Problems using pointers c++ - c++

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
//define a bool to determine if you're still in the file's header section or not
bool header = true;
//define the map as a multidimensional string array that stores up to 100 z-levels
//and 50x50 tiles per z level
char* worldmap[100][50][50];
int zLevel=0;
//header declaration map
map<string, char*> declarations;
//create an input file stream object
ifstream file;
//open file"map1.dmm");
//validate file
if(!file.good()){return 1;}
//begin reading the file
//create a character array to write to
char line[512];
//read the file line by line; write each line to the character array defined above
file.getline(line, 512);
//header check
header = false;
bool declaringKey=true;
char* key={};
char* element={};
char* token[20]={};
token[0] = strtok(line, "\"()");
for(unsigned int n = 0;n<20;n++){
if(n>0)token[n] = strtok(NULL, "\"()");
//cout << token[0] << endl;
if(!token[n] || (token[n])[1] == '=')continue;
key = token[n];
//cout << "pow" <<endl;
element = token[n];
cout<<"declarations[" << key << "] = " << element << endl;
declarations.emplace(key,element); //<-------------- problem line, i think
cout << declarations[key] << endl;
if(!line[0]) {
//string test = "aa";
return 0;
I'm trying to create a map loader that loads a simple map from a text file. I'm aware that there are other map loaders available but most of them do far more than I need them to. So far, this code only reads the header, which basically defines what each set of characters represents as a tile, for example: "aa" = "sand tile"
The problem is, when I'm emplacing the key/element into the declarations map, it seems to use the same element for all keys. I'm assuming that this is because by defining a character pointer it always points to the same data, and only serves the purpose of changing the value contained by that pointer, rather than allocating new data and keeping them separate.
But that raises another question, why does it emplace a different key with the same element, even though both are pointers..? Anyways,
How can I make it so that all keys/elements are independent character arrays, rather than pointers to the exact same space carved out by the array..?
EDIT: You can just assume the code works other than the fact that it stores the same element to all keys. Also, the element it stores is always the last one that's parsed out of the file's header section.

Just use a std::string for the value, too. This should solve your immediate problem.
That said, do not use stream.eof() to control a loop reading values! It does not work. Instead, always try to read from a stream and then verify if the read was successful, e.g.:
while (file.getline(line, sizeof(line))) {
// ...
Personally, I wouldn't read into a fixed size buffer and use a std::string instead:
for (std::string line; std::getline(file, line); ) {
// ...
From this point I would also not use strtok() but rather either the members of std::string or suitable algorithms. This way I also wouldn't let astray, considering it a good idea to store pointers (not to mention that I can't deal with pointers and, thus, my programs don't use them).


Trying to Input to a member of a struct inside a vector of structs causes segmentation fault

I am doing a project where I am writing automated billing system for a fake restaurant. The program is supposed to take a text file containing the menu, put it into a array or vector of structs, show the menu, let the customer order, and print a receipt.
I am using a global vector of structs for the menu.
This block of code is everything related to the problem.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
//there is more code to this program, but the fault occurs very soon in the program
//and none of the rest of the code has any relevance.
//also, I don't really think that the problem is with trying to input, but I don't have enough experience to rule it out.
using namespace std;
struct menuItemType
string menuItem; //this is the name of the item
double menuPrice; // this is the price of the item
int menuCount;
vector<menuItemType> menuList; //the menu can be any size so I don't know how big it will be at this point. I'm using a vector to avoid having to declare a size
// I also have 2 other functions and some extra code in main that all need to access this vector. That is why I made it global
void getData() //this function opens the text file containing the menu and tries to read in each line.
ifstream input;"inData.txt");
int i = 0;
string item;
double price;
getline(input,menuList[i].menuItem); //This is the line creating the fault.
input >> menuList[i].menuPrice;
int main()
return 0;
I have tried debugging and have determined that the segmentation fault is not specific to the line commented in the code snippet. The fault seems to occur whenever I try to input to a member of a struct inside the vector. I've tried using cin as well so I don't believe the text file stream is the problem.
The text file looks like this:
Bacon and eggs
Specifically, my question is: Why does trying to input to a member of a struct inside the vector cause a segmentation error and how can I fix it.
Sorry for the long explanation and awkward formatting. I am fairly new to both stack overflow, and c++.
When retrieving data from a file; I tend to prefer to retrieve the contents of a single line and store that to some string, stream or buffer and parse it later, or I'll retrieve the entire contents of a file and do the same. I find it easier to parse a string after you have extracted the data from the file and closed its handle. I do not like using global variables that are NOT CONST. Also the way you are using your for loop when reading from a file while( file.eof() ) or while ( !file.eof() ) is bad practice and can lead to many errors, crashes and headaches later on. If you look at my function below all it does is it takes a filename and tries to open it if it exists. Once it opens, then it will get a line save it to a string and push that string into a vector until there is nothing else to read. Then it closes the file handle and returns. This fits the concept of a function having a single responsibility.
If you have a function where you open a file, read in a line, parse the data, read a line, parse the data etc. then close it; this kind of function is considered to take on multiple tasks which can be a bad thing. First there are performance reasons. Opening and reading from a file itself is a computationally expensive task so to speak. You are also trying to create objects on the fly and this can be bad if you never checked to validate the values you received from the file. Take a look at my code below and you will see the design pattern that I'm referring to where each function has its own responsibility. This also helps to prevent file corruption.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <exception>
struct MenuItem {
string menuItem;
double menuPrice;
int menuCount;
// This function is not used in this case but is a very helpful function
// for splitting a string into a vector of strings based on a common delimiter
// This is handy when parsing CSV files {Comma Separated Values}.
std::vector<std::string> splitString( const std::string& s, char delimiter ) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::string token;
std::istringstream tokenStream( s );
while( std::getline( tokenStream, token, delimiter ) ) {
tokens.push_back( token );
return tokens;
void getDataFromFile( const char* filename, std::vector<std::string>& output ) {
std::ifstream file( filename );
if( !file ) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "failed to open file " << filename << '\n';
throw std::runtime_error( stream.str() );
std::string line;
while( std::getline( file, line ) ) {
if ( line.size() > 0 )
output.push_back( line );
void parseFileData( const std::vector<std::string>& fileContents, std::vector<MenuItem> menuItems ) {
// The first param is the contents of the file where each line
// from the file is stored as a string and pushed into a vector.
// Here you need to parse this data. The second parameter is the
// vector of menu items that is being passed by reference.
// You can not modify the fileContents directly as it is const and read only
// however the menuItems is passed by reference only so you can update that
// This is where you will need to go through some kind of loop and get string
// of text that will stored in your MenuItem::menuItem variable.
// then the next string will have your price. Here you showed that your
// text file has `$` in front of the value. You will then have to strip this out
// leaving you with just the value itself.
// Then you can use `std::stod( stringValue ) to convert to value,
// then you can save that to MenuTiem::menuPrice variable.
// After you have the values you need then you can push back this temp MenuItem
// Into the vector of MenuItems that was passed in. This is one iteration of
// your loop. You continue this until you are done traversing through the fileContents vector.
// This function I'll leave for you to try and write.
int main() {
try {
std::vector<std::string> fileConents;
getDataFromFile( "test.txt", fileConents );
std::vector<MenuItem> data; // here is the menu list from your example
generateVectors( fileConents, data );
// test to see if info is correct
for( auto& d : data ) {
std::cout << data.menuItem << " " << data.menuPrice << '\n';
} catch( const std::runtime_error& e ) {
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
As for your error or crash, you were probably either accessing an index that is past the end of the vector, or you were trying to use contents from the vector that had invalid data.
If you look at the operator[] of a vector and then check on the exception section, it will tell you that if n is superior than the size of the vector, it's actually undefined behavior. You probably want to push back an item you've created beforehand.
I usually prefer vector::at as it is bound-checked and signals if the requested position is out of range by throwing an out_of_range exception.
First remove "$" from inData.txt then I suggest to use while(getline(input, item)) like this way:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
//there is more code to this program, but the fault occurs very soon in the program
//and none of the rest of the code has any relevance.
//also, I don't really think that the problem is with trying to input, but I don't have enough experience to rule it out.
using namespace std;
struct menuItemType
string menuItem; //this is the name of the item
double menuPrice; // this is the price of the item
int menuCount;
vector<menuItemType*> menuList; //the menu can be any size so I don't know how big it will be at this point. I'm using a vector to avoid having to declare a size
// I also have 2 other functions and some extra code in main that all need to access this vector. That is why I made it global
void getData() //this function opens the text file containing the menu and tries to read in each line.
ifstream input;"inData.txt");
int i = 0;
string item;
double price;
while(getline(input, item))
menuList.push_back(new menuItemType);
menuList[i]->menuItem = item;
menuList[i]->menuPrice = atof((char*)item.c_str()); //math.h
int main()
for(menu : menuList)
cout << menu->menuItem << ": " << menu->menuPrice << endl;
delete menu; //cleaning memory
return 0;

Users Manually Enter Input and Output Paths C++

I have no idea about C++, but I've been assigned to edit this piece of code:
// Setup path information for output file from environmental variables
char * path = new char[100];
path = getenv("MODEL_MERGE");
char * templatePath = new char[100];
char * outputPath = new char[100];
strcpy(templatePath, path);
strcat(templatePath, "infile location");
strcpy(outputPath, path);
strcat(outputPath,"outfile location");
cout << "temp: " << templatePath << endl;
cout << "out: " << outputPath << endl;
//input output file streams for reading/writing to files
ifstream readFile(templatePath);
ofstream outFile(outputPath);
My goal is to replace the "infile location" and "outfile location", which currently point to specific files. I want the user to be able to enter the file names when running from command prompt. Sorry if this is something as simple as <<cin, but I couldn't get that to work, and I have zero experience with this language.
Got it! Everything above was replaced by:
//User inputs paths
string input;
string output;
cout<<"Input path?"<<endl;
cin>> input;
cout<<"output path?"<<endl;
cin>> output;
//input output file streams for reading/writing to files
ifstream readFile(input.c_str());
ofstream outFile(output.c_str());`
Thanks everyone for the help!
There is enough wrong with the code supplied to OP to be worth a quick going over in addition to pointing the OP in a useful direction.
First, no test for NULL on the call to getenv. If MODEL_MERGE doesn't exist, NULL is returned and then used in string copies. BOOM!
Second, newing all those arrays. Dynamically allocate only as a last resort. new must be pared with at least one delete, depending on the code's flow, to return the allocated memory for reuse when no longer needed. Since there seems to no need to dynamically allocate and the sizes of the arrays are known, they should have been defined as char templatePath[100];. Less memory management to be dealt with and effectively no possibility of leakage.
Third renders point two obsolete. Rather than using char arrays, use strings where possible. Not only do they handle all of the memory management, including resizing as needed rather than trampling out of bounds, for you, they also perform routine tasks like copying and appending with much less fuss. This bit I'll demonstrate below.
Proper use of cin and cout is well detailed on a number of sites so I won't go over it here.
Also note I've removed the need for using namespace std; by explicitly stating the namespace at use. Read why using namespace std; is often a bad idea.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main()
char * Model_MergePath = getenv("MODEL_MERGE");
if (Model_MergePath != NULL)
{ //MODEL_MERGE is defined
std::string path(Model_MergePath); //replace icky and fault-prone char array
std::string templatePath = path; // copy strings with =
std::string outputPath; // not assigning path here so I can demonstrate
//something else later
std::string inFileLoc; // new throw away variables for user input.
std::string outFileLoc; // could use the same var for both. I didn't for clarity
std::cin >> inFileLoc; // get input
templatePath += inFileLoc; // append to strings with +=
std::cin >> outFileLoc;
outputPath = path + outFileLoc; // concatenate strings with +
// validate paths for correctness and possible intrusion attempts here
// this, I'm afraid, is up to the OP as the security requirements are unknown
std::cout << "temp: " << templatePath << std::endl;
std::cout << "out: " << outputPath << std::endl;
//input output file streams for reading/writing to files
std::ifstream readFile(templatePath);
// older C++ compilers may require a c-style string as the file path
std::ofstream outFile(outputPath.c_str());
// do stuff with readFile and outFile
// remove the deletes that should have corresponded to the replaced `new`s
return 0;
{ //MODEL_MERGE is NOT defined
std::cerr << "Cannot find environment variable MODEL_MERGE. Exiting." << std::endl;
return -1;

Reading data in from a .csv into usable format using C++

I would like to be able to read the data that I have into C++ and then start to do things to manipulate it. I am quite new but have a tiny bit of basic knowledge. The most obvious way of doing this that strikes me (and maybe this comes from using excel previously) would be to read the data into a 2d array. This is the code that I have so far.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
string C_J;
int main()
float data[1000000][10];
ifstream C_J_input;"/Users/RT/B/CJ.csv");
if (!C_J_input) return -1;
for(int row = 0; row <1000000; row++)
string line;
getline(C_J_input, C_J, '?');
if ( !C_J_input.good() )
stringstream iss(line);
for(int col = 0; col < 10; col++)
string val;
getline(iss, val, ',');
if (!iss.good() )
stringstream converter(val);
converter >> data[row][col];
cout << data;
return 0;
Once I have the data read in I would like to be able to read through it line by line and then pull analyse it, looking for certain things however I think that could probably be the topic of another thread, once I have the data read in.
Just let me know if this is a bad question in any way and I will try to add anything more that might make it better.
as request of the asker, this is how you would load it into a string, then split into lines, and then further split into elements:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
//This takes a string and splits it with a delimiter and returns a vector of strings
std::vector<std::string> &SplitString(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector<std::string> &elems)
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::string item;
while (std::getline(ss, item, delim))
return elems;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//load the file with ifstream
std::ifstream t("test.csv");
if (!t)
std::cout << "Unknown File" << std::endl;
return 1;
//this is just a block of code designed to load the whole file into one string
std::string str;
//this sets the read position to the end
t.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
str.reserve(t.tellg());//this gives the string enough memory to allocate up the the read position of the file (which is the end)
t.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);//this sets the read position back to the beginning to start reading it
//this takes the everything in the stream (the file data) and loads it into the string.
//istreambuf_iterator is used to loop through the contents of the stream (t), and in this case go up to the end.
//if (sizeof(rawData) != *rawSize)
// return false;
//if the file has size (is not empty) then analyze
if (str.length() > 0)
//the file is loaded
//split by delimeter(which is the newline character)
std::vector<std::string> lines;//this holds a string for each line in the file
SplitString(str, '\n', lines);
//each element in the vector holds a vector of of elements(strings between commas)
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > LineElements;
//for each line
for (auto it : lines)
//this is a vector of elements in this line
std::vector<std::string> elementsInLine;
//split with the comma, this would seperate "one,two,three" into {"one","two","three"}
SplitString(it, ',', elementsInLine);
//take the elements in this line, and add it to the line-element vector
//this displays each element in an organized fashion
//for each line
for (auto it : LineElements)
//for each element IN that line
for (auto i : it)
//if it is not the last element in the line, then insert comma
if (i != it.back())
std::cout << i << ',';
std::cout << i;//last element does not get a trailing comma
//the end of the line
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "File Is empty" << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
On second glance, I've noticed few obvious issues which will slow your progress greatly, so I'll drop them here:
1) you are using two disconnected variables for reading the lines:
C_J - which receives data from getline function
line - which is used as the source of stringstream
I'm pretty sure that the C_J is completely unnecessary. I think you wanted to simply do
getline(C_J_input, line, ...) // so that the textline read will fly to the LINE var
// ...and later
stringstream iss(line); // no change
or, alternatively:
getline(C_J_input, C_J, ...) // no change
// ...and later
stringstream iss(C_J); // so that ISS will read the textline we've just read
elsewise, the stringstream will never see what getline has read form the file - getline writes the data to different place (C_J) than the stringstream looks at (line).
2) another tiny bit is that you are feeding a '?' into getline() as the line separator. CSVs usually use a 'newline' character to separate the data lines. Of course, your input file may use '?' - I dont know. But if you wanted to use a newline instead then omit the parameter at all, getline will use default newline character matching your OS, and this will probably be just OK.
3) your array of float is, um huge. Consider using list instead. It will nicely grow as you read rows. You can even nest them, so list<list<float>> is also very usable. I'd actually probably use list<vector<float>> as the number of columns is constant though. Using a preallocated huge array is not a good idea, as there always be a file with one-line-too-much you know and ka-boom.
4) your code contains a just-as-huge loop that iterates a constant number of times. A loop itself is ok, but the linecount will vary. You actually don't need to count the lines. Especially if you use list<> to store the values. Just like you;ve checked if the file is properly open if(!C_J_input), you may also check if you have reached End-Of-File:
; // will fire ONLY if you are at the end of the file.
see here for an example
uh.. well, that's for start. Goodluck!

How to split a string into two integers over several lines C++

I've been trying to retrieve saved data from a text file. The data stored are both numbers, separated by a ~. I've managed to get it to print out one of the lines (the top line) however I've been unable to figure out how to proceed through the entire file.
There are only two numbers (integers) on each line, an X and Y position of another vector. The idea is to assign each integer to the respective variable in the vectors. I've not managed to get that far since I can't get it to go past line 1. But I'd thought that by having an array size of 2, and the array temporarily stores the value, assigns it to the vector, then overwrites it with the next value(s) that could work. But again not managed to get that far.
Below is the code I've been trying to use;
string loadZombieData;
loadFile >> loadZombieData; //Data gets read from the file and placed in the string
vector<string> result; //Stores result of each split value as a string
stringstream data(loadZombieData);
string line;
for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++){
cout << result[i] << " ";
Just to clarify, this is not my code, this is some code I found on Stackoverflow, so I'm not entirely certain how it all works yet. As I said, I've been trying to get it to read multiple lines, then using the for loop was going to assign the results to the other vector variables as needed. Any help is appreciated :)
Use two while loops:
std::vector<std::string> result;
std::vector<int> numbers;
std::string filename;
std::ifstream ifile(filename.c_str());
if (!ifile.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Input file not opened! Something went wrong!" << std::endl;
std::string temp;
//loop over the file using newlines as your delimiter
while (std::getline(ifile, temp, '\n')) {
//now temp has the information of each line.
//create a stringstream initialized with this information:
std::istringstream iss(temp);//this contains the information of ONE line
//now loop over the string stream object as you would have in your code sample:
while(getline(iss, temp,'~'))
//at this point temp is the value of a token, but it is a string
result.push_back(temp); //note: this only stores the TOKENS as strings
//so to store the token as a int or float, you need to convert it to that
//via another stringstream:
std::istringstream ss(temp);
//if your number type is float, change it here as well as in the vector
//initialization of `numbers`:
int num = 0;
//this checks the stream to ensure that conversion occurred.
//if it did, store the number, otherwise, handle the error (quit - but, this is up to you)
//if stringstreams aren't your cup of tea, try some others (refer to this link):
if (!(ss >> num).fail()) {
else {
std::cerr << "There was a problem converting the string to an integer!" << std::endl;
Note: this version stores the numbers verbatim: i.e. without a sense of how many numbers were on a line. However, that is reconcilable as all you have to do is output n numbers per line. In your case, you know every 2 numbers will be represent the numbers in a line.
This requires:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>

C++: Large multidimensional vector causes seg fault

I have a large file (50x11k) of a grid of numbers. All i am trying to do is place the values into a vector so that i can access the values of different lines at the same time. I get a seg fault everytime (i cannot even do a cout before a the while loop). Anyone see the issue?
If there is an easier way to do this then please let me know. Its a large file and I need to be able to compare the values of one row with another so a simple getline does not work, Is there a way to jump around a file and not "grab" the lines, but just "examine" the lines so that I can later go back an examine that same line by putting in that number? Like looking at the file like a big array? I wanna look at the third line and 5 character in that line at the same time i look at the 56th line and 9th character, something like that.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//int g_Max = 0;
int main() {
vector<vector<string> > grid;
ifstream in("grid.txt");
int row = 0;
int column = 0;
string c;
if (!in) {
cout << "NO!";
while (!in.eof()) {
c = in.get();
if ("\n") == 0) {
column = 0;
else {
c = grid[column][row];
cout << grid[column][row];
return 0;
vector<vector<string> > grid;
This declares an empty vector, with no elements.
c = grid[column][row];
This accesses elements of the vector, but there are no elements.
If you change it to use vector::at() instead of vector::operator[] like so:
c =;
then you'll get exceptions telling you you're accessing out of range.
You need to populate the vector with elements before you can access them. One way is to declare it with the right number of elements up front:
vector<vector<string> > grid(11000, std::vector<string>(50));
You probably also want to fix your IO loop, testing !in.eof() is usually wrong. Why not read a line at a time and split the line up, instead of reading single characters?
while (getline(in, c))
If all you need is to access all lines at once why you don't declare it as std::vector<std::string> and each line is an string??
std::string s;
std::vector<std::string> lines;
while( std::getline(in, s) ) lines.push_back( s );
std::cout << "File contain " << lines.size() << " line" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Char at [1][2] is " << lines[1][2] << std::endl; // assume [1][2] is valid!