Magic Particles [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I really like this Particle Emitter software here:
They have an API and even an OpenGL Wrapper for IOS but I cannot figure out how to integrate these particle emitters in to my standard UIKit Xcode project.
They have a sample for Cocos2dX (not interested in that) and they have a sample using OpenGL (which is pretty advanced) but no easy sample of how I can integrate to my existing standard Xcode projects referencing from my standard .h and .m files.
Has anyone figured out how to use this program with basic Xcode?
EDIT: I guess it says I am "Off Topic"...never seen that here before. Curious, I didn't even know there was a specific topic going on. I'm confused (sort of why I made the post in the first place).

You can use CAEmitterLayer extented from CALayer. See Apple documentation.


Shortest path finder C++ GUI with map [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Well I am new to programming. I have made a C++ console application on VS 2012 which uses Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate the shortest path between any two cities of my country .It prints the main cities the path will go through from, the total distance and the total time it would take for a person to travel that distance via a car. Well the application is just a simple C++ console application.
What I want to do is to add a GUI to it. And especially a map, which will show the path by highlighting that specific path on it. All experience I have is on C++ console apps. And I have NO idea how I'd be doing this.
Well I can manage to do some simple GUI. But kindly tell me how would I be dealing with the map. That's the main thing which I have to do.
QT is a good toolkit for GUI programming. They have a tool called QtCreator which allows you to quickly build a GUI program.
But there are a lot of things to learn when developing GUIs which would be to much for an simple answer here. Good luck!

Bindind to keys C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hello there I am a realative newbie when it comes to using different "commands" in order to achieve things so I was wondering if any of you know a way to bind a key to do a certain task anywhere in the programme ,so I would be able to display a function for example and after the display finishes the programme carries on normally like nothing happened and then that same key on any other push would still do the display . Thanks in advance
Plain C++ does not have any concept of "key binding". The platform (e.g., the operating system) has this knowledge and it provides some libraries to handle it. So, you must provide more information about the operating system, or use a cross-platform library like Qt.

How can I mix C/C++ with python? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to use C++ for opengl and python for scripting various social api calls. IS there a better option?
Prototype with your OpenGL calls in python - it is much quicker to prototype than C/C++ and then see if it is quick enough - if it is then you are done - if not then find the bottlenecks and consult the documentation on C/C++ plug in to address those issues.
Note that there are python OpenGL bindings available here which already use C/C++ on the OpenGL side so should be as fast as anything you are likely to come up with quickly.

How is it possible to create an information fetcher for a game like League of Legends? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Basically what I'm wondering is, how could you get like a list of all mobs, champions their hp, mana etc with programming? I know this is possible because it has been done before but I just can't see how you would be able to do this. Is looking in the assembler code necessary or can you do it in some other way? I'm mostly wondering about the theory behind it. (Using C++ if that helps anything at all)
Such things are usually done using crawling (e.g. retrieving the data from the web pages provided by Riot Games; might be partially outdated) or using reverse engineering to get this data from the game client's files (might not contain everything). In either way you'd get datasets which you'll have to read or interpret (look for values or replicate the way the game client reads and interprets the data).
I'm not sure whether there are some tools or APIs released somewhere, at least I haven't heard of anything officially supported or endorsed; most of this is essentially in a gray zone usage wise.

Graphics in Visual C++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What header file should I include to use graphics in Visual C++? I use Visual Studio 2010. Thank you in advance!
"Graphics" is a broad subject. Native Win32 applications do not require any extra libraries but are very low level (ie You write a lot of code yourself). I found this website very useful. You can find others by searching up "win32 tutorial". You will need to include "windows.h" and possibly "windowsx.h" for this.
Two main competing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are DirectX and OpenGL. You can search them up as they are widely used for graphics and you should get some good resources and tutorials. These two will may need extra libraries which you can get from the internet (just search it). For DirectX the headers, it will vary on which version of DirectX you use and OpenGL will require "gl/gl.h" and possibly others depending on what you want to do.