Algorithm for modular function performing different operations? - c++

Sometimes I come across situations where I need to execute a set of code multiple times but with slight modifications. Consider 2 following cases:
Case 1:
Case 2:
//A, B, C, D are used to represent a set of code lines
Now there is no similarity between the lines of code in B & D so I am creating 2 different functions currently in my application.
However the size of code in B or D is very small in comparison to A or C.
I cannot create separate functions just for A & C because they use some common variables and it would be very messy to pass these variables as arguments.
So it looks like there is only a single solution to my problem.
Combine both the cases into a single function and choose between one of these cases by passing a bool as argument to this function. This however results in a very large size function to maintain.
So I am looking for some better alternatives as I am sure many people must have come across such situations.
consider just for the sake of simplicity a string variable myString.
A intialises it with some value.
B/D modify it according to some conditions.
C uses myString for some purpose, say write to file.
All in all there is flow of data like this:
Case 1:
A -> B -> C
Case 2:
A -> D -> C
Just that there is flow of a lot of data to separate each of these sets to different functions.

Options I can think of:
Create a class with A, B, C and D as functions.
All the common variables can be member variables of this class.
Create a class that simply stores all the common variables.
This can be passed by reference to A, B, C and D (so you would just pass a single variable).
Consider trying to refactor them so you minimize the number of common variables they use.
This can be done in addition to either of the above, or by itself.
Without knowing what exactly you are doing, I can't really tell you whether or not this is viable, but you should keep it in mind. While the above-mentioned parameter class is just a single variable, it's essentially just a wrapper for a bunch of variables - one should still attempt to minimize the amount of them.

One thing that you can do is define B and D as functor classes:
// this is a functor
struct B_add {
B_add(int x) : x_(x) {}
int operator()(int y) { return x_ + y; }
void set_x(int x) { x_ = x; }
int x_;
struct D_mult {
D_mult(int x) : x_(x) {}
int operator()(int y) { return x_ * y; }
void set_x(int x) { x_ = x; }
int x_;
Then inside the long_function_that_takes_either_B_or_D
template <typename F>
void long_function_that_takes_either_B_or_D(F & f)
int result_for_c = f(); //B or D
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;

It brakes OO design but i think you can try to arrange it into one class
#include <stdio.h>
class SimpleClass
void someFunction(void (* zprintf)(const char *) ) //zprintf is pointer to B or D functionality
printf("calling zprintf function\n"); //This is your A code
printf("called zprintf function\n"); //This is your C code
And then use it like this :
void zprintf1(const char * str )
printf("i'm printing %s\n", str);
void zprintf2(const char * str )
printf("I don't want to print %s\n", str);
SimpleClass simpleClass;
It is a hack i know, but you can make it more pretty.

Use defines to generate code.
// A
if (runB)
// B
// D
// C


how to write a function that links other functions in C [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Lets say I have functions A, B, & C.
I would like to write a function which looks like:
where the arrays correspond to which element in the first list will be called. In other words, when A finishes, it starts the second element B, when B finishes it calls the third element C, when C finishes nothing is called.
Linker would then unroll into
generic preprocessing
run A
generic postprocessing
generic preprocessing
run B
generic postprocessing
generic preprocessing
run C
generic postprocessing
The idea being that this would make it easier to link functions together, and would save me some time in writing the pre and postprocessing steps. Also organization, error-proofing, understandability, etc... Is this Idea possible in C? would I need to use C++? how do I begin implementing an idea like this?
I am using stm32ide as my compiler as this code will run on an embedded device.
You could do this by setting up some "processing" class that stores pointers to your functions and the links you want to establish between them:
class processor {
std::vector<void (*)()> funcs;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> links;
void add_func(void (*func)()) { funcs.push_back(func); }
void link(int from, int to) { links.push_back({from, to}); }
void call(int indx) {
// Make the call;
// Call any links
for(auto it : links) {
if(it.first == indx) { call(it.second); }
Then to use it, you just need to add your functions and links, and then call call():
int main() {
processor p;
p.add_func(C);, 1); // A -> B, 2); // B -> C; // Call A
return 0;
See it in action here:
If I understand you correctly you want to pass a function as a parameter to another function.
For c++ you can use function pointers.
#include <iostream>
void helloWorld()
std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
int main()
# Here we get the memory adress of the function helloWorld.
auto secondHelloWorld = &helloWorld;
# Here, an implicit converstion is going on.
auto thridHelloWorld = helloWorld;
If you want to be more explicit with the types, you can write
#include <iostream>
void helloWorld()
std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
int main()
void(*secondHelloWorld)() = helloWorld;
void(*thridHelloWorld)() = helloWorld;
I can not help you with how you should precisly implement this. I would need to know you requirements.
Your question should be clarified. If I understand well, you want to wrap a function, as done in a context manager. You should precise what is the signature of your functions A, B, C and how must be used {{0,1,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,0}}.
So to keep it simple, I'll assume that these three functions takes no parameter and do not return anything.
#include <stdio.h>
void context_manager(
void (*f)(),
void (*enter)(),
void (*exit)()
) {
void my_enter() { printf("generic preprocessing\n"); }
void my_exit() { printf("generic postprocessing\n\n"); }
void a() { printf("run A\n"); }
void b() { printf("run B\n"); }
void c() { printf("run C\n"); }
void linker(void **fs, unsigned n) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
context_manager(fs[i], my_enter, my_exit);
int main() {
void * fs[] = {a, b, c};
linker(fs, sizeof(fs) / sizeof(void *));
return 0;
generic preprocessing
run A
generic postprocessing
generic preprocessing
run B
generic postprocessing
generic preprocessing
run C
generic postprocessing
You can obviously adapt the signature of f and linker to pass some parameter(s).
The hard part is that: Linker(A,B,C,{{0,1,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,0}}); cannot be written in C. The language lacks:
automatic processing or variable numbers of parameters for a function: you have to give a hint for the number and the function will have to guess the type
litteral multi-dimensional arrays do not exist in the language.
Said differently, I can imagine how to write something able to accept that syntax (apart from the semicolon) in Python, but not in C. Building a thing able to process a bunch of functions and chain them according to something is not a problem and can be done in C. But I cannot guess what the something should be, and how you intend to pass the functions and the something to the thing while respecting C syntax.
Assuming I understand what you're going for, and assuming all the functions have the same return type and argument lists, you could set up an array of function pointers and an array of integers to indicate which function to execute out of that list:
void A(void) { puts( "In A" ); }
void B(void) { puts( "In B" ); }
void C(void) { puts( "In C" ); }
* Call each of the functions in f based on the values in seq;
* each seq[i] is treated as an index into f.
* A negative value in seq[i] indicates the end of the sequence.
* Inputs:
* f - list of functions we want to execute
* seq - specifies the order in which the functions are to be executed
void Linker( void (*f[])(void), int *seq )
for ( int i = 0; seq[i] >= 0; i++ )
int main( void )
* Use compound literals to set up each array.
Linker( (void (*[])(void)) {A, B, C}, (int []) {0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, -1} );
In A
In B
In C
In C
In B
In C
In A
In A
In A
If the functions have different return types, or if they have the same return types but take different parameter lists (or even the same parameter lists with different values), then this will need to be fleshed out a bit. You may need to create a C equivalent of a "functor" (basically a struct type that abstracts away the function return type and other details). But it should give you some ideas.

C++ function argument safety

In a function that takes several arguments of the same type, how can we guarantee that the caller doesn't mess up the ordering?
For example
void allocate_things(int num_buffers, int pages_per_buffer, int default_value ...
and later
// uhmm.. lets see which was which uhh..
A typical solution is to put the parameters in a structure, with named fields.
AllocateParams p;
p.num_buffers = 1;
p.pages_per_buffer = 10;
p.default_value = 93;
You don't have to use fields, of course. You can use member functions or whatever you like.
If you have a C++11 compiler, you could use user-defined literals in combination with user-defined types. Here is a naive approach:
struct num_buffers_t {
constexpr num_buffers_t(int n) : n(n) {} // constexpr constructor requires C++14
int n;
struct pages_per_buffer_t {
constexpr pages_per_buffer_t(int n) : n(n) {}
int n;
constexpr num_buffers_t operator"" _buffers(unsigned long long int n) {
return num_buffers_t(n);
constexpr pages_per_buffer_t operator"" _pages_per_buffer(unsigned long long int n) {
return pages_per_buffer_t(n);
void allocate_things(num_buffers_t num_buffers, pages_per_buffer_t pages_per_buffer) {
// do stuff...
template <typename S, typename T>
void allocate_things(S, T) = delete; // forbid calling with other types, eg. integer literals
int main() {
// now we see which is which ...
allocate_things(40_buffers, 22_pages_per_buffer);
// the following does not compile (see the 'deleted' function):
// allocate_things(40, 22);
// allocate_things(40, 22_pages_per_buffer);
// allocate_things(22_pages_per_buffer, 40_buffers);
Two good answers so far, one more: another approach would be to try leverage the type system wherever possible, and to create strong typedefs. For instance, using boost strong typedef (
BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF(int , num_buffers);
BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF(int , num_pages);
void func(num_buffers b, num_pages p);
Calling func with arguments in the wrong order would now be a compile error.
A couple of notes on this. First, boost's strong typedef is rather dated in its approach; you can do much nicer things with variadic CRTP and avoid macros completely. Second, obviously this introduces some overhead as you often have to explicitly convert. So generally you don't want to overuse it. It's really nice for things that come up over and over again in your library. Not so good for things that come up as a one off. So for instance, if you are writing a GPS library, you should have a strong double typedef for distances in metres, a strong int64 typedef for time past epoch in nanoseconds, and so on.
(Note: post was originally tagged 'C`)
C99 onwards allows an extension to #Dietrich Epp idea: compound literal
struct things {
int num_buffers;
int pages_per_buffer;
int default_value
allocate_things(struct things);
// Use a compound literal
allocate_things((struct things){.default_value=80, .num_buffers=40, .pages_per_buffer=22});
Could even pass the address of the structure.
allocate_things(struct things *);
// Use a compound literal
allocate_things(&((struct things){.default_value=80,.num_buffers=40,.pages_per_buffer=22}));
You can't. That's why it is recommended to have as few function arguments as possible.
In your example you could have separate functions like set_num_buffers(int num_buffers), set_pages_per_buffer(int pages_per_buffer) etc.
You probably have noticed yourself that allocate_things is not a good name because it doesn't express what the function is actually doing. Especially I would not expect it to set a default value.
Just for completeness, you could use named arguments, when your call becomes.
void allocate_things(num_buffers=20, pages_per_buffer=40, default_value=20);
// or equivalently
void allocate_things(pages_per_buffer=40, default_value=20, num_buffers=20);
However, with the current C++ this requires quite a bit of code to be implemented (in the header file declaring allocate_things(), which must also declare appropriate external objects num_buffers etc providing operator= which return a unique suitable object).
---------- working example (for sergej)
#include <iostream>
struct a_t { int x=0; a_t(int i): x(i){} };
struct b_t { int x=0; b_t(int i): x(i){} };
struct c_t { int x=0; c_t(int i): x(i){} };
// implement using all possible permutations of the arguments.
// for many more argumentes better use a varidadic template.
void func(a_t a, b_t b, c_t c)
{ std::cout<<"a="<<a.x<<" b="<<b.x<<" c="<<c.x<<std::endl; }
inline void func(b_t b, c_t c, a_t a) { func(a,b,c); }
inline void func(c_t c, a_t a, b_t b) { func(a,b,c); }
inline void func(a_t a, c_t c, b_t b) { func(a,b,c); }
inline void func(c_t c, b_t b, a_t a) { func(a,b,c); }
inline void func(b_t b, a_t a, c_t c) { func(a,b,c); }
struct make_a { a_t operator=(int i) { return {i}; } } a;
struct make_b { b_t operator=(int i) { return {i}; } } b;
struct make_c { c_t operator=(int i) { return {i}; } } c;
int main()
func(b=2, c=10, a=42);
Are you really going to try to QA all the combinations of arbitrary integers? And throw in all the checks for negative/zero values etc?
Just create two enum types for minimum, medium and maximum number of buffers, and small medium and large buffer sizes. Then let the compiler do the work and let your QA folks take an afternoon off:
Then you only have to test a limited number of combinations and you'll have 100% coverage. The people working on your code 5 years from now will only need to know what they want to achieve and not have to guess the numbers they might need or which values have actually been tested in the field.
It does make the code slightly harder to extend, but it sounds like the parameters are for low-level performance tuning, so twiddling the values should not be perceived as cheap/trivial/not needing thorough testing. A code review of a change from
allocate_something(25, 25, 25);
allocate_something(30, 80, 42);
...will likely get just a shrug/blown off, but a code review of a new enum value EXTRA_LARGE_BUFFERS will likely trigger all the right discussions about memory use, documentation, performance testing etc.

Generating code during execution in c++11

I am programming with C++11 and was wondering if there is a way to generate some code during execution.
For example instead of writing:
void b(int i){i+1}
void c(int i){i-1}
if(true) b()
else{ c() }
would there be a more straightforward way to say if true, then replace all + with - ?
Thank you and sorry if this question is stupid..
C++ has no native facilities for runtime code generation. You could of course invoke a C++ compiler from your program, then dynamically load the resulting binary, and call code from it, but I doubt this is the best solution to your problem.
If you are worried about repeatedly checking the condition, you shouldn't be. Modern CPUs will likely deal with this very well, even in a tight loop, due to branch prediction.
Last, if you really want to more dynamically alter the code path you take, you could use function pointers and/or polymorphism and/or lambdas.
An example with functions
typedef void (pFun*)(int); // pointer to function taking int, returning void
void b(int i){i+1}
void c(int i){i-1}
pFun d = cond ? b : c; // based on condition, select function b or c
pFun(i); // calls either b or c, effectively selecting + or -
An example with polymorphism
class Operator
Operator() {}
virtual ~Operator() {}
virtual void doIt(int i) = 0;
class Add : public Operator
virtual void doIt(int i) { i+1; }
class Sub : public Operator
virtual void doIt(int i) { i-1; }
Operator *pOp = cond ? new Add() : new Sub();
delete pOp;
Here, I have defined a base class with the doIt pure virtual function. The two child classes override the doIt() function to do different things. pOp will then point at either an Add or a Sub instance depending on cond, so when pOp->doIt() is called, the appropriate implementation of your operator is used. Under the covers, this does essentially what I outlined in the above example with function pointers, so choosing one over the other is largely a matter of style and/or other design constrains. They should both perform just as well.
An example with lambdas
This is basically the same as the first example using function pointers, but done in a more C++11 way using lambdas (and it is more concise).
auto d = cond ? [](int i) { i+1; }
: [](int i) { i-1; };
Alternatively, you may prefer to have the condition inside the body of the lambda, for example
auto d = [&](int i) { cond ? i+1 : i-1; }
C++ does not have runtime code generation since it's a compiled language.
In this case, you could put the sign into a variable (to be used with multiple variables.)
int sign = (true ? 1 : -1);
result2 += sign;
result1 += sign;
Not necessarily a solution for your problem, but you could use
a template, instantiated on one of the operators in <functional>:
template <typename Op>
func( int i )
return Op()( i, 1 );
In your calling function, you would then do something like:
int (*f)( int i ) = condition ? &func<std::plus> : &func<std::minus>;
// ...
i = f( i );
It's possible to use lambdas, which may be preferable, but you can't use
the conditional operator in this case. (Every lambda has a unique type,
and the second and third operatands of the conditional operator must
have the same type.) So it becomes a bit more verbose:
int (*f)( int i );
if ( condition ) {
f = []( int i ) { return i + 1; }
} else {
f = []( int i ) { return i - 1; }
This will only work if there is no capture in the lambdas; when there is
no capture, the lambda not only generates an instance of a class with
a unique type, but also a function. Although not being able to use the
conditional operator makes this more verbose than necessary, it is still
probably simpler than having to define a function outside of the class,
unless that function can be implemented as a template, as in my first
example. (I'm assuming that your actual case may be significantly more
complicated than the example you've posted.)
Re lambdas, I tried:
auto f = c ? []( int i ) { return i + 1; } : []( int i ) { return i - 1; };
just out of curiosity. MSC++ gave me the expected error
no conversion from 'someFunc::<lambda_21edbc86aa2c32f897f801ab50700d74>' to 'someFunc::<lambda_0dff34d4a518b95e95f7980e6ff211c5>'
but g++ compiled it without complaining, typeid(f) gave "PFiiI",
which I think is a pointer to a function. In this case, I'm pretty sure
that MSC++ is right: the standard says that each of the lambdas has
a unique type, and that each has a conversion operator to (in this
case) an int (*)( int ) (so both can be converted to the same
type—this is why the version with the if works). But the
specification of the conditional operator requires that either the
second operand can be converted to the type of the third, or vice versa,
but the results must be the type of one of the operands; it cannot be
a third type to which both are converted.

C++ Class design - easily init / build objects

Using C++ I built a Class that has many setter functions, as well as various functions that may be called in a row during runtime.
So I end up with code that looks like:
A* a = new A();
Not, that this is bad, but I don't like typing "a->" over and over again.
So I rewrote my class definitions to look like:
class A{
virtual ~A();
A* setA();
A* setB();
A* setC();
A* doA();
A* doB();
// other functions
// vars
So then I could init my class like: (method 1)
A* a = new A();
(which I prefer as it is easier to write)
To give a more precise implementation of this you can see my SDL Sprite C++ Class I wrote at
Everything seems to work just fine. However, I would be interested in any feedback to this approach.
I have noticed One problem. If i init My class like: (method 2)
A a = A();
Then I have various memory issues and sometimes things don't work as they should (You can see this by changing how i init all Sprite objects in main.cpp of my Sprite Demo).
Is that normal? Or should the behavior be the same?
Edit the setters are primarily to make my life easier in initialization. My main question is way method 1 and method 2 behave different for me?
Edit: Here's an example getter and setter:
Sprite* Sprite::setSpeed(int i) {
speed = i;
return this;
int Sprite::getSpeed() {
return speed;
One note unrelated to your question, the statement A a = A(); probably isn't doing what you expect. In C++, objects aren't reference types that default to null, so this statement is almost never correct. You probably want just A a;
A a creates a new instance of A, but the = A() part invokes A's copy constructor with a temporary default constructed A. If you had done just A a; it would have just created a new instance of A using the default constructor.
If you don't explicitly implement your own copy constructor for a class, the compiler will create one for you. The compiler created copy constructor will just make a carbon copy of the other object's data; this means that if you have any pointers, it won't copy the data pointed to.
So, essentially, that line is creating a new instance of A, then constructing another temporary instance of A with the default constructor, then copying the temporary A to the new A, then destructing the temporary A. If the temporary A is acquiring resources in it's constructor and de-allocating them in it's destructor, you could run into issues where your object is trying to use data that has already been deallocated, which is undefined behavior.
Take this code for example:
struct A {
A() {
myData = new int;
std::cout << "Allocated int at " << myData << std::endl;
~A() {
delete myData;
std::cout << "Deallocated int at " << myData << std::endl;
int* myData;
A a = A();
cout << "a.myData points to " << a.myData << std::endl;
The output will look something like:
Allocated int at 0x9FB7128
Deallocated int at 0x9FB7128
a.myData points to 0x9FB7128
As you can see, a.myData is pointing to an address that has already been deallocated. If you attempt to use the data it points to, you could be accessing completely invalid data, or even the data of some other object that took it's place in memory. And then once your a goes out of scope, it will attempt to delete the data a second time, which will cause more problems.
What you have implemented there is called fluent interface. I have mostly encountered them in scripting languages, but there is no reason you can't use in C++.
If you really, really hate calling lots of set functions, one after the other, then you may enjoy the following code, For most people, this is way overkill for the 'problem' solved.
This code demonstrates how to create a set function that can accept set classes of any number in any order.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
// Base class for all setter classes
class cSetterBase
// the type of setter
int myType;
// a union capable of storing any kind of data that will be required
union data_t {
int i;
float f;
double d;
} myValue;
cSetterBase( int t ) : myType( t ) {}
// Base class for float valued setter functions
class cSetterFloatBase : public cSetterBase
cSetterFloatBase( int t, float v ) :
cSetterBase( t )
{ myValue.f = v; }
// A couple of sample setter classes with float values
class cSetterA : public cSetterFloatBase
cSetterA( float v ) :
cSetterFloatBase( 1, v )
// A couple of sample setter classes with float values
class cSetterB : public cSetterFloatBase
cSetterB( float v ) :
cSetterFloatBase( 2, v )
// this is the class that actually does something useful
class cUseful
// set attributes using any number of setter classes of any kind
void Set( int count, ... );
// the attributes to be set
float A, B;
// set attributes using any setter classes
void cUseful::Set( int count, ... )
va_list vl;
va_start( vl, count );
for( int kv=0; kv < count; kv++ ) {
cSetterBase s = va_arg( vl, cSetterBase );
cSetterBase * ps = &s;
switch( ps->myType ) {
case 1:
A = ((cSetterA*)ps)->myValue.f; break;
case 2:
B = ((cSetterB*)ps)->myValue.f; break;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cUseful U;
U.Set( 2, cSetterB( 47.5 ), cSetterA( 23 ) );
printf("A = %f B = %f\n",U.A, U.B );
return 0;
You may consider the ConstrOpt paradigm. I first heard about this when reading the XML-RPC C/C++ lib documentation here:
Basically the idea is similar to yours, but the "ConstrOpt" paradigm uses a subclass of the one you want to instantiate. This subclass is then instantiated on the stack with default options and then the relevant parameters are set with the "reference-chain" in the same way as you do.
The constructor of the real class then uses the constrOpt class as the only constructor parameter.
This is not the most efficient solution, but can help to get a clear and safe API design.

is it possible in C or C++ to create a function inside another?

Could someone please tell me if this is possible in C or C++?
void fun_a();
//int fun_b();
int fun_b(){
or something similar, as e.g. a class inside a function?
thanks for your replies,
Wow, I'm surprised nobody has said yes! Free functions cannot be nested, but functors and classes in general can.
void fun_a();
//int fun_b();
struct { int operator()() {
} } fun_b;
int q = fun_b();
You can give the functor a constructor and pass references to local variables to connect it to the local scope. Otherwise, it can access other local types and static variables. Local classes can't be arguments to templates, though.
C++ does not support nested functions, however you can use something like boost::lambda.
C — Yes for gcc as an extension.
C++ — No.
you can't create a function inside another function in C++.
You can however create a local class functor:
int foo()
class bar
int operator()()
return 42;
bar b;
return b();
in C++0x you can create a lambda expression:
int foo()
auto bar = []()->int{return 42;};
return bar();
No but in C++0x you can which may take another few years to fully support. The standard is not complete at the time of this writing.
If you can use MSVC 2010. I ran the code below with success
void test()
[]() { cout << "Hello function\n"; }();
auto fn = [](int x) -> int { cout << "Hello function (" << x << " :))\n"; return x+1; };
auto v = fn(2);
Hello function
Hello function (2 :))
Hello function (3 :))
(I wrote >> c:\dev\loc\uniqueName.txt in the project working arguments section and copy pasted this result)
The term you're looking for is nested function. Neither standard C nor C++ allow nested functions, but GNU C allows it as an extension. Here is a good wikipedia article on the subject.
Clang/Apple are working on 'blocks', anonymous functions in C! :-D
^ ( void ) { printf("hello world\n"); }
info here and spec here, and ars technica has a bit on it
No, and there's at least one reason why it would complicate matters to allow it. Nested functions are typically expected to have access to the enclosing scope. This makes it so the "stack" can no longer be represented with a stack data structure. Instead a full tree is needed.
Consider the following code that does actually compile in gcc as KennyTM suggests.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef double (*retdouble)();
retdouble wrapper(double a) {
double square() { return a * a; }
return square;
int use_stack_frame(double b) {
return (int)b;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
retdouble square = wrapper(3);
printf("expect 9 actual %f\n", square());
printf("expect 3 actual %d\n", use_stack_frame(3));
printf("expect 16 actual %f\n", wrapper(4)());
printf("expect 9 actual %f\n", square());
return 0;
I've placed what most people would expect to be printed, but in fact, this gets printed:
expect 9 actual 9.000000
expect 3 actual 3
expect 16 actual 16.000000
expect 9 actual 16.000000
Notice that the last line calls the "square" function, but the "a" value it accesses was modified during the wrapper(4) call. This is because a separate "stack" frame is not created for every invocation of "wrapper".
Note that these kinds of nested functions are actually quite common in other languages that support them like lisp and python (and even recent versions of Matlab). They lead to some very powerful functional programming capabilities, but they preclude the use of a stack for holding local scope frames.
void foo()
class local_to_foo
public: static void another_foo()
{ printf("whatevs"); }
Or lambda's in C++0x.
You can nest a local class within a function, in which case the class will only be accessible to that function. You could then write your nested function as a member of the local class:
#include <iostream>
int f()
class G
int operator()()
return 1;
} g;
return g();
int main()
std::cout << f() << std::endl;
Keep in mind, though, that you can't pass a function defined in a local class to an STL algorithm, such as sort().
int f()
class G
bool operator()(int i, int j)
return false;
} g;
std::vector<int> v;
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), g); // Fails to compile
The error that you would get from gcc is "test.cpp:18: error: no matching function for call to `sort(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, f()::G&)'
It is not possible to declare a function within a function. You may, however, declare a function within a namespace or within a class in C++.
Not in standard C, but gcc and clang support them as an extension. See the gcc online manual.
Though C and C++ both prohibit nested functions, a few compilers support them anyway (e.g., if memory serves, gcc can, at least with the right flags). A nested functor is a lot more portable though.
No nested functions in C/C++, unfortunately.
As other answers have mentioned, standard C and C++ do not permit you to define nested functions. (Some compilers might allow it as an extension, but I can't say I've seen it used).
You can declare another function inside a function so that it can be called, but the definition of that function must exist outside the current function:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
int foo(int x);
int bar(int x) { // this can't be done
return x;
int a = 3;
printf( "%d\n", foo(a));
return 0;
int foo( int x)
return x+1;
A function declaration without an explicit 'linkage specifier' has an extern linkage. So while the declaration of the name foo in function main() is scoped to main(), it will link to the foo() function that is defined later in the file (or in a another file if that's where foo() is defined).