dynamic outlet name in ember js - ember.js

Requirement: There will be few buttons, and on clicking every button the immediate outlet will be rendered with a view. (not the other outlets present in the page)
Suppose I'm creating outlets in #each.
{{#each item in model}}
<#link-to 'passenger' item.id>Open Corresponding Outlet </link-to>
{{outlet item.id}}
and from back i'm rendering the outlet:
model: function (params) {
return [
{ id: params.passenger_id}
renderTemplate: function () {
this.render({ outlet: this.get('controller.model')[0].id });
This just doesn't work.
Can anyone help me to do that?

You can't create dynamic named outlets, and it would break the url representing the page you are viewing concept which the core members preach heavily.
You should just render in the template using the render helper, and use
{{#each item in model}}
{{render 'something' item}}
And inside the something controller/template you can add additional logic for how you'd like it to interact.
Additionally you could just add another resource under your passenger route and ad an outlet which hosts that information when it's clicked.

Not sure if you're still looking for a solution, as #kinpin2k mentioned you can't use dynamic outlets, but perhaps a dynamic partial would help.
Like so:
{{partial someTemplateName}}
Where someTemplateName can be any computed property in your controller. If the property returns falsy then nothing will be displayed.
Here's the reference: http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#toc_bound-template-names


Restoring content in outlet set on the ApplicationRoute

I have an application route that is rendering a template into an outlet named 'sidebar', this should be viewable across the whole of the app. I have set up a quick example here.
When I go into one of the routes (in my example, the color route) this outlet will render a different template and when you navigate to another route in the app it should show the sidebar that was there originally.
This doesn't happen automatically and I understand it is because once the ApplciationRoute has been entered which is when the app is first loaded the renderTemplate is called and not called again until page refresh. This makes sense to me, but I'm unsure how to get around this.
I have tried re-calling the Route#render method again under the willTransition action of the ColorRoute but it doesn't work.
actions: {
willTransition: function() {
this.render('color.sidebar', {
into: 'application',
outlet: 'sidebar'
I just came up with another "workaround" for this using a component instead of a named outlet.
Instead of {{ outlet "sidebar" }} in your application template just use {{ x-sidebar }}
Then, define the x-sidebar component template as follows:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="components/x-sidebar">
{{partial sidebar }}
So, now your newly created component is expecting a sidebar property to tell it which template to display.
You can pass that property when you use the component like so:
{{ x-sidebar sidebar=sidebar }}
Then, you can use activate/deactivate hooks in your routes to set the sidebar property on the application controller, for example:
App.ColorRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return params.color;
activate: function(){
this.controllerFor('application').set('sidebar', 'color/sidebar');
deactivate: function(){
this.controllerFor('application').set('sidebar', 'sidebar');
Working solution here
Someone apparently wrote an ember-cli addon to address this
See the following SO answer Ember sidebar - returning from "admin" sidebar to "normal"

EmberJS: Property Scopes in an ArrayController?

this is probably a grossly simple question to answer, so I apologize if I am cluttering this forum in advance.
I am displaying a list of items that share the same model and controller.
I made these items editable via a <button {{ action 'edit' }}> next to each item which toggles a boolean value of a property "isEditable" in the controller.
However clicking this button causes all items in the list to become editable because they all share the controller property "isEditable". The desired effect is to make a single item editable at a time instead of all items at once.
A simplified version of my template looks like this:
{{#if isEditing}}
<p>{{input type="text" value=title}}</p>
<button {{action 'doneEditing'}}>Done</button>
<span class="title">{{title}}</span>
<button {{action 'edit'}}><span class="edit"</span></button>
and the controller looks like this
App.ItemController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
isEditing : false,
actions : {
edit : function(){
this.set('isEditing', true);
doneEditing : function(){
this.set('isEditing', false);
Anybody know how to accomplish this? Is it because each item shares the "isEditable" property? If so, how do I get around this? I don't want to put this into the model because it's purely a display thing, even though I know I can get it to work doing that.
Thanks :)
By default the controller lookup within an {{#each}} block will be the controller of the template where the {{#each}} was used. If each item needs to be presented by a custom controller (to hold it's own state for example) you can provide a itemController option which references a controller by lookup name. Each item in the loop will be then wrapped in an instance of this controller and the item itself will be set to the content property of that controller.
So, I assume you are displaying the list of items using the {{#each}} helper. Therefore you can specify an itemController in the {{#each}} helper to hold the isEditable state on a per item basis. This would look something like this:
{{#each item in controller itemController="item"}}
Moreover you should define the defined itemController of type Ember.ObjectController like:
App.ItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
isEditing : false,
actions : {
edit : function(){
this.set('isEditing', true);
doneEditing : function(){
this.set('isEditing', false);
And for the list you should then have an App.ItemsController of type Ember.ArrayController:
App.ItemsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({});
See here for more info on the mentioned itemController support for the {{#each}} helper: http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_each
Hope it helps.

Ember.js arraycontroller call from view

I might be using this all wrong, but:
I've got an ArrayController representing a collection of products. Each product gets rendered and there are several actions a user could take, for example edit the product title or copy the description from a different product.
Question is: how do you interact with the controller for the specific product you're working with? How would the controller know which product was being edited?
I also tried to create an Ember.Select with selectionBinding set to "controller.somevar" but that also failed.
I think the most important thing you need to do, is first move as much logic as you can away from the views, and into controllers.
Another thing that would be useful in your case, is to have an itemController for each product in the list. That way, you can handle item specific logic in this item controller.
I don't have enough information to understand your architecture, so I will make a few assumptions.
Given you have the following ProductsController:
App.ProductsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
You need to create a ProductController that will be created to wrap every single product on its own.
App.ProductController = Ember.ObjectController.extend();
You need to modify your template as follows:
{{#each controller itemController="product"}}
Now every product in your list will have its own ProductController, which can handle one product's events and will act as the context for every list item.
Another option:
If you will only be handling one product at a time, you can use routes to describe which product you are working with:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('products', { path: '/products' }, function() {
this.resource('product', { path: '/:product_id' }, function() {
And create a controller for editing a product:
App.ProductEditController = Ember.ObjectController.extend();
And your list items would link to that product route:
{{#each controller}}
<li>{{#linkTo "product.edit" this}}name{{/linkTo}}</li>
If you define itemController on your ProductsController you don't need to specify that detail in your template:
App.ProductsController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: 'product',
needs: ['suppliers'],
actions: {
add: function() {
// do something to add an item to content collection
App.ProductController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
remove: function() {
// do something to remove the item
Use a collection template like this:
<button {{action="add"}}>Add Item</button>
{{#each controller}}
<li>{{name}} <button {{action="remove"}}>x</button></li>
The Ember documentation describesitemController here:
You can even define a function lookupItemController which can dynamically decide the item controller (eg based on model type perhaps).
The thing I found when rendering a collection wrapped in an ArrayController within another template/view is the way #each is used. Make sure you use {{#each controller}} as Teddy Zeeny shows otherwise you end up using the content model items and NOT the item controller wrapped items. You may not notice this until you try using actions which are intended to be handled by the item controller or other controller based content decoration.
When I need to nest an entire collection in another view I use the view helper as follows to set the context correctly so that any collection level actions (eg an add item button action) get handled by the array controller and not by the main controller setup by the route.
So in my products template I would do something like this to list the nested suppliers (assuming your route for 'product' has properly the 'suppliers' controller):
{{view controller=controllers.suppliers templateName="products/suppliers"}}
The suppliers template just follows the same pattern as the template I show above.

Selected item in a template, is there any solution for a context aware bindAttr?

The problem is as follows:
In our application we have several buttons, navigation icons etc., which we want to be 'selected' when they have been clicked. We can have multiple elements marked at the same time.
The secondary reason for me wanting to do this is that when I read the new Guides on emberjs.com I get the feeling that templates should be used more than stated before and that templates should have the responsibility of rendering the DOM, while the views should be used to handle sophisticated events (if any) or to create common/shared components to be reused in the application.
Currently the view is handling this:
app.NavView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
itemViewClass: Ember.View.extend({
classNameBindings: ['isSelected:selected']
isSelected: function () {
return this.get('controller.selected') === this.get('content');
But that is all the View basically is doing, I would like to drop the entire View and just use a template for this
I have tried with a template approach, and dropped the entire View concept.
<div id="main-menu">
{{#each content}}
<div {{bindAttr class="controller.isSelected:selected"}}>
But my problem here of course is that bindAttr doesn't know about the context it’s in, and cannot 'send' this to the isSelected property on the controller to evaluate if it is this element that is selected or not.
Is there a good solution to do this without a view, or am I forced to use a view?
Or am I thinking the design part and responsibility of Templates/views/controllers wrong?
Any response is appreciated!
In the current documentation: http://emberjs.com/guides/templates/displaying-a-list-of-items/ there is a mention explaining how to use the {{each}} helper which doesn't override the current context.
In your case, this would be something like:
<div id="main-menu">
{{#each item in controller}}
<div {{bindAttr class="isSelected:selected"}}>
Note I have remove the reference to 'controller' in the {{bindAttr}} since I assume it's an ember controller, then it's the current context, so basically isSelected is equivalent to controller.isSelected

Pass context to a controller from the view in Ember

Template controlled by someParentController
{{#each post in content}}
{{view App.PostView postBinding="post"}}
Setting an instance of the controller on the view
App.PostView = Ember.View.extend
post: null # set when the view is created
controller: App.PostController.create()
templateName: 'post.handlebars'
Now my view instance has the context instead of my controller instance. Is there a cleverer way to handle this? I would use an {{outlet}} if I was routing to a particular post, but the main template is displaying all posts. I want each to post to have its own controller though. It doesn't seem right to create an outlet for every post since you cannot namespace a dynamic number of outlets.
You can bypass the view entirely by using the following syntax on your action helpers in post.handlebars.
{{action someMethodOnController context="post" target="controller"}}