how to install SFGUI and SFML visual Studio - c++

I trying install SFML and SFGUI on Visual Studio 2010, but i can't install.
I used Cmake, but it don't work. With SFML,I install by link to library, SFGUI don't work.
Help me!
How to install SFML and SFGUI using Visual Studio 2010 with images???

There is a very good guide at the SFML page. Make sure you follow it to the letter. It's very important you read it first, don't skip steps and download the correct files. For 2010 there should be no need to use CMake. At the time of this post, you only need to build yourself for VS2013.
Current (at the time of this post) guides to SFGUI can be found here. Please note that due to the use of C++11 features, only VS2013 is supported. You can download VS2013 Express for free on the Microsoft site.
That means if you want to use both SFML and SFGUI, you have to use VS2013 and rebuild SFML from scratch. That's easy, if you follow the instructions carefully. If something fails, reread the instructions.


what is the general method to add opencv in visual studio for all programs?

I am trying to setting up opencv for my project in visual studio and for this I have seen so many blogs and forums but still I didn't find any way to add openCv in generalized way so every time I make new project, it should be added automatically. Is there any way to add openCv in visual studio so every time when I will make new project it should be added automatically, please share your answers. I want to save my time
Vcpkg is a package manager which helps you to manage C and C++ libraries on Windows, Linux and MacOS, available on GitHub.
Use vcpkg in the PowerShell command prompt .\vcpkg install opencv to install opencv and issue command .\vcpkg integrate install to integrate installed packages into your Visual Studio projects.

Adding Casablanca Dependency VS2017

I recently upgraded to VS2017 and I'm looking to start doing more C++ work. I've not used VS or C++ in a good while (and even at that I was a C++ novice).
I'm trying to install Casablanca, aka CPPRestSdk ( but I can't seem to manage it.
I've tried installing it through NuGet but I'm not sure exactly what I've to link to my project, and I've tried vcpkg - to which I've downloaded via the instructions but I have no clue what to do there.
All the materials I find for this apply to earlier VS editions and don't appear to work when I try them. Has anyone had such luck with getting this to work? If not, is there an alternative that I can use that has clear installation instructions?
I recently moved a C++ REST SDK based project from the older NuGet package to the recent VCPKG based 2.10.1 release. Apart from Visual Studio 2017 with the C++ for Desktop workload make sure you have Git for Windows installed. Clone the VCPKG repo from GitHub with
git clone
I'd recommend using a directory not having any spaces in its path, otherwise some builds might fail. Change into the VCPKG directory and run the bootstrap script:
This will compile the package manager itself. Afterwards you can install the C++ REST SDK with
.\vcpkg install cpprestsdk cpprestsdk:x64-windows
This will download all required libraries and takes quite a while. For usage in Visual Studio you have to enable the system wide integration with
.\vcpkg integrate install
This requires elevated privileges the first time but afterwards the C++ REST SDK is available in any Visual Studio C++ project. Follow the instructions for getting started. As soon as you include a C++ REST SDK header into your project the linking is taking care of automatically by Visual Studio.
For consumption in a CMake project you have to pass the VCPKG toolchain file to the CMake command, e.g.
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake
Referencing the C++ REST SDK from CMake is described in the project repo's README.

Installing Qt 5.5 on Windows 7

I would like to install latest version of Qt (5.5) on Windows 7 for C/C++ application development, and have a few questions:
Can I use Microsoft "Visual Studio Community" edition (2015) as the compiler?
I assume I need to install Visual studio first and then Qt?
I am going to install Qt from here, after downloading and installation do I need to build Qt? Or it is ready to go?
Is there a tutorial that explains all the required steps in details. I have done Google search and found bits and pieces here and there not not a good complete step-by-step reference.
Thanks for the help.
You need the compiler, which is integrated in visual studio. I don't think you can get the newer ones without Visual Studio (From official sources). However, you can use Qt on windows without msvc. You can build with the minGw compiler - but I personally like msvc more.
Regarding VS2015: It won't work without extra configuration. Qt 5.5 supports msvc2013 only (the next release, 5.6, will support the msvc2015 compiler). But Visual Studio 2013 will work. The order of installation doesn't matter.
After you installed Qt, all you need to do is launch Qt-Creator and start coding ;) If you wan't to use Visual Studio instead, there is a Plugin on the bottom of the download page ("Other downloads"). Visual Studio 2015 isn't supported here too, but 2013 is.

Building OpenCV 3.0.0's DLLs for Visual Studio 2015 with Cmake

Following the instructions here:
I setup an OpenCV project in VS 2015 Community and used the pre-built libraries. It works until I get this message:
"MSVCP120D.dll is missing from your computer"
From doing some searching I gathered this means that the pre-build libraries are only supposed to be used with an older version of VS so I figured I'd just compile them myself using this:
While it appears to compile properly and despite flagging "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" I can't find any DLL files in the output - just a lot of VS solutions:
Would someone be able to give me some advice on how to generate the DLLs?
I'm a beginner at this stuff. I've since learned a lot about Visual Studio, about CMake and about OpenCV. Got it all working now, took me a day or two.
It turns out you have to compile the openCV library from git repository in order to be compatible with Visual Studio (VS14) 2015. As of this date, no go on pre-compiled version supporting VS14.
I've organized what I've learned, placed it online here in case anybody else has the same frustrations. Its pretty detailed, too much content to post here.
VS2015 uses MSVCP140.dll, I think your error message is about a redistributable package of VS2013.
And try BUILD_SHARED_LIBS as on/off.

Gtkmm and cairomm with visual studio 11 (for the first time)?

I am learning c++ and wish to draw geometry to better enjoy the process and test my scripts.
I searched for a library to draw vectors in c++ and found Cairo came highly recommended on this site. I went ahead and downloaded Gtkmm that comes with Cairomm and installed it. I so far used this aweomse tutorial:
I followed the steps but I think this tutorial might be outdated or there may be an issue with one of the steps on MSVC 2012 with gtkmm-vc100-d-2_4.props (that is perhaps only supported on MSVC 2010).
In general I really want to get started but I am new to this and very confused atm.
It seems the current latest Project property file is not supported with Visual Studio 11 (2012).
I should have known that with the file name being, 'gtkmm-vc100-2_4'.
It works perfectly with VC10 so I reverted to using that for the time being.
I compiled gtkmm3 on Widnows 7 x64 (including cairo and others) for Visual Studio, see this
I have a CMake based project to build gtkmm on top of MSYS2 (it used to use OBS). It can be used with any version of Visual Studio supported by CMake as well as plain makefiles and jom makefiles.