adding new chart in ember chart project - ember.js

my english is bad, apologise in advice.
I've to add a chart to the project addpear opensource ember charts.
I built the chart, and it works. Anyway i need to add it to the getting started page and at my version of library. how I can do that? wich (and where) files I have to add?
I have already the code of the component and it works, but is in another project. I would like to import that component in the library.

You can use as a sandbox for developing it (you just need to add addepar's libraries).


Django 1.8 reports library

I need to generate reports in my Django project, I tried django-report-tools but it has incompatiblity with Django > 1.6 versions.
Can somebody recommend one that works with 1.8?
The reports I need are very simple, pie charts, bar charts and the like.
As there are some packages that are Python 3.x compatible and are released lately.
I've checked DJANGO-REPORT-BUILDER and it supports the latest.
My personal preference is to use jQuery HighCharts as Frontend and Django Rest Framework to provide Json data to the charts.
Just 4 years later :)
Check out this package
It's a reporting engine where you can create grouped by computed reports, time series and crosstab using handful of easy lines of code.
It also comes with Charting out of the box.
Disclaimer: I'm the initial author.
Cheers mate ..

How to write ember.js components work require.js

No code involved yet, so morning to show. I am trying to get into it.
I am writing an ember.js application, using require.js as AMD. I am trying to wrote an ember component, and having a hard time deciding what goes where.
The templates are in their own directory and loaded by need using text.js (in the 'define' statement of require), and compiled in the ember view.
As far as I understand, the components need to be in /components directory, which I have done. But what from there? At what route/view/controller do I load them, and how do I compile them? I tried just loading and compiling in the view, but that have me an error, complaining about env not being there. I tried extending Ember.Component and compiling there, but I he l got the same error.
Did someone ever implement components using require.js? Can you me a skeleton of how it looks like?
I haven't done it with require.js per se but if you download Ember App Kit, they're using EcmaScript 6 Modules.
Still, the modules are transpiled to require.js modules by es6-module-transpiler, so I assume it has to be similar. Moreover, you're free to use require.js inside the files as well.
Remember that the component's name has to be in the form: my-name, at least one dash (-) included.
Out of curiosity: why don't you use ember-cli or aforementioned Ember App Kit?

confusions using zurb foundation

After many projects writing my own responsive design i got a bit tired of it, after researching popular responsive frameworks decided to go with Zurb Foundation.
First i went for the css ready to go download. Then i tried to use the GEM, where i got a bit of resistance in trying to figure out things on my own. It seems the docs are not explaining enough scenarios, they are just raw docs.
First what i miss is a search for all the classes to find explanations fast, something like jquery's website has.
Many googling and reading to figure out i need to install ruby on windows. Then i ended thinking that my webserver also needs ruby installed, but figured out that SASS is just a preprocesor so it is only helping me write and maintain better code on my side :)
Here are some other problems i just can't figure out easy, without searching google for each thing:
1) I have configured dreamweaver to open .scss files also. Then each day i'm developing, i need to open ruby-console, navigate to project dir and put: compass watch. Now each time i save every modifications (so i can test i the browser), dreamweaver pops out message box: "file has been modified outside of dreamweaver, you want to save..blabla" - very very enoying
2) app.scss only holds a lot #import statements. _settings.scss holds the code i can change the default looks (this was my primary reason to use the gem since not a SASS guru yet). Should i uncomment some statement and change themn to my needs inside _settings.scss and will i lose all these changes after one day i succesfully update zurb with: gem update zurb-foundation? If so, is it better practice to create a new scss which holds all my overrides?
3) how to create new .scss file which should override some defaults that _settings.scss listens.
4) should i override the app.css or the _settings.scss
5) when changing top-bar links hover colors, why aren't these applied??? example: $topbar-link-color-hover: #fff; (_settings.scss)
6) i did not have an /img or /images folder in my project after creating it. Hence, i created one myself "/images"
7) any books to buy on foundation 4 with a lot of best practices and tutorials???
I'm sorry but for me honestly it seems way to much time to spend learning the very basics for zurb. I have a lot of experience in c++ projects as in mobile and desktop web projects, so i realy don't feel like a newby but it's almost like i'm pushed to buy support
First I will start off by saying, if you are new to frameworks try something that has a ton more documentation like Twitter-Bootstrap. However since you decided to use Foundation here are the answers to your questions.
1) Setup compass to write the files to another directory that Dreamweaver does not watch. Use a proxy like Charles Proxy to proxy in the files when you are developing locally. This will get rid of the annoying do you want to save this file message. Make the compilation of the SCSS files part of your build process before you deploy your application somewhere other than local.
2) Yes, app.scss has all the import statements. Some of which you might want to comment out if you are looking for raw speed, just fyi. In terms of overrides one thing that you can do is use the Mixins that are provided to you in the other files. Button.scss for example has some fantastic button mixins that allow you to not only create your own flair but inherit most of the Foundation Awesomeness. Another thing, if you notice how all of the variables have a !default. That means that if they are declared somewhere else(read import your variable first), the Default value will be overridden.
3) just make the file and add it as an import before the _settings.scss
4) app.scss has a ton of imports for all the parts of foundation, some you are most likely using and some maybe not.
5) Would need to see the compiled CSS for this one, my guess though without seeing anything is that you missed a variable.
6) Created it because Compass was looking for it? Unless you are planning on using images or creating a sprite (compass can create sprites, which is AWESOME) you can just comment or remove that from the config.rb.
7) Have not seen any. Foundation has much less of a community at this time when compared to Bootstrap. However you can get a leg up by studying up on SASS and SCSS, there is a lot more available on that part.

Using c++ how to show overlay icon in finder mac osx

Recently we developed a MAC installer(.dmg). This is developed in c++ and QT. We had a hard requirement to show overlay icons on the files in the finder like how CVS/Dropbox shows sync status on files.
My question is exactly similar to below post. I understand that, if we try to show overlay icons in finder, MAC app store doesn't allow my app to be there. I am fine with this, my users will download the app from the website.
How can i add icon overlay in finder?
Am pretty much new to MAC and c++ also, Can you please provide me suggestion or solution in c++ in detailed.
I know this answer is somewhat late, but better than no answer, isn't it?!
Dropbox uses an open source framework called mach_inject. Originally developed by Jonathan Rentzsch, and known as Mach_Star, it allows code injection into applications.
Dropbox use this to inject into the OSX Finder application. If you Google for "Dropbox mach_inject" you'll find various references to this. Although it's not exactly what you want, there's also a project here which also injects into Finder, but to add menu items. You should be able to use that as reference.

Ember statemanager vs sproutcore-statechart in emberjs add-ons

There are some examples that showcase the use of statechart in an Ember based application :
What is the difference between sproutcore-statechart in emberjs-addons and the ember.statemanager in ember-states lib ?
And if I'd like to use sproutcore-statechart with Emberjs, how can I set it up correctly ?
Ember has a new States system written from scratch. However, some users from the SC2 days were relying on SproutCore's Statecharts, so the "sproutcore-statechart" system brings that in. It's pretty much just for legacy use. I recommend that new users just use the built-in Ember States.
Some great new docs in code comment (by trek) on StateManager were merged just two days ago: