Likes missing in vimeo api response - vimeo-api

Sometimes I see that the likes and view for a video obtained using vimeo API response goes missing due to some reason . Why does this happen ? Is there a work around ?

In a users settings they can chose "I prefer not to share statistics on my video clip pages". Video responses in the API respect this setting, and will not include plays.
Likes should always appear, so if you do not see them please contact Vimeo directly with as much information as possible.


Getting all of my own video links with vimeo API

I want to perform a very specific task through vimeo api. Can anyone tell if it's possible? And if so, how can I do that?
I want to get all the links for the videos that I've uploaded on my vimeo account whether public / private / password protected. And also, is it possible to get the download links of the videos through the api?
Make an authenticated GET request to I would recommend also using the fields parameter on the request, as the response can be quite large if you have many videos on your account.
The /me/videos endpoint is documented here (make sure you're logged into your Vimeo account).
i think it is very easy.
you should take a look{user_id}/videos
this two are the way to get all videos

Is it possible to get play statistics from an album of videos using the Vimeo API?

We have a request from someone on our internal team to send a monthly report of play count for a set of videos that we have grouped in an album.
I think this is something we're going to be asked to do for several different groups so I was hoping to write a program that would handle this for me.
Glancing through the Vimeo API, I didn't see anything relating to pulling up analytic or usage data.
Am I missing something obvious? Or is that capability just not there?
Thanks for your help!
In the new api ( play stats are included in each clip response.
So if you made an HTTP GET request to /me/albums/[album_id]/videos, you should be able to loop through the videos (and through multiple pages if necessary) and pull out the play data.
We don't expose much more than the play data yet, but there will soon be Advanced Stats exposed through the API, just like on site.

Add video to timeline from GDK or Add "Share" to live card

I'm using the GDK with XE16
I would like to save a video using MediaRecorder and then put it on the Timeline so I can let the user share the video to Gplus, YouTube or any contact. I am providing some additional information during the recording process as an overlay on the video preview.
I am able to save the videos into the /mnt/sdcard/Movies path. I am invoking the Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE to add the recorded video to the media database.
I have not been able to figure out how to add a share intent to on livecard. The previous API supported static cards, but those did not support video attachments; and the API is no longer available. I have also tried to use AccountManager and the account in Glass to get an ouath token for the Mirror api to write direction via oauth2: The authorization request shows up, but it is impossible for the user to accept the request.
I've considered sending the video file back to a proxy server that will then call mirror, but this seems like a big round trip for nothing.
I suppose I could send the credentials through this proxy, but this seems like a security nightmare.
The difference between Static Cards and a Timeline Item were large enough that the team, apparently, removed Static Cards until they could make the two of them work much more similarly. What you're trying to do is a commonly requested, and it does make sense that both should work mostly the same way.
You're on the right track for how to handle this at the moment - use the Mirror API to get it into the timeline as a Timeline Item. As you've noticed, you can't go through the auth flow since the user is unable to authenticate through Glass directly.
While you're testing, you can code in an auth token and a refresh token to be provided to the library to do this. For production through MyGlass, take a look at the auth flow that is available at

uploading audio file to facebook

In my app the user can record an audio file (say of their child's first word). Is there a way for them to post this on Facebook so that only the people they want to hear it can (privacy settings). I mean I don't think the user would want to post it on a sight where anyone and everyone could hear it and then link this their facebook page. I have looked around a lot and I see the possibility of Open Graph (which I use to upload a videos from my app) but since there is no direct upload to facebook of audio as I understand it. Each user would have to upload the audio to something like SoundCloud and then link this to Facebook. I'm not sure SoundCloud is the place for these types of recording. Does anyone have a better Idea.
Thanks a bunch.
You can upload the sound to SoundCloud and keep it private. You will then get a "secret link" to the file which you can post to your friends on Facebook.
Make a video with no video (black screen) and just audio, and upload it to facebook as video

Getting profile pictures via graph api results in "application request limit reached"

We receive "(#4) Application request limit reached" error when a page is showing the profile picture of a large amount of users.
Does it happens just because of referring the user's profile picture via graph api? e.g. "{user-id}/picture"
If we will use the direct picture link (e.g. "") and update it using the real-time updates the problem will be solved?
If you are doing too many server calls to facebook app at once, you have a fair chance to get the error. Please check if getting the direct link is permitted in the facebook terms and conditions for platforms. Or else you can store the picture when someone connects through facebook in your server, but again, facebook changed privacy policy recently, so please check with that too.