherwise), but I'm not sure how or why. I did change the build target Type to "Console Application" in the Project Properties window and it looked like it was linking in libOtherLib.a, but it had other errors because this code is meant to be a library rather than an application.
Here is the linker command that is executed at the end of the build. libOtherLib.a is not there anywhere, that is the problem, just not sure what the solution is.
ar -r -s bin/Debug/libMyLib.a <all of my .o files>
Possible causes of the problem would also be nice - if this is mostly like the compiler, the linker, the setup or Code::Blocks itself.
When building a static library you are just putting together a bunch of object files into an entity easier to ship and use. There is no linking done when building a static library.
The unresolved references from your library are dealt with when building an application or certain shared objects. You'd just ship your library and require that users also supply the library your library deoends on when building.
If you want to include the library you are depending on in your library you can extract the object files from tgat library and include them into your library. Although technically possible it is questionable if you have the rights to do so. Also, that is normally not the way things are done and I'd recommend against doing so.
You can't link a static library in anoter static library.
However,you can do this:
Suppose MyPrograme.exe need to link static library libMyLib.a,make MyPrograme.exe also link libOtherLib.a.
Since libMyLib.a is static library,there is no need to link libMyLib.a.Just inclue the headers.
When build a static library,it will only be compiled,not be linked.
Despite all this "linking is not the right term for this" philosophy, you can patch Code::Blocks compiler configuration to support this, for example for the GCC/G++ compiler.
The idea is that you replace the "Link object files to static library" script in the "Advanced compiler options" window of GCC with:
rm -f $static_output
$lib_linker -r -s -T $static_output $link_objects
$lib_linker -r -c -T $static_output $link_options
Then you can put the relative path to your "libOtherLib.a" in the "Other linker options" editbox of your projects. This mod is not really officially endorsed but it works in my projects, so you get static libs in static libs just like in MS Visual Studio!

Add library to existing project netbeans

I am adding extensions to an (another persons) existing project at my company. Now I want to import an existing library like boost to it. I am using netbeans for debugging the existing project. Now in order to import a library into netbeans usually 2 steps are followed:
Include directories
Linker-> Add Library.
However when I right click on my existing project the option of Linker->Add Library is not appearing. (Though I have included the directories as that option is there).
Can someone please guide me as to how should I add the library through linker to my existing project? My project is in C++
Assuming you are using unix/linux variants:
Directories for headers and library linking are two different things. Include directories will have the headers needed, but after compilation the actual compiled code that resides in the libraries (*.a, *.so, etc...) might also be required.
For example, if you are using pthreads, apart from the headers which you need to include, you also need libpthread.
When linking, you need to provide the flag for linking with pthread i.e: -lpthread
You can search using find or locate on a unix system to find the libraries. In my case, its in
gcc myfile.c -lpthread -o myfile
Will link myfile.c with pthread library
gcc -L/usr/local/lib/
Tells gcc to look under /usr/local/lib to search for the library (not the header!).
Telling netbeans where the headers are, isn't enough, it will probably give you linking errors. Telling netbeans where the libraries are, may be enough, as it might use the proper flags. If that also fails, then you have to specify both the library flags and the path.
Alternatively, you may use tools like cmake, make, etc which automate this process and provide a bit more control IMO.
See Link 1
See link 2

Statically linking to libarchive on Windows with MinGW

I've been using libarchive in my project for some time now and it's working great, at the moment I am dynamically linking to it, so on Windows the libarchive.dll file has to present on the system.
I would now like to statically link to the library so I don't have to bother distributing the DLL, but I'm having real trouble trying to achieve this!
Currently, in my make file, I have something like this:
-Lpath/to//libarchive/ -larchive
And this works, but it does a dynamic link. I don't know how to enforce a static link.
I can see in the libarchive directory there are two a files, libarchive.dll.a and libarchive_static.a. I suppose I want to link to libarchive_static.a but I can't seem to specify this, doing -larchive_static in the make file results in linker errors.
I was under the impression that static libraries under windows are lib files, but I get no such file type when I build libarchive.
How can I make a .lib file from libarchive. Also, as an extra question, what is the difference between an a file and a lib file?
To statically link to libarchive, your library command for make should contain:
-Lpath/to//libarchive/ -larchive_static
This will link to the libarchive_static.a file. However, you also need to define LIBARCHIVE_STATIC in your code.
Now the problem is that libarchive depends on the bzip2 libraries (as well as others), and if you do not have a static build of them you will get linker errors something like:
undefined reference to `BZ2_bzCompressInit'
You need a static build of the dependent libraries and a similar command to the linker after the libarchive command:
-Lpath/to/bzip2/ -lbzip2
You can either build bzip2 from source, or do it the easy way and get a pre-built binary from the Gnu32Win project here:
Just add libarchive_static.a explicitly to your link command.
gcc -o YourApp.exe $(OBJS) path/to/libarchive_static.a $(OtherLibs)
".lib" files differ from compiler to compiler (Borland, Microsoft etc.), ".a" is an old "archive" format from UNIX's ar tool. It is now used only for the bundling of static libraries.
Currently, in my make file, I have something ...
And this works, but it does a dynamic link
The .a file actually contains some code for dynamic linking to the .dll file, not the libarchive itself. On the startup the pointers to functions are allocated and dynamic linking is done.