I can't get http code 404 with libcurl - c++

When I send a http request using a wrong server address like as the server address of a URL, the libcurl returns CURLE_OK and get me the http code 0. However, I get http code 404 when I send the same request with IE. Does anyone know how can I get an error code rather than 0 with libcurl when sending request like that.

libcurl returns CURLE_OK when the transfer went fine. Getting a 404 from a HTTP server is considered a fine transfer. You can make >=4xx HTTP response codes cause a libcurl error by setting the CURLOPT_FAILONERROR option.
Alternatively, and this may be the nicer way, you extract the HTTP response code after the transfer, with for example curl_easy_getinfo() to figure out the HTTP response code to see what the HTTP server thought about the resource you requested.

Try using it to visit a site that's actually running a web server, and try to retrieve a file that doesn't exist. For example, http://www.google.com/404. Your browser is almost certainly not actually getting a 404 from visiting, even if it's telling you that's what it got.


Postman could not get any response but wireshark captures packet

I got a response on browser but postman doesn't.
Hardware Engineer create web server on the device and I was supposed to get 'ok' response when I access that with address like
When I try that on chrome browser, I got ok and status 200 response. But when I do the same thing on postman, I don't get any response.
So, I used wireshark and it recognized there was the response packet like below.
HTTP1.1 200 OK
server: ~~
I don't know why postman couldn't get any response. I've tried change settings like SSL certificate off, timeout 0, proxy off things. but it doesn't work.
Actually the thing that I want to do eventually is upload a file from mobile phone to the device and getting response for success callback.
It works on android, but not ios.
I think there are something in common android and browser, but ios and postman.
it turns out that response's wrong header was the problem.
After changing content-lenght from ld to number at the server side, it does work well even on the postman and ios.
I don't know why it was ok with chrome though.

Is there a workaround for Postman's bug when content is returned with a 204?

Using Postman, when I make a PUT request to an endpoint which returns a 204 with content, Postman is unable to parse the response, and my collection runner stops that iteration, indicating that an error has occurred.
When run outside of the runner, Postman displays the following:
Other people have also had this problem
Unfortunately I cannot fix the non-standard endpoint. Is there a workaround that will let Postman continue without throwing an error, especially when using the collection runner?
The 204 (204 NO CONTENT) response from the server means that the server processed your request successfully and a response is not needed.
More here: https://httpstatuses.com/204
Actually as much as I know, if the server is sending a 204 with a payload response, the endpoint is not developed as it should.
This would be the main reason Postman is not showing a response payload. You will only be able to read response headers.
So if you send a PUT request, and only receive headers, it means everything is ok. If you spect data the server should be responding with a 200 code.
Now, said this, if postman is telling you that “it could not get any response” it means basically the server is not responding any thing. Now try to increase the timeout in the postman settings. It’s very probable that the server is taking to much time. Check outside the runner how much time it’s taking to response.
I hope this helps you.

How to send a webservice request in jmeter to https rather than http

I have created a new project using the template 'Building a SOAP WebService Test Plan' in jmeter (followed the steps in the tutorial from the apache jmeter website to set this up). The responses aren't being accepted and in the results log I am seeing the message:
1446205258738,20995,Soap Request,Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException,Non HTTP response message: Connection to http://(server name).com refused,Number of Users 1-10,text,false,2273,1,1,0
It's making the connection to http rather than https which I think is why the connection is not being made. Is there anyway to change this? I've tried using the different implementations in the soap request but this hasn't worked, currently using HttpClient4.
Please see the http request details
As per #Rage answer (who should answer in response not comment , I'll be happy to remove my answer if he does), just change :
Protocol [http] value to https
As per your last comment, you modified to https and now you face another issue , getting a 404.
So most probably your Path or Server Name or IP are wrong, as the hoster or developer for the correct connection informations.

Several 100-continue received from the server

I'm using libcurl (c++) library to make a request to an IIS 7.5 server. The transaction is a common SOAP webservice
Everything is working fine, my requests send an "Expect 100-continue" flag, and the server responds with a 100-continue and inmediately after that a 200 ok code along with the web service response.
But from time to time, the client receives a 100-continue message and after that, another 100 code. This makes the client report an error, as it expects a final status code right after the server 100 code. I read in W3C HTTP1.1 protocol:
An origin server that sends a 100 (Continue) response MUST
ultimately send a final status code, once the request body is
received and processed, unless it terminates the transport
connection prematurely.
The word "ultimately" makes me loose the track. Is it possible/common that a server sends several 100 codes after a final status code?
If anyone has faced this issue before, can point me to any explanation on how to handle multiple 100 response codes with libcurl?
Thanks in advance
The current spec says this on 100-continue:
The 100 (Continue) status code indicates that the initial part of a
request has been received and has not yet been rejected by the server. The server intends to send a final response after the request has been fully received and acted upon.
When the request contains an Expect header field that includes a
100- continue expectation, the 100 response indicates that the server wishes to receive the request payload body, as described in
Section 5.1.1. The client ought to continue sending the request and discard the 100 response.
If the request did not contain an Expect header field containing the 100-continue expectation, the client can simply discard this interim response.
The way I read it, it is not supposed to be more than one 100-continue response header and that's why libcurl works like this. I've never seen this (multiple 100 responses) happen and I've been doing HTTP for a while (I am the main developer of curl). To change this behavior I would expect you'd need to patch libcurl slightly to allow for this to happen.
It is not related to CURLOPT_FAILONERROR.
I suspect it's because there is an unhandled error that is not handled by the client properly. Make sure you set the CURLOPT_FAILONERROR flag.
See this SO post for more information.

"Range:" http header causes hang in ColdFusion app

Whenever I add the "range" header in a HTTP request for a .cfm or .cfc file on my server, I get a timeout. The server simply does not respond.
To debug, I created a blank file called "/signup/test.cfm" on my server. It contains nothing. Next, I make a normal request and an edited request for the file:
GET /signup/test.cfm HTTP/1.1
Host: site.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
GET /signup/test.cfm HTTP/1.1
Host: site.com
Range: bytes=0-40960
timeout in transmission from site.com
If I include the Range header in a request to a static file, there is no problem.
What could be causing this, and how do I debug it? The file I am requesting is empty, so no code should be executing. Application.cfc is empty. Since I assume no code is executing, does this mean that it is a server configuration problem?
EDIT: By adding a tag to my script, I have confirmed that it does execute the ColdFusion code. The response is just never sent back to me.
Most likely the cf parser doesn't work with ranged requests while the static file handler does.
Range is for fetching part of content and subsequently fetching more later. E.g. Video file streaming or download continuation. Not something easily handled by a script handler as the request is meant to be returned all at once.
Here's a stackoverflow with a sample range request to show how this works
Sample http range request session