Testing parallel_for_ performance in OpenCV - c++

I tested parallel_for_ in OpenCV by comparing with the normal operation for just simple array summation and multiplication.
I have array of 100 integers and split into 10 each and run using parallel_for_.
Then I also have normal 0 to 99 operation for summation and multiuplication.
Then I measured the elapsed time and normal operation is faster than parallel_for_ operation.
My CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 Quard Core CPU.
parallel_for_ operation took 0.002sec (took 2 clock cycles) for summation and 0.003sec (took 3 clock cycles) for multiplication.
But normal operation took 0.0000sec (less than one click cycle) for both summation and multiplication. What am I missing? My code is as follow.
TEST Class
#include <opencv2\core\internal.hpp>
#include <opencv2\core\core.hpp>
#include <tbb\tbb.h>
using namespace tbb;
using namespace cv;
template <class type>
class Parallel_clipBufferValues:public cv::ParallelLoopBody
type *buffertoClip;
type maxSegment;
char typeOperation;//m = mul, s = summation
static double total;
Parallel_clipBufferValues(type *buffertoprocess, const type max, const char op): buffertoClip(buffertoprocess), maxSegment(max), typeOperation(op){
if(typeOperation == 's')
total = 0;
else if(typeOperation == 'm')
total = 1;
virtual void operator()(const cv::Range &r) const{
double tot = 0;
type *inputOutputBufferPTR = buffertoClip+(r.start*maxSegment);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if(typeOperation == 's')
total += *(inputOutputBufferPTR+i);
else if(typeOperation == 'm')
total *= *(inputOutputBufferPTR+i);
static double getTotal(){return total;}
void normalOperation(){
//int iteration = sizeof(buffertoClip)/sizeof(type);
if(typeOperation == 'm')
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
total *= buffertoClip[i];
else if(typeOperation == 's')
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
total += buffertoClip[i];
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TestClass.h"
#include <ctime>
double Parallel_clipBufferValues<int>::total;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
const int SIZE=100;
int myTab[SIZE];
double totalSum_by_parallel;
double totalSun_by_normaloperation;
double elapsed_secs_parallel;
double elapsed_secs_normal;
for(int i = 1; i <= SIZE; i++)
myTab[i-1] = i;
int maxSeg =10;
clock_t begin_parallel = clock();
cv::parallel_for_(cv::Range(0,maxSeg), Parallel_clipBufferValues<int>(myTab, maxSeg, 'm'));
totalSum_by_parallel = Parallel_clipBufferValues<int>::getTotal();
clock_t end_parallel = clock();
elapsed_secs_parallel = double(end_parallel - begin_parallel) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
clock_t begin_normal = clock();
Parallel_clipBufferValues<int> norm_op(myTab, maxSeg, 'm');
totalSun_by_normaloperation = norm_op.getTotal();
clock_t end_normal = clock();
elapsed_secs_normal = double(end_normal - begin_normal) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return 0;

Let me do some considerations:
clock() function is not accurate at all. Its tick is roughly 1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC but how often it's updated and if it's uniform or not it's system and implementation dependent. See this post for more details about that.
Better alternatives to measure time:
This post for Windows.
This article for *nix.
Trials and Test Environment
Measures are always affected by errors. Performance measurement for your code is affected (short list, there is much more than that) by other programs, cache, operating system jobs, scheduling and user activity. To have a better measure you have to repeat it many times (let's say 1000 or more) then calculate average. Moreover you should prepare your test environment to be as clean as possible.
More details about tests on these posts:
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?
NAS Parallel Benchmarks
Visual C++ 11 Beta Benchmark of Parallel Loops (for code examples)
Great articles from our Eric Lippert about benchmarking (it's about C# but most of them applies directly to any bechmark): C# Performance Benchmark Mistakes (part II).
Overhead and Scalability
In your case overhead for parallel execution (and your test code structure) is much higher that loop body itself. In this case it's not productive to make an algorithm parallel. Parallel execution must always be evaluated in a specific scenario, measured and compared. It's not kind of magic medicine to speed up everything. Take a look to this article about How to Quantify Scalability.
Just for example if you have to sum/multiply 100 numbers it's better to use SIMD instructions (even better within an unrolled loop).
Measure It!
Try to make your loop body empty (or to execute a single NOP operation or volatile write so it won't be optimized away). You'll roughly measure overhead. Now compare it with your results.
Notes About This Test
IMO this kind of test is pretty useless. You can't compare, in a generic way, serial or parallel execution. It's something you should always check against a specific situation (in real world many things will play, synchronization for example).
Imagine: you make your loop body really "heavy" and you'll see a big speed up with parallel execution. Now you make your real program parallel and you see performance is worse. Why? Because parallel execution is slowed down by locks, by cache problems or serial access to a shared resource.
Test itself is meaningless unless you're testing your specific code in your specific situation (because too many factors will play and you just can't ignore them). What it means? Well that you can compare only what you tested...if your program performs total *= buffertoClip[i]; then your results are reliable. If your real program does something else then you have to repeat tests with that something else.


Throughput of trivially concurrent code does not increase with the number of threads

I am trying to use OpenMP to benchmark the speed of data structure that I implemented. However, I seem to make a fundamental mistake: the throughput decreases instead of increasing with the number of threads no matter what operation I try to benchmark.
Below you can see the code that tries to benchmark the speed of a for-loop, as such I would expect it to scale (somewhat) linearly with the number of threads, it doesn't (compiled on a dualcore laptop with and without -O3 flag on g++ with c++11).
#include <omp.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
thread_local const int OPS = 10000;
thread_local const int TIMES = 200;
double get_tp(int THREADS)
double threadtime[THREADS] = {0};
//Repeat the test many times
for(int iteration = 0; iteration < TIMES; iteration++)
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(THREADS)
double start, stop;
int loc_ops = OPS/float(THREADS);
int t = omp_get_thread_num();
//Force all threads to start at the same time
#pragma omp barrier
start = omp_get_wtime();
//Do a certain kind of operations loc_ops times
for(int i = 0; i < loc_ops; i++)
//Here I would put the operations to benchmark
//in this case a boring for loop
int x = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
stop = omp_get_wtime();
threadtime[t] += stop-start;
double total_time = 0;
std::cout << "\nThread times: ";
for(int i = 0; i < THREADS; i++)
total_time += threadtime[i];
std::cout << threadtime[i] << ", ";
std::cout << "\nTotal time: " << total_time << "\n";
double mopss = float(OPS)*TIMES/total_time;
return mopss;
int main()
std::cout << "\n1 " << get_tp(1) << "ops/s\n";
std::cout << "\n2 " << get_tp(2) << "ops/s\n";
std::cout << "\n4 " << get_tp(4) << "ops/s\n";
std::cout << "\n8 " << get_tp(8) << "ops/s\n";
Outputs with -O3 on a dualcore, so we don't expect the throughput to increase after 2 threads, but it does not even increase when going from 1 to 2 threads it decreases by 50%:
1 Thread
Thread times: 7.411e-06,
Total time: 7.411e-06
2.69869e+11 ops/s
2 Threads
Thread times: 7.36701e-06, 7.38301e-06,
Total time: 1.475e-05
4 Threads
Thread times: 7.44301e-06, 8.31901e-06, 8.34001e-06, 7.498e-06,
Total time: 3.16e-05
8 Threads
Thread times: 7.885e-06, 8.18899e-06, 9.001e-06, 7.838e-06, 7.75799e-06, 7.783e-06, 8.349e-06, 8.855e-06,
Total time: 6.5658e-05
To make sure that the compiler does not remove the loop, I also tried outputting "x" after measuring the time and to the best of my knowledge the problem persists. I also tried the code on a machine with more cores and it behaved very similarly. Without -O3 the throughput also does not scale. So there is clearly something wrong with the way I benchmark. I hope you can help me.
I'm not sure why you are defining performance as the total number of operations per total CPU time and then get surprised by the decreasing function of the number of threads. This will almost always and universally be the case except for when cache effects kick in. The true performance metric is the number of operations per wall-clock time.
It is easy to show with simple mathematical reasoning. Given a total work W and processing capability of each core P, the time on a single core is T_1 = W / P. Dividing the work evenly among n cores means each of them works for T_1,n = (W / n + H) / P, where H is the overhead per thread induced by the parallelisation itself. The sum of those is T_n = n * T_1,n = W / P + n (H / P) = T_1 + n (H / P). The overhead is always a positive value, even in the trivial case of so-called embarrassing parallelism where no two threads need to communicate or synchronise. For example, launching the OpenMP threads takes time. You cannot get rid of the overhead, you can only amortise it over the lifetime of the threads by making sure that each one get a lot to work on. Therefore, T_n > T_1 and with fixed number of operations in both cases the performance on n cores will always be lower than on a single core. The only exception of this rule is the case when the data for work of size W doesn't fit in the lower-level caches but that for work of size W / n does. This results in massive speed-up that exceeds the number of cores, known as superlinear speed-up. You are measuring inside the thread function so you ignore the value of H and T_n should more or less be equal to T_1 within the timer precision, but...
With multiple threads running on multiple CPU cores, they all compete for limited shared CPU resources, namely last-level cache (if any), memory bandwidth, and thermal envelope.
The memory bandwidth is not a problem when you are simply incrementing a scalar variable, but becomes the bottleneck when the code starts actually moving data in and out of the CPU. A canonical example from numerical computing is the sparse matrix-vector multiplication (spMVM) -- a properly optimised spMVM routine working with double non-zero values and long indices eats so much memory bandwidth, that one can completely saturate the memory bus with as low as two threads per CPU socket, making an expensive 64-core CPU a very poor choice in that case. This is true for all algorithms with low arithmetic intensity (operations per unit of data volume).
When it comes to the thermal envelope, most modern CPUs employ dynamic power management and will overclock or clock down the cores depending on how many of them are active. Therefore, while n clocked down cores perform more work in total per unit of time than a single core, a single core outperforms n cores in terms of work per total CPU time, which is the metric you are using.
With all this in mind, there is one last (but not least) thing to consider -- timer resolution and measurement noise. Your run times are in couples of microseconds. Unless your code is running on some specialised hardware that does nothing else but run your code (i.e., no time sharing with daemons, kernel threads, and other processes and no interrupt handing), you need benchmarks that run several orders of magnitude longer, preferably for at least a couple of seconds.
The loop is almost certainly still getting optimized, even if you output the value of x after the outer loop. The compiler can trivially replace the entire loop with a single instruction since the loop bounds are constant at compile time. Indeed, in this example:
#include <iostream>
int main()
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) {
std::cout << x << '\n';
return 0;
The loop is replaced with the single assembly instruction mov esi, 10000000.
Always inspect the assembly output when benchmarking to make sure that you're measuring what you think you are; in this case you are just measuring the overhead of creating threads, which of course will be higher the more threads you create.
Consider having the innermost loop do something that can't be optimized away. Random number generation is a good candidate because it should perform in constant time, and it has the side-effect of permuting the PRNG state (making it ineligible to be removed entirely, unless the seed is known in advance and the compiler is able to unravel all of the mutation in the PRNG).
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
int main()
std::mt19937 r;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist{0, 1};
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) {
return 0;
Both loops and the PRNG invocation are left intact here.

Performance difference between float and double in x86 and x86_64

A while ago I heard that some compilers use SSE2 extensions for floating point operations for x86_64 architecture, so I used this simple code to determine the performance difference between them.
I disabled Intel SpeedStep technology via BIOS and system load was approximately equal for my tests. I am using GCC 4.8 on OpenSuSE 64 bit.
I am writing a program with a lot of FPU operations and I would like to know if this test is valid or not?
And any information about the performance difference between float and double under each architecture is appreciated.
Code :
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
timeval t1, t2;
double elapsedTime;
double TotalTime = 0;
for(int j=0 ; j < 100 ; j++)
// start timer
gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
vector<float> RealVec;
float temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
temp = static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX));
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
RealVec[i] = (RealVec[i]*2-435.345345)/15.75;
// stop timer
gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
elapsedTime = (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) * 1000.0; // sec to ms
elapsedTime += (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) / 1000.0; // us to ms
TotalTime = TotalTime + elapsedTime;
cout << TotalTime/100 << " ms.\n";
return 0;
and result :
32 Bit Double
157.781 ms.
151.994 ms.
152.244 ms.
32 Bit Float
149.896 ms.
148.489 ms.
161.086 ms.
64 Bit Double
110.125 ms.
111.612 ms.
113.818 ms.
64 Bit Float
110.393 ms.
106.778 ms.
107.833 ms.
You're really not measuring much; perhaps just the degree of compiler
optimization. In order for the measurements to be valid, you really
have to do something with the results, or the compiler can optimize out
all, or the major part of your tests. What I woule do is 1) initialize
the vector, 2) get the start time (probably using clock, since that
only takes CPU time into account), 3) execute the second loop a 100 (or
more... enough to last a couple of seconds, at least) times, 4) get the
end time, and finally, 5) output the sum of the elements in the vector.
With regards to the differences you may find: independently of the
floating point processors, the 64 bit machine has more general registers
for the compiler to play with. This could have an enormous impact.
Unless you look at the generated assembler, you just can't know.
Not really valid. You're basically testing the performance of the random number generator.
Also, you're not trying to enforce SSE2 SIMD operation, so you can't really claim this compares anything SSE-related.
Valid in what sense?
Measure actual usage, with your actual code.
Some artificial test suite probably won't help you assess the performance characteristics.
You can use a typedef, then change the actual underlying type with a flick of a switch.

Would a pre-calculated variable faster than calculating it every time in a loop?

In a function that updates all particles I have the following code:
for (int i = 0; i < _maxParticles; i++)
// check if active
if (_particles[i].lifeTime > 0.0f)
_particles[i].lifeTime -= _decayRate * deltaTime;
This decreases the lifetime of the particle based on the time that passed.
It gets calculated every loop, so if I've 10000 particles, that wouldn't be very efficient because it doesn't need to(it doesn't get changed anyways).
So I came up with this:
float lifeMin = _decayRate * deltaTime;
for (int i = 0; i < _maxParticles; i++)
// check if active
if (_particles[i].lifeTime > 0.0f)
_particles[i].lifeTime -= lifeMin;
This calculates it once and sets it to a variable that gets called every loop, so the CPU doesn't have to calculate it every loop, which would theoretically increase performance.
Would it run faster than the old code? Or does the release compiler do optimizations like this?
I wrote a program that compares both methods:
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
const unsigned int MAX = 1000000000;
int main()
float deltaTime = 20;
float decayRate = 200;
float foo = 2041.234f;
unsigned int start = clock();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
foo -= decayRate * deltaTime;
std::cout << "Method 1 took " << clock() - start << "ms\n";
start = clock();
float calced = decayRate * deltaTime;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
foo -= calced;
std::cout << "Method 2 took " << clock() - start << "ms\n";
int n;
std::cin >> n;
return 0;
Result in debug mode:
Method 1 took 2470ms
Method 2 took 2410ms
Result in release mode:
Method 1 took 0ms
Method 2 took 0ms
But that doesn't work. I know it doesn't do exactly the same, but it gives an idea.
In debug mode, they take roughly the same time. Sometimes Method 1 is faster than Method 2(especially at fewer numbers), sometimes Method 2 is faster.
In release mode, it takes 0 ms. A little weird.
I tried measuring it in the game itself, but there aren't enough particles to get a clear result.
I tried to disable optimizations, and let the variables be user inputs using std::cin.
Here are the results:
Method 1 took 2430ms
Method 2 took 2410ms
It will almost certainly make no difference what so ever, at least if
you compile with optimization (and of course, if you're concerned with
performance, you are compiling with optimization). The opimization in
question is called loop invariant code motion, and is universally
implemented (and has been for about 40 years).
On the other hand, it may make sense to use the separate variable
anyway, to make the code clearer. This depends on the application, but
in many cases, giving a name to the results of an expression can make
code clearer. (In other cases, of course, throwing in a lot of extra
variables can make it less clear. It's all depends on the application.)
In any case, for such things, write the code as clearly as possible
first, and then, if (and only if) there is a performance problem,
profile to see where it is, and fix that.
Just to be perfectly clear: I'm talking about this sort of code optimization in general. In the exact case you show, since you don't use foo, the compiler will probably remove it (and the loops) completely.
In theory, yes. But your loop is extremely simple and thus likeley to be heavily optimized.
Try the -O0 option to disable all compiler optimizations.
The release runtime might be caused by the compiler statically computing the result.
I am pretty confident that any decent compiler will replace your loops with the following code:
foo -= MAX * decayRate * deltaTime;
foo -= MAX * calced ;
You can make the MAX size depending on some kind of input (e.g. command line parameter) to avoid that.

C++ Branch prediction algorithm comparison?

There are 2 possible techniques shown below which do the same task.
I would like to know if there will be any performance difference between the two.
I think the first technique will suffer due to branch prediction as contents of A are random.
Technique 1:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#define SIZE 1000000
using namespace std;
class MyClass
bool flag;
void setFlag(bool f) {flag = f;}
int main()
MyClass obj;
int *A = new int[SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
A[i] = (unsigned int)rand();
time_t mytime1;
time_t mytime2;
for(int test = 0; test < 5000; test++)
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if(A[i] > 100)
cout << asctime(localtime(&mytime1)) << endl;
cout << asctime(localtime(&mytime2)) << endl;
Sat May 03 20:08:07 2014
Sat May 03 20:08:32 2014
i.e. Time taken = 25sec
Technique 2:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#define SIZE 1000000
using namespace std;
class MyClass
bool flag;
void setFlag(bool f) {flag = f;}
int main()
MyClass obj;
int *A = new int[SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
A[i] = (unsigned int)rand();
time_t mytime1;
time_t mytime2;
for(int test = 0; test < 5000; test++)
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
obj.setFlag(A[i] > 100);
cout << asctime(localtime(&mytime1)) << endl;
cout << asctime(localtime(&mytime2)) << endl;
Sat May 03 20:08:42 2014
Sat May 03 20:09:10 2014
i.e. Time taken = 28sec
The compilation is done using MinGW 64 bt compiler with no flags.
From the results it looks like the opposite is happening.
After making the check for RAND_MAX / 2 instead of 100, I am getting the following results:
Technique 1: 70sec
Technique 2: 28sec
So it becomes clear now that Technique 2 is better than technique 1 and can be explained on the basis of branch prediction failure phenomenon.
With optimisations enabled the binaries are exactly the same, in GCC 4.8 at least: demo.
They're different with optimisations disabled, though: demo.
This very poor attempt at a measurement suggests that the second is actually slower, though both programs run in the same duration in real terms: demo
real 0m0.052s
user 0m0.036s
sys 0m0.012s
real 0m0.052s
user 0m0.044s
sys 0m0.004s
To find out how they really differ in performance with optimisations disabled, you can benchmark properly with more runs.
Frankly, though, since it's irrelevant for your production code I wouldn't even bother.
I agree with the fact that this isn't very interesting for practical code (especially when it dissapears with -O3), but for the sake of academic interest: In some conditions it may be better to rely on the branch predictor.
On one hand, in this particular case the branch is almost always going to be not-taken (as RAND_MAX >> 100), which is easy to predict both interms of branch resolution as well as the next IP address. Try converting the prediciton to a 50% chance and then benchmark this.
On the other hand, the second operation turns the stores done to the obj flag into being data-dependent with the loads from A[i]. These loads are going to be slow as your dataset is 1000000*sizeof(A) bytes at least (almost 4MB), meaning that it could be either in the L3 cache or the memory - either way that's quiet a few cycles per each new line (once every few accesses) - when the writes to the flag were independent, they could queue in parallel, now you have to stall them until you get the data. In Theory, the CPU should be able to "pipeline" this, since stores are performed much later than loads along the pipeline on most CPUs, but in practice you're limited by the size of the execution window, in most machines that would be ~100 I believe), so if the store of the current iteration is stalled, you won't be able to launch too far ahead the loads required for the future iterations.
In other words - you may be losing due to the fact that CPUs have a fairly decent branch prediction, but no (or hardly no) data prediction.

Interesting processing time results

I've made a small application that averages the numbers between 1 and 1000000. It's not hard to see (using a very basic algebraic formula) that the average is 500000.5 but this was more of a project in learning C++ than anything else.
Anyway, I made clock variables that were designed to find the amount of clock steps required for the application to run. When I first ran the script, it said that it took 3770000 clock steps, but every time that I've run it since then, it's taken "0.0" seconds...
I've attached my code at the bottom.
Either a.) It's saved the variables from the first time I ran it, and it's just running quickly to the answer...
or b.) something is wrong with how I'm declaring the time variables.
Regardless... it doesn't make sense.
Any help would be appreciated.
FYI (I'm running this through a Linux computer, not sure if that matters)
double avg (int arr[], int beg, int end)
int nums = end - beg + 1;
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = beg; i <= end; i++)
sum += arr[i];
//for(int p = 0; p < nums*10000; p ++){}
return sum/nums;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int nums = 1000000;//atoi(argv[0]);
int myarray[nums];
double timediff;
//printf("Arg is: %d\n",argv[0]);
printf("Nums is: %d\n",nums);
clock_t begin_time = clock();
for(int i = 0; i < nums; i++)
myarray[i] = i+1;
double average = avg(myarray, 0, nums - 1);
clock_t end_time = clock();
timediff = (double) difftime(end_time, begin_time);
printf("Time to Average: %f\n", timediff);
return 0;
You are measuring the I/O operation too (printf), that depends on external factors and might be affecting the run time. Also, clock() might not be as precise as needed to measure such a small task - look into higher resolution functions such as clock_get_time(). Even then, other processes might affect the run time by generating page fault interrupts and occupying the memory BUS, etc. So this kind of fluctuation is not abnormal at all.
On the machine I tested, Linux's clock call was only accurate to 1/100th of a second. If your code runs in less than 0.01 seconds, it will usually say zero seconds have passed. Also, I ran your program a total of 50 times in .13 seconds, so I find it suspicous that you claim it takes 2 seconds to run it once on your computer.
Your code incorrectly uses the difftime, which may display incorrect output as well if clock says time did pass.
I'd guess that the first timing you got was with different code than that posted in this question, becase I can't think of any way the code in this question could produce a time of 3770000.
Finally, benchmarking is hard, and your code has several benchmarking mistakes:
You're timing how long it takes to (1) fill an array, (2) calculate an average, (3) format the result string (4) make an OS call (slow) that prints said string in the right language/font/colo/etc, which is especially slow.
You're attempting to time a task which takes less than a hundredth of a second, which is WAY too small for any accurate measurement.
Here is my take on your code, measuring that the average takes ~0.001968 seconds on this machine.