N-level tree structure in android implementation - tree-structure

I want to implement a N-level tree structure in android. I have gone through the ExpandableListView, but it is applicable for only 2 or 3 levels. My requirement is as below...
| |
| |==Sedan
| | |
| | |==Camry
| | | |
| | | |==Manufacture year
| | | |==Body Colour
| | | | |
| | | | |==Black
| | | | |==Blue
| | | | |==Red
| | | |
| | | |==Alloy Wheels
| | | |==CD player
| | | |==Petrol/Diesel
| | |
| | |==Yaris
| | |
| | |==Manufacture year
| | |==Body Colour
| | | |
| | | |==Black
| | | |==Blue
| | | |==Red
| | |
| | |==Alloy Wheels
| | |==CD player
| | |==Petrol/Diesel
| |
| |==Hatch Pack
| | |
| | |==Yaris
| | |
| | |==Manufacture year
| | |==Body Colour
| | | |
| | | |==Black
| | | |==Blue
| | | |==Red
| | |
| | |==Alloy Wheels
| | |==CD player
| | |==Petrol/Diesel
| |
| |
| |
| |==Four Wheel Drive
| This section will have
| same classification as above
| This section will have
| same classification as above
| This section will have
| same classification as above
| This section will have
| same classification as above
Do you ppl have any suggestions to implement this in Android. A sample code would be more helpful. Thanks in advance.


How do i add additional rows in M QUERY

I want to add more rows using the Query editor (Power query/ M Query) in only the Start Date and End Date column:
| Employee | Booking Type | Jobs | WorkLoad% | Start Date | End date |
| John | Chargeable | CNS | 20 | 04/02/2020 | 31/03/2020 |
| John | Chargeable | CNS | 20 | 04/03/2020 | 27/04/2020 |
| Bernard | Vacation/Holiday | SN | 100 | 30/04/2020 | 11/05/2020 |
| Bernard | Vacation/Holiday | Annual leave | 100 | 23/01/2020 | 24/02/2020 |
| Bernard | Chargeable | Tech PLC | 50 | 29/02/2020 | 30/03/2020 |
I want to find the MIN(Start Date) and MAX(End Date) and then append the range of start to end dates to this table only in the Start Date and End Date column in the Query Editor (Power Query/ M Query). Preferrable if I can create another table2 duplicating the original table and append these rows.
For example:
| Employee | Booking Type | Jobs | WorkLoad% | Start Date | End date |
| John | Chargeable | CNS | 20 | 04/02/2020 | 31/03/2020 |
| John | Chargeable | CNS | 20 | 04/03/2020 | 27/04/2020 |
| Bernard | Vacation/Holiday | SN | 100 | 30/04/2020 | 11/05/2020 |
| Bernard | Vacation/Holiday | Annual leave | 100 | 23/01/2020 | 24/02/2020 |
| Bernard | Chargeable | Tech PLC | 50 | 29/02/2020 | 30/03/2020 |
| | | | | 23/01/2020 | 23/01/2020 |
| | | | | 24/01/2020 | 24/01/2020 |
| | | | | 25/01/2020 | 25/01/2020 |
| | | | | 26/01/2020 | 26/01/2020 |
| | | | | 27/01/2020 | 27/01/2020 |
| | | | | 28/01/2020 | 28/01/2020 |
| | | | | 29/01/2020 | 29/01/2020 |
| | | | | 30/01/2020 | 30/01/2020 |
| | | | | 31/01/2020 | 31/01/2020 |
| | | | | ... | ... |
| | | | | 11/05/2020 | 11/05/2020 |
The List.Dates function is pretty useful here.
Generate the dates in your range, duplicate that to two columns and then append.
StartDate = List.Min(StartTable[Start Date]),
EndDate = List.Max(StartTable[End Date]),
DateList = List.Dates(StartDate, Duration.Days(EndDate - StartDate), #duration(1,0,0,0)),
DateCols = Table.FromColumns({DateList, DateList}, {"Start Date", "End Date"}),
AppendDates = Table.Combine({StartTable, DateCols})

Openedx Django how to remove a country from Country list?

I want to disable a country from country list of my register page ,settings or anywhere country is shown on My Openedx App (OpenEdx is a django based system). But i cannot find country list for removing the country . Where locate the countries? I need to remove it . Django uses django_countries.fields class
Those are my tables on mysql :
| Tables_in_edxapp |
| api_admin_apiaccessconfig |
| api_admin_apiaccessrequest |
| api_admin_historicalapiaccessrequest |
| assessment_aiclassifier |
| assessment_aiclassifierset |
| assessment_aigradingworkflow |
| assessment_aitrainingworkflow |
| assessment_aitrainingworkflow_training_examples |
| assessment_assessment |
| assessment_assessmentfeedback |
| assessment_assessmentfeedback_assessments |
| assessment_assessmentfeedback_options |
| assessment_assessmentfeedbackoption |
| assessment_assessmentpart |
| assessment_criterion |
| assessment_criterionoption |
| assessment_peerworkflow |
| assessment_peerworkflowitem |
| assessment_rubric |
| assessment_staffworkflow |
| assessment_studenttrainingworkflow |
| assessment_studenttrainingworkflowitem |
| assessment_trainingexample |
| assessment_trainingexample_options_selected |
| auth_group |
| auth_group_permissions |
| auth_permission |
| auth_registration |
| auth_user |
| auth_user_groups |
| auth_user_user_permissions |
| auth_userprofile |
| badges_badgeassertion |
| badges_badgeclass |
| badges_coursecompleteimageconfiguration |
| badges_courseeventbadgesconfiguration |
| block_structure |
| block_structure_config |
| bookmarks_bookmark |
| bookmarks_xblockcache |
| branding_brandingapiconfig |
| branding_brandinginfoconfig |
| bulk_email_bulkemailflag |
| bulk_email_cohorttarget |
| bulk_email_courseauthorization |
| bulk_email_courseemail |
| bulk_email_courseemail_targets |
| bulk_email_courseemailtemplate |
| bulk_email_coursemodetarget |
| bulk_email_optout |
| bulk_email_target |
| catalog_catalogintegration |
| celery_taskmeta |
| celery_tasksetmeta |
| celery_utils_chorddata |
| celery_utils_chorddata_completed_results |
| celery_utils_failedtask |
| certificates_certificategenerationconfiguration |
| certificates_certificategenerationcoursesetting |
| certificates_certificategenerationhistory |
| certificates_certificatehtmlviewconfiguration |
| certificates_certificateinvalidation |
| certificates_certificatetemplate |
| certificates_certificatetemplateasset |
| certificates_certificatewhitelist |
| certificates_examplecertificate |
| certificates_examplecertificateset |
| certificates_generatedcertificate |
| commerce_commerceconfiguration |
| contentserver_cdnuseragentsconfig |
| contentserver_courseassetcachettlconfig |
| contentstore_pushnotificationconfig |
| contentstore_videouploadconfig |
| cors_csrf_xdomainproxyconfiguration |
| corsheaders_corsmodel |
| course_action_state_coursererunstate |
| course_creators_coursecreator |
| course_groups_cohortmembership |
| course_groups_coursecohort |
| course_groups_coursecohortssettings |
| course_groups_courseusergroup |
| course_groups_courseusergroup_users |
| course_groups_courseusergrouppartitiongroup |
| course_groups_unregisteredlearnercohortassignments |
| course_modes_coursemode |
| course_modes_coursemodeexpirationconfig |
| course_modes_coursemodesarchive |
| course_overviews_courseoverview |
| course_overviews_courseoverviewimageconfig |
| course_overviews_courseoverviewimageset |
| course_overviews_courseoverviewtab |
| course_structures_coursestructure |
| courseware_offlinecomputedgrade |
| courseware_offlinecomputedgradelog |
| courseware_studentfieldoverride |
| courseware_studentmodule |
| courseware_studentmodulehistory |
| courseware_xmodulestudentinfofield |
| courseware_xmodulestudentprefsfield |
| courseware_xmoduleuserstatesummaryfield |
| crawlers_crawlersconfig |
| credentials_credentialsapiconfig |
| credit_creditconfig |
| credit_creditcourse |
| credit_crediteligibility |
| credit_creditprovider |
| credit_creditrequest |
| credit_creditrequirement |
| credit_creditrequirementstatus |
| credit_historicalcreditrequest |
| credit_historicalcreditrequirementstatus |
| dark_lang_darklangconfig |
| django_admin_log |
| django_comment_client_permission |
| django_comment_client_permission_roles |
| django_comment_client_role |
| django_comment_client_role_users |
| django_comment_common_coursediscussionsettings |
| django_comment_common_forumsconfig |
| django_content_type |
| django_migrations |
| django_openid_auth_association |
| django_openid_auth_nonce |
| django_openid_auth_useropenid |
| django_redirect |
| django_session |
| django_site |
| djcelery_crontabschedule |
| djcelery_intervalschedule |
| djcelery_periodictask |
| djcelery_periodictasks |
| djcelery_taskstate |
| djcelery_workerstate |
| edxval_coursevideo |
| edxval_encodedvideo |
| edxval_profile |
| edxval_subtitle |
| edxval_video |
| email_marketing_emailmarketingconfiguration |
| embargo_country |
| embargo_countryaccessrule |
| embargo_courseaccessrulehistory |
| embargo_embargoedcourse |
| embargo_embargoedstate |
| embargo_ipfilter |
| embargo_restrictedcourse |
| enterprise_enrollmentnotificationemailtemplate |
| enterprise_enterprisecourseenrollment |
| enterprise_enterprisecustomer |
| enterprise_enterprisecustomerbrandingconfiguration |
| enterprise_enterprisecustomerentitlement |
| enterprise_enterprisecustomeridentityprovider |
| enterprise_enterprisecustomeruser |
| enterprise_historicalenrollmentnotificationemailtemplate |
| enterprise_historicalenterprisecourseenrollment |
| enterprise_historicalenterprisecustomer |
| enterprise_historicalenterprisecustomerentitlement |
| enterprise_historicaluserdatasharingconsentaudit |
| enterprise_pendingenrollment |
| enterprise_pendingenterprisecustomeruser |
| enterprise_userdatasharingconsentaudit |
| experiments_experimentdata |
| experiments_experimentkeyvalue |
| external_auth_externalauthmap |
| grades_computegradessetting |
| grades_coursepersistentgradesflag |
| grades_persistentcoursegrade |
| grades_persistentgradesenabledflag |
| grades_persistentsubsectiongrade |
| grades_visibleblocks |
| instructor_task_gradereportsetting |
| instructor_task_instructortask |
| integrated_channel_enterpriseintegratedchannel |
| lms_xblock_xblockasidesconfig |
| microsite_configuration_historicalmicrositeorganizationmapping |
| microsite_configuration_historicalmicrositetemplate |
| microsite_configuration_microsite |
| microsite_configuration_micrositehistory |
| microsite_configuration_micrositeorganizationmapping |
| microsite_configuration_micrositetemplate |
| milestones_coursecontentmilestone |
| milestones_coursemilestone |
| milestones_milestone |
| milestones_milestonerelationshiptype |
| milestones_usermilestone |
| mobile_api_appversionconfig |
| mobile_api_ignoremobileavailableflagconfig |
| mobile_api_mobileapiconfig |
| notes_note |
| notify_notification |
| notify_notificationtype |
| notify_settings |
| notify_subscription |
| oauth2_accesstoken |
| oauth2_client |
| oauth2_grant |
| oauth2_provider_accesstoken |
| oauth2_provider_application |
| oauth2_provider_grant |
| oauth2_provider_refreshtoken |
| oauth2_provider_trustedclient |
| oauth2_refreshtoken |
| oauth_dispatch_restrictedapplication |
| oauth_provider_consumer |
| oauth_provider_nonce |
| oauth_provider_scope |
| oauth_provider_token |
| organizations_organization |
| organizations_organizationcourse |
| proctoring_proctoredexam |
| proctoring_proctoredexamreviewpolicy |
| proctoring_proctoredexamreviewpolicyhistory |
| proctoring_proctoredexamsoftwaresecurereview |
| proctoring_proctoredexamsoftwaresecurereviewhistory |
| proctoring_proctoredexamstudentallowance |
| proctoring_proctoredexamstudentallowancehistory |
| proctoring_proctoredexamstudentattempt |
| proctoring_proctoredexamstudentattemptcomment |
| proctoring_proctoredexamstudentattempthistory |
| programs_programsapiconfig |
| rss_proxy_whitelistedrssurl |
| sap_success_factors_catalogtransmissionaudit |
| sap_success_factors_historicalsapsuccessfactorsenterprisecus80ad |
| sap_success_factors_learnerdatatransmissionaudit |
| sap_success_factors_sapsuccessfactorsenterprisecustomerconfidb8a |
| sap_success_factors_sapsuccessfactorsglobalconfiguration |
| self_paced_selfpacedconfiguration |
| shoppingcart_certificateitem |
| shoppingcart_coupon |
| shoppingcart_couponredemption |
| shoppingcart_courseregcodeitem |
| shoppingcart_courseregcodeitemannotation |
| shoppingcart_courseregistrationcode |
| shoppingcart_courseregistrationcodeinvoiceitem |
| shoppingcart_donation |
| shoppingcart_donationconfiguration |
| shoppingcart_invoice |
| shoppingcart_invoicehistory |
| shoppingcart_invoiceitem |
| shoppingcart_invoicetransaction |
| shoppingcart_order |
| shoppingcart_orderitem |
| shoppingcart_paidcourseregistration |
| shoppingcart_paidcourseregistrationannotation |
| shoppingcart_registrationcoderedemption |
| site_configuration_siteconfiguration |
| site_configuration_siteconfigurationhistory |
| social_auth_association |
| social_auth_code |
| social_auth_nonce |
| social_auth_partial |
| social_auth_usersocialauth |
| splash_splashconfig |
| static_replace_assetbaseurlconfig |
| static_replace_assetexcludedextensionsconfig |
| status_coursemessage |
| status_globalstatusmessage |
| student_anonymoususerid |
| student_courseaccessrole |
| student_courseenrollment |
| student_courseenrollmentallowed |
| student_courseenrollmentattribute |
| student_dashboardconfiguration |
| student_enrollmentrefundconfiguration |
| student_entranceexamconfiguration |
| student_historicalcourseenrollment |
| student_languageproficiency |
| student_linkedinaddtoprofileconfiguration |
| student_loginfailures |
| student_logoutviewconfiguration |
| student_manualenrollmentaudit |
| student_passwordhistory |
| student_pendingemailchange |
| student_pendingnamechange |
| student_registrationcookieconfiguration |
| student_userattribute |
| student_usersignupsource |
| student_userstanding |
| student_usertestgroup |
| student_usertestgroup_users |
| submissions_score |
| submissions_scoreannotation |
| submissions_scoresummary |
| submissions_studentitem |
| submissions_submission |
| survey_surveyanswer |
| survey_surveyform |
| tagging_tagavailablevalues |
| tagging_tagcategories |
| teams_courseteam |
| teams_courseteammembership |
| theming_sitetheme |
| third_party_auth_ltiproviderconfig |
| third_party_auth_oauth2providerconfig |
| third_party_auth_providerapipermissions |
| third_party_auth_samlconfiguration |
| third_party_auth_samlproviderconfig |
| third_party_auth_samlproviderdata |
| thumbnail_kvstore |
| track_trackinglog |
| user_api_usercoursetag |
| user_api_userorgtag |
| user_api_userpreference |
| user_tasks_usertaskartifact |
| user_tasks_usertaskstatus |
| util_ratelimitconfiguration |
| verified_track_content_verifiedtrackcohortedcourse |
| verify_student_historicalverificationdeadline |
| verify_student_icrvstatusemailsconfiguration |
| verify_student_incoursereverificationconfiguration |
| verify_student_skippedreverification |
| verify_student_softwaresecurephotoverification |
| verify_student_verificationcheckpoint |
| verify_student_verificationcheckpoint_photo_verification |
| verify_student_verificationdeadline |
| verify_student_verificationstatus |
| video_config_coursehlsplaybackenabledflag |
| video_config_hlsplaybackenabledflag |
| waffle_flag |
| waffle_flag_groups |
| waffle_flag_users |
| waffle_sample |
| waffle_switch |
| waffle_utils_waffleflagcourseoverridemodel |
| wiki_article |
| wiki_articleforobject |
| wiki_articleplugin |
| wiki_articlerevision |
| wiki_attachment |
| wiki_attachmentrevision |
| wiki_image |
| wiki_imagerevision |
| wiki_reusableplugin |
| wiki_reusableplugin_articles |
| wiki_revisionplugin |
| wiki_revisionpluginrevision |
| wiki_simpleplugin |
| wiki_urlpath |
| workflow_assessmentworkflow |
| workflow_assessmentworkflowcancellation |
| workflow_assessmentworkflowstep |
| xblock_config_courseeditltifieldsenabledflag |
| xblock_config_studioconfig |
| xblock_django_xblockconfiguration |
| xblock_django_xblockstudioconfiguration |
| xblock_django_xblockstudioconfigurationflag |
346 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I have solv this problem!
This is the resource for all countries on openedx /edx/app/edxapp/venvs/edxapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_countries/data.py
You need to restart your services after this action.
Good Luck!

SAS delete keyword deleted everything

I am using the following code to delete some rows from a dataset on a certain condition:
/*delete some data to solve the beta zero problem*/
if CUM_RETURN<RMIN then delete;
However, I found out that the dataset MK_RETURN became not only empty, but also missing all the variables but CUM_RETURN and return.
Before the delete operation, the dataset contains six ~ seven variables. But after the delete operation, the dataset only contains two (empty variables), i.e. CUM_RETURN, RMIN.
What is wrong here?
The input data is something like
| SYMBOL | DATE | time | CUM_RETURN | return_sec | RMIN | one_M | MK_RETURN_RATE |
| A | 20130108 | 1 | 0 | | 0.00023571 | 1.90E-11 | 3.130243764 |
| A | 20130108 | 2 | | -0.00117855 | 0.000235988 | 1.90E-11 | 0.000274509 |
| A | 20130108 | 3 | 0.000471976 | 0.000471976 | 0.000235877 | 1.90E-11 | 6.86083E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 4 | | -0.000471754 | 0.000235988 | 1.90E-11 | 6.86036E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 5 | -0.000471976 | -0.000943953 | 0.000236211 | 1.90E-11 | 6.85989E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 6 | | -0.002362112 | 0.000236771 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 7 | 0.000711876 | 0.001183852 | 0.000236491 | 1.90E-11 | -0.000137188 |
| A | 20130108 | 8 | | 0.001300698 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 9 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 10 | | 0 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0.000137207 |
| A | 20130108 | 11 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0.000137188 |
| A | 20130108 | 12 | | 0.000590458 | 0.000236044 | 1.90E-11 | 6.85848E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 13 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236044 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 14 | | -0.000118022 | 0.000236072 | 1.90E-11 | -0.0003429 |
| A | 20130108 | 15 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236072 | 1.90E-11 | -0.000068604 |
You didn't declare an input dataset (no set statement) - so you have created a new, empty dataset called MK_RETURN with two variables that were assigned as missing numerics given the absence of a definition.
Try the following (if not too late):
set INPUTDATASET; /* THIS is the line you need */
/*delete some data to solve the beta zero problem*/
if CUM_RETURN<RMIN then delete;

SAS If Else and LAG skips a row

I was trying to use the following code to do calculate cumulative return ():
if first.symbol then CUM_RETURN = 0;
else CUM_RETURN = return_sec + LAG_CUMRETURN;
However, with the if and else statement, the SAS is skipping a row:
| SYMBOL | DATE | time | CUM_RETURN | return_sec | RMIN | one_M | MK_RETURN_RATE |
| A | 20130108 | 1 | 0 | | 0.00023571 | 1.90E-11 | 3.130243764 |
| A | 20130108 | 2 | | -0.00117855 | 0.000235988 | 1.90E-11 | 0.000274509 |
| A | 20130108 | 3 | 0.000471976 | 0.000471976 | 0.000235877 | 1.90E-11 | 6.86083E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 4 | | -0.000471754 | 0.000235988 | 1.90E-11 | 6.86036E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 5 | -0.000471976 | -0.000943953 | 0.000236211 | 1.90E-11 | 6.85989E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 6 | | -0.002362112 | 0.000236771 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 7 | 0.000711876 | 0.001183852 | 0.000236491 | 1.90E-11 | -0.000137188 |
| A | 20130108 | 8 | | 0.001300698 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 9 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 10 | | 0 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0.000137207 |
| A | 20130108 | 11 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236183 | 1.90E-11 | 0.000137188 |
| A | 20130108 | 12 | | 0.000590458 | 0.000236044 | 1.90E-11 | 6.85848E-05 |
| A | 20130108 | 13 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236044 | 1.90E-11 | 0 |
| A | 20130108 | 14 | | -0.000118022 | 0.000236072 | 1.90E-11 | -0.0003429 |
| A | 20130108 | 15 | 0.000711876 | 0 | 0.000236072 | 1.90E-11 | -0.000068604 |
As you can see, I want CUM_RETURN = return_sec + lag(CUM_RETURN), but it seems that now it is doing CUM_RETURN = return_sec + lag(lag(CUM_RETURN)).
I am aware of the issue that you cannot write lag directly in if and else conditions, that is why i used a LAG variable before the if else condition. But it seems that it is still working in a weird way ...
Besides, if i delete the if statement and do
if first.symbol then CUM_RETURN = 0;
The entire column of CUM_RETURN just becomes empty ...
I don't think you need LAG_CUMRETURN, you have CUMRETURN in a retain.
(throwing out the other noise)
retain cumreturn;
if first.symbol then cumreturn = 0;
cumreturn = sum(cumreturn,return_sec);
That should get you what you want. The SUM() function treats a missing value as a 0, so for the first record of each security, CUMRETURN will stay 0.

Cannot link against LibUSB Visual Studio 2013. Linker error 2019 (LNK2019)

Apparently there's nothing I have more difficulty with than flipping switches in VS and using DLLs. No matter how many times I do it, I can never seem to get it right.
Anyway, I'm trying to link LibUSB against a test application. I've downloaded the Windows binaries from LibUSB.info and now I'd like to link it to my test project. My directory structure is as follows:
Folder PATH listing for volume Local Disk
Volume serial number is 00000200 1C56:6A00
| LibUSBTest.sdf
| LibUSBTest.sln
| out.txt
| LibUSBTest.pdb
| +---libusbtest-291f707a
| | libusbtest-85afab4d.ipch
| |
| \---libusbtest-e65e4917
| libusbtest-85afab4d.ipch
| | libusb-1.0.def
| | README.txt
| |
| +---examples
| | +---bin32
| | | fxload.exe
| | | listdevs.exe
| | | xusb.exe
| | |
| | +---bin64
| | | fxload.exe
| | | listdevs.exe
| | | xusb.exe
| | |
| | \---source
| | ezusb.c
| | ezusb.h
| | fxload.c
| | listdevs.c
| | stdint.h
| | xusb.c
| |
| +---include
| | \---libusb-1.0
| | libusb.h
| |
| +---MinGW32
| | +---dll
| | | libusb-1.0.dll
| | | libusb-1.0.dll.a
| | |
| | \---static
| | libusb-1.0.a
| |
| +---MinGW64
| | +---dll
| | | libusb-1.0.dll
| | | libusb-1.0.dll.a
| | |
| | \---static
| | libusb-1.0.a
| |
| +---MS32
| | +---dll
| | | libusb-1.0.dll
| | | libusb-1.0.lib
| | | libusb-1.0.pdb
| | |
| | \---static
| | libusb-1.0.lib
| |
| \---MS64
| +---dll
| | libusb-1.0.dll
| | libusb-1.0.lib
| | libusb-1.0.pdb
| |
| \---static
| libusb-1.0.lib
| LibUSBTest.cpp
| LibUSBTest.vcxproj
| LibUSBTest.vcxproj.filters
| ReadMe.txt
| stdafx.cpp
| stdafx.h
| targetver.h
| LibUSBTest.Build.CppClean.log
| LibUSBTest.log
| LibUSBTest.obj
| LibUSBTest.pch
| stdafx.obj
| vc120.idb
| vc120.pdb
| vc120.idb
| vc120.pdb
At the top of my source code, I've defined #pragma comment(lib, "libusb-1.0.lib") to add the library dependency.
Under Properties->VC++ Directories->Library Directories I've added $(SolutionDir)libusb\MS32\dll\ and for Include Directories I've added $(SolutionDir)libusb\include\libusb-1.0\
Just to be safe, under Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories I've added $(SolutionDir)libusb\include\libusb-1.0\
Finally, under Linker->General-> Additional Library Directories I've added $(SolutionDir)libusb\MS32\dll\
I'm assuming I need to copy the DLL and/or Lib file somewhere in the project directory, but even doing that manually hasn't helped matters.
Edit: Output Window Results
The output window caused me to reach the character limit, so I unfortunately had to resort to using PasteBin for that part.