I use Cython 0.19.2 (and Python 2.7.1) to expose C++ classes to Python.
As a first try, i did a test with the 'Rectangle' class example of the documentation.
I have a crash which I don't understand.
I have tried to simplify the code the the max. but I still have the problem.
Here is my pyx file, the C++ sources are just a cut&paste from the python/cython's documentation.
# distutils: language = c++
# distutils: sources = Rectangle.cpp
cdef extern from "Rectangle.h" namespace "shapes":
cdef cppclass Rectangle:
cdef class PyRectangle:
cdef Rectangle* thisptr
I just want to declare a class with a thisptr, which points the the C++ Rectangle class instance.
When i try to compile the program with:
cython -a --cplus rect.pyx
I have the following crash:
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef extern from "Rectangle.h" namespace "shapes":
cdef cppclass Rectangle:
cdef class PyRectangle:
cdef Rectangle* thisptr
rect.pyx:9:7: Compiler crash in AnalyseDeclarationsTransform
File 'ModuleNode.py', line 101, in analyse_declarations: ModuleNode(rect.pyx:1:0,
full_module_name = 'rect')
File 'Nodes.py', line 382, in analyse_declarations: StatListNode(rect.pyx:4:0)
File 'Nodes.py', line 4251, in analyse_declarations: CClassDefNode(rect.pyx:8:5,
as_name = u'PyRectangle',
class_name = u'PyRectangle',
module_name = u'',
visibility = u'private')
File 'Nodes.py', line 382, in analyse_declarations: StatListNode(rect.pyx:9:7)
File 'Nodes.py', line 1208, in analyse_declarations: CVarDefNode(rect.pyx:9:7,
modifiers = [...]/0,
visibility = u'private')
Compiler crash traceback from this point on:
File "/home/xxx/local/python2.7.1/site-packages/Cython/Compiler/Nodes.py", line 1208, in analyse_declarations
self.entry.doc = embed_position(self.pos, self.doc)
AttributeError: 'CVarDefNode' object has no attribute 'doc'
I have tried to compile with pyrex, setup.py, ... everything. But I still have the same error.
Is there something I'm missing?
Alright, I finally fixed it. My version of Python 2.7.1 simply doesn't work with the last Cython 0.19.2. I upgraded to 2.7.6 and it works.
I am new to the Cython/C++ interface and currently studying the examples in the documentation. I am trying to find a way to wrap a C++ struct (instead of C/C++ native types) that is used as the type specifier of the argument of a C++ class constructor. Then I can instantiate a C++ class on the Python side.
First, the rectangle.cpp file which is a simplified version of the example with only constructors. Here I introduce a struct to be used as the type of the argument for the constructor. (I merged the .h header file with .cpp just to make the post shorter. This compiles normally,though.)
#include <iostream>
namespace shapes {
struct Point {
int x0;
int y0;
int x1;
int y1;
class Rectangle {
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
Rectangle(Point point);
// Default constructor
Rectangle::Rectangle () {}
Rectangle::Rectangle (Point point) {
this->x0 = point.x0;
this->y0 = point.y0;
this->x1 = point.x1;
this->y1 = point.y1;
// Destructor
Rectangle::~Rectangle () {}
Second, the rectangle.pxd file which is basically a copy from the example, except that I included a cdef struct Point to declare the structure. (Not sure if this is a correct approach.)
# Declare the class with cdef
cdef extern from "rectangle.cpp" namespace "shapes":
cdef struct Point:
int x0
int y0
int x1
int y1
cdef cppclass Rectangle:
Rectangle() except +
Rectangle(Point) except + # Not sure if this is correct
int x0, y0, x1, y1
Third, the rect.pyx file
# distutils: language = c++
from rectangle cimport Rectangle, Point
# Create a Cython extension type which holds a C++ instance
# as an attribute and create a bunch of forwarding methods
# Python extension type.
cdef class PyRectangle:
cdef Point point # Not sure if this is correct
cdef Rectangle c_rect # Hold a C++ instance which we're wrapping
def __cinit__(self, Point point):
self.c_rect = Rectangle(point)
Finally, the setup.py which is identical to the example.
from setuptools import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
If I compile using the standard command python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace, the following error pops out. (The original example can compile and run without any problem.)
[1/1] Cythonizing rect.pyx
Error compiling Cython file:
PyTypeObject *Py_TYPE(obj)
bint PyMapping_Check(obj)
object PyErr_Format(exc, const char *format, ...)
cdef Point __pyx_convert__from_py_shapes::Point(obj) except *:
FromPyStructUtility:11:41: Expected an identifier or literal
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 5, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py", line 877, in cythonize
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py", line 997, in cythonize_one
raise CompileError(None, pyx_file)
Cython.Compiler.Errors.CompileError: rect.pyx
I am sure there are mistakes in wrapping the struct, since the error is triggered by FromPyStructUtility. But I haven't found a straightforward answer/solution to this particular scenario. If I want to keep the C++ code as it is, i.e., insisting on passing a struct to the constructor, how do I implement this on the Cython side? Your comments/suggestions/tutorials will be highly appreciated.
I am fighting with CYTHON, trying to make a copy of a C++ class in a Python class.
I the .pxd I have:
cdef extern from "MyCppClass.h":
cdef cppclass MyCppClass:
MyCppClass ()
int Copy(MyCppClass * Source)
cdef class MyPyClass:
cdef MyCppClass * thisptr
cdef copy(self, MyCppClass *s)
and in the .pyx I have
cdef class MyPyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.thisptr = new MyCppClass ()
cdef copy(self, MyCppClass * s):
The compilation is ok.
Then I try to use it in another Cython module:
A=new MyCppClass()
… do some stuff on A
And I get the usual “cannot convert to Python object”
I have tried a lot of things to copy, like :
cdef getThisptr(self):
return self.thisptr
A=new MyCppClass()
But nothing works!
It sounds very basic in Cython, but I am still waiting for a solution…
You're missing cimport. In order for Cython to know about your cdef defined types and functions you need to add
from module_name cimport MyPyClass
Otherwise it just assumes that Copy is a Python function accepting a Python object.
The relevant bit of documentation
So I am writing a Python API for a C++ library using Cython. I have three classes with almost identical functionality: A, B, and C. This difference is only how one of their objects is built on initialization and some constants.
Originally, I have wrote them all out as separate classes and then could define them via extern in my cython code. This compiles and works well but there is a lot of repeated code and I would really like this project to be more DRY.
So I decided to write a base class for A, B, and C that implemented most of the functionality once. However, I needed to template that base class and this is causing me a nightmare when I try to define everything in Cython. Here is a toy example of what I'm talking about (ignore missed semi-colons etc, if you find them). This is my "classes.h" file
int library_method_load(std::string file_name){
return std::string.length();
template <class T>
class BaseClass{
T important_obj;
BaseClass(std::string file_name){ important_obj = library_method(file_name);};
virtual T library_method(std::string file_name) = 0;
// Important logicks...
class A : public BaseClass<int> {
A(std::string file_name): BaseClass<int>(file_name){};
int library_method(std::string file_name){ return library_method_load(file_name);};
When I try to wrap this, if I don't tell cython about the base class, I get undefined symbols. If I try to define the base class, the templating causes problems. The latter could be due to the fact that I don't know the syntax properly for inheriting templated base classes.
Here is my current attempt
#distutils: language = c++
from libcpp.string cimport string
cdef extern from "classes.h":
cppclass BaseClass[T]:
BaseClass(string file_name)
cdef extern from "classes.h":
cppclass A(BaseClass[int]):
A(string file_name)
cdef class PyBase:
cdef BaseClass* wrapped
cdef class PyA(PyBase):
def __cinit__(self, string file_name):
self.wrapped = <BaseClass[int]*> new A(file_name)
Doing this gives me the following compiler error:
Error compiling Cython file:
------------------------------------------------------------ ...
cdef class PyA(PyBase):
def __cinit__(self, string file_name):
self.wrapped = <BaseClass[int]*> new A(file_name)
wrapper.pyx:23:23: Cannot assign type 'BaseClass[int] *' to
'BaseClass[T] *' Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py",
line 9, in
setup(name="test", version="1.0.0", ext_modules=cythonize([rk])) File
line 1027, in cythonize
cythonize_one(*args) File "/home/jacob/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py",
line 1149, in cythonize_one
raise CompileError(None, pyx_file) Cython.Compiler.Errors.CompileError: wrapper.pyx
Does anyone know how to do this? Clearly my template substituion is off. Should I stick with the repetitive code instead? Are there other clever solutions?
One solution is to drop PyBase because in cdef BaseClass* wrapped the template argument for BaseClass is missing, which makes the line meaningless.
cdef class PyA(PyBase):
cdef A* wrapped
def __cinit__(self, string file_name):
self.wrapped = new A(file_name)
(I am not sure though if you can pass a C++ object into __init__ and __cinit__)
I am currently using SWIG to make the implementation of small modules easier in my main C++ programm. The class architecture is as follow :
foo.hpp :
class Foo
virtual int pureFunc() = 0;
int func() { return (42); }
file.i :
%module(directors="1") foo
%feature("director") Foo;
#include "foo.hpp"
%include "foo.hpp"
file.py :
import sys
import foo
class Bar(foo.Foo):
def __init__(self):
def pureFunc(self):
return 21
lol = Bar()
print lol.pureFunc()
print lol.func()
I then generate the swig wrappers using the following command :
swig -python -c++ file.i
and compile the .so like this :
g++ -fPIC -shared -o _foo.so file_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7
And when I try to run the python script I get the following error :
# python file.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "file.py", line 13, in <module>
print lol.func()
File "/home/volent/dev/CPP/cython/foo.py", line 84, in func
def func(self): return _foo.Foo_func(self)
TypeError: in method 'Foo_func', argument 1 of type 'Foo *'
# _
That shows that the use of the pure method is working but I can't use the one already defined in the .hpp file.
I have tried to read the SWIG documentation and the only things I see about abstract class and inheritance are 34.4.7 C++ Classes and 34.4.8 C++ Inheritance. And I can't see anything mentionning a case like that.
You have forgotten to call the __init__ method of the parent class of Bar. Replace your __init__ method with this:
class Bar(foo.Foo):
def __init__(self):
This should let your Bar class know about the Foo method.
I build a .so C++ library using g++ and -fPIC (using eclipse).
Still using eclipse, I linked this library and used it in another C++ project without any problem.
When I build a Cython project with that same lib to generate a python extension, using :
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
ext_modules = [
sources=["cyelp.pyx", \
"adapter/ATestClass.cpp", \
"adapter/ALabSimulatorTime.cpp", \
"libelp.so" being the mentioned library, the build is fine too : I get my cyelp.so library.
The problem occurs when I get a specific class from the library at runtime from python side script :
Here is my cython class (that inherits from a ALabSimulationTime:LabSimulationTime class implementing the method FireEvent() - method which is declared as "pure virtual" in LabSimulationTime) :
cimport cpython.ref as cpy_ref
cdef extern from "adapter/ALabSimulatorTime.h" namespace "elps" :
cdef cppclass ALabSimulatorTime:
ALabSimulatorTime(cpy_ref.PyObject *obj)
# Virtual overridable
void ResetTime()
double TimeStep()
void FireEvent()
void StepSimulation()
int EndSimulation()
void RunSimulation()
# Others
void UpdateEventsRate(double rate)
void SetEndTime(double end_time)
void SetOutputTimeStep(double out_time_step)
double GetTime()
int GetNbFiredEvents()
void SetTime(double time)
cdef class PyLabSimulatorTime:
cdef ALabSimulatorTime* thisptr
def __cinit__(self):
self.thisptr = new ALabSimulatorTime(<cpy_ref.PyObject*>self)
def __dealloc__(self):
if self.thisptr:
del self.thisptr
cpdef ResetTime(self):
cpdef double TimeStep(self):
return self.thisptr.TimeStep()
And here, my python loading attempt :
from cyelp import PyLabSimulatorTime;
Finally, here's the error message :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/Spacial/BdmLsim2.py", line 1, in <module>
from cyelp import PyLabSimulatorTime;
ImportError: setup/cyelp.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4elps16LabSimulatorTime9FireEventEv
The fact is that it doesn't happen if I redefine the "FireEvent()" method in ALabSimulatorTime class from the header file :
virtual void FireEvent() {};
But does happen if I redefine the method from the ".cpp" file :
void ALabSimulatorTime::FireEvent()
Note : Everything works well if I turn FireEvent to "non-pure" from the base class "LabSimulatorTime".
I could, of course, try to be more specific, but may be some of you already has an idea about what is going on.
Thanks a lot