getenv("LINES") doesnt work on windows - c++

i tried to use LINES = atoi(getenv("LINES")) in windows (visual studio 2012), but it doesn't work. Someone told me that I have to add export LINES to .bashrc or .profile. Will that solve my problem?
If it does, how to add export LINES to .bashrc or .profile?

You almost certainly want GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo to retrieve the screen buffer info (and GetStdHandle to get the console handle).

There's neither .bashrc nor .bash_profile on Windows. In order to get the current console window size, use the GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo API. Look it up. Since the window is resizable, you might want to watch that size. Use ReadConsoleInput or PeekConsoleInput to check for window resizing.
Why are you trying to get the console window dimensions, and why won't you write a proper GUI application instead?

If you are working in Visual Studio, and you just set the LINES variable, you need to first restart the IDE after setting the environment variable. Otherwise, getenv() will not return it in the processes spawned by the IDE.


How to lock Windows 7 into a single program with C++?

I have been working on an app in Visual Studio 2015 (C++). It's a kiosk app for my school's tech support. Basically, it's a support site that will run in a kiosk. I need to figure out how to lock windows so it only runs that program. It would also be helpful to run the program in fullscreen mode. Keep in mind that all of the kiosks run Windows 7.
Set registry key
HKCU SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Disallow task manager via security of taskmgr.exe (add a deny read + deny execute to the binary)
Set autologn:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
DefaultUserName = whatever
DefaultPassword = whatever
Have a boot disk handy. The only way to reverse this is to boot the boot disk and undo one of the steps after mounting the appropriate hive.
you can create your program with main window in full screen mode and popup:
"MDI Project under Visual C++ WINAPI",
...);// add the remaining parameters
and find taskmgr.exe and hide it and start menu button and hide them also:
hTaskBar = ::FindWindow ("Shell_TrayWnd", "");
hStart = ::FindWindowEx(GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, "Button", "Start");
ShowWindow(hTaskBar, SW_HIDE);
ShowWindow(hStart, SW_HIDE);
so your program looks like easycafe or handycafe
I actually switched from C++ to C#, so I'm gonna explain my answer with C#.
I used a keyboard hook library to capture keyboard input and block all non-letter/number input so alt-f4, alt-tab etc. would not work. I then determined a closing sequence of characters using another keyboard hook (LWin+C+Home+F12+PrtSc).
As for Ctrl-Alt-Del, that cannot be disabled (as far as I know) because it is a system function, so I just left that as it is.
I also got the bounds of the screen and set the size of the window to the maximum screen size at application launch, as well as whenever the app is resized or moved. This essentially makes it so the app covers the task bar, and the bar with the close and minimize buttons is also covered, but if someone found a way to move it it would immediately go back to it's full size.
I also set up autologin as was detailed in a previous answer, but I just didn't do it through code.

Get output of c++ program in fullscreen.It is a console output window targeted code

I use Windows 7 Ultimate.I set the CMD on pc to almost fullscreen(changed the properties from cmd title bar).Though taskbar is visible , it is the maximum fullscreen possible on Windows 7,I suppose.
I wrote code for a small command line user interface game.I've made a mistake by assuming the output screen to be maximized on every user's PC.
So,when I run it on another windows 7 machine,I'm getting weird output as the cmd screen is not maximized on their PC.
How can I ensure that I get the cmd screen set to fullscreen(almost fullscreen) on every PC it runs?
Can I call some functions in my code?
Or any other way?
I like to share it(the .exe file of my code) on the internet.So, how I can I fix this.
What you have to do is run the program and change the settings in that specific command window, not the default settings for your command window. You could do this with code as well, although I don't know how, but this is much easier. Then whenever that program is ran it should override the users default command settings and adhere to your program's.
Here's a similar answer of mine to another question about command colors. Same solution should work here.

How can I hide the command prompt of an application after it has started?

How do I go about suppressing the command prompt of a c++ application using the mingw compiler AFTER the program has started.. -mwindows works great in the linker settings but I want to be able to toggle it whilst the program is running, is this possible at all?
I am using a text editor and command line so no IDE related answers please.
As far as I know: no, at least not with a single executable. When you open an application in a Windows based console, it will start an instance of conhost.exe in order to provide an environment to your command line application. The console host will run as long as your applications hasn't exited.
It's hard to determine in which circumstances you'll need this behavior. But you could create two application - one which is a simple command line application, and one which has been compiled with -mwindows. The latter could call the first. After the first has exited the second will continue executing.
Note that this will leave the user bewildered, as it seems to him your application has stopped (as the console window has been closed) and a -mwindow compiled application doesn't create any GUI elements.
You can use WinAPI function ShowWindow to hide and show any window. There is a quirk, however - this function accepts an HWND handle as its argument and there is no obviuos way to obtain console HWND. Following is pretty convoluted way to get it:
HWND GetConsoleHwnd(void)
#define MY_BUFSIZE 1024 // Buffer size for console window titles.
HWND hwndFound; // This is what is returned to the caller.
TCHAR pszNewWindowTitle[MY_BUFSIZE]; // Contains fabricated
// WindowTitle.
TCHAR pszOldWindowTitle[MY_BUFSIZE]; // Contains original
// WindowTitle.
// Fetch current window title.
GetConsoleTitle(pszOldWindowTitle, MY_BUFSIZE);
// Format a "unique" NewWindowTitle.
TCHAR * format=_TEXT("%d/%d");
// Change current window title.
// Ensure window title has been updated.
// Look for NewWindowTitle.
hwndFound=FindWindow(NULL, pszNewWindowTitle);
// Restore original window title.
Forgive me for this dirty trick, but it works perfectly in my code and is an official way of getting console HWND.
Some programs have to be of a console type. Like Emacs where the same executable can be launched to operate in console (with -nw option) and in GUI.
To hide that console there are lots of methods (including esoteric WSH scripts, or 3rd party utils, like nircmd exec hide notepad.exe) but there is a simple modern portable way:
powershell -c Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -FilePath notepad.exe
You can wrap that ugly command into .bat script alias.
PS Use Task Manager to kill hidden Notepad ))

Is it possible to embed a command prompt in a win32 app?

In linux and when installing packages etc. There are some installers that have a progress bar and a dos window which shows the files being extracted etc. How can i add this window to my C++ Win32 programs so that i can have it showing the tasks im doing? I cannot find any documentation on MSDN.
Question: How can i add a console window (if that's what its called, sure looks like one) in my program to show the details of the task at hand being done?
Here is a window with what i am asking.. (personal info so I erased the details. :]
You cannot embed a real console window inside another window (although a windowed process can have a separate console window). While it looks like a console window / command prompt, it is just a matter of appearances. What you want to do is create a sub-window/control with similar characteristics as a console window and then redirect the console output from the application(s) being run to append to that sub-window. For more information on how to do redirect the console output in Windows, see
That "dos window" is a regular edit control: CreateWindow(ES_MULTILINE, EDIT, ...
However, it has the font set to a fixed-width one (Looks like courier). This is done by sending WM_SETFONT to the edit control.
#user995048 says "You cannot embed a real console window inside another window". But "cannot" is a strong word! I can run an entire virtualized computer in a window if I wish. :) So one can quite reasonably intuit that there are ways of doing what you say.
Sure, it is true that what you've seen are almost certainly cases of output redirection into a custom widget, designed to mimic the simple appearance of a terminal. However...if you want to embed one application's window inside another, there are things you can look into which might fit. Cooperative methods exist like GtkPlug, for instance:
To actually capture a not-designed-to-cooperate app's window and throw it in your app would be trickier. But possible, just as screen captures and virtual machines are possible. Probably best to avoid that sort of thing unless there's really a cause for it, though...
Try this
link. I think the solution provided is what you need.
I tried it many years ago and it worked. I have not tried it in newer versions of windows though.

Console App Whereabouts c++

How would you set the initial position of a Console App on your Screen?
It's a console app, so it has no concept of where its window is, as it doesn't know what a window is.
For Windows, you could use the GetConsoleWindow function followed by SetWindowPos with the SWP_NOSIZE and SWP_NOZORDER flags set.
I think that you're going to be more specific. With a console app, the output goes to stdout without any real control over how the console deals with it. The console deals with displaying it and normally just prints it out.
If you want more control over the console like being able to reposition the cursor or being able to erase or redraw portions of the console, then you'll likely need to look into a library like ncurses.
You can't. Put simply. If you use non-standard extensions, for example, if you made your own console via WinAPI, you might be able to make such an effect. However, within terms of just cin/cout, then you can't.
If you're in windows, then you have to set the position of the final executable. If you click the application icon and then click "Defaults" on the resulting menu, one of the options is for position.
Unfortunately, no idea how to do that on other platforms.