reinterpret_cast acting as dynamic_cast - c++

My code is like this:
void some_func(void *source)
double *casted = reinterpret_cast<double *>(source);
This causes std::__non_rtti_object exception. Acording to stack trace, it is raised from __RTDynamicCast, which is (as far as i know) MSVC implementation of dynamic_cast.
This exception should occur with dynamic_cast, as the pointer comes from external library (probably compiled without /GR) and points to struct with several doubles. But I would not expect this with reinterpret_cast. Shouldn't it just change the type of the pointer, without any checks at all?
my compiler is msvc120 (MS Visual Studio 2013)
project is compiled with /GR (enable run-time type information)
pointer "source" comes from external library (probably compiled without /GR)
I also tried static_cast with the same result

Ah, i tried to rebuild whole project with all additional libraries and
the problem disappeared. Seems strange, because I never had a code
using dynamic_cast, so don't know what caused this. Also I already
tried to rebuild that project only (without other dlls) before.
Anyway, thanks for all help.
-- OP

It seems as that you need to recheck dll's order of build in your makefile (if you use such). I guess that the source from the external library you mentioned, comes from external library that is "higher" in the build tree than the library which your code resides. Try to see if your makefile properly works (maybe misses some triggers).


maps in shared memory: Boost.Interprocess demo fails due to unmet date_time dependency

I want to create shared map objects that multiple processes can access. The most promising approach I've found is this demo code from Boost.Interprocess, which allocates map objects in a managed shared memory segment. This question will mostly be about the boost problems I'm having, but I'd also be grateful if anyone has non-boost alternative approaches.
I'm completely new to boost: it looks amazing, if huge, and I was encouraged by its claim that "often, there's nothing to build". But in this case that promise is broken in what seems to be a senseless way, and I'm failing to compile the demo because of dependency problems internal to boost.
I'm on Windows, with Visual C++ Express 2010 installed. After saving the demo code as shmap.cpp I do the following:
cl /EHsc /I boost_1_57_0 shmap.cpp
It compiles OK, but then I get this:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-s-1_57.lib'
This surprises me on a number of levels. (Q1): I didn't ask for libraries---where and how is boost leading the linker to expect them? (Q2): Why would it be asking for date_time in particular? At no point in the code is anything as functionally specific as a date or time computed, referenced or included. Is this a case of overzealous blanket dependency, and if so is there a way I can weed it out?
Regardless, the obvious first thing to try was to play the game: in the boost_1_57_0 directory I ran bootstrap.bat followed by b2. The Earth turned a good few degrees, boost was built successfully, and I retried with:
cl /EHsc /I boost_1_57_0 shmap.cpp /link /LIBPATH:boost_1_57_0\stage\lib
I still get the same linker error. This is because b2 seems to have built libs with -mt- and with -mt-gd- in their names, but not with the -mt-s- that the linker is looking for. Boost's "Getting Started" webpage tells me what these stand for but doesn't tell me (Q3): how can I change either the type of library that gets built, or the type that the linker expects?
"At no point in the code is anything as functionally specific as a date or time computed, referenced or included."
(Q2): Why would it be asking for date_time in particular?
Apparently the things you used depend on it.
E.g the mutex operations have timed_lock function
(Q1): I didn't add libraries to the project---where and how is boost leading the linker to expect them?
Boost does autolinking by default. This uses MSVC++ specific pragmas to indicate the right flavour of the right link libraries. This is an awesome feature.
You just have to make sure the import libraries are on the library path for your project.
There are ways to disable auto-linking in boost (I think it involves defining BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB)
There might be ways to
disable dependency on boost date_time (dropping features); see the autl-link description in the Getting Started guide
linking to date_Time statically (or make it header-only)
I'd refer to the documentation for this.
Here's what I've learned, in large part thanks to sehe:
Q1: It's magic---specifically, MSVC-specific magic---and it happens because it's necessary.
Q2: It becomes unnecessary---i.e. the demo can be compiled without needing to look for a binary date_time lib---if I add /DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB to the compile flags. But it's unclear whether that will still be true once I start to use additional IPC functionality like time-dependent mutexing.
Q3: Strings from the "Boost.Build option" column of this table can be passed to b2, so the way to create *-mt-s-*.lib is to say b2 runtime-link=static. This finally lets me compile without the /DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB flag, and discover that date_time is the only library the demo seems to need.
I also discovered that the dependencies can be tracked with the bcp tool, and (eventually) also how to build bcp in the first place, as follows:
cd boost_1_57_0
bjam tools\bcp
cd ..
boost_1_57_0\dist\bin\bcp.exe --boost=boost_1_57_0 --report --scan shmap.cpp report.html
The result is that the maps-in-shared-memory demo needs 1421 files from boost 1.57.0.

How to get VS2013 to stop generating calls to __dtol3, __dtoui3, and other functions for casting between integer types?

I am in the process of upgrading a Visual Studio 2010 project that targets the INtime RTOS. Code that performs casting operations fail to link. When investigating the "inline assembly" output files, it turns out that for some integer casting operations, VS2013 is generating assembly instructions to calls to __dtol3, __dtoui3, __dtoul3, __ltod3, and __ultod3. The problem is that the INtime libraries do not contain definitions for these functions. I've verified that VS2013 does the same for Win32 targets for both Debug and Release builds.
Is there a way to get VS2013 to stop generating generating calls to these functions?
You would need to disable SSE2 codegen, through use of the /arch option (use either /arch:IA32 or /arch:SSE).
Alternatively...(what follows is not officially supported; your mileage may vary; do this at your own risk)
Extract from msvcrt.lib the object that defines these functions, and link that object directly into your program. These functions are defined in the object named ftol3.obj; you can extract it using the lib tool:
=>lib /nologo /list msvcrt.lib | findstr ftol3
=>lib /nologo /extract:f:\binaries\Intermediate\vctools\crt_bld\SELF_X86\crt\prebuild\INTEL\dll_lib\ftol3.obj msvcrt.lib
You may need additional objects, depending on (a) which functions you use and (b) what, exactly, the INtime libraries define. Again, this is not a supported way to use the Visual C++ runtime libraries, and it may or may not work for your particular use case.
possibly another way:
add compile option
this option is undocumented
Try create one of them __dtol3, __dtoui3, __dtoul3, __ltod3, and __ultod3, for ex.
extern "C" unsigned int _dtoui3(const double x) {
return (unsigned int) _mm_cvttsd_si32 (_mm_set_sd(x));
Make function externally visible and implement in one file.
Some info

gdb automatically steps into inline functions

I'm debugging a running program with gdb 6.6 on solaris, and noticed that sometimes gdb steps into (inline) functions, even though I issued a next command.
My development host was recently reinstalled with a slightly newer build of solaris 10, and I know for sure the auto-stepping was not present before the host was reinstalled. The code is compiled with the same options since the makefiles and all the source code is unchanged since host reinstallation.
Is there any setting/new default option which influences gdb's debugging behaviour that I can check? Does anyone know why my gdb now auto-steps? Its a pain really ...
[edit] to clarify: I did not mean the inline keyword, but rather methods/functions which are implemented in the header file. Example:
class MyClass
void someFunc() { ... does something }
MyClass instance;
instance.someFunc(); // doing NEXT in gdb will actually STEP into header.hpp
Your new version of Solaris may have included a new version of the C or C++ compiler. The new compiler may be optimizing more aggressively than it did before. Check your optimization flags. If you are using GCC, you can disable inlining with -fno-inline (note that methods that are implemented in the class in header files are inlined by default which can be disabled with -fno-default-inline). If you are using the native Solaris compiler, you will need to check its documentation.
A similar problem was reported here. In the comment, the poster mentioned changing the debug symbol to use STABS resolved the issue.
You mentioned in a comment to my answer that STABS works, but is not acceptable. Also, you mentioned that you are unable to reproduce the issue with a simple example. It will be difficult to trouble shoot this issue if you have to recompile your entire project each time to perform a test. Try to isolate the problem to a few source files in your project. See what they have in common (do they include a common header file, do they use a pragma, are the compilation options a little different from the other source fies, etc.), and try to create a small example with the same problem. This will make it easier to identify the root cause of your issue and determine how to resolve it. Without this data, we are just the blind leading the blind.

How to repair Visual Studio locals/watches in C++ (Debug build)

Sometimes VS autos/locals/watches break and instead of variables/values all I have is different kinds of:
CXX0029: Error: not struct pointer
CXX0033: Error: error in OMF type information
CXX0072: Error: type information missing or unknown
CXX0025: Error: operator needs class/struct/union
Rebuilding project, cleaning PDB/NCB etc doesn't solve it. What can I do?
Look at this Microsoft support note on: FIX: CXX0033 Error in OMF Type from Forward Class Declaration
Once you fix the PCH problem cited in the support note, I think all your errors will go away.
There is in fact a solution that lets you keep using precompiled headers: check out this more recent KB article and the documentation of the /Yl switch - which seems specifically tailored to this error.
Just add to the stdafx.cpp (or your own custom /Yc file) command line '/Ylxxxx', where xxxx stands for an arbitrary function name in your lib.
I recently faced symptoms identical to yours (in VS2010), and that solved it for me.
Are you trying to debug the "release" build? If so, many local variables will not exist as "debuggable" elements. You can get around this (if you must debug the release build) by debugging at the assembly level and look at the register values (vs. stack values, where auto/local would be in the debug build) and cast them appropriately in the "watch window".
Otherwise, build the Debug build and debug that build version. You'll get assertions where preconditions are not met, relevant/irrelevant stuff dumped to your output window, and more straight-forward debug single stepping.
It helped me to switch from using a program database (/ZI) to "c7 compatible" (/Z7). Switching off precompiled headers did not make a difference. Neither did rebuilding.

How to initialize msvcrt.dll?

If I do a LoadLibrary("msvcrt.dll") do I need to initialize the CRT somehow? Section 2 in the following document seems to say that I do, but I just get an undefined symbol error for _CRT_INIT when I try to call _CRT_INIT:
Edit: I should have said that this is for a program that dynamically loads all the dlls that it uses, hence the call to LoadLibrary("msvcrt.dll").
Call DllMain() in it. If it relies on the C runtime, it will call CRT_INIT.
But a far better question is if a program is using something in msvcrt, there's no need to explicitly load the dll and initialize it, so why are you doing this?
If you're working in C++, have you declared _CRT_INIT as extern "C"?
Have you tried using the DUMPBIN utility ( -- if you haven't your PATH up yourself, you'll have to use the Visual Studio Command Prompt I think) with the /EXPORTS switch to see which functions are available from the CRT DLL, just to double check?
If you get stuck, VS2005 and earlier (and presumably later...) come supplied with the source code for the runtime library. For VS2005, this is in VC/crt/src, relative to the VS install folder. It looks like _CRT_INIT is the right name -- see crtdll.c and dllcrt0.c, and it's a C function.
You must not call _CRT_INIT() but call CRT_INIT() (if you really must)
The link you referenced refers to using CRT_INIT() only when "Using the CRT Libraries When Building a DLL", and even then it is only one of two alternatives; the first probably being preferable in most cases.