QT Creator - breakpoint not persistent for every build - c++

I'm trying to use QT Creator for an open-source project I downloaded from github.
After some fuddling around I managed to get the project to compile in QT Creator and run in debug mode.
However, I have an issue : strangely the breakpoints that I set are only available for that instance for the debug run for QT Creator. When I stop the debugging, and relaunch the debugging, the previously stated breakpoints are still there, but they are no longer valid. (meaning Qt Creator skips over them). I've verified that new breakpoints are still valid - it's the old ones that become invalid even though they are still listed.
I did not even update any code, just added breakpoints, hit debug and the old breakpoints became invalid even though they are still showing.
No sacarsm intended, but is this a "feature"? If so, how do I turn it off?
If not a feature, what can I try?
It's very painful to re-add breakpoints every time I run a debug.
Using Mac OSX 10.9 here, Qt 5.2, with Qt Creator 3.0 for Mac.
EDIT : Some more info. I realised that whenever the breakpoint works, it has a tiny hour glass next to it, like in the picture. What does the hour glass mean? It could just be something dumb that I'm not doing....

in the end I filed a bug with Qt Creator. For those interested pls check here.


Unable to create a debugging engine in QT editor

I have recently installed Qt Creator 4.8.0 based on Qt 5.12.0 and I have it configured like in the image below. However, I haven't managed to start the debugger. As it can be seen, the debugger is correctly set for this kit, the one I'm using right now.
Any solution?
Wow! I found it!!! Here in the tab "projects", there are several build and run configurations. Despite you select a default kit, the final one being executed is the one in black under this tab.
Finally I disabled all of them except the one that was properly configured in the Kits window and it worked. I hope this information is helpful for someone. I don't think that part of the configuration is clear.
I got the same error, but in my case I was using the MSVC compiler and the kit didn't manage to find the CDB debugger. I was able to fix it by going to "Add or remove programs" -> "Windows Software Development Kit" -> Modify -> Change -> Debugging Tools for Windows.
In my case it was needed to select "Enable C++" under Debugger settings
The same dumm error QT creator shows when you simply don't have gdb installed.
Worked in my case ;)
I had the same error in MacOS, debugger suddenly stopped working (LLDB debugger worked in XCode but not Qt Creator).
In this case, I reinstalled Qt Creator and reinitialized the config by removing the .config/QtProject directory located in homedir. This solved the problem.
I had the same issue when Qt Creator didn't recognized the path to the Debugger. Due to some reason it showed multiple Auto-detected Debuggers at the same location. And on the top one of the list with the red error indicator.
Projects->Manage Kits...->Debuggers
I removed the erroneous Debugger and restart the Qt Creator.

CLion Debug not working on Mac

I haven't used CLion in a bit and something is amiss - when I try to debug, breakpoints are not hit. I see the checkmark flash briefly but the program continues to run. Here is a 15 second video showing what happens:
This project is the vanilla Hello World project with a couple of lines of code added to the main program, and a breakpoint added in the middle.
This is a new Mac - is something misconfigured? Or has something broken in CLion?
Note: This is still happening with 2018.1. I've reported to JetBrains and sent various logs, etc., but still no ability to debug.
I'm using a Mac with the latest version of OSX (10.13.4 as of writing), and also using CLion 2018.1.2. I had this same issue.
The fix was straight forward. Simply go to Tools > CMake > Reset Cache and Reload Project.
ensure the Configuration is the same as the pictureenter image description here
Simply go to Tools > CMake > Reset Cache and Reload Project.
For anyone who ends up here, I was running Clion 2018.1.2 on MacOSX Catalina and had all kinds of problems (specifying GDB vs. LLDB, reseting cache, rebuilding project, etc... nothing worked). I upgraded to Clion 2020.2.1 and debugged the identical project I was having problems with and BAM; breakpoints, variables, stepping into, etc... all worked.

Debugging a Qt application on Windows

my Qt (QML/C++) application crashes and I can not find the reason why. I tried to output a lot of information but some signal/slot connection probably causes a crash. I spent many hours trying to find the reason but I failed.
The only good point is that I can reproduce the crash whenever I want.
Unfortunately I don't know hot to use the included GDB debugger. This is the output I got:
How do I find from this what happened and where? I need to find at least the function, in which my application crashed.
Or what else could I try? Unfortunately I can not disable the signal/slot connections or the associated functions, because then I can not get to the point, where it crashes.
Qt has detailed documentation on how to install a debugger found here: QtCreator Debugger
MingW does have a GDB that can be used to debug the application better. You can also use CDB to debug, just depends on your preference.
Once that is installed, you'll be able to set breakpoints and check variable information to see where your program is crashing using the Debugger view in QtCreator.
Tools->Options->Build & Run
If you have Qt version kit like this you need to check debuggers.
You need to install MinGW and after install you will be have debugger. After install press F5 to start debuging.

Debugging fails with QtCreator on OSX

I have OSX Yosemite 10.10.5, QtCreator 4.1.0, Qt 5.7.0 and Xcode 7.2.1.
If I write any native C++ program in QtCreator (console, gui - anything) I am unable to debug that program from QtCreator. Breakpoints get ignored, the program executes without pause and runs to completion no matter what I try.
I have tried the Xcode's LLDb, system GDB and Homebrew GDB as debuggers. the versions of GDB fail to start. Homebrew GDB has been codesigned.
This all used to (a few year back) just work beautifully and I am at a loss as to what might have changed.
Curiously, if I generate an exception inside the program - like accessing through a null pointer, the debugger shows me where this happens in just the way I would expect so, presumably, the debugger is running but simply treating me with complete disdain.
I know there are many versions of this question but none seem to address the problem adequately or offer workable solutions, or they apply to much older versions of the products.
Any suggestions?
This version of qtCreator (4.1.0) saw the return of the warning about having the build directory at the same level as the project directory. In Windows, this is done automatically. My mac installation does not get it right. (I may have messed a while back - cannot remember).
So - if the build directory is inside the project directory, debugging fails. Move the build directory up to the same level as the project directory and everything seems to work fine.
You can set the default build directory in the preferences/Build & Run dialogue. The path should start with ../
You will need to think about the folder structure before setting up the project unless you want build folders appearing in awkward places. So, a project folder structure like this is OK:
But one like this is not:
If this was already obvious to you, great. I have been messing with this for ages.
Many thanks to those who replied and anyone else who took the time to read the question. What helped e find it was the suggestion by #AlexanderVX that his setup was the same as mine but his worked. The only bit of my setup he could not see in the screenshots was the start of the build path. So that was the clue.

QT runs but QImages don't display in release version

I have a QT application that works well in the debug version but not in release. The release version runs with no crashes or anything, but none of the QImages I use display. I'm pretty unsure what could be causing it.
I've seen this post here and am currently checking for any values that aren't manually initialized.
However, in the mean time can anyone think of why QImages would display in a debug build but not a release build?
Note that I'm running both from QTCreator. I'm on Windows 7 using Creator 2.7.2 and QT 5.1.
I haven't supplied any code because I'm not sure what I would post given there are no issues in the debug build (but I can if it would make things clearer).
Indeed the issue was a variable that was automatically set in the debug build.
I needed to manually set it for the release version and now my QImages seem to be displaying just fine.