ADsOpenObject() returns -2147024882 (0x8007000E) -> OUT_OF_MEMORY - c++

I have a C++ DLL that is used for authentication that gets loaded by a Windows service for every login.
In that DLL I use the Windows ADSI function ADsOpenObject() to get a user object from Active Directory.
HRESULT hr = ADsOpenObject(L"LDAP://rootDSE",
Generally this works since years. But currently I get the error code
-2147024882 (0x8007000E)
which is OUT_OF_MEMORY. When I restart the service that is using my DLL then it runs fine for weeks but then the errors start occuring.
Now I can't find what is out of memory. The task scheduler looks fine and free memory is plenty.
What can I do to fix that?

which is OUT_OF_MEMORY.
It is E_OUTOFMEMORY, a COM error code. The description isn't very helpful, this error code tends to be returned for any "out of resources" errors by Microsoft code, not just memory. Could by an internal limit being reached, could be a winapi call that fails.
And it is not necessarily limited to the direct software involved. A mishaving device driver that leaks kernel pool memory can be the indirect source of the mishap for example.
You'll be lucky if you can find something back in the Application event log, look both in the machine that reports the error as well as the domain server. Task Manager might give a clue, add the Handles, GDI Objects, USER Object, Commit size, Page pool and NP Pool columns. Pretty hard to give specific advice beyond this. It is no doubt a leak, quacks loudly like one when you have to restart a machine periodically to recover. Good luck hunting it down.

Are you calling Release on m_DSSearch? Also if you are searching you need to call CloseSearchHandle or AbandonSearch. If you are not doing either of those, you could be slowly leaking memory.

Your process could fragment the heap to a point so that ADsOpenObject can't find a consecutive piece of memory that is large enough.
You can use VMMap to profile your memory usage:
You could try enabling low fragmentation heap:

If it is now starting to appear and it wasn't earlier, I would suppose one of two possibilities: it has to do with the time (more specifically the year, a milleniumbug of some kind). Another option would be a problem with 32/64 bit architecture.
Now mind that I don't program C++. But I do know a bit about MS errors (I have worked on a MS helpdesk...)


Find illegal memory access in Visual Studio

I have a (complex) multithread-application that produces a crash with some specific data. The crash happens at random positions and it is obvious the position where the crash happens is not the reason.
So at the moment I assume an illegal memory access where data are overwritten by one thread or something like that.
Unfortunately it happens with some larger dataset only, so there is no way to strip down the whole thing to something simple. So to find the root cause of the problem I tried the Intel Inspector 2019 - but it is unusable slow. While the application typically shows the issue after about 15 minutes of intensive calculation with these specific data, with that inspector running I would need to wait more than one day - and it is unsure if the crash happens because the Inspector changes the whole timing dramatically.
So my question: does anybody have a better idea/a better tool to track down the reason for such illegal memory accesses?
Andy idea is welcome!
You can use Application Verifier. select Heaps(with Full) under Basics option and run your program under WinDbg. You can find the exact position where the crash happens.
Notice: it will be slow but it will help.

CPU Usage gradually increases in dotnet core webservice

I have a .net Core web service which seems to slowly increase its cpu usage.
meaning at the first day it won't go past 10%, the second day it can go up to 20% and so on.
Using the TOP command in linux, all my webservices seems to sometime be shown there (probably when a request is made) and afterward disappear.
This specific process after running for a while just stays there constantly consuming cpu even when no request has been made.
the API still working fine, it seems like there are some threads that just keeps hanging and consuming cpu. last time I checked I had 5 threads that consumed 3-4% cpu and didn't die for some reason.
My guess is that in some specific scenario a thread just stays alive consuming cpu.
The app runs on ubuntu machine, my first step was trying to create a dump file with ProcDump so I can analyze those threads and maybe find where they are hanging.
ProcDump generates a huge 21gb file, which trying to analyze with lldb throws out of memory exception. even tried transferring it to a windows machine to debug with windbg , no help there as it couldn't open the file.
As there is no specific exception or anything I can't really share any piece of code as I have no idea where the issue is... just kind a hoping for some suggestion that might help me get to a solution or at least understand where the problem is.
Thanks a lot for reading, cheers
You could try using something like jetBrains’ DotMemory, they also have a fairly high level but helpful guide it also worth checking your startup file and double checking the services you’ve registered are used in the correct way ie not added as scoped when they should be transient or even a singleton etc
so iv'e been at it for a while.
Eventually found out that my problem was with HttpClient
Probably some bad mix of static class and creating new instances of HttpClient that causes the issue Iv'e explained above.
Solved it by utilizing HttpClientFactory as explained here -
Lesson learned :)
A little late but Procdump for Linux just added .NET Core 3 support that generates much more managable sized core dumps. It automatically detects if the target process is .NET Core and does the right thing (i.e., no need to specify switches).

Software for checking memory leakage in exe file

I have an application written in VC++ Windows form applications that interacts with various hardware such as A/D cards, GPIB, D/A etc. My customer ran the application on-site, and found that the application is crashing after few seconds. I asked him to monitor memory growth through task manager, and I found that indeed , the memory was growing. So it looks like some problem of memory leakage. Now I want to find where exactly in my code , I am not correctly freeing/allocating memory., but I do not have the access to the onsite PC. I have to do this on my PC which is not having those hardware A/D etc. Is there any software that can accept my exe, and point out the name of functions/code line which is causing the problem, without actually ecxuting my exe?
My exe would not run since I do not have those hardware.
I used Smartbear QATime for this tasks. It is a profiler which can also profile heap allocations. In the report, you can get a list of objects which are still alive and also the line where they have been created.

Getting PEB from remote process in Win 7

Specs: Windows 7 x64, Visual C++
Objective: I'm trying to get the remote PEB from a sample program (calc.exe e.g.). I've found the proc ID and I've opened a handle to the process with all the good rights. I've now moved on to writing a class to retrieve the location of the PEB from the process using PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION.
Problem: I've found several posts elsewhere that seem to indicate that the NtQueryInformationProcess turned to shit at MS. One post suggests a method of dynamic-runtime-linking NtQueryInformationProcess out of ntdll.dll. However, I think this would be unstable in the long-run (MS could remove NtQueryInformationProcess tomorrow) without extensive error handling.
This idea is realized later in this thread, and it is then suggested by Mike2343 that one should "use other methods."
Questions: What would be another method to locate the PEB of a remote process that doesn't involve NtQueryInformationProcess?
Thanks to anyone who spends any time looking at this.
Method I ended up using:
I stole pretty much all of this code and fixed it up for 64-bit. I spent a ton of time wrapping my head around various documents related to all of the different headers and structs. I also ran into an issue regarding the PE32+ format, where jcopenha was kind enough to enlighten me on a few problems I might be facing. After accounting for these problems I had a functioning program that is capable of obtaining a list of all the DLL's and their respective functions loaded in by an executable along with their relative addresses.
In retrospect, I don't think I had a good handle on what I was attempting to do. I think that I thought I was going to read in a process out of memory and find the PEB related structs or something (Later I found out that image headers and the like account for the information in the PEB). Albeit that may be possible, but what I have now is an offline example that reads in exe files and works for me.

Retrieve Heap memory size and its usage statistics etc...?

Lets say I open some application or process. Did some work with that. Now I closed it.
Need to know whether this application caused any memory leak.
i.e used up some heap memory and not cleared it properly.
Can I get this statistics some how? I'm using Visual Studio (for development) under Windows OS.
Even I would be interested in knowing this information for any 3rd party application.
When an application closes all resources are automatically released by Windows.
A quick & dirty tool to get an indication for memory/resource-leaks inside an application is Perfmon.
The actions executed by an application, can cause other processes to use more memory. SQL Server can make its cache size bigger, maybe you have opened Word or Explorer, the Windows Search engine might kick in because you saved some file. The virus scanner can be more active, etc.....
Have a look at CrtSetDbgFlag: