Vector cannot be overwritten - c++

I'm trying to write a program for university. The goal of the program is to make a nurse schedule for a hospital. However, i'm really stuck for the moment. Below you can find one function of the program.
The input for the function is a roster which consists of the shift each nurse has to perform on each day. In this example, we have 32 rows (32 nurses) and 28 columns (representing 28 days). Each cell contains a number from 0 to 6, indicating a day off (0) or a certain shift (1 to 6).
The function should calculate for each day, how many nurses are scheduled for a certain shift. For example, on the first day, there are 8 nurses which perform shift 2, 6 shift 3 and so forth. The output of the function is a double vector.
I think the function is mostly correct but when I call it for different rosters the program always gives the first roster gave.
void calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1)
for (int i = 0; i < get_nbr_days(); i++)
vector<int> nurses_per_shift;
int nbr_nurses_free = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift1 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift2 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift3 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift4 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift5 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift6 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < get_nbr_nurses(); j++)
if (roster1[j][i] == 0)
nbr_nurses_free += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 1)
nbr_nurses_shift1 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 2)
nbr_nurses_shift2 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 3)
nbr_nurses_shift3 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 4)
nbr_nurses_shift4 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 5)
nbr_nurses_shift5 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 6)
nbr_nurses_shift6 += 1;
Here you can see the program:
Get_shift_assignment() and schedule_LD are other rosters.
void test_schedule_function()
One more function you need to fully understand the problem is this one:
void calculate_coverage_deficit()
int deficit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < get_nbr_days(); i++)
vector<int> deficit_day;
for (int j = 0; j < get_nbr_shifts(); j++)
deficit = get_staffing_requirements()[j] - nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day[i][j];
cout << "Day 1, shift 1: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][0] << " nurses." << endl;
cout << "Day 1, shift 2: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][1] << " nurses." << endl;
cout << "Day 1, shift 3: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][2] << " nurses." << endl;
cout << "Day 1, shift 4: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][3] << " nurses." << endl;
So the problem is that each time I run this program it always gives me the deficits of the first roster. In this case, this is Schedule_LD. When I first run the function with input roster get_shift_assignment() than he gives me the deficits for that roster.
Apparently the nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day[][] vector is not overwritten the second time I run the function and I don't know how to fix this... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Let me try to summarize the comments:
By using global variables to return values from your functions it is very likely, that you forgot to remove older results from one or more of your global variables before calling functions again.
To get around this, return your results from the function instead.
vector<vector<int>> calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1)
vector<int> nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day; // Create the result vector
... // Do your calculations
return nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day;
or if you do not want to return a vector:
void calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1, vector<vector<int>> nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day)
... // Do your calculations
But clearly, the first variant is a lot less error-prone (in the second example you can forget to clear nbr_of_nurses again) and most compilers will optimize the return nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day so the whole vector does not get copied.
The second possible issue is that ´get_nbr_days()´ might return numbers that are larger or smaller than the actual size of your vector. To work around this, use either the size() method of vector or use iterators instead.
Your first function would then look like this:
vector<vector<int>> calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1)
vector<vector<int>> nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day;
for (vector<vector<int>>::iterator shiftsOnDay = roster1.begin(); shiftsOnDay != roster1.end(); ++shiftsOnDay)
vector<int> nurses_per_shift(6, 0); // Create vector with 6 elements initialized to 0
for (vector<int>::iterator shift = shiftsOnDay->begin(); shift != shiftsOnDay->end(); ++shift)
if (*shift == 0)
nurses_per_shift[*shift - 1]++; // This code relies on shift only containing meaningful values
return nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day;


How can I add limited coins to the coin change problem? (Bottom-up - Dynamic programming)

I am new to dynamic programming (and C++ but I have more experience, some things are still unknown to me). How can I add LIMITED COINS to the coin change problem (see my code below - is a bit messy but I'm still working on it). I have a variable nr[100] that registers the number of coins (also created some conditions in my read_values() ). I don't know where can I use it in my code.
The code considers that we have an INFINITE supply of coins (which I don't want that).
It is made in the bottom-up method (dynamic programming).
My code is inspired from this video: Youtube
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int C[100], b[100], n, S, s[100], nr[100], i, condition=0, ok=1;
void read_values() //reads input
cin >> n; // coin types
cin >> S; // amount to change
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
cin >> b[i]; //coin value
cin>>nr[i]; //coin amount
if(nr[i]==0)b[i]=0; //if there are no coin amount then the coin is ignored
condition+=b[i]*nr[i]; //tests to see if we have enough coins / amount of coins to create a solution
void payS()
int i, j;
C[0] = 0; // if amount to change is 0 then the solution is 0
for (j=1; j<=S; j++)
C[j] = S+1;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
if (b[i] <= j && 1 + C[j - b[i]] < C[j])
C[j] = 1 + C[j - b[i]];
s[j] = b[i];
cout << "Minimum ways to pay the amount: " << C[S] << endl;
void solution(int j)
if (j > 0)
solution(j - s[j]);
cout << s[j] << " ";
int main()
cout << "The coins that have been used are: ";
I'm working under the assumption that you need to generate change for a positive integer value, amount using your nbr table where nbr[n] is the number of coins available of value n. I'm also working under the assumption that nbr[0] is effectively meaningless since it would only represent coins of no value.
Most dynamic programming problems are typically recursing on a binary decision of choosing option A vs option B. Often times one option is "pick this one" and other is "don't pick this one and use the rest of the available set". This problem is really no different.
First, let's solve the recursive dynamic problem without a cache.
I'm going to replace your nbr variable with a data structure called a "cointable". This is used to keep track of both the available set of coins and the set of coins selected for any given solution path:
struct cointable
static const int MAX_COIN_VALUE = 100;
int table[MAX_COIN_VALUE+1]; // table[n] maps "coin of value n" to "number of coins availble at amount n"
int number; // number of coins in table
cointable::table is effectively the same thing as your nbr array. coinbase::number is the summation of the values in table. It's not used to keep track of available coins, but it is used to keep track of the better solution.
Now we can introduce the recursive solution without a lookup cache.
Each step of the recursion does this:
Look for the highest valuable coin that is in the set of available coins not greater than the target amount being solved for
Recurse on option A: Pick this coin selected from step 1. Now solve (recursively) for the reduced amount using the reduced set of available coins.
Recurse on option B: Don't pick this coin, but instead recurse with the first coin of lesser value than what was found in step 1.
Compare the recursion results of 2 and 3. Pick the one with lesser number of coins used
Here's the code - without using an optimal lookup cache
bool generateChange(int amount, cointable& available, cointable& solution, int maxindex)
if ((maxindex == 0) || (amount < 0))
return false;
if (amount == 0)
return true;
int bestcoin = 0;
// find the highest available coin that not greater than amount
if (maxindex > amount)
maxindex = amount;
// assert(maxindex <= cointable::MAX_COIN_VALUE)
for (int i = maxindex; i >= 1; i--)
if (available.table[i] > 0)
bestcoin = i;
if (bestcoin == 0)
return false; // out of coins
// go down two paths - one with picking this coin. Another not picking it
// option 1
// pick this coin (clone available and result)
cointable a1 = available;
cointable r1 = solution;
bool result1 = generateChange(amount - bestcoin, a1, r1, bestcoin);
// option2 - don't pick this coin and start looking for solutions with lesser
// coins (not the use of references for a2 and r2 since we haven't changed anything)
cointable& a2 = available;
cointable& r2 = solution;
bool result2 = generateChange(amount, a2, r2, bestcoin - 1);
bool isSolvable = result1 || result2;
if (!isSolvable)
return false;
// note: solution and r2 are the same object, no need to reassign solution=r2
if (
((result1 && result2) && (r1.number < r2.number))
|| (result2 == false)
solution = r1;
return true;
And then a quick demonstration for how to calculate change for 128 cents given a limited amount of coins in the larger denominations: {1:100, 5:20, 10:10, 25:1, 50:1}
int main()
cointable available = {}; // zero-init
cointable solution = {}; // zero-init
available.table[1] = 100;
available.table[5] = 20;
available.table[10] = 10;
available.table[25] = 1;
available.table[50] = 1;
int amount = 128;
bool result = generateChange(amount, available, solution, cointable::MAX_COIN_VALUE);
if (result == true)
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
if (solution.table[i] > 0)
std::cout << i << " : " << solution.table[i] << "\n";
cout << "no solution\n";
And that should work. And it might be fast enough for most making change for anything under a dollar such that a cache is not warranted. So it's possible we can stop right here and be done.
And I am going to stop right here
I started to work on a solution that introduces a "cache" to avoid redundant recursions. But after benchmarking it and studying how the algorithm finds the best solution quickly, I'm not so sure a cache is warranted. My initial attempt to insert a cache table for both solvable and unsolvable solutions just made the code slower. I'll need to study how to make it work - if it's even warranted at all.
Maybe you wanted us to fix your code, but instead I implemented my own version of solution. Hopefully my own version will be useful somehow for you, at least educationally.
Of course I used Dynamic Programming approach for that.
I keep a vector of possible to compose changes. Each next sums is composed of previous sums by adding several coins of same value.
History of used coins is also kept, this allows us to restore each change as combination of exactly given coins.
After code you can see console output that shows example of composing change 13 out of coins 2x4, 3x3, 5x2, 10x1 (here second number is amount of coins).
Input coins and their amount is given inside coins vector at start of main() function, you can fill this vector with anything you want, for example by taking console user input. Needed to be represented change is given inside variable change.
Don't forget to see Post Scriptum (PS.) after code and console output, it has some more details about algorithm.
Full code below:
Try it online!
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
using u32 = uint32_t;
using u64 = uint64_t;
int main() {
std::vector<std::pair<u32, u32>> const coins =
{{2, 4}, {3, 3}, {5, 2}, {10, 1}};
u32 const change = 13;
std::vector<std::unordered_map<u32, std::pair<u64, std::set<u32>>>>
sums = {{{0, {1, {}}}}};
for (auto [coin_val, coin_cnt]: coins) {
for (auto const & [k, v]: - 2))
for (size_t icnt = 0; icnt <= coin_cnt; ++icnt) {
auto & [vars, prevs] = sums.back()[k + coin_val * icnt];
vars += v.first;
std::vector<std::pair<u32, u32>> path;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<u32, u32>>> paths;
std::function<bool(u32, u32, u32)> Paths =
[&](u32 sum, u32 depth, u32 limit){
if (sum == 0) {
std::reverse(paths.back().begin(), paths.back().end());
return paths.size() < limit;
auto const coin = - 1).first;
auto const & [_, prevs] =;
for (auto const cnt: prevs) {
if (cnt > 0)
path.push_back({coin, cnt});
if (!Paths(sum - coin * cnt, depth - 1, limit))
return false;
if (cnt > 0)
return true;
if (!sums.back().count(change)) {
std::cout << "Change " << change
<< " can NOT be represented." << std::endl;
return 0;
std::cout << "Change " << change << " can be composed "
<< std::get<0>(sums.back().at(change)) << " different ways." << std::endl;
Paths(change, coins.size(), 20);
std::cout << "First " << paths.size() << " variants:" << std::endl;
for (auto const & path: paths) {
std::cout << change << " = ";
for (auto [coin, cnt]: path)
std::cout << coin << "x" << cnt << " + ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Change 13 can be composed 5 different ways.
First 5 variants:
13 = 2x2 + 3x3 +
13 = 2x4 + 5x1 +
13 = 2x1 + 3x2 + 5x1 +
13 = 3x1 + 5x2 +
13 = 3x1 + 10x1 +
PS. As you may have noticed, main Dynamic Programming part of algorithm is very tiny, just following lines:
std::vector<std::unordered_map<u32, std::pair<u64, std::set<u32>>>>
sums = {{{0, {1, {}}}}};
for (auto [coin_val, coin_cnt]: coins) {
for (auto const & [k, v]: - 2))
for (size_t icnt = 0; icnt <= coin_cnt; ++icnt) {
auto & [vars, prevs] = sums.back()[k + coin_val * icnt];
vars += v.first;
This part keeps all currently composable sums (changes). Algo starts from money change of 0, then incrementally adds 1-by-1 coin to all possible current changes (sums), thus forming new sums (including this new coin).
Each sum keeps a counter of all possible ways to compose it plus it keeps track of all last coins that lead to this sum. This last coins set allows to do back-tracking in order to restore concrete combinations of coins, not just amount of ways to compute this sum.

comparing a string at index i to a value in C++

So im working on a class assignment where I need to take a base 2 binary number and convert it to its base 10 equivalent. I wanted to store the binary as a string, then scan the string and skip the 0s, and at 1s add 2^i. Im not able to compare the string at index i to '0, and im not sure why if( == '0') isnt working. It results in an "out of range memory error". Can someone help me understand why this doesnt work?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main() {
string binaryNumber;
int adder;
int total = 0;
cout << "Enter a binary number to convert to decimal \n";
cin >> binaryNumber;
for (int i = 1; i <= binaryNumber.length(); i++) {
if( == '0') { //THIS IS THE PROBLEM
//do nothing and skip to next number
else {
adder = pow(2, i);
total = adder + total;
cout << "The binary number " << binaryNumber << " is " << total << " in decimal form.\n";
Array indices for C++ and many other languages use zero based index. That means for array of size 5, index ranges from 0 to 4. In your code your are iterating from 1 to array_length. Use:
for (int i = 0; i < binaryNumber.length(); i++)
The problem is not with the if statement but with your loop condition and index.
You have your index begin at one, while the first character of a string will be at index zero. Your out memory range error is caused by the fact that the loop stops when less than or equal, causing the index to increase one too many and leave the memory range of the string.
Simply changing the loop from
for (int i = 1; i <= binaryNumber.length(); i++) {
if( == '0') {
else {
adder = pow(2, i);
total = adder + total;
for (int i = 0; i < binaryNumber.length(); i++) {
if( == '0') {
else {
adder = pow(2, i);
total = adder + total;
Will solve the issue.
Because your started from 1 and not 0
for (int i = 1; i <= binaryNumber.length(); i++)
Try with that
for (int i = 0; i < binaryNumber.length(); i++)

Prevent loop from echoing if another same-value array element has been already echoed in C++

First of all, sorry for the mis-worded title. I couldn't imagine a better way to put it.
The problem I'm facing is as follows: In a part of my program, the program counts occurences of different a-zA-Z letters and then tells how many of each letters can be found in an array. The problem, however, is this:
If I have an array that consists of A;A;F;A;D or anything similar, the output will be this:
A - 3
A - 3
F - 1
A - 3
D - 1
But I am required to make it like this:
A - 3
F - 1
D - 1
I could solve the problem easily, however I can't use an additional array to check what values have been already echoed. I know why it happens, but I don't know a way to solve it without using an additional array.
This is the code snippet (the array simply consists of characters, not worthy of adding it to the snippet):
n is the size of array the user is asked to choose at the start of the program (not included in the snippet).
initburts is the current array member ID that is being compared against all other values.
burts is the counter that is being reset after the loop is done checking a letter and moves onto the next one.
do {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (array[initburts] == array[i]) {
cout << "\n\n" << array[initburts] << " - " << burts;
burts = 0;
if (initburts == n) {
isDone = true;
while (isDone == false);
Do your counting first, then loop over your counts printing the results.
std::map<decltype(array[0]), std::size_t> counts;
std::for_each(std::begin(array), std::end(array), [&counts](auto& item){ ++counts[item]; });
std::for_each(std::begin(counts), std::end(counts), [](auto& pair) { std::cout << "\n\n" << pair.first << " - " pair.second; });
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
// first check if we printed this character already;
// this is the case if the same character occurred
// before the current one:
bool isNew = true;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
// you find out yourself, do you?
// do not forget to break the loop
// in case of having detected an equal value!
// well, now we can count...
unsigned int count = 1;
for(int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
count += array[j] == array[i];
// appropriate output...
That would do the trick and retains the array as is, however is an O(n²) algorithm. More efficient (O(n*log(n))) is sorting the array in advance, then you can just iterate over the array once. Of course, original array sequence gets lost then:
std::sort(array, array + arrayLength);
auto start = array;
for(auto current = array + 1; current != array + arrayLength; ++current)
if(*current != *start)
auto char = *start;
auto count = current - start;
// output char and count appropriately
// now we yet lack the final character:
auto char = *start;
auto count = array + arrayLength - start;
// output char and count appropriately
Pointer arithmetic... Quite likely that your teacher gets suspicious if you just copy this code, but it should give you the necessary hints to make up your own variant (use indices instead of pointers...).
I would do it this way.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s;
vector<int> capCount(26, 0), smallCount(26, 0);
cout << "Enter the string\n";
cin >> s;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
char c =;
if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
++capCount[(int)c - 65];
if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
++smallCount[(int)c - 97];
for(int i = 0; i < 26; ++i)
if(capCount[i] > 0)
cout << (char) (i + 65) << ": " << capCount[i] << endl;
if(smallCount[i] > 0)
cout << (char) (i + 97) << ": " << smallCount[i] << endl;
Note: I have differentiated lower and upper case characters.
Here's is the sample output:

Why my Shell sorting is so slow

I am trying to implement shell sorting algorithm myself. I wrote my own code and didn't watch to any code samples only watch the video of algorithm description
My sort works but very slow (bubble sort 100 items - 0.007 s; shell sort 100 items - 4.83 s), how is it possible to improve it?
void print(vector<float>vec)
for (float i : vec)
cout << i << " ";
cout << "\n\n";
void Shell_sorting(vector<float>&values)
int swapping = 0;
int step = values.size();
clock_t start;
double duration;
start = clock();
while (step/2 >= 1)
step /= 2;
for (int i = 0; i < values.size()-step; i++)
if ((i + step < values.size()))
if ((values[i + step] < values[i]))
swap(values[i], values[i + step]);
int c = i;
while (c - step > 0)
if (values[c] < values[c - step])
swap(values[c], values[c - step]);
c -= step;
duration = (clock() - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << swapping << " " << duration;
A better implementation could be:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> vec = {
std::vector<int> gaps = {5, 2, 1};
int j;
for (int gap : gaps) {
for (int i = gap; i < vec.size(); i++)
j = i-gap;
while (j >= 0) {
if (vec[j+gap] < vec[j])
int temp = vec[j+gap];
vec[j+gap] = vec[j];
vec[j] = temp;
j = j-gap;
else break;
for (int item : vec) std::cout << item << " " << std::endl;
return 0;
I prefer to use a vector to store gap data so that you do not need to compute the division (which is an expansive operation). Besides, this choice, gives your code more flexibility.
the extern loop cycles on gap values. Once choosen the gap, you iterate over your vector, starting from vec[gap] and explore if there are elements smaller then it according to the logic of the Shell Sort.
So, you start setting j=i-gap and test the if condition. If it is true, swap items and then repeat the while loop decrementing j. Note: vec[j+gap]is the element that in the last loop cycle was swapped. If the condition is true, there's no reason to continue in the loop, so you can exit from it with a break.
On my machine, it took 0.002s calculated using the time shell command (the time includes the process of printing numbers).
p.s. to generate all that numbers and write them in the array, since i'm too lazy to write a random function, i used this link and then i edited the output in the shell with:
sed -e 's/[[:space:]]/,/g' num | sed -e 's/$/,/'

c++ Genetic Algorithm Mutation error

I Have a problem with the mutation function within my genetic Algorithm. I can't quite see what I am doing wrong either. I've looked at this code for a while and I think the logic is correct, it's just not producing the results i want.
The problem
When i output the Binary array located in the Child Struct, If mutation has occured on any of the bits, then a random number will be changed, and not the one that should be.
for example
0000000 is the binary string
mutation has occured on the second
0001000 would be the result
This section is located within the main.
for (int Child = 0; Child < ParentNumberInit; Child++)
cout << endl;
This is the mutation function
void mutation(struct Parent Child1,int childnumber)
int mutation; // will be the random number generated
cout << endl << "Child " << (childnumber+1) << endl;
//loop through every bit in the binary string
for (int z = 0; z < Binscale; z++)
mutation = 0; // set mutation at 0 at the start of every loop
mutation = rand()%100; //create a random number
cout << "Generated number = " << mutation << endl;
//if variable mutation is smaller, mutation occurs
if (mutation < MutationRate)
if(Child1.binary_code[z] == '0')
Child1.binary_code[z] = '1';
else if(Child1.binary_code[z] == '1')
Child1.binary_code[z] = '0';
It's being outputted in the main like this
for (int childnumber = 0; childnumber < ParentNumberInit; childnumber++)
cout<<"Child "<<(childnumber+1)<<" Binary code = ";
for (int z = 0; z < Binscale; z ++)
You can't throttle the multation rate this way. You need to separate the mutated bit from the probability of the mutation occuring.
for (int z = 0; z < Binscale; z++)
if (rand() % 100 < MutationRate)
// flip bit
Child1.binary_code[z] += 1;
Child1.binary_code[z] %= 2;
Even simpler way to flip bit:
Child1.binary_code[z] ^= 1;
try this:
void mutation(Parent& Child1,int childnumber)