LINUX / C++ Remove strings in first file from the second file - c++

I am trying to compare two files of strings and remove everything that is in file 1 from file 2 if its there and save it in a third output file. I was going to write a c++ program for this but best i could come up with was O(N^2), is there any commands in Linux to do this? if not what is the most efficient way to do it with c++ ? these files have up to 1 billion strings in one and 10 million in another so O(N^2) is extremely inefficient
ex f1
to be clear I am NOT trying to merge them then remove duplicates, i only want duplicates of strings in file 1 removed from file 2.

fgrep is handy for this: it will grep one file for a set of fixed strings.
fgrep -f f1 -v f2 will print out all lines in f2 that are not found in f1.

You can solve this task by using the Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm. It is used for multiple-keyword search across text and it's time complexity is linear.
There are some C++ implementations of this algorithm on the net. For example this.
In addition, there is a nice-looking python library for this.
However, I'm not sure if the memory complexity is OK when using those sources/libraries. You may have to read the input from the first file in chunks (as it may have billions of characters).

You could code a C++ (or Ocaml) program which reads all the words of the first file and store them in a set of strings (using std::set<std::string> in C++, or module SS = Set.Make(String);; in Ocaml). Filling that set should be O(n log n) complexity (where n is the number of words, i.e. the cardinal of the set). Testing that a file of m words each word belongs (or not) to that set is O (m log n)
Sets are implemented as balanced trees with a logarithmic membership test time.
However, you should probably have used some data base systems to store (and fill) the data. (e.g. PostGreSQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, CouchDB, ....)


Clojure dictionary of words

I want a dictionary of English words available, to pick random english words. I have a dictionary text file that I downloaded form the internet which has almost 1 million words, what's the best way to go about using this list in Clojure, given that most of the time I'll only need 1 randomly selected word?
To answer the comments, this is for some tests which I may turn into load tests which is why I want a decent number of random words and I guess access speed is the most important thing. I do not want to use a database for this. I originally thought of a dictionary just because that's the first thing that popped into my mind but I think a random sequence of letters and numbers would be good enough, perhaps I will just use a UUID as a string.
Read all the words into a Vector and then call rand-nth , e.g.
(rand-nth all-words)
rand-nth uses the nth function on the underlying data structure and Clojure Vectors have log32N performance for index based retrieval.
Edit: This is assuming that it is for a test environment as you described in your question. A more memory efficient method would be to use RandomAccessFile and seek to a random location in the file of words, read until you find the first word delimiter (e.g. comma, EOL) and then read the following bytes until the next delimiter which will give you a random word.

Grep pattern match between very large files is way too slow

I've spent way too much time on this and am looking for suggestions. I have too very large files (FASTQ files from an Illumina sequencing run for those interested). What I need to do is match a pattern common between both files and print that line plus the 3 lines below it into two separate files without duplications (which exist in the original files). Grep does this just fine but the files are ~18GB and matching between them is ridiculously slow. Example of what I need to do is below.
You can see 3 unique headers starting with # followed by 3 additional lines
There are 4 headers here but only 2 are unique as one of them is repeated 3 times
I need the common headers between the two files without duplicates plus the 3 lines below them. In the same order in each file.
Here's what I have so far:
grep -E #DLZ38V1.*/ --only-matching FileA | sort -u -o FileA.sorted
grep -E #DLZ38V1.*/ --only-matching FileB | sort -u -o FileB.sorted
comm -12 FileA.sorted FileB.sorted > combined
This is only the common headers between the two files without duplicates. This is what I want.
Now I need to match these headers to the original files and grab the 3 lines below them but only once.
If I use grep I can get what I want for each file
while read -r line; do
grep -A3 -m1 -F $line FileA
done < combined > FileA.Final
The while loop is repeated to generate FileB.Final
This works but FileA and FileB are ~18GB and my combined file is around ~2GB. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can dramatically speed up the last step?
Depending on how often do you need to run this:
you could dump (you'll probably want bulk inserts with the index built afterwards) your data into a Postgres (sqlite?) database, build an index on it, and enjoy the fruits of 40 years of research into efficient implementations of relational databases with practically no investment from you.
you could mimic having a relational database by using the unix utility 'join', but there wouldn't be much joy, since that doesn't give you an index, yet it is likely to be faster than 'grep', you might hit physical limitations...I never tried to join two 18G files.
you could write a bit of C code (put your favourite compiled (to machine code) language here), which converts your strings (four letters only, right?) into binary and builds an index (or more) based on it. This could be made lightning fast and small memory footprint as your fifty character string would take up only two 64bit words.
Thought I should post the fix I came up with for this. Once I obtained the combined file (above) I used a perl hash reference to read them into memory and scan file A. Matches in file A were hashed and used to scan file B. This still takes a lot of memory but works very fast. From 20+ days with grep to ~20 minutes.

Search Large Text File for Thousands of strings

I have a large text file that is 20 GB in size. The file contains lines of text that are relatively short (40 to 60 characters per line). The file is unsorted.
I have a list of 20,000 unique strings. I want to know the offset for each string each time it appears in the file. Currently, my output looks like this: found at offset: 46350917 found at offset: 48138591 found at offset: 50012089 found at offset: 51622874 found at offset: 52588949
... found at offset: 26411474 found at offset: 26411508 found at offset: 26483662 found at offset: 26582000
I am loading the 20,000 strings into a std::set (to ensure uniqueness), then reading a 128MB chunk from the file, and then using string::find to search for the strings (start over by reading another 128MB chunk). This works and completes in about 4 days. I'm not concerned about a read boundary potentially breaking a string I'm searching for. If it does, that's OK.
I'd like to make it faster. Completing the search in 1 day would be ideal, but any significant performance improvement would be nice. I prefer to use standard C++ with Boost (if necessary) while avoiding other libraries.
So I have two questions:
Does the 4 day time seem reasonable considering the tools I'm using and the task?
What's the best approach to make it faster?
Edit: Using the Trie solution, I was able to shorten the run-time to 27 hours. Not within one day, but certainly much faster now. Thanks for the advice.
Algorithmically, I think that the best way to approach this problem, would be to use a tree in order to store the lines you want to search for a character at a time. For example if you have the following patterns you would like to look for:
hand, has, have, foot, file
The resulting tree would look something like this:
The generation of the tree is worst case O(n), and has a sub-linear memory footprint generally.
Using this structure, you can begin process your file by reading in a character at a time from your huge file, and walk the tree.
If you get to a leaf node (the ones shown in red), you have found a match, and can store it.
If there is no child node, corresponding to the letter you have red, you can discard the current line, and begin checking the next line, starting from the root of the tree
This technique would result in linear time O(n) to check for matches and scan the huge 20gb file only once.
The algorithm described above is certainly sound (it doesn't give false positives) but not complete (it can miss some results). However, with a few minor adjustments it can be made complete, assuming that we don't have search terms with common roots like go and gone. The following is pseudocode of the complete version of the algorithm
tree = construct_tree(['hand', 'has', 'have', 'foot', 'file'])
# Keeps track of where I'm currently in the tree
nodes = []
for character in huge_file:
foreach node in nodes:
if node.has_child(character):
if node.isLeaf():
# You found a match!!
if tree.has_child(character):
Note that the list of nodes that has to be checked each time, is at most the length of the longest word that has to be checked against. Therefore it should not add much complexity.
The problem you describe looks more like a problem with the selected algorithm, not with the technology of choice. 20000 full scans of 20GB in 4 days doesn't sound too unreasonable, but your target should be a single scan of the 20GB and another single scan of the 20K words.
Have you considered looking at some string matching algorithms? Aho–Corasick comes to mind.
Rather than searching 20,000 times for each string separately, you can try to tokenize the input and do lookup in your std::set with strings to be found, it will be much faster. This is assuming your strings are simple identifiers, but something similar can be implemented for strings being sentences. In this case you would keep a set of first words in each sentence and after successful match verify that it's really beginning of the whole sentence with string::find.

Remove duplicates from two large text files using unordered_map

I am new to a lot of these C++ libraries, so please forgive me if my questions comes across as naive.
I have two large text files, about 160 MB each (about 700000 lines each). I need to remove from file2 all of the duplicate lines that appear in file1. To achieve this, I decided to use unordered_map with a 32 character string as my key. The 32 character string is the first 32 chars of each line (this is enough to uniquely identify the line).
Anyway, so I basically just go through the first file and push the 32 char substring of each line into the unordered_map. Then I go through the second file and check whether the line in file2 exists in my unordered_map. If it doesn't exist, the I write the full line to a new text file.
This works fine for the smaller files.. (40 MB each), but for this 160 MB files.. it takes very long to insert into the hashtable (before I even start looking at file2). At around 260,000 inserts.. it seems to have halted or is going very slow. Is it possible that I have reached my memory limitations? If so, can anybody explain how to calculate this? If not, is there something else that I could be doing to make it faster? Maybe choosing a custom hash function, or specifying some parameters that would help optimize it?
My key object pair into the hash table is (string, int), where the string is always 32 chars long, and int is a count I use to handle duplicates.
I am running a 64 bit Windows 7 OS w/ 12 GB RAM.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.. thanks guys!!
You don't need a map because you don't have any associative data. An unordered set will do the job. Also, I'd go with some memory efficient hash set implementation like Google's sparse_hash_set. It is very memory efficient and is able to store contents on disk.
Aside from that, you can work on smaller chunks of data. For example, split your files into 10 blocks, remove duplicates from each, then combine them until you reach the a single block with no duplicates. You get the idea.
I would not write a C++ program to do this, but use some existing utilities.
In Linux, Unix and Cygwin, perform the following:
cat the two files into 1 large file:
# cat file1 file2 > file3
Use sort -u to extract the unique lines:
# sort -u file3 > file4
Prefer to use operating system utilities rather than (re)writing your own.

Automatically finding numbering patterns in filenames

I work in a facility where we have microscopes. These guys can be asked to generate 4D movies of a sample: they take e.g. 10 pictures at different Z position, then wait a certain amount of time (next timepoint) and take 10 slices again.
They can be asked to save a file for each slice, and they use an explicit naming pattern, something like 2009-11-03-experiment1-Z07-T42.tif. The file names are numbered to reflect the Z position and the time point
Once you have all these file names, you can use a regex pattern to extract the Z and T value, if you know the backbone pattern of the file name. This I know how to do.
The question I have is: do you know a way to automatically generate regex pattern from the file name list? For instance, there is an awesome tool on the net that does similar thing: txt2re.
What algorithm would you use to parse all the file name list and generate a most likely regex pattern?
There is a Perl module called String::Diff which has the ability to generate a regular expression for two different strings. The example it gives is
my $diff = String::Diff::diff_regexp('this is Perl', 'this is Ruby');
print "$diff\n";
this\ is\ (?:Perl|Ruby)
Maybe you could feed pairs of filenames into this kind of thing to get an initial regex. However, this wouldn't give you capturing of numbers etc. so it wouldn't be completely automatic. After getting the diff you would have to hand-edit or do some kind of substitution to get a working final regex.
First of all, you are trying to do this the hard way. I suspect that this may not be impossible but you would have to apply some artificial intelligence techniques and it would be far more complicated than it is worth. Either neural networks or a genetic algorithm system could be trained to recognize the Z numbers and T numbers, assuming that the format of Z[0-9]+ and T[0-9]+ is always used somewhere in the regex.
What I would do with this problem is to write a Python script to process all of the filenames. In this script, I would match twice against the filename, one time looking for Z[0-9]+ and one time looking for T[0-9]+. Each time I would count the matches for Z-numbers and T-numbers.
I would keep four other counters with running totals, two for Z-numbers and two for T-numbers. Each pair would represent the count of filenames with 1 match, and the ones with multiple matches. And I would count the total number of filenames processed.
At the end, I would report as follows:
nnnnnnnnnn filenames processed
Z-numbers matched only once in nnnnnnnnnn filenames.
Z-numbers matched multiple times in nnnnnn filenames.
T-numbers matched only once in nnnnnnnnnn filenames.
T-numbers matched multiple times in nnnnnn filenames.
If you are lucky, there will be no multiple matches at all, and you could use the regexes above to extract your numbers. However, if there are any significant number of multiple matches, you can run the script again with some print statements to show you example filenames that provoke a multiple match. This would tell you whether or not a simple adjustment to the regex might work.
For instance, if you have 23,768 multiple matches on T-numbers, then make the script print every 500th filename with multiple matches, which would give you 47 samples to examine.
Probably something like [ -/.=]T[0-9]+[ -/.=] would be enough to get the multiple matches down to zero, while also giving a one-time match for every filename. Or at worst, [0-9][ -/.=]T[0-9]+[ -/.=]
For Python, see this question about TemplateMaker.