atomic<T>.load() with std::memory_order_release - c++

When writing C++11 code that uses the newly introduced thread-synchronization primitives to make use of the relaxed memory ordering, you usually see either
std::atomic<int> vv;
int i = vv.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
or, std::memory_order_release);
It is clear to me why this makes sense.
My questions are: Do the combinations, std::memory_order_acquire) and vv.load(std::memory_order_release) also make sense? In which situation could one use them? What are the semantics of these combinations?

That's simply not allowed. The C++ (11) standard has requirements on what memory order constraints you can put on load/store operations.
For load (§29.6.5):
Requires: The order argument shall not be memory_order_release nor memory_order_acq_rel.
For store:
Requires: The order argument shall not be memory_order_consume, memory_order_acquire, nor memory_order_acq_rel.

The C/C++/LLVM memory model is sufficient for synchronization
strategies that ensure data is ready to be accessed before accessing
it. While that covers most common synchronization primitives, useful
properties can be obtained by building consistent models on weaker
The biggest example is the seqlock.
It relies on "speculatively" reading data that may not be in a
consistent state. Because reads are allowed to race with writes,
readers don't block writers -- a property which is used in the Linux
kernel to allow the system clock to be updated even if a user process
is repeatedly reading it. Another strength of the seqlock is that on
modern SMP arches it scales perfectly with the number of readers:
because the readers don't need to take any locks, they only need
shared access to the cache lines.
The ideal implementation of a seqlock would use something like a
"release load" in the reader, which is not available in any major
programming language. The kernel works around this with a full read
which scales well across architectures, but doesn't achieve optimal

These combinations do not make any sense, and they are not allowed either.
An acquire operation synchronizes previous non-atomic writes or side effects with a release operation so that when the acquire (load) is realized, all other stores (effects) that happened before the release (store) are also visible (for threads that acquire the same atomic that was released).
Now, if you could do (and would do) an acquire store and a release load, what should it do? What store should the acquire operation synchronize with? Itself?

Do the combinations, std::memory_order_acquire) and
vv.load(std::memory_order_release) also make sense?
Technically, they are formally disallowed but it isn't important to know that, except to write C++ code.
They simply cannot be defined in the model and it's important that you know and understand, even if you don't write code.
Note that disallowing these values is an important design choice: if you write your_own::atomic<> class, you can chose to allow these values and define them as equivalent to relaxed operations.
It's important to understand the design space; you must not have too much respect for the all C++ thread primitive design choices, some of which are purely arbitrary.
In which situation could one use them? What are the semantics of
these combinations?
None, as you must understand the fundamental notion that a read is not a write (it took me a while to get it). You can only claim to understand non linear execution when you get that idea.
In a non threaded program that doesn't have async signals, all steps are sequential and it doesn't matter that reads aren't writes: all reads of an object could just rewrite the value if you arrange for sequence points to be respected and if you allow writing to a constant its own value (which is OK in practice as long as memory is R/W).
So the distinction between reads and writes, at such level, isn't that important. You could manage to define a semantic based only operations that are both reads and writes of a memory location such that writing to a constant is allowed and reading an invalid value that isn't used is OK.
I don't recommend it of course, as it's pretty ugly to blurry the distinction between reads and writes.
But for multithreading you really don't want to have writes to data you only read: no only it would create data races (which you could arbitrary declare to be unimportant when the old value is written back), it would also not map to the CPU worldview as a write changes the state of the cache line of a shared object. The fact that a read isn't a write is essential for efficiency in multithread programs, much more than for single threaded ones.
At the abstract level, a store operation on an atomic is a modification so it's part of its modification order, and a load is not: a load only points to a position in the modification order (a load can see an atomically stored value, or the initial value, the value established at construction, before all atomic modifications).
Modifications are ordered with each others and loads are not, only with respect to modifications. (You can view loads as happening at exactly the same time.)
Acquire and release operations are about making an history (a past) and communicating it: a release operation on an object makes your past the past of the atomic object and the acquire operation makes that past your past.
A modification that isn't an atomic RMW cannot see previous value; on the other hand, an algorithm that includes a load and then a store (on one or two atomics) sees some previous value but isn't in general guaranteed to see the value left by the modification just before it in the modification order, so an acquire load X followed by a release store Y transitively releases the history and makes a past (of another thread at some point by another release operation that was seen by X) part of the past associated with the atomic variable by Y (in addition to the rest of our past).
A RMW is semantically different from acquire then release because there is never "space" in the history between the release and the acquire. It means that programs using only acq+rel RMW operations are always sequentially consistent, as they get the full past of all threads they interact with.
So if you want a acq+rel load or store, just do a RMW read or RMW write operation:
acq+rel load is RMW writing back the same value
acq+rel store is RMW dismissing the original value
You can write you own (strong) atomic class that does that for (strong) loads and (strong) stores: it would be logically defined as your class would make all operations, even loads, part of the operation history of the (strong) atomic object. So a (strong) load could be observed by a (strong) store, as they are both (atomic) modifications and reads of the underlying normal atomic object.
Note the set of acq_rel operations on such "strong atomic" objects would have strictly stronger guarantees than the intended guarantees of the set of seq_cst operations on normal atomics, for programs using relaxed atomic operations: the intent of the designers of seq_cst is that using seq_cst do not make programs using mixed atomic operations sequentially consistent in general.


If a RMW operation changes nothing, can it be optimized away, for all memory orders?

In the C/C++ memory model, can a compiler just combine and then remove redundant/NOP atomic modification operations, such as:
or even simply
x+=0; // return value is ignored
For an atomic scalar x?
Does that hold for sequential consistency or just weaker memory orders?
(Note: For weaker memory orders that still do something; for relaxed, there is no real question here. EDIT AGAIN: No actually there is a serious question in that special case. See my own answer. Not even relaxed is cleared for removal.)
The question is not about code generation for a particular access: if I wanted to see two lock add generated on Intel for the first example, I would have made x volatile.
The question is whether these C/C++ instructions have any impact what so ever: can the compiler just filter and remove these nul operations (that are not relaxed order operations), as a sort of source to source transformation? (or abstract tree to abstract tree transformation, perhaps in the compiler "front end")
Summary of the hypotheses:
not all operations are relaxed
nothing is volatile
atomic objects are really potentially accessible by multiple functions and threads (no automatic atomic whose address isn't shared)
Optional hypothesis:
If you want, you may assume that the address of the atomic so not taken, that all accesses are by name, and that all accesses have a property:
That no access of that variable, anywhere, has a relaxed load/store element: all load operations should have acquire and all stores should have release (so all RMW should be at least acq_rel).
Or, that for those accesses that are relaxed, the access code doesn't read the value for a purpose other than changing it: a relaxed RMW does not conserve the value further (and does not test the value to decide what to do next). In other words, no data or control dependency on the value of the atomic object unless the load has an acquire.
Or that all accesses of the atomic are sequentially consistent.
That is I'm especially curious about these (I believe quite common) use cases.
Note: an access is not considered "completely relaxed" even if it's done with a relaxed memory order, when the code makes sure observers have the same memory visibility, so this is considered valid for (1) and (2):
as the memory visibility is at least as good as with just,std::memory_order_release);
This is considered valid for (1) and (2):
int v = x.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
for the same reason.
This is stupidly, trivially valid for (2) (i is just an int)
i=x.load(std::memory_order_relaxed),i=0; // useless
as no information from a relaxed operation was kept.
This is valid for (2):
(void)x.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
This is not valid for (2):
if (x.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
as a consequential decision was based on a relaxed load, neither is
i += x.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release);
Note: (2) covers one of the most common uses of an atomic, the thread safe reference counter. (CORRECTION: It isn't clear that all thread safe counters technically fit the description as acquire can be done only on 0 post decrement, and then a decision was taken based on counter>0 without an acquire; a decision to not do something but still...)
No, definitely not entirely. It's at least a memory barrier within the thread for stronger memory orders.
For mo_relaxed atomics, yes I think it could in theory be optimized away completely, as if it wasn't there in the source. It's equivalent for a thread to simply not be part of a release-sequence it might have been part of.
If you used the result of the fetch_add(0, mo_relaxed), then I think collapsing them together and just doing a load instead of an RMW of 0 might not be exactly equivalent. Barriers in this thread surrounding the relaxed RMW still have an effect on all operations, including ordering the relaxed operation wrt. non-atomic operations. With a load+store tied together as an atomic RMW, things that order stores could order an atomic RMW when they wouldn't have ordered a pure load.
But I don't think any C++ ordering is like that: mo_release stores order earlier loads and stores, and atomic_thread_fence(mo_release) is like an asm StoreStore + LoadStore barrier. (Preshing on fences). So yes, given that any C++-imposed ordering would also apply to a relaxed load equally to a relaxed RMW, I think int tmp = shared.fetch_add(0, mo_relaxed) could be optimized to just a load.
(In practice compilers don't optimize atomics at all, basically treating them all like volatile atomic, even for mo_relaxed. Why don't compilers merge redundant std::atomic writes? and + It's too hard / no mechanism exists to let compilers know when not to.)
But yes, the ISO C++ standard on paper makes no guarantee that other threads can actually observe any given intermediate state.
Thought experiment: Consider a C++ implementation on a single-core cooperative multi-tasking system. It implements std::thread by inserting yield calls where needed to avoid deadlocks, but not between every instruction. Nothing in the standard requires a yield between num++ and num-- to let other threads observe that state.
The as-if rule basically allows a compiler to pick a legal/possible ordering and decide at compile-time that it's what happens every time.
In practice this can create fairness problems if an unlock/re-lock never actually gives other threads the chance to take a lock if --/++ are combined together into just a memory barrier with no modification of the atomic object! This among other things is why compilers don't optimize.
Any stronger ordering for one or both of the operations can begin or be part of a release-sequence that synchronizes-with a reader. A reader that does an acquire load of a release store/RMW Synchronizes-With this thread, and must see all previous effects of this thread as having already happened.
IDK how the reader would know that it was seeing this thread's release-store instead of some previous value, so a real example is probably hard to cook up. At least we could create one without possible UB, e.g. by reading the value of another relaxed atomic variable so we avoid data-race UB if we didn't see this value.
Consider the sequence:
// broken code where optimization could fix it
memcpy(buf, stuff, sizeof(buf));, mo_relaxed); // relaxed: can reorder with memcpy
done.fetch_add(-1, mo_relaxed);
done.fetch_add(+1, mo_release); // release-store publishes the result
This could optimize to just, mo_release); which correctly publishes a 1 to the other thread without the risk of the 1 being visible too soon, before the updated buf values.
But it could also optimize just the cancelling pair of RMWs into a fence after the relaxed store, which would still be broken. (And not the optimization's fault.)
// still broken
memcpy(buf, stuff, sizeof(buf));, mo_relaxed); // relaxed: can reorder with memcpy
I haven't thought of an example where safe code becomes broken by a plausible optimization of this sort. Of course just removing the pair entirely even when they're seq_cst wouldn't always be safe.
A seq_cst increment and decrement does still create a sort of memory barrier. If they weren't optimized away, it would be impossible for earlier stores to interleave with later loads. To preserve this, compiling for x86 would probably still need to emit mfence.
Of course the obvious thing would be a lock add [x], 0 which does actually do a dummy RMW of the shared object that we did x++/x-- on. But I think the memory barrier alone, not coupled to an access to that actual object or cache line is sufficient.
And of course it has to act as a compile-time memory barrier, blocking compile-time reordering of non-atomic and atomic accesses across it.
For acq_rel or weaker fetch_add(0) or cancelling sequence, the run-time memory barrier might happen for free on x86, only needing to restrict compile-time ordering.
See also a section of my answer on Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'?, and in comments on Richard Hodges' answer there. (But note that some of that discussion is confused by arguments about when there are modifications to other objects between the ++ and --. Of course all ordering of this thread's operations implied by the atomics must be preserved.)
As I said, this is all hypothetical and real compilers aren't going to optimize atomics until the dust settles on N4455 / P0062.
The C++ memory model provides four coherence requirements for all atomic accesses to the same atomic object. These requirements apply regardless of the memory order. As stated in a non-normative notation:
The four preceding coherence requirements effectively disallow compiler reordering of atomic operations to a single object, even if both operations are relaxed loads.
Emphasis added.
Given that both operations are happening to the same atomic variable, and the first definitely happens before the second (due to being sequenced before it), there can be no reordering of these operations. Again, even if relaxed operations are used.
If this pair of operations were removed by a compiler, that would guarantee that no other threads would ever see the incremented value. So the question now becomes whether the standard would require some other thread to be able to see the incremented value.
It does not. Without some way for something to guarantee-ably "happen after" the increment and "happen before" the decrement, there is no guarantee that any operation on any other thread will certainly see the incremented value.
This leaves one question: does the second operation always undo the first? That is, does the decrement undo the increment? That depends on the scalar type in question. ++ and -- are only defined for the pointer and integer specializations of atomic. So we only need to consider those.
For pointers, the decrement undoes the increment. The reason being that the only way incrementing+decrementing a pointer would not result in the same pointer to the same object is if incrementing the pointer was itself UB. That is, if the pointer is invalid, NULL, or is the past-the-end pointer to an object/array. But compilers don't have to consider UB cases since... they're undefined behavior. In all of the cases where incrementing is valid, pointer decrementing must also be valid (or UB, perhaps due to someone freeing the memory or otherwise making the pointer invalid, but again, the compiler doesn't have to care).
For unsigned integers, the decrement always undoes the increment, since wraparound behavior is well-defined for unsigned integers.
That leaves signed integers. C++ usually makes signed integer over/underflow into UB. Fortunately, that's not the case for atomic math; the standard explicitly says:
For signed integer types, arithmetic is defined to use two's complement representation. There are no undefined results.
Wraparound behavior for two's complement atomics works. That means increment/decrement always results in recovering the same value.
So there does not appear to be anything in the standard which would prevent compilers from removing such operations. Again, regardless of the memory ordering.
Now, if you use non-relaxed memory ordering, the implementation cannot completely remove all traces of the atomics. The actual memory barriers behind those orderings still have to be emitted. But the barriers can be emitted without emitting the actual atomic operations.
In the C/C++ memory model, can a compiler just combine and then remove
redundant/NOP atomic modification operations,
No, the removal part is not allowed, at least not in the specific way the question suggests it would be allowed: the intent here is to describe valid source to source transformations, abstract tree to abstract tree, or rather a higher level description of the source code that encodes all the relevant semantic elements that might be needed for later phases of compilation.
The hypothesis is that code generation can be done on the transformed program, without ever checking with the original one. So only safe transformations that cannot break any code are allowed.
(Note: For weaker memory orders that still do something; for relaxed,
there is no real question here.)
No. Even that is wrong: for even relaxed operations, unconditional removal isn't a valid transformation (although in most practical cases it's certainly valid, but mostly correct is still wrong, and "true in >99% practical cases" has nothing to do with the question):
Before the introduction of standard threads, a stuck program was an infinite loop was an empty loop performing no externally visible side effects: no input, output, volatile operation and in practice no system call. A program that will not ever perform something visible is stuck and its behavior is not defined, and that allows the compiler to assume pure algorithms terminate: loops containing only invisible computations must exit somehow (that includes exiting with an exception).
With threads, that definition is obviously not usable: a loop in one thread isn't the whole program, and a stuck program is really one with no thread that can make something useful, and forbidding that would be sound.
But the very problematic standard definition of stuck doesn't describe a program execution but a single thread: a thread is stuck if it will perform no side effect that could potentially have an effect on observable side effects, that is:
no observable obviously (no I/O)
no action that might interact with another thread
The standard definition of 2. is extremely large and simplistic, all operations on an inter-thread communication device count: any atomic operation, any action on any mutex. Full text for the requirement (relevant part in boldface):
The implementation may assume that any thread will eventually do one
of the following:
make a call to a library I/O function,
perform an access through a volatile glvalue, or
perform a synchronization operation or an atomic operation.
[ Note: This is intended to allow compiler transformations such as removal of
empty loops, even when termination cannot be proven. — end note ]
That definition does not even specify:
an inter thread communication (from one thread to another)
a shared state (visible by multiple threads)
a modification of some state
an object that is not thread private
That means that all these silly operations count:
for fences:
performing an acquire fence (even when followed by no atomic operation) in a thread that has at least once done an atomic store can synchronize with another fence or atomic operation
for mutexes:
locking a locally recently created, patently useless function private mutex;
locking a mutex to just unlock it doing nothing with the mutex locked;
for atomics:
reading an atomic variable declared as const qualified (not a const reference to a non const atomic);
reading an atomic, ignoring the value, even with relaxed memory ordering;
setting a non const qualified atomic to its own immutable value (setting a variable to zero when nothing in the whole program sets it to a non zero value), even with relaxed ordering;;
doing operations on a local atomic variable not accessible by other threads;
for thread operations:
creating a thread (that might do nothing) and joining it seems to create a (NOP) synchronization operation.
It means no early, local transformation of program code that leaves no trace of the transformation to later compiler phases and that removes even the most silly and useless inter-thread primitive is absolutely, unconditionally valid according to the standard, as it might remove the last potentially useful (but actually useless) operation in a loop (a loop doesn't have to be spelled for or while, it's any looping construct, f.ex. a backward goto).
This however doesn't apply if other operations on inter-thread primitives are left in the loop, or obviously if I/O is done.
This looks like a defect.
A meaningful requirement should be based:
not only on using thread primitives,
not be about any thread in isolation (as you can't see if a thread is contributing to anything, but at least a requirement to meaningfully interact with another thread and not use a private atomic or mutex would be better then the current requirement),
based on doing something useful (program observables) and inter-thread interactions that contribute to something being done.
I'm not proposing a replacement right now, as the rest of the thread specification isn't even clear to me.

Atomic operation propagation/visibility (atomic load vs atomic RMW load)

I am writing a thread-safe protothread/coroutine library in C++, and I am using atomics to make task switching lock-free. I want it to be as performant as possible. I have a general understanding of atomics and lock-free programming, but I do not have enough expertise to optimise my code. I did a lot of researching, but it was hard to find answers to my specific problem: What is the propagation delay/visiblity for different atomic operations under different memory orders?
Current assumptions 
I read that changes to memory are propagated from other threads, in such a way that they might become visible:
in different orders to different observers,
with some delay.
I am unsure as to whether this delayed visibility and inconsistent propagation applies only to non-atomic reads, or to atomic reads as well, potentially depending on what memory order is used. As I am developing on an x86 machine, I have no way of testing the behaviour on weakly ordered systems.
Do all atomic reads always read the latest values, regardless of the type of operation and the memory order used? 
I am pretty sure that all read-modify-write (RMW) operations always read the most recent value written by any thread, regardless of the memory order used. The same seems to be true for sequentially consistent operations, but only if all other modifications to a variable are also sequentially consistent. Both are said to be slow, which is not good for my task. If not all atomic reads get the most recent value, then I will have to use RMW operations just for reading an atomic variable's latest value, or use atomic reads in a while loop, to my current understanding.
Does the propagation of writes (ignoring side effects) depend on the memory order and the atomic operation used? 
(This question only matters if the answer to the previous question is that not all atomic reads always read the most recent value. Please read carefully, I do not ask about the visibility and propagation of side-effects here. I am merely concerned with the value of the atomic variable itself.) This would imply that depending on what operation is used to modify an atomic variable, it would be guaranteed that any following atomic read receives the most recent value of the variable. So I would have to choose between an operation guaranteed to always read the latest value, or use relaxed atomic reads, in tandem with this special write operation that guarantees instant visibility of the modification to other atomic operations.
Is atomic lock-free ?
First of all, let's get rid of the elephant in the room: using atomic in your code doesn't guarantee a lock-free implementation. atomic is only an enabler for a lock-free implementation. is_lock_free() will tell you if it's really lock-free for the C++ implementation and the underlying types that you are using.
What's the latest value ?
The term "latest" is very ambiguous in the world of multithreading. Because what is the "latest" for one thread that might be put asleep by the OS, might no longer be what is the latest for another thread that is active.
std::atomic only guarantees is a protection against racing conditions, by ensuring that R, M and RMW performed on one atomic in one thread are performed atomically, without any interruption, and that all other threads see either the value before or the value after, but never what's in-between. So atomic synchronize threads by creating an order between concurrent operations on the same atomic object.
You need to see every thread as a parallel universe with its own time and that is unaware of the time in the parallel universes. And like in quantum physics, the only thing that you can know in one thread about another thread is what you can observe (i.e. a "happened before" relation between the universes).
This means that you should not conceive multithreaded time as if there would be an absolute "latest" across all the threads. You need to conceive time as relative to the other threads. This is why atomics don't create an absolute latest, but only ensure a sequential ordering of the successive states that an atomic will have.
The propagation doesn't depend on the memory order nor the atomic operation performed. memory_order is about sequential constraints on non-atomic variables around atomic operations that are seen like fences. The best explanation of how this works is certainly Herb Sutters presentation, that is definitively worth its hour and half if you're working on multithreading optimisation.
Although it is possible that a particular C++ implementation could implement some atomic operation in a way that influences propagation, you cannot rely on any such observation that you would do, since there would be no guarantee that propagation works in the same fashion in the next release of the compiler or on another compiler on another CPU architecture.
But does propagation matter ?
When designing lock-free algorithms, it is tempting to read atomic variables to get the latest status. But whereas such a read-only access is atomic, the action immediately after is not. So the following instructions might assume a state which is already obsolete (for example because the thread is send asleep immediately after the atomic read).
Take if(my_atomic_variable<10) and suppose that you read 9. Suppose you're in the best possible world and 9 would be the absolutely latest value set by all the concurrent threads. Comparing its value with <10 is not atomic, so that when the comparison succeeds and if branches, my_atomic_variable might already have a new value of 10. And this kind of problems might occur regardless of how fast the propagation is, and even if the read would be guaranteed to always get the latest value. And I didn't even mention the ABA problem yet.
The only benefit of the read is to avoid a data race and UB. But if you want to synchronize decisions/actions across threads, you need to use an RMW, such compare-and-swap (e.g. atomic_compare_exchange_strong) so that the ordering of atomic operations result in a predictable outcome.
After some discussion, here are my findings: First, let's define what an atomic variable's latest value means: In wall-clock time, the very latest write to an atomic variable, so, from an external observer's point of view. If there are multiple simultaneous last writes (i.e., on multiple cores during the same cycle), then it doesn't really matter which one of them is chosen.
Atomic loads of any memory order have no guarantee that the latest value is read. This means that writes have to propagate before you can access them. This propagation may be out of order with respect to the order in which they were executed, as well as differing in order with respect to different observers.
std::atomic_int counter = 0;
void thread()
// Imagine no race between read and write.
int value = counter.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
In this example, according to my understanding of the specs, even if no read-write executions were to interfere, there could still be multiple executions of thread that read the same values, so that in the end, counter would not be 1000. This is because when using normal reads, although threads are guaranteed to read modifications to the same variable in the correct order (they will not read a new value and on the next value read an older value), they are not guaranteed to read the globally latest written value to a variable.
This creates the relativity effect (as in Einstein's physics) that every thread has its own "truth", and this is exactly why we need to use sequential consistency (or acquire/release) to restore causality: If we simply use relaxed loads, then we can even have broken causality and apparent time loops, which can happen because of instruction reordering in combination with out-of-order propagation. Memory ordering will ensure that those separate realities perceived by separate threads are at least causally consistent.
Atomic read-modify-write (RMW) operations (such as exchange, compare_exchange, fetch_add,…) are guaranteed to operate on the latest value as defined above. This means that propagation of writes is forced, and results in one universal view on the memory (if all reads you make are from atomic variables using RMW operations), independent of threads. So, if you use atomic.compare_exchange_strong(value,value, std::memory_order_relaxed) or atomic.fetch_or(0, std::memory_order_relaxed), then you are guaranteed to perceive one global order of modification that encompasses all atomic variables. Note that this does not guarantee you any ordering or causality of non-RMW reads.
std::atomic_int counter = 0;
void thread()
// Imagine no race between read and write.
int value = counter.fetch_or(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
In this example (again, under the assumption that none of the thread() executions interfere with each other), it seems to me that the spec forbids value to contain anything but the globally latest written value. So, counter would always be 1000 in the end.
Now, when to use which kind of read? 
If you only need causality within each thread (there might still be different views on what happened in which order, but at least every single reader has a causally consistent view on the world), then atomic loads and acquire/release or sequential consistency suffice.
But if you also need fresh reads (so that you must never read values other than the globally (across all threads) latest value), then you should use RMW operations for reading. Those alone do not create causality for non-atomic and non-RMW reads, but all RMW reads across all threads share the exact same view on the world, which is always up to date.
So, to conclude: Use atomic loads if different world views are allowed, but if you need an objective reality, use RMWs to load.
Multithreading is surprising area.
First, an atomic read is not ordered after a write. I e reading a value does not mean that it were written before. Sometimes such read may ever see (indirect, by other thread) result of some subsequent atomic write by the same thread.
Sequential consistency are clearly about visibility and propagation. When a thread writes an atomic "sequentially consistent" it makes all its previous writes to be visible to other threads (propagation). In such case a (sequentially consistent) read is ordered in relation to a write.
Generally the most performant operations are "relaxed" atomic operations, but they provide minimum guarranties on ordering. In principle there is ever some causality paradoxes... :-)

Would a volatile variable be enough in this case? [duplicate]

A global variable is shared across 2 concurrently running threads on 2 different cores. The threads writes to and read from the variables. For the atomic variable can one thread read a stale value? Each core might have a value of the shared variable in its cache and when one threads writes to its copy in a cache the other thread on a different core might read stale value from its own cache. Or the compiler does strong memory ordering to read the latest value from the other cache? The c++11 standard library has std::atomic support. How this is different from the volatile keyword? How volatile and atomic types will behave differently in the above scenario?
Firstly, volatile does not imply atomic access. It is designed for things like memory mapped I/O and signal handling. volatile is completely unnecessary when used with std::atomic, and unless your platform documents otherwise, volatile has no bearing on atomic access or memory ordering between threads.
If you have a global variable which is shared between threads, such as:
std::atomic<int> ai;
then the visibility and ordering constraints depend on the memory ordering parameter you use for operations, and the synchronization effects of locks, threads and accesses to other atomic variables.
In the absence of any additional synchronization, if one thread writes a value to ai then there is nothing that guarantees that another thread will see the value in any given time period. The standard specifies that it should be visible "in a reasonable period of time", but any given access may return a stale value.
The default memory ordering of std::memory_order_seq_cst provides a single global total order for all std::memory_order_seq_cst operations across all variables. This doesn't mean that you can't get stale values, but it does mean that the value you do get determines and is determined by where in this total order your operation lies.
If you have 2 shared variables x and y, initially zero, and have one thread write 1 to x and another write 2 to y, then a third thread that reads both may see either (0,0), (1,0), (0,2) or (1,2) since there is no ordering constraint between the operations, and thus the operations may appear in any order in the global order.
If both writes are from the same thread, which does x=1 before y=2 and the reading thread reads y before x then (0,2) is no longer a valid option, since the read of y==2 implies that the earlier write to x is visible. The other 3 pairings (0,0), (1,0) and (1,2) are still possible, depending how the 2 reads interleave with the 2 writes.
If you use other memory orderings such as std::memory_order_relaxed or std::memory_order_acquire then the constraints are relaxed even further, and the single global ordering no longer applies. Threads don't even necessarily have to agree on the ordering of two stores to separate variables if there is no additional synchronization.
The only way to guarantee you have the "latest" value is to use a read-modify-write operation such as exchange(), compare_exchange_strong() or fetch_add(). Read-modify-write operations have an additional constraint that they always operate on the "latest" value, so a sequence of ai.fetch_add(1) operations by a series of threads will return a sequence of values with no duplicates or gaps. In the absence of additional constraints, there's still no guarantee which threads will see which values though. In particular, it is important to note that the use of an RMW operation does not force changes from other threads to become visible any quicker, it just means that if the changes are not seen by the RMW then all threads must agree that they are later in the modification order of that atomic variable than the RMW operation. Stores from different threads can still be delayed by arbitrary amounts of time, depending on when the CPU actually issues the store to memory (rather than just its own store buffer), physically how far apart the CPUs executing the threads are (in the case of a multi-processor system), and the details of the cache coherency protocol.
Working with atomic operations is a complex topic. I suggest you read a lot of background material, and examine published code before writing production code with atomics. In most cases it is easier to write code that uses locks, and not noticeably less efficient.
volatile and the atomic operations have a different background, and
were introduced with a different intent.
volatile dates from way back, and is principally designed to prevent
compiler optimizations when accessing memory mapped IO. Modern
compilers tend to do no more than suppress optimizations for volatile,
although on some machines, this isn't sufficient for even memory mapped
IO. Except for the special case of signal handlers, and setjmp,
longjmp and getjmp sequences (where the C standard, and in the case
of signals, the Posix standard, gives additional guarantees), it must be
considered useless on a modern machine, where without special additional
instructions (fences or memory barriers), the hardware may reorder or
even suppress certain accesses. Since you shouldn't be using setjmp
et al. in C++, this more or less leaves signal handlers, and in a
multithreaded environment, at least under Unix, there are better
solutions for those as well. And possibly memory mapped IO, if you're
working on kernal code and can ensure that the compiler generates
whatever is needed for the platform in question. (According to the
standard, volatile access is observable behavior, which the compiler
must respect. But the compiler gets to define what is meant by
“access”, and most seem to define it as “a load or
store machine instruction was executed”. Which, on a modern
processor, doesn't even mean that there is necessarily a read or write
cycle on the bus, much less that it's in the order you expect.)
Given this situation, the C++ standard added atomic access, which does
provide a certain number of guarantees across threads; in particular,
the code generated around an atomic access will contain the necessary
additional instructions to prevent the hardware from reordering the
accesses, and to ensure that the accesses propagate down to the global
memory shared between cores on a multicore machine. (At one point in
the standardization effort, Microsoft proposed adding these semantics to
volatile, and I think some of their C++ compilers do. After
discussion of the issues in the committee, however, the general
consensus—including the Microsoft representative—was that it
was better to leave volatile with its orginal meaning, and to define
the atomic types.) Or just use the system level primitives, like
mutexes, which execute whatever instructions are needed in their code.
(They have to. You can't implement a mutex without some guarantees
concerning the order of memory accesses.)
Here's a basic synopsis of what the 2 things are:
1) Volatile keyword:
Tells the compiler that this value could alter at any moment and therefore it should not EVER cache it in a register. Look up the old "register" keyword in C. "Volatile" is basically the "-" operator to "register"'s "+". Modern compilers now do the optimization that "register" used to explicitly request by default, so you only see 'volatile' anymore. Using the volatile qualifier will guarantee that your processing never uses a stale value, but nothing more.
2) Atomic:
Atomic operations modify data in a single clock tick, so that it is impossible for ANY other thread to access the data in the middle of such an update. They're usually limited to whatever single-clock assembly instructions the hardware supports; things like ++,--, and swapping 2 pointers. Note that this says nothing about the ORDER the different threads will RUN the atomic instructions, only that they will never run in parallel. That's why you have all those additional options for forcing an ordering.
Volatile and Atomic serve different purposes.
Volatile :
Informs the compiler to avoid optimization. This keyword is used for variables that shall change unexpectedly. So, it can be used to represent the Hardware status registers, variables of ISR, Variables shared in a multi-threaded application.
Atomic :
It is also used in case of multi-threaded application. However, this ensures that there is no lock/stall while using in a multi-threaded application. Atomic operations are free of races and indivisble. Few of the key scenario of usage is to check whether a lock is free or used, atomically add to the value and return the added value etc. in multi-threaded application.

What do each memory_order mean?

I read a chapter and I didn't like it much. I'm still unclear what the differences is between each memory order. This is my current speculation which I understood after reading the much more simple
The below is wrong so don't try to learn from it
memory_order_relaxed: Does not sync but is not ignored when order is done from another mode in a different atomic var
memory_order_consume: Syncs reading this atomic variable however It doesnt sync relaxed vars written before this. However if the thread uses var X when modifying Y (and releases it). Other threads consuming Y will see X released as well? I don't know if this means this thread pushes out changes of x (and obviously y)
memory_order_acquire: Syncs reading this atomic variable AND makes sure relaxed vars written before this are synced as well. (does this mean all atomic variables on all threads are synced?)
memory_order_release: Pushes the atomic store to other threads (but only if they read the var with consume/acquire)
memory_order_acq_rel: For read/write ops. Does an acquire so you don't modify an old value and releases the changes.
memory_order_seq_cst: The same thing as acquire release except it forces the updates to be seen in other threads (if a store with relaxed on another thread. I store b with seq_cst. A 3rd thread reading a with relax will see changes along with b and any other atomic variable?).
I think I understood but correct me if i am wrong. I couldn't find anything that explains it in easy to read english.
The GCC Wiki gives a very thorough and easy to understand explanation with code examples.
(excerpt edited, and emphasis added)
Upon re-reading the below quote copied from the GCC Wiki in the process of adding my own wording to the answer, I noticed that the quote is actually wrong. They got acquire and consume exactly the wrong way around. A release-consume operation only provides an ordering guarantee on dependent data whereas a release-acquire operation provides that guarantee regardless of data being dependent on the atomic value or not.
The first model is "sequentially consistent". This is the default mode used when none is specified, and it is the most restrictive. It can also be explicitly specified via memory_order_seq_cst. It provides the same restrictions and limitation to moving loads around that sequential programmers are inherently familiar with, except it applies across threads.
From a practical point of view, this amounts to all atomic operations acting as optimization barriers. It's OK to re-order things between atomic operations, but not across the operation. Thread local stuff is also unaffected since there is no visibility to other threads. [...] This mode also provides consistency across all threads.
The opposite approach is memory_order_relaxed. This model allows for much less synchronization by removing the happens-before restrictions. These types of atomic operations can also have various optimizations performed on them, such as dead store removal and commoning. [...] Without any happens-before edges, no thread can count on a specific ordering from another thread.
The relaxed mode is most commonly used when the programmer simply wants a variable to be atomic in nature rather than using it to synchronize threads for other shared memory data.
The third mode (memory_order_acquire / memory_order_release) is a hybrid between the other two. The acquire/release mode is similar to the sequentially consistent mode, except it only applies a happens-before relationship to dependent variables. This allows for a relaxing of the synchronization required between independent reads of independent writes.
memory_order_consume is a further subtle refinement in the release/acquire memory model that relaxes the requirements slightly by removing the happens before ordering on non-dependent shared variables as well.
The real difference boils down to how much state the hardware has to flush in order to synchronize. Since a consume operation may therefore execute faster, someone who knows what they are doing can use it for performance critical applications.
Here follows my own attempt at a more mundane explanation:
A different approach to look at it is to look at the problem from the point of view of reordering reads and writes, both atomic and ordinary:
All atomic operations are guaranteed to be atomic within themselves (the combination of two atomic operations is not atomic as a whole!) and to be visible in the total order in which they appear on the timeline of the execution stream. That means no atomic operation can, under any circumstances, be reordered, but other memory operations might very well be. Compilers (and CPUs) routinely do such reordering as an optimization.
It also means the compiler must use whatever instructions are necessary to guarantee that an atomic operation executing at any time will see the results of each and every other atomic operation, possibly on another processor core (but not necessarily other operations), that were executed before.
Now, a relaxed is just that, the bare minimum. It does nothing in addition and provides no other guarantees. It is the cheapest possible operation. For non-read-modify-write operations on strongly ordered processor architectures (e.g. x86/amd64) this boils down to a plain normal, ordinary move.
The sequentially consistent operation is the exact opposite, it enforces strict ordering not only for atomic operations, but also for other memory operations that happen before or after. Neither one can cross the barrier imposed by the atomic operation. Practically, this means lost optimization opportunities, and possibly fence instructions may have to be inserted. This is the most expensive model.
A release operation prevents ordinary loads and stores from being reordered after the atomic operation, whereas an acquire operation prevents ordinary loads and stores from being reordered before the atomic operation. Everything else can still be moved around.
The combination of preventing stores being moved after, and loads being moved before the respective atomic operation makes sure that whatever the acquiring thread gets to see is consistent, with only a small amount of optimization opportunity lost.
One may think of that as something like a non-existent lock that is being released (by the writer) and acquired (by the reader). Except... there is no lock.
In practice, release/acquire usually means the compiler needs not use any particularly expensive special instructions, but it cannot freely reorder loads and stores to its liking, which may miss out some (small) optimization opportuntities.
Finally, consume is the same operation as acquire, only with the exception that the ordering guarantees only apply to dependent data. Dependent data would e.g. be data that is pointed-to by an atomically modified pointer.
Arguably, that may provide for a couple of optimization opportunities that are not present with acquire operations (since fewer data is subject to restrictions), however this happens at the expense of more complex and more error-prone code, and the non-trivial task of getting dependency chains correct.
It is currently discouraged to use consume ordering while the specification is being revised.
This is a quite complex subject. Try to read several times, try to read other resources, etc.
Here's a simplified description:
The compiler and CPU can reorder memory accesses. That is, they can happen in different order than what's specified in the code. That's fine most of the time, the problem arises when different thread try to communicate and may see such order of memory accesses that breaks the invariants of the code.
Usually you can use locks for synchronization. The problem is that they're slow. Atomic operations are much faster, because the synchronization happens at CPU level (i.e. CPU ensures that no other thread, even on another CPU, modifies some variable, etc.).
So, the one single problem we're facing is reordering of memory accesses. The memory_order enum specifies what types of reorderings compiler must forbid.
relaxed - no constraints.
consume - no loads that are dependent on the newly loaded value can be reordered wrt. the atomic load. I.e. if they are after the atomic load in the source code, they will happen after the atomic load too.
acquire - no loads can be reordered wrt. the atomic load. I.e. if they are after the atomic load in the source code, they will happen after the atomic load too.
release - no stores can be reordered wrt. the atomic store. I.e. if they are before the atomic store in the source code, they will happen before the atomic store too.
acq_rel - acquire and release combined.
seq_cst - it is more difficult to understand why this ordering is required. Basically, all other orderings only ensure that specific disallowed reorderings don't happen only for the threads that consume/release the same atomic variable. Memory accesses can still propagate to other threads in any order. This ordering ensures that this doesn't happen (thus sequential consistency). For a case where this is needed see the example at the end of the linked page.
I want to provide a more precise explanation, closer to the standard.
Things to ignore:
memory_order_consume - apparently no major compiler implements it, and they silently replace it with a stronger memory_order_acquire. Even the standard itself says to avoid it.
A big part of the cppreference article on memory orders deals with 'consume', so dropping it simplifies things a lot.
It also lets you ignore related features like [[carries_dependency]] and std::kill_dependency.
Data races: Writing to a non-atomic variable from one thread, and simultaneously reading/writing to it from a different thread is called a data race, and causes undefined behavior.
memory_order_relaxed is the weakest and supposedly the fastest memory order.
Any reads/writes to atomics can't cause data races (and subsequent UB). relaxed provides just this minimal guarantee, for a single variable. It doesn't provide any guarantees for other variables (atomic or not).
All threads agree on the order of operations on every particular atomic variable. But it's the case only for invididual variables. If other variables (atomic or not) are involved, threads might disagree on how exactly the operations on different variables are interleaved.
It's as if relaxed operations propagate between threads with slight unpredictable delays.
This means that you can't use relaxed atomic operations to judge when it's safe to access other non-atomic memory (can't synchronize access to it).
By "threads agree on the order" I mean that:
Each thread will access each separate variable in the exact order you tell it to. E.g., relaxed);, relaxed); will write 1, then 2, never in the opposite order. But accesses to different variables in the same thread can still be reordered relative to each other.
If a thread A writes to a variable several times, then thread B reads seveal times, it will get the values in the same order (but of course it can read some values several times, or skip some, if you don't synchronize the threads in other ways).
No other guarantees are given.
Example uses: Anything that doesn't try to use an atomic variable to synchronize access to non-atomic data: various counters (that exist for informational purposes only), or 'stop flags' to signal other threads to stop. Another example: operations on shared_ptrs that increment the reference count internally use relaxed.
Fences: atomic_thread_fence(relaxed); does nothing.
memory_order_release, memory_order_acquire do everything relaxed does, and more (so it's supposedly slower or equivalent).
Only stores (writes) can use release. Only loads (reads) can use acquire. Read-modify-write operations such as fetch_add can be both (memory_order_acq_rel), but they don't have to.
Those let you synchronize threads:
Let's say thread 1 reads/writes to some memory M (any non-atomic or atomic variables, doesn't matter).
Then thread 1 performs a release store to a variable A. Then it stops
touching that memory.
If thread 2 then performs an acquire load of the same variable A, this load is said to synchronize with the corresponding store in thread 1.
Now thread 2 can safely read/write to that memory M.
You only synchronize with the latest writer, not preceding writers.
You can chain synchronizations across multiple threads.
There's a special rule that synchronization propagates across any number of read-modify-write operations regardless of their memory order. E.g. if thread 1 does, release);, then thread 2 does a.fetch_add(2, relaxed);, then thread 3 does a.load(acquire), then thread 1 successfully synchronizes with thread 3, even though there's a relaxed operation in the middle.
In the above rule, a release operation X, and any subsequent read-modify-write operations on the same variable X (stopping at the next non-read-modify-write operation) are called a release sequence headed by X. (So if an acquire reads from any operation in a release sequence, it synchronizes with the head of the sequence.)
If read-modify-write operations are involved, nothing stops you from synchronizing with more than one operation. In the example above, if fetch_add was using acquire or acq_rel, it too would synchronize with thread 1, and conversely, if it used release or acq_rel, the thread 3 would synchonize with 2 in addition to 1.
Example use: shared_ptr decrements its reference counter using something like fetch_sub(1, acq_rel).
Here's why: imagine that thread 1 reads/writes to *ptr, then destroys its copy of ptr, decrementing the ref count. Then thread 2 destroys the last remaining pointer, also decrementing the ref count, and then runs the destructor.
Since the destructor in thread 2 is going to access the memory previously accessed by thread 1, the acq_rel synchronization in fetch_sub is necessary. Otherwise you'd have a data race and UB.
Fences: Using atomic_thread_fence, you can essentially turn relaxed atomic operations into release/acquire operations. A single fence can apply to more than one operation, and/or can be performed conditionally.
If you do a relaxed read (or with any other order) from one or more variables, then do atomic_thread_fence(acquire) in the same thread, then all those reads count as acquire operations.
Conversely, if you do atomic_thread_fence(release), followed by any number of (possibly relaxed) writes, those writes count as release operations.
An acq_rel fence combines the effect of acquire and release fences.
Similarity with other standard library features:
Several standard library features also cause a similar synchronizes with relationship. E.g. locking a mutex synchronizes with the latest unlock, as if locking was an acquire operation, and unlocking was a release operation.
memory_order_seq_cst does everything acquire/release do, and more. This is supposedly the slowest order, but also the safest.
seq_cst reads count as acquire operations. seq_cst writes count as release operations. seq_cst read-modify-write operations count as both.
seq_cst operations can synchronize with each other, and with acquire/release operations. Beware of special effects of mixing them (see below).
seq_cst is the default order, e.g. given atomic_int x;, x = 1; does, seq_cst);.
seq_cst has an extra property compared to acquire/release: all threads agree on the order in which all seq_cst operations happen. This is unlike weaker orders, where threads agree only on the order of operations on each individual atomic variable, but not on how the operations are interleaved - see relaxed order above.
The presence of this global operation order seems to only affect which values you can get from seq_cst loads, it doesn't in any way affect non-atomic variables and atomic operations with weaker orders (unless seq_cst fences are involved, see below), and by itself doesn't prevent any extra data race UB compared to acq/rel operations.
Among other things, this order respects the synchronizes with relationship described for acquire/release above, unless (and this is weird) that synchronization comes from mixing a seq-cst operation with an acquire/release operation (release syncing with seq-cst, or seq-cst synching with acquire). Such mix essentially demotes the affected seq-cst operation to an acquire/release (it maybe retains some of the seq-cst properties, but you better not count on it).
Example use:
atomic_bool x = true;
atomic_bool y = true;
// Thread 1:, seq_cst);
if (y.load(seq_cst)) {...}
// Thread 2:, seq_cst);
if (x.load(seq_cst)) {...}
Lets say you want only one thread to be able to enter the if body. seq_cst allows you to do it. Acquire/release or weaker orders wouldn't be enough here.
Fences: atomic_thread_fence(seq_cst); does everything an acq_rel fence does, and more.
Like you would expect, they bring some seq-cst properties to atomic operations done with weaker orders.
All threads agree on the order of seq_cst fences, relative to one another and to any seq_cst operations (i.e. seq_cst fences participate in the global order of seq_cst operations, which was described above).
They essentially prevent atomic operations from being reordered across themselves.
E.g. we can transform the above example to:
atomic_bool x = true;
atomic_bool y = true;
// Thread 1:, relaxed);
if (y.load(relaxed)) {...}
// Thread 2:, relaxed);
if (x.load(relaxed)) {...}
Both threads can't enter if at the same time, because that would require reordering a load across the fence to be before the store.
But formally, the standard doesn't describe them in terms of reordering. Instead, it just explains how the seq_cst fences are placed in the global order of seq_cst operations. Let's say:
Thread 1 performs operation A on atomic variable X using using seq_cst order, OR a weaker order preceeded by a seq_cst fence.
Thread 2 performs operation B the same atomic variable X using seq_cst order, OR a weaker order followed by a seq_cst fence.
(Here A and B are any operations, except they can't both be reads, since then it's impossible to determine which one was first.)
Then the first seq_cst operation/fence is ordered before the second seq_cst operation/fence.
Then, if you imagine an scenario (e.g. in the example above, both threads entering the if) that imposes a contradicting requirements on the order, then this scenario is impossible.
E.g. in the example above, if the first thread enters the if, then the first fence must be ordered before the second one. And vice versa. This means that both threads entering the if would lead to a contradition, and hence not allowed.
Interoperation between different orders
Summarizing the above:
relaxed write
release write
seq-cst write
relaxed load
acquire load
synchronizes with
synchronizes with*
seq-cst load
synchronizes with*
synchronizes with
* = The participating seq-cst operation gets a messed up seq-cst order, effectively being demoted to an acquire/release operation. This is explained above.
Does using a stronger memory order makes data transfer between threads faster?
No, it seems not.
Sequental consistency for data-race-free programs
The standard explains that if your program only uses seq_cst accesses (and mutexes), and has no data races (which cause UB), then you don't need to think about all the fancy operation reorderings. The program will behave as if only one thread executed at a time, with the threads being unpredictably interleaved.

Concurrency: Atomic and volatile in C++11 memory model

A global variable is shared across 2 concurrently running threads on 2 different cores. The threads writes to and read from the variables. For the atomic variable can one thread read a stale value? Each core might have a value of the shared variable in its cache and when one threads writes to its copy in a cache the other thread on a different core might read stale value from its own cache. Or the compiler does strong memory ordering to read the latest value from the other cache? The c++11 standard library has std::atomic support. How this is different from the volatile keyword? How volatile and atomic types will behave differently in the above scenario?
Firstly, volatile does not imply atomic access. It is designed for things like memory mapped I/O and signal handling. volatile is completely unnecessary when used with std::atomic, and unless your platform documents otherwise, volatile has no bearing on atomic access or memory ordering between threads.
If you have a global variable which is shared between threads, such as:
std::atomic<int> ai;
then the visibility and ordering constraints depend on the memory ordering parameter you use for operations, and the synchronization effects of locks, threads and accesses to other atomic variables.
In the absence of any additional synchronization, if one thread writes a value to ai then there is nothing that guarantees that another thread will see the value in any given time period. The standard specifies that it should be visible "in a reasonable period of time", but any given access may return a stale value.
The default memory ordering of std::memory_order_seq_cst provides a single global total order for all std::memory_order_seq_cst operations across all variables. This doesn't mean that you can't get stale values, but it does mean that the value you do get determines and is determined by where in this total order your operation lies.
If you have 2 shared variables x and y, initially zero, and have one thread write 1 to x and another write 2 to y, then a third thread that reads both may see either (0,0), (1,0), (0,2) or (1,2) since there is no ordering constraint between the operations, and thus the operations may appear in any order in the global order.
If both writes are from the same thread, which does x=1 before y=2 and the reading thread reads y before x then (0,2) is no longer a valid option, since the read of y==2 implies that the earlier write to x is visible. The other 3 pairings (0,0), (1,0) and (1,2) are still possible, depending how the 2 reads interleave with the 2 writes.
If you use other memory orderings such as std::memory_order_relaxed or std::memory_order_acquire then the constraints are relaxed even further, and the single global ordering no longer applies. Threads don't even necessarily have to agree on the ordering of two stores to separate variables if there is no additional synchronization.
The only way to guarantee you have the "latest" value is to use a read-modify-write operation such as exchange(), compare_exchange_strong() or fetch_add(). Read-modify-write operations have an additional constraint that they always operate on the "latest" value, so a sequence of ai.fetch_add(1) operations by a series of threads will return a sequence of values with no duplicates or gaps. In the absence of additional constraints, there's still no guarantee which threads will see which values though. In particular, it is important to note that the use of an RMW operation does not force changes from other threads to become visible any quicker, it just means that if the changes are not seen by the RMW then all threads must agree that they are later in the modification order of that atomic variable than the RMW operation. Stores from different threads can still be delayed by arbitrary amounts of time, depending on when the CPU actually issues the store to memory (rather than just its own store buffer), physically how far apart the CPUs executing the threads are (in the case of a multi-processor system), and the details of the cache coherency protocol.
Working with atomic operations is a complex topic. I suggest you read a lot of background material, and examine published code before writing production code with atomics. In most cases it is easier to write code that uses locks, and not noticeably less efficient.
volatile and the atomic operations have a different background, and
were introduced with a different intent.
volatile dates from way back, and is principally designed to prevent
compiler optimizations when accessing memory mapped IO. Modern
compilers tend to do no more than suppress optimizations for volatile,
although on some machines, this isn't sufficient for even memory mapped
IO. Except for the special case of signal handlers, and setjmp,
longjmp and getjmp sequences (where the C standard, and in the case
of signals, the Posix standard, gives additional guarantees), it must be
considered useless on a modern machine, where without special additional
instructions (fences or memory barriers), the hardware may reorder or
even suppress certain accesses. Since you shouldn't be using setjmp
et al. in C++, this more or less leaves signal handlers, and in a
multithreaded environment, at least under Unix, there are better
solutions for those as well. And possibly memory mapped IO, if you're
working on kernal code and can ensure that the compiler generates
whatever is needed for the platform in question. (According to the
standard, volatile access is observable behavior, which the compiler
must respect. But the compiler gets to define what is meant by
“access”, and most seem to define it as “a load or
store machine instruction was executed”. Which, on a modern
processor, doesn't even mean that there is necessarily a read or write
cycle on the bus, much less that it's in the order you expect.)
Given this situation, the C++ standard added atomic access, which does
provide a certain number of guarantees across threads; in particular,
the code generated around an atomic access will contain the necessary
additional instructions to prevent the hardware from reordering the
accesses, and to ensure that the accesses propagate down to the global
memory shared between cores on a multicore machine. (At one point in
the standardization effort, Microsoft proposed adding these semantics to
volatile, and I think some of their C++ compilers do. After
discussion of the issues in the committee, however, the general
consensus—including the Microsoft representative—was that it
was better to leave volatile with its orginal meaning, and to define
the atomic types.) Or just use the system level primitives, like
mutexes, which execute whatever instructions are needed in their code.
(They have to. You can't implement a mutex without some guarantees
concerning the order of memory accesses.)
Here's a basic synopsis of what the 2 things are:
1) Volatile keyword:
Tells the compiler that this value could alter at any moment and therefore it should not EVER cache it in a register. Look up the old "register" keyword in C. "Volatile" is basically the "-" operator to "register"'s "+". Modern compilers now do the optimization that "register" used to explicitly request by default, so you only see 'volatile' anymore. Using the volatile qualifier will guarantee that your processing never uses a stale value, but nothing more.
2) Atomic:
Atomic operations modify data in a single clock tick, so that it is impossible for ANY other thread to access the data in the middle of such an update. They're usually limited to whatever single-clock assembly instructions the hardware supports; things like ++,--, and swapping 2 pointers. Note that this says nothing about the ORDER the different threads will RUN the atomic instructions, only that they will never run in parallel. That's why you have all those additional options for forcing an ordering.
Volatile and Atomic serve different purposes.
Volatile :
Informs the compiler to avoid optimization. This keyword is used for variables that shall change unexpectedly. So, it can be used to represent the Hardware status registers, variables of ISR, Variables shared in a multi-threaded application.
Atomic :
It is also used in case of multi-threaded application. However, this ensures that there is no lock/stall while using in a multi-threaded application. Atomic operations are free of races and indivisble. Few of the key scenario of usage is to check whether a lock is free or used, atomically add to the value and return the added value etc. in multi-threaded application.