How to display a confirmation message like "Deleted" - google-glass

I would like to display a confirmation message after a choice in the menu.
For example if you want to delete an image in the Timeline, you tap on the glass to open the menu, you select "Delete", you have a progression bar to cancel if you want, when the progressbar is complete a kind of toast appear to say "Deleted" and disappear.
I would like to reproduce only the "Deleted" part but I've searched everywhere and cannot find a way to do it. Is there an API or should I manually implement it with a layout containing the text wanted and display it for 3 seconds... ?

There is no API for this to work you will need to build a layout and then set it as the current view using setContentView for a specific amount of time and then return to your main view.


django form add new rows upon changing to edit

Here's my use case:
I'd like to display the information about something first using django_tables2, with a button on the top right corner called "Edit", once a user hits "Edit", at the bottom of the table, display a button called "Add New Record", and once the user clicks that button, a bunch of input fields pop up to let users enter values for each field, also the user could continue to click "Add new Record" to keep adding new.
How can I achieve this in Django?
I've read a lot of examples on stackoverflow but didn't find anything tailored to this particular case.
Thanks a lot.
Let's dive right into listing out what you want to do and the requirements you'll need to do so.
You basically want to toggle hiding and showing some functionality for this web page. This is easily accomplished by including the "Edit" button, "Add New Record" button, and popup (most likely in its own <div> somewhere in the page). So the "Edit" button will have the display set to something, be it inline, block, etc., while the "Add New Record" and popup would have a display of "none" or however it is you wish to hide it.
You've got the stuff set up and ready to go but now you need to show it when you click the "Edit" button. This is generally accomplished through Javascript. Just find the "Add New Record" button and switch the visibility.
When you click on the "Add" button you want to display a popup. This can be done in a variety of ways with different libraries. One of my personal favorites is using jquery's blockUI. Why? It doesn't allow the user to click anywhere except in the popup so it's a quick way to handle users trying to reach outside the scope of the popup.
So you've got all the new rows added and you are done editing. Maybe you have a "Save" button or something like that where you can click. When you do, you'll want to push all those new rows you just added to the database. Django handles this well and you could do something like include the new rows in part of the POST request or however you care to implement this solution.
So there's a bit of work ahead of you to get this page up and running with the exact functionality you need but hopefully this starts steering you in the right direction of where you need to go.

Sitecore 8, MVC, Experience Editor: How to make a rendering refresh after a Field Editor Button has been used

We have a rendering listing the selected items in a TreeSelect in the current item. In our case we call them "Tags" (1)
We have added a Field Editor Button to the component to let the editor change selected items. (2) (As described on for example Adding a custom component)
When an editor clicks (2) the editor window (3) it is opened in a dialog. The editor may select different items(called tags in our case) using the TreeSelect.
When the editor presses the ok-button (4) the values are set.
Now to the problem:
The values are actually set as they get stored when the editor presses the Save button but we want our list on the page (1) to immediately reflect the set items when the editor presses the ok-button (4), i.e. before having to actually save the whole item.
How do we achieve that?
(I am in contacts with Sitecore support but so far I have not gotten any answers...)
After a lot of conversation with the support we still have no useful solution.
We tried turning it into a field renderer displaying the links.
What worked was:
The field do get updated when you have edited it in the popup field editor. (but...)
It looks good the first time when page is loaded.
You can make a WebEdit button with commands to edit the field and add it as Custom button to the field (register <command name="webedit:fieldeditor" type="Sitecore.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Commands.FieldEditor, Sitecore.Client"/> and set Click on the button to webedit:fieldeditor(command={3473DDA1-2983-493C-AF7A-054C75AA7AD3},fields=NameOfField where the guid points to itelf and an "Icon" is set on it.)
What didn't work was:
The field get updated by the raw value, not what I want to display. Server code is involved, but not in the rendering of html-code.
When I want to edit the value in the field editor, the value sent to the field editor is not the raw value but what actually is displayed on the page. (I guess this can be solved somehow)
The issue to the support turned into a feature request to let the server be involved in rendering the field, not just sending a new value to the JavaScript updating it. The server does the first rendering so when it already is involved in updating, it should be allowed to do the rendering the following times too.
We have decided to not spend more time on this right now (we have other things to do too.) and have a bad editor experience as the field not get updated until the editor actually saves the item.
Still we have no suitable solution for this issue. If you want to keep working on it and want a reference to my issue it is 439059.
This may not be useful here. I've done this in normal sites, but not in Sitecore. But, here's one possibility....
This is a situation where you would pass a callback function to the child popup window. This callback will cause the caller / parent window to re-read/re-load the information that was just updated by the child.
User presses (2) to open Editor Window(3) (Editor window is opened and the Callback function is passed as a parameter)
User presses "OK" button (4). The "OK" button event handler updates the changes, then calls the Callback function which re-loads the now updated information, and closes the popup window.
Once the popup closes, the parent window now displays the information that the popup/editor just updated.
This takes some client side javascript (jquery) development but it is quite do-able normally.

Updating CPropertyPage on tab selection

I am looking for the best way to update a CPropertyPage once it is clicked. Currently, my pages receive it's information during OnInitDialog(). However, when the user does something on page one, it can effect what is on page two.
The only solution I can think to use is an "Update" button. Once the button is clicked, the page refreshes its information by calling the same functions that take place during OnInitDialog(). Is there an event that occurs when the user clicks on a different CPropertyPage of a CPropertySheet?
Using an "Update" button is poor design because it requires the user to force the update. Instead, you should look to maintain the state of the values that could cause the update. This can be done in a structure or class object that can then be made accessible to CPropertyPage::OnSetActive of the page that needs the updated values. OnSetActive is called just before the page is to be made the active one. It's your opportunity to update values on the page before it displays.

GDK : How to show status similar to 'Recording" and 'Complete"

I'm developing a GDK app where I need to provide an user experience to display status text similar to video recording status that Glass provides ( displaying "Recording" status then displaying progress indicator and finally showing 'Complete' text ). Appreciate your input.
Right now, you'll need to write your own UI logic to do this (perhaps by using a Dialog with a custom layout that has the appropriate centered label and icon, with a progress bar at the bottom, and changing the label and dismissing the dialog when the action is complete).
You may want to follow issue 271 in our issue tracker, which covers the progress indicator part of this flow.
Tony is right. There is no way to do this naively but you can build it yourself. You can create a layout that is build exactly like the menu is built in the GDK, and then just update the setcontentview() with a new layout each time you want to move to the next card. Also you can build a layout with the holo horizontal progressbar to get the general idea but it won't be like the one Google uses.
Also wanted to add that I have built a repo that you can drop into your project for this. Here is the link:

How do I keep a button depressed in C++?

I want to create a navigation panel in my application, and I want to keep a button (or similar component) depressed to show that is the page the user is currently on.
Here is a image of what I mean:
How do I create a button that looks like that. (After further inspection, I think it's not a button, however, I cannot figure out the exact control unless it is a image drawn on the screen.)
That is commonly called an "Outlook Bar". There are several examples at