Visual Studio build project with required project - c++

I am refactored library, and now it few module projects and one main. Main references all modules, and modules references each other(as they need). And finaly, main project is empty, and 'Link Library Dependencies' flag is enabled.
(VS2013/VS2012, all projects .lib)
In library solution build success, and resulting library linked success, and all external projects that require this lib work fine.
But i want that library be part of many solutions(as git submodule), and here i get problem. In past, i just add MyLibrary.vcxproj to SomeProject.sln, end get awersome results. Now i get bundle of linking error (.lib is missing). Its happens because project reference require only resulting .lib file, and nowhere said "build some project to get that lib".
So here the complete question:
If i have some project, that require some other projects to be build before, and i want use that project results in many solutions, what i should do, to get project dependencies without add some other projects to that solution. Perfect result: if i dont need to change solution properties.
Custom build steps accepted.

Okay, i solved it. Here the MSDN.
You should add in that Main project file custom build step devenv FullPathToSolution/Main.sln /build
Note, that in express version devenv is missing. So my custom build look like this:
"$(VC_ExecutablePath_x86)\..\..\Common7\IDE\WDExpress.exe" "$(ProjectDir)/../AX.sln" /build


Visual Studio 2010 - Create Convenience Static Library OpenCv

For learning purposes, i wanted to create a static library, a "package" of the lib files used in opencv to then link it against my app "opencvuser". Doing so, i get tremendous amounts of erros. (LNK2005 and LNK2019)
My Setup:
Project: staticLib
I've created a static library application without precompiled headers.
Under librarian i've put D:\OpenCV248\build\x64\vc10\staticlib as an additional library
directory. And I've specified all available .lib files as additional
dependencies. (opencv_core248d.lib, opencv_imgproc248d.lib, opencv_highgui248d.lib, ...) Source
Project: opencvuser
I've added C:\OpenCV240\build\include as an additional include directory
Then i've listed "staticLib" under "Properties -> References"
What i expect: Now i should get the same functionallity, as i would add the opencv lib files instead of my built staticLib.lib is my expectation correct?
What i've checked so far:
All Projects are x64
Runtime-Library is set in both Projects to "Multi-threaded Debug"
Anyone knows if the Runtime-Library setting on the static libraries are set to "Multi-threaded Debug"?
You are getting those linker errors because the OpenCV libs you are trying to use were statically linked against the CRT. In your project, you are dynamically linking to CRT and these things won't mix. I would recommend that you don't try to create a "package" of all the OpenCV libs and instead just link to the specific libs you need where you need them.
But I am also going to show you how to solve your problem:
You need to recompile OpenCV without statically linking to the CRT.
You can check out the OpenCV documentation for instructions on how to compile OpenCV using CMake and Visual Studio 2010.
When you run CMake, after you pressed the "Configure" button, look for an option called "BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT" and disable it. Then you can press "Generate", open the solution with VS2010 and compile OpenCV.
In your VS2010 project, use the following settings:
In the "opencvuser" project configuration, under Librarian, additional library directories you need to add the path to where the .lib files that you built are located. For me, it's in "c:\opencv248\mybuild\lib\Debug\".
Under Additional Dependencies, you need to include all the OpenCV lib files (opencv_core248d.lib, etc). I also needed to include Comctl32.lib and zlibd.lib because if I didn't I would get some linker errors.
Here are the dependencies I put in:
Also, in the "opencvuser" project you need to add an empty .cpp file. If you don't add this file, the solution will be empty and Visual Studio won't compile it. I just added a file called "dummy.cpp" to the project. That file is completely empty. Don't put a "main()" function in it because it will collide with the main function in the other project and you will get an error.
In the "staticlib" project, under Linker->General, Additional library directories, you need to include the path to the opencvuser.lib file. For me, it's "..\debug". Also, under Linker->Input, Additional Dependencies, you need to add the "opencvuser.lib" file.
Set project dependencies
You also need to make sure that the projects are built in the right order (first opencvuser, then staticlib). To do this, right-click on the solution and choose Properties. In that window, under Common Properties->Project dependencies, make sure that "opencvuser" does not have a dependency on "staticlib", but "staticlib" must have a dependency on "opencvuser".
That's it, now your project should work. Here are the contents of the two files, and the project running.

use object files from one project in another project visual studio

Consider visual studio solution with multiple projects, some source files are used in several projects.
I'm currently including source files used in multiple projects in each project, but that leads to same source file being compiled for each project. Is there any way to specify single project to be a one that builds files, and link against built objects in all the other projects.
I'm aware of option to create a static lib, but I would like to know if it is possible to specify dependencies directly between the projects in solution - like you can do by writing makefile.
Search has revealed single question on the subject from 2010, but there is no suitable solution there:
How to use the same obj files in different projects in the same solution
You can specify project dependencies ( but in order to use the same source between the projects you'll need to create a static lib or a dll and link with that. You can set up these configurations in the project settings as well so you won't have code that shows the linking, it's all done in compile/linking statements
One thing you might consider is to create a solution where you have multiple projects, and you properly set the building dependency of each your projects such that the 'base project' will always built before other projects depending it it are built.
as you mention Static lib is the best project type to do that. group all your common file in a static lib project, and on your DLL or exe project create a dependency to the lib by using the "add dependency" option you should get with a right click on your project in the VS solution explorer pane.
take care about 1 thing : if you create a cascade of dependency between Libs they will become bigger and bigger (the last lib of the chain will contain all the symbol of all the other ... a kind of cat of the .obj file....)

Fundamental cURL c++ install

With fear of being mocked due to the simplicity I venture out to ask you are question:
What do i have to download and what do i include in my project to get going with the cURL library?
I have tried different things but all resulting in unresolved externals meaning i am including it wrong, i guess.
An explanation of the install process in whole would be awesome! I'm not quite sure exactly what files to use and where to put them. Im using visual studio 2012.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
You need to link the library during link phase of the build. There is an option in the project properties for additional library dependencies - add the .lib file(s) that comes with curl there. Just including a file in your source is rarely enough to use a library.
Ok I am using visual studio (2008) for your work but I will answer to the best of my knowledge.I am assuming you have built libcurl using .sln file or are using a prebuilt set of binaries.
First of all build a solution in project wizard and get a project in it. Right click on project and select properties
In properties go the C++ general tab, add the include directories of curl. Now go to Linker general tab and put the lib directory(which contains the dlls and obj files of your build) in the additional library directories. Now go to input option and put libcurl_imp.lib or libcurldll.a(depending upon your version and compile method). These names can be different and depend upon your build, but the extensions will be of these two types. It is the linker step in which you are making a mistake.
After this compile and run.

Using sub projects in Visual Studio

I am quite used to Linux development and Makefiles, and started using (Windows and) Visual Studio not so long ago.
What I want to do is (I think) quite simple, but I can't seem to find how to do it using Visual Studio.
I have to write an application, which I can divide into several independent sub-parts. I want to work incrementally, and create several projects that together with a main file will end up with my full project.
What I basically want is to be able to write a small project, have a main for it so that I can fully test it, and use it as a dependency for the next project. In this case, the smaller main would be deactivated (or I can comment it), and I would just change the startup project.
If I find a bug in a subset while writing my bigger software, I could just change the startup project and solve it at a smaller scale.
Well, that's what I do all day long in Python and Java.
I tried to create new projects into my project, but I always end up having linking problems, where my main projects knows about the files in the sub projects, but not the smaller ones, etc. . .
So, is there a guide somewhere I can find to work this way ?
Thank you
For individual projects:
Every individual project property sheet has a C++ options page. Here you can specify the 'Addional Include Directories' in a comma separated form.
Similarly, there should be a property sheet for Linker where you can specify the 'Addional Include Dependencies' and the names of the libraries it depends on.
For linker dependencies of the main executable:
Go to that main project, go to its properties, go to common properties and select 'Framework and References'. This should give you a list of all the projecs that are in your solution. Keep adding them and Visual Studio should add the right linker flags automatically for you.
Sorry, have no access to the computer now else would have provided exact steps. Visual Studio can get tricky sometimes but once you use it, you'll be amazed by what it can do for you. Personally, I love it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks to Vaibhav, I was able to find a solution:
I had to :
change subproject type to lib instead of exe
Add the subprojects as project dependencies in the main project (this just sets the build order)
Comment out the main of my subprojects, to keep only one active.
Add each subproject include directory in the include repos of the main project, so that the compiler can find the header files
Add the general directory as a dependency for the linker (in this case, it is not the debug/release folder of the subprojects, but the output directory of the complete project).
Add the names of the lib files of the subprojects in additional dependencies of the linker of the main project.
To make it simple, the project dependencies capability of VS2010 just changes the order in which the projects are built. . . I miss Eclipse.
If I find a bug and want to test on of the subprojects, I have to :
change the startup project to be the subproject I want to change.
uncomment the corresponding main
change the project type to be exe instead of lib to be able to compile it.
Debug, and do everything back again to continue working on my main project.
Quite boring, don't you think ?
Looks like you trying to do manual unit testing. Use something like Google.Test. You need to make test project for every lib.
We have directory with static libs projects. Another directory with tests projects. Every test solution contains one exe project and few existing lib projects. Every project have configured dependencies. You dont need to set additional dependencies of the linker manually (paths are evil, out dir for the lib file will be taken from project settings), open project properties with right mouse button, Common properties, Add new reference and select lib project. You only need to set additional include dirs.
When you find new bug - just open test project for the library with bug, add code which cause the bug, fix it, and be happy (and sometimes run all test). And even better - use TDD.

Using Boost C++ unit tests with visual studio and can't find .cpp files in other project

I have a solution where I've added and setup boost unit tests. The problem is that I have another project I'd like to test that has some classes in it. In fact, that project is the main reason I added boost.
My project that needs testing is set to output as a .dll. And the problem is that, whenever my tests project needs to access code from the other projects, it can access the header just fine. However, if the header has unresolved code in it that's otherwise resolved in a .cpp file of the project with the objects, I receive a linking error. Is there a way around this? I'd ideally like to keep my objects in my other dll and then test them in my tests project.
You're probably not telling your test project where to find the symbols. Either link against your production code's .lib manually, or you can add the project as a reference and VS will link your projects automatically.
Go to your project's properties, under Common Properties choose Framework and References. Click the Add New References... button, and select your other project. Since it's a .dll, you then want to set Link Library Dependencies to False (save and reopen the dialog, that setting seems to be buggy).
The problem was that the visual studio compiler couldn't link to the CPP in the other files. I had to add the CPP files to the boost project as well using the existing files option.