Using Amazon EC2 with - amazon-web-services

I have a domain name registered with and I'd like to use it to point to an Amazon EC2 Instance. I can't seem to figure out the proper way to do this, despite my Google-fu. If anyone has had some experience with using these two services together, some advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

There are a few ways to do this, the simplest is pointing the domains A record to an IP address that is associated with an instance. So:
Go to EC2 dashboard
Create an Elastic IP
Point the A record to this Elastic IP
Associate the Elastic IP to an instance.
This link should help although it is using the command line tools. The steps above are for the GUI.
The other method is to use Route 53 - this guide helped me out


Request to an Ec2 instance return 403 after configure an elastic IP

I'm facing an issue with my ec2 instance. Until now, I had an ec2 instance working with an IP like this:
Now I configured an elastic IP to make that instead of use the default domain uses one of my own.
Something goes wrong because now a receive a 403 if I make a request pointing to my new domain.
I'm check that I'm still able to connect to my Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS through SSH. Only have to change the host name to my new domain.(I'm using PuTTy)
Searching on internet if found that the problem can be that my machine still have the old domain in some config files. I don't have experience with Ubuntu servers. I try to find the http.conf file or the apache2 directory in etc., but no one is present.....
I don't know what to do next.
I have to change some configuration file? In that case, which one?
I leave you some images from my machine:
etc folder
For further information, the security group of my ec2 instance have these rules:
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I'm trying to access the server, making a request, with Postman like this.
And that is the error:
For more information. I implemented my ec2 using this video:ec2 video
And I changed the domain with that video:link ec2 with namecheap domain
I'm afraid it is a propagation issue, that takes more time than the 48 hours, because now it starts to works without changing absolutely nothing. Sorry
It appears that your requirement is to point to an Elastic IP address.
You can do this by using a DNS Service, such as Amazon Route 53. You would create a A-Record record that points that domain name to the IP address.
If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, I recommend watching some YouTube videos such as DNS with AWS Route 53 - YouTube.

Connect AWS EC2 instance to a domain on GoDaddy

I have an AWS EC2 instance. I created on the AWS console an elastic IP address, and I got a domain name "" from
I used this tutorial and others which were very similar to "link" to the EC2 instance elastic address. I went through all the steps, in the DNS manager, on GoDaddy, and I waited more than 72h now. When I try to connect to I am however redirected to a GoDaddy page saying that is parked free. Is there something that I am missing? Is the tutorial I followed outdated?
I am not sure how relevant it is to the above but I have an API set up on that AWS EC2 instance which is correctly responding when I go to I am using Nginx and Gunicorn to deploy the api and it works like a charm. I however get redirected to " is parked free" when I try
And I am using indeed "http", in lieu of "https", to make connections to the api for now, I am looking to get a proper domain name attached to the EC2 instance before I go through the procedure of getting a proper SSL certificate. Could that be an issue too?
Thank you in advance
This is my config on
Where the black box is the copied / pasted "Public IPv4 address" (which corresponds to the elastic IP address I set up for the EC2 instance). Should I use the Public IPv4 DNS instead? ( When I try the function "Dig" on, it returns the wrong IP address for "". I am assuming it is returning one of IP with the " is parked free", but it is definitely not the elastic IP that I selected for my AWS EC2 instance.
I solved my problem and I can now correctly access my API on ""
As it turns out, the tutorial I shared initially as part of my question is incomplete and partly outdated I think: there is some configuration required on AWS using the service "Route 53". There is an excellent tutorial on Youtube to guide you through the steps. I followed it and it solved my issue.
In a nutshell: when you open "Manage DNS" on, you have to enter custom name servers which are given to you by the AWS console after a bit of configuring.

How to route metabase through a certain domain?

I am relatively new to Metabase. I want to set up an EC2 instance to have my custom website www.*.com display the Metabase homepage so I can follow the corresponding setup. Please can you advise on how this can be done? I have tried and researched but not gotten what I actually want.
Please ask questions if you do not understand any part of the question.
Thanks for the help!
You need to point the domain name to the IP Address of the EC2 machine, using the Domain Name System (DNS), most likely with an "A record"
By default, your EC2 instance, will have a different IP address if you stop/start it, so you should use an Elastic IP Address to give you a static IP
You will need to read your DNS host's documentation to figure out exactly how to do that. If you happen to use AWS's Route 53 DNS service, here is the appropriate link

AWS Best practice - When external ip address on stop/start

Here's what's bothering me. Is there a better way than sending emails to devs that the ip address for their dev server has changed after the instance is stopped and started?
I was thinking of a single small instance that has an elastic ip which the devs can log in using terminal, and ssh again to the internal ip address of the dev server. Is that effective?
Does it mean that the devs need to be informed of the change every time?
It's unclear exactly what you are saying "there's a new public dns for the server"? -thanks for the comment, that's clearer what you mean! It's the aws domain name in the format "" you are referring to
You are asking how can these name/address changes be managed?
Generally speaking for fixing these kinds of problems there are a couple of things to be aware of
Firstly, if it is the public ip address that is changing instead of an ephemeral public ip address use an elastic ip. This will stay the same and can be transferred from an old instance to a new instance. Please read about the differences between "Elastic IP" and normal public IP addresses on AWS
Secondly, if you are concerned about maintenance of the dns records that map the ip addresses to the domain names then it is possible to automate the updates to aws route53. I have used the aws cli command "route53 change-resource-record-sets" for this and also CloudFormation
Automating events to occur on instance start up does take a little research of the available APIs and hooks for example see this answer with a simple use of cloud-init Using cloud-init user data

AWS: How to Configure Outward Facing Host?

I have an Amazon EC2 instance. Lets say my public DNS is
I am using this instance to help develop a new website, and I want to map the host
to this instance. How do I do that? I think there are at most 2 steps, including mapping the host with the registrar, and possibly something in Amazon. What are the steps I would need to do to accomplish this? How do I take all the details of my instance and map the hosts as metioned above?
1) Assign an Elastic IP to your EC2 instance (you can do that through the AWS Management Console).
2) Add an "A" record for "dev01" pointing to that IP, using the tool provided by your domain registrar.
Amazon recommends using a CNAME record instead CNAME
You will also need to open up whatever ports you need accessible to the security group of the EC2 instance (ie TCP 80 open to > this will open to everyone)