static members and encapsulation in c++ - c++

Let us assume the following class:
class FileManipulator
static InputTypeOne * const fileone;
InputTypeTwo *filetwo;
FileManipulator( InputTypeTwo *filetwo )
this->filetwo = filetwo;
int getResult();
FileManipulator uses data from both files to obtain output from getResult(). This means multiple iterations over filetwo and multiple constructions of FileManipulators via iterations for different InputTypeTwo objects. Inputs are, let us say, some .csv databases. InputTypeOne remains the same for the whole task.
The program itself is multi-modular and the operation above is only its small unit.
My question is how can I handle that static field in accordance with the object-oriented paradigm and encapsulation. The field must be initialized somehow since it is not a fixed value over different program executions. As far as I understand C++ rules I cannot create a method for setting the field, but making it public and initializing it outside of any class (FileManipulator or a befriended class) seems to me at odds with the encapsulation.
What can I do then? The only thing that comes to my mind is to do it in a C manner, namely initialize it in an isolated enough compilation unit. Is it really all I can do? How would that be solved in a professional manner?
I corrected pointer to constant to constant pointer, which was my initial intention.

You can write a public static method of FileManipulator that would initialize the field for you:
static void init()
fileone = something();
And then call it from main() or some place where your program is being initialized.

One way of doing this which comes to mind is:
In the .cpp file
FileManipulator::fileone = NULL;
Then modify constructor to do the following:
FileManipulator( InputTypeTwo *filetwo, InputTypeOne *initValue = NULL)
if(fileone == NULL)
fileone = initValue;
this->filetwo = filetwo;
Or you could also define an init function and make sure to call it before using the class and after the CTOR. the init function will include the logic of how to init fileone.


Two versions of the program depending on the input parameter without code duplication

I am solving the following problem. I am working on an optimization program in C ++ which, depending on the initial settings of the user, uses various regulations (standards) to calculate the target function. Suppose we have a method A based on some norm and a method B based on another norm to calculate the target function. The user is setting the right standard before starting the program. The rest of the code is the same. During optimization, the target function is iteratively called over and over again. Of course, there is a simple solution: each time the target function is called, the IF condition is used to decide which standard to use. But because the program has to make decisions in every iteration, it seems to be ineffective. The second option is to create 2 independent codes and run only the one with the required standard. This, in turn, is ugly in terms of duplicate code.
I imagined that I would create 2 different classes and use the selected class using the IF condition when constructing the object. This would make the program decide only once when creating the object, but during the iteration itself the object would be clearly defined. Unfortunately, this does not work because objects cannot be created in IF conditions.
// Create object sensor based on input
if(data.sensors_tipe == "Uniaxial_025") Sensor_Uniaxial_025 sensor(data);
else if (data.sensors_tipe == "T_rosette_05") Sensor_T_rosette_05 sensor(data);
else report.error("some error");
// rotation test
int element_index = 1;
double orientation_angle = 3.490658503988659;
sensor.rotate(element_index, orientation_angle);
Another way I would like is to set the correct method using a parameter in the constructor. Unfortunately, that probably isn't possible either.
I am a beginner and I did not find the answer anywhere. So maybe someone can help. Thanks
This is a good job for templates, which are "recipes" to generate code.
The end result will be duplicated machine code, but without the duplication in the source.
template<typename MethodT>
float optimize(const MethodT& method) {
float v = method();
// etc...
float methodA();
float methodB();
int main() {
auto a = optimize(methodA);
auto b = optimize(methodB);
First, the solution with if may be not that bad. It is branch on each function call, but the branch should be predicted well.
Second, if the functions that implement method A and method B are large enough to miss inlining, use function pointer.
Otherwise, use static polymorphism with templates, method A and method B may be passed via template parameter as functors.
In case, the user can change standard after programm compilation (for example, before each run) you can create interface and 2 child from it.
So, at startup you should create the instance (one of 2) you need through new. And then you can use it.
You can't use that algorithm with stack instances.
One way is to use inheritance.
class Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) = 0;
class Sensor_Uniaxial_025 : public Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) {/*stuff*/};
class Sensor_T_rosette_05 : public Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) {/*stuff*/};
Sensor* sensorToUse;
// Create object sensor based on input
if(data.sensors_tipe == "Uniaxial_025") sensorToUse = new Sensor_Uniaxial_025(data);
else if (data.sensors_tipe == "T_rosette_05") sensorToUse = new
else report.error("some error");
// rotation test
int element_index = 1;
double orientation_angle = 3.490658503988659;
sensorToUse->rotate(element_index, orientation_angle);
The example above, with new, comes with serious memory management issues. But if you pre-allocate the sensor for each type, in a single instance, and use a look-up instead it works well.
The alternative is with template. See other answers for these approaches.

C++ classes vs. C different files

Currently in a project there is a clear set of functions that pertain to a clear responsibility. Because the responsibility is a periodic process that requires buffers and counters for each iteration, I have to reset the variables used by those functions after each cycle. The variables are mostly static because per cycle the functions are called thousands of times. (It is a set of digital FIR filters that process the 5 second data that is coming in every 2 minutes or so). The variables have to be declared in the file scope, because the functions share them. E.g. the reset / initialize function and the actual filter functions.
As of now, the whole project is in C (but C++ is easily supported, as the possibly breaking parts already contain 'extern C {}'). To make the code cleaner, I thought to group the functions and variables in a separate implementation file. But of course, I could also use C++ classes, which I would like to work with more.
What are the essential differences between these options?
Simplified example of what I mean:
In this example, I just kept the structure of the program. The Filter() function is called for example 1000 times in 5 seconds for the first iteration. Then for the next iterations, the Reset() function is called prior to the actual Filter() function calls, to reset all the buffers that are used.
// File-scope variables
static float buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
static uint8_t bufferOffset = 0;
// Filter
static float Filter (const float sample)
buffer[bufferOffset] = sample;
// Removed actual filter code here
return result;
// Reset functions
static void Reset (void)
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
bufferOffset = 0;
The usual approach in C to avoid those shared states is to define a structure encapsulating all the relevant state, pass it to every function and operate solely on it.
// buffer.h
#pragma once
// opaque data structure whose content
// isn't available to the outside
struct buffer;
// but you may allocate and free such a data structure
struct buffer *alloc_buffer();
void free_buffer(struct buffer *b);
// and you may operate on it with the following functions
float filter_buffer(struct buffer *b);
void reset_buffer(struct buffer *b);
void add_to_buffer(struct buffer *b, const float *data, size_t size);
And the source looks like this:
// buffer.c
#include "buffer.h"
struct buffer {
float content[BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t offset;
struct buffer *alloc_buffer() {
return malloc(sizeof(struct buffer));
void free_buffer(struct buffer *b) {
float filter_buffer(struct buffer *b) {
// work with b->content and b->offset instead
// on global buffer and bufferOffset
return result;
void reset_buffer(struct buffer *b) {
memset(b->content, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
b->offset = 0;
void add_to_buffer(struct buffer *b, const float *data, size_t num) {
memcpy(b->content + b->offset, data, sizeof(float) * num);
b->offset += num;
Thus you avoid a global state which for example dramatically simplifies multi-threaded applications of your code. And since you return an opaque data structure, you avoid leaking information about the internal structure of your buffer.
Now you may use this data structure in a different source file:
#include "buffer.h"
int main() {
struct buffer *const b = alloc_buffer();
// b->content[0] = 1; // <-- error, buffer is an opaque data type and
// you may only use the functions declared in
// buffer.h to access and modify it
const float data[2] = { 3.1415926, 2.71828 }
add_to_buffer(b, data, sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]));
const float result = filter_buffer(b);
return 0;
To answer you question: Even though you could separate your functions and global state even further into several compilation units, in the end you still have a shared global state. Except in some special cases I consider this a code smell.
The above described solution more or less corresponds to a C++ solution. You define a class encapsulating some state and methods operating on it. All instantiated objects are independent from each other.
To declare static file scope variables is the simplest form of private encapsulation. Such design is particularly common in embedded systems and hardware-related code. It's perfectly OK practice in a single-threaded program where there is just one single instance of the module/ADT that uses the variables ("singleton pattern").
Given your simple example, this should be just fine for your specific case. The art of program design is to know when to add extra layers of abstraction and when to avoid them. It isn't easy to teach, this mostly comes with experience.
A rule of thumb for the inexperienced programmer: if you are uncertain how to make the code more abstract, then don't add that extra abstraction. It is very likely to cause more far harm than it does good.
In case the code turns more complex, the next level of abstraction is simply to split it into several related files. Or rather into several .h + .c file pairs.
The point where this turns burdensome is where you need multiple instances of the module doing the same thing. Suppose you need multiple filters using the same code, but getting called by unrelated caller code. Having one set of static variables won't work then.
The sloppy but old school way of taking such abstraction further in C is to make a struct definition visible to the caller, then provide an interface such as void fir_init (fir_t* obj); where obj is allocated on the caller-side. This solves the multiple instances problem, but breaks private encapsulation.
The professional design would rather be to use the concept of opaque types (which is explained in multiple posts elsewhere on this site), where you only expose an incomplete struct type to the caller and let your module handle the allocation. This gives true OO design - you can declare multiple instances of the object while maintaining private encapsulation.
The C++ equivalent of opaque type is class and abstract base classes behave in exactly the same manner as opaque types in C - the caller can declare a pointer/reference to one, but not declare an object. C++ also provides constructors/destructors, which is more convenient than calling some "init" function manually. But this also leads to execution overhead when static storage duration objects have their default constructors called at start-up.
Also, C++ member functions come with their this pointer, so you don't need to pass a pointer to the object along manually. You can also have static members in a class and they behave just like C file scope static, with a single instance shared between all instances.

Conditionally create an object in c++

I am writing a program that has the option to visualize the output of an algorithm I am working on - this is done by changing a const bool VISUALIZE_OUTPUT variable defined in a header file. In the main file, I want to have this kind of pattern:
VisualizerObject vis_object;
However, this clearly won't compile since vis_object goes out of scope. I don't want to declare the object before the condition since it is a big object and it needs to available for multiple points in the code (I can't just have one conditional statement where everything is done).
What is the preferred way of doing this?
Declare the object on the heap and refer to it by using a pointer (or
Declare the object on the heap and make a reference to it
since it won't ever change?
Some other alternative?
A reference will not be useable here, because at declaration it should refere to an already existing object, and live in a scope englobing all your if(VISUALIZE_OUTPUT). Long story short, the object will have to be created unconditionally.
So IMHO a simple way would be to create it on the heap and use it through a pointer - do not forget do delete it when done. The good point is that the pointer could be initialized to nullptr, and so it could be unconditionnaly deleted.
But I think that the best way would be to encapsulate everything in an object created in highest scope. This object would then contain methods to create, use internally and finally destroy the actual vis_object. That way, if you do not need it, nothing will be actually instanciated, but the main procedure will not be cluttered with raw pointer processing.
I would use Null_object_pattern:
struct IVisualizerObject
virtual ~IVisualizerObject() = default;
virtual void initscene(Object&) = 0;
virtual void drawScene(Object&) = 0;
// ...
struct NullVisualizerObject : IVisualizerObject
void initscene(Object&) override { /* Empty */ }
void drawScene(Object&) override { /* Empty */}
// ...
struct VisualizerObject : IVisualizerObject
void initscene(Object& o) override { /*Implementation*/}
void drawScene(Object& o) override { /*Implementation*/}
// ...
And finally:
std::unique_ptr<IVisualizerObject> vis_object;
vis_object = std::make_unique<VisualizerObject>();
} else {
vis_object = std::make_unique<NullVisualizer>();
// ...
I'll give a few options. All have upsides and downsides.
If it is NOT possible to modify VisualizerObject, as I noted in comments, the effect could be achieved by using the preprocessor, since the preprocessor does not respect scope, and the question specifically seeks controlling lifetime of an object in a manner that crosses scope boundaries.
VisualizerObject vis_object;
The compiler will diagnose any usage of vis_object that are not in #ifdef/#endif.
The big criticism, of course, is that use of the preprocessor is considered poor practice in C++. The advantage is that the approach can be used even if it is not possible to modify the VisualizerObject class (e.g. because it is in a third-party library without source code provided).
However, this is the only option that has the feature requested by the OP of object lifetime crossing scope boundaries.
If it is possible to modify the VisualizerObject class, make it a template with two specialisations
template<bool visualise> struct VisualizerObject
// implement all member functions required to do nothing and have no members
VisualizerObject() {};
void initscene(types_here) {};
template<> struct VisualizerObject<true> // heavyweight implementation with lots of members
VisualizerObject(): heavy1(), heavy2() {};
void initscene(types_here) { expensive_operations_here();};
HeavyWeight1 heavy1;
HeavyWeight2 heavy2;
int main()
VisualizerObject<VISUALIZE_OUTPUT> vis_object;
The above will work in all C++ versions. Essentially, it works by either instantiating a lightweight object with member functions that do nothing, or instantiating the heavyweight version.
It would also be possible to use the above approach to wrap a VisualizerObject.
template<bool visualise> VisualizerWrapper
// implement all required member functions to do nothing
// don't supply any members either
template<> VisualizerWrapper<true>
VisualizerWrapper() : object() {};
// implement all member functions as forwarders
void initscene(types_here) { object.initscene(types_here);};
VisualizerObject object;
int main()
VisualizerWrapper<VISUALIZE_OUTPUT> vis_object;
The disadvantage of both of the template approaches is maintenance - when adding a member function to one class (template specialisation) it is necessary to add a function with the same signature to the other. In large team settings, it is likely that testing/building will be mostly done with one setting of VISUALIZE_OUTPUT or the other - so it is easy to get one version out of alignment (different interface) to the other. Problems of that (e.g. a failed build on changing the setting) are likely to emerge at inconvenient times - such as when there is a tight deadline to deliver a different version of the product.
Pedantically, the other downside of the template options is that they don't comply with the desired "kind of pattern" i.e. the if is not required in
and object lifetimes do not cross scope boundaries.

dumb data object holds all common values c++, is this correct

So I am new to c++ and I'm writing for a scientific application.
Data needs to be read in from a few input text files.
At the moment I am storing these input variables in an object. (lets call it inputObj).
Is it right that I have to pass this "inputObj" around all my objects now. It seems like it has just become a complicated version of global variables. So I think I may be missing the point of OOP.
I have created a g++ compilable small example of my program:
class InputObj{
// this is the class that gets all the data
void getInputs() {
a = 1;
b = 2;
int a;
int b;
class ExtraSolver{
//some of the work may be done in here
void doSomething(InputObj* io) {
eA = io->a;
eB = io->b;
int something2 = eA+eB;
int eA;
int eB;
class MainSolver{
// I have most things happening from here
void start() {
//get inputs;
inputObj_ = new InputObj();
inputObj_ -> getInputs();
myA = inputObj_->a;
myB = inputObj_->b;
//do some solve:
int something = myA*myB;
//do some extrasolve
extraSolver_ = new ExtraSolver();
extraSolver_ -> doSomething(inputObj_);
InputObj* inputObj_;
ExtraSolver* extraSolver_;
int myA;
int myB;
int main() {
MainSolver mainSolver;
Summary of question: A lot of my objects need to use the same variables. Is my implementation the correct way of achieving this.
Don't use classes when functions will do fine.
Don't use dynamic allocation using new when automatic storage will work fine.
Here's how you could write it:
struct inputs {
int a;
int b;
inputs getInputs() {
return { 1, 2 };
void doSomething(inputs i) {
int something2 = i.a + i.b;
std::cout << something2 << std::endl;
int main() {
//get inputs;
inputs my_inputs = getInputs();
//do some solve:
int something = my_inputs.a * my_inputs.b;
//do some extrasolve
I'll recommend reading a good book: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
my answer would be based off your comment
"Yea I still haven't got the feel for passing objects around to each other, when it is essentially global variables im looking for "
so this 'feel for passing object' will come with practice ^^, but i think it's important to remember some of the reasons why we have OO,
the goal (in it simplified version) is to modularise your code so as increase the reuse segment of code.
you can create several InputObj without redefining or reassignig them each time
another goal is data hiding by encapsulation,
sometimes we don't want a variable to get changed by another function, and we don't want to expose those variable globally to protect their internal state.
for instance, if a and b in your InputObj where global variable declared and initialized at the beginning of your code, can you be certain that there value doesn't get changed at any given time unless you want to ? for simple program yes.. but as your program scale so does the chances of your variable to get inadvertently changed (hence some random unexpected behavior)
also there if you want the initial state of a and b to be preserved , you will have to do it yourself ( more temp global variables? )
you get more control over the flow of your code by adding level abstractions with classes/inheritances/operation overriding/polymorphisms/Abtract and interface and a bunch of other concepts that makes our life easier to build complex architectures.
now while many consider global variable to be evil, i think they are good and useful when used properly... otherwise is the best way to shoot yourself in the foot.
I hope this helped a bit to clear out that uneasy feeling for passing out objects :)
Is using your approach good or not strongly depends on situation.
If you need some high speed calculation you can't provide incapsulation methods for your InputObj class, though they are recommended, because it will strongly reduce speed of calculation.
However there are two rules that your can follow to reduce bugs:
1) Carefully using 'const' keyword every time you really don't want your object to modify:
void doSomething(InputObj * io) -> void doSomething(const InputObj * io)
2) Moving every action related with initial state of the object(in your case, as far as I can guess, your InputObj is loaded from file and thus without this file loading is useless) to constructor:
Instead of:
InputObj() { }
void getInputs(String filename) {
//reading a,b from file
InputObj(String filename) {
//reading a,b from file
You are right that this way you have implemented global variables, but I would call your approach structured, and not complicated, as you encapsulate your global values in an object. This will make your program more maintainable, as global values are not spread all over the place.
You can make this even nicer by implementing the global object as a singleton ( thus ensuring there is only one global object.
Further, access the object through a static member or function. That way you don't need to pass it around as a variable, but any part of your program can easily access it.
You should be aware that a global object like this will e.g. not work well in a multithreaded application, but I understand that this not the case.
You should also be aware that there is a lot of discussions if you should use a singleton for this kind of stuff or not. Search SO or the net for "C++ singleton vs. global static object"

OO Design -- where to put non-member functions

I have a class with a complex construction process with many parameters. Multiple clients share objects of this class, and the union of these clients parameters are used to instantiate the class. Therefore I have a factory class that stores these requirements, checks consistency of the various clients' requests, and instantiates the class.
Additionally, there are a common set of use models (or sets of parameters) which multiple clients use for multiple factories.
For instance, consider an example. (Note that the actual code is C++, but my experience is in Python so I'll pseudo-code in Python. Yes, I know that this example wouldn't actually work as-is.)
class Classroom:
def __init__(self, room_size=None, n_desks=None, n_boards=None,
n_books=None, has_globe=False, ... ):
class ClassroomFactory:
def __init__(self):
self._requirements = dict()
def addRequirement(self, name, value):
if name.startswith("n_"):
self._requirements[name] = max(value, self._requirements.get(name, 0))
def createClassroom(self):
return Classroom(**self._requirements)
# instantiate the factory
factory = ClassroomFactory()
# "client 1" is a geography teaacher
factory.addRequirement("n_desks", 10)
factory.addRequirement("n_boards", 1)
factory.addRequirement("has_globe", True)
# "client 2" is a math teacher
factory.addRequirement("n_desks", 10)
factory.addRequirement("n_boards", 1)
# "client 3" is a after-school day-care
factory.addRequirement("room_size", (20,20))
factory.addRequirement("has_carpet", True)
room = factory.createClassroom()
The common use model is as a teacher, we need 10 desks and a board. I think this is best served by a non-member function/decorator, something like:
def makeTeacherRoom(factory):
factory.addRequirement("n_desks", 10)
factory.addRequirement("n_boards", 1)
return factory
This seems like a great example of the "prefer non-member/non-friend to member" paradigm.
The thing that I'm struggling with is, within the framework of a much bigger OO code, where should these types of non-member functions/decorators live, both in terms of namespace and in terms of actual file?
Should they live in the factory's file/namespace? They are closely related to the factory, but they're limitations on the general factory, and need not be used to use the factory.
Should they live in the client's file/namespace? The client understands these use models, but this would limit re-use amongst multiple clients.
Should they live with a common base class of the clients (for instance, one could imagine a "teacher" class/namespace which would also provide the non-member function makeTeacherRoom(), which would be inherited by MathTeacher and GeographyTeacher.
Should they live somewhere else completely, in a "utils" file? And if so in which namespace?
This is primarily a personal decision. Most of your options have no technical negative effects. For example:
They could, because of locality of use, but it's not necessary.
They could, because of locality of data, but again...
They could, although this one does seem like it could make things a bit messier. Making utility classes, you may have to end up inheriting them, or making parts virtual to override later, which will get ugly pretty quick.
This is my personal favorite, or a variant of this.
I typically make a relevantly-named util file (or class with static methods) and put it in the same namespace as the classes it utilates (the more helpful version of mutilate). For a Education::Teacher class, you could have a Education::TeacherUtils file or class containing the functions that operate on Teacher. This keeps a pretty obvious naming tie-in, but also puts the util functions in their own area, so they can be included from whatever needs them (in the Teacher.cpp or similar would prevent that). In the case of a class, you can make the util and base classes friends, which is occasionally helpful (but something to use rarely, as it may be a smell).
I've seen a naming variation, Education::Utils::Teacher, but that's somewhat harder to translate to files (unless you put things into a utils dir) and can also cause name resolution oddness (in some contexts, the compiler may try to use Education::Utils::Teacher instead of Education::Teacher when you didn't mean to). Because of this, I prefer to keep utils as a suffix.
You may want to handle non-member functions in a singleton class for your application. A factory maybe executed from the program, or another object.
C++ supports global functions (non member functions), but, using a single object for the application, "does the trick".
Additionally, since the "Classroom" object may be instantiated with many optional parameters, you may want to assign it, after calling the constructor ( "init" in python ).
// filename: "classrooms.cpp"
class ClassroomClass
int _Room_Size;
int _N_Desks;
int _N_Boards;
int _N_Books;
bool _Has_Globe;
// constructor without parameters,
// but, can be declared with them
_Room_Size = 0;
_N_Desks = 0;
_N_Boards = 0;
_N_Books = 0;
_Has_Globe = false;
} // ClassroomClass()
public int get_Room_Size()
return _Room_Size;
public void set_Room_Size(int Value)
_Room_Size = Value;
// other "getters" & "setters" functions
// ...
} // class ClassroomClass
class ClassroomFactoryClass
void addRequirement(char[] AKey, char[] AValue);
} // class ClassroomFactoryClass
class MyProgramClass
ClassroomFactoryClass Factory;
void makeTeacherRoom();
void doSomething();
} // class MyProgramClass
void MyProgramClass::addRequirement(char[] AKey, char[] AValue)
} // void MyProgramClass::addRequirement(...)
void MyProgramClass::makeTeacherRoom()
Factory.addRequirement("n_desks", "10")
Factory.addRequirement("n_boards", "1")
} // void MyProgramClass::makeTeacherRoom(...)
void MyProgramClass::doSomething()
} // void MyProgramClass::doSomething(...)
int main(char[][] args)
MyProgramClass MyProgram = new MyProgramClass();
delete MyProgram();
return 0;
} // main(...)
Personally I would make them static members of the class.
class File
static bool load( File & file, std::string const & fileName );
std::vector< char > data;
int main( void )
std::string fileName = "foo.txt";
File myFile;
File::load( myFile, fileName );
With static methods they have access to the private data of the class while not belonging to a specific instance of the class. It also means the methods aren't separated from the data they act on, as would be the case if you put them in a utility header somewhere.