Rails 4.0 Custom Validator Not Working - ruby-on-rails-4

I am attempting to validate some dates in a Rails 4 application and it's not working.
I looked at lots of similar code samples, like this Same custom validation for several fields in Rails and this http://railscasts.com/episodes/211-validations-in-rails-3. (And others more complicated). I don't understand why my example doesn't work. Trying to find the problem, I've stripped out the actual validation code, and left a stub, because the validation doesn't seem to run and that would seem the base problem (or at least, the first problem).
Here's the code in the validator (which is in app/validators/custom_date_validator.rb
class CustomDateValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
puts "Custom validator was called"
record.errors[attribute] << "Date Not Valid" unless false
Here's the code from the model:
class CaseInformation < ActiveRecord::Base
include ApplicationHelper
validates :started, :custom_date => true
The error message is:
argument out of range
Extracted source (around line #104):
respond_to do |format|
104 if ( #case_information.update_attributes(params[:case_information]) && #case_information.update_attributes(params[:law_guardians]) )
format.html { redirect_to #case_information, notice: 'Case information was successfully updated.' }
format.json { head :no_content }
The error is (I think) intentional, I put in a date of "1/123/2012", but the validator isn't catching it. Well, actually I stripped out all the validation code and have (I think) the validator writing to the log, as it doesn't seem the validator is even running, at least, there's nothing in the log that shows it ran.
I know that the validator code is being found because in the model, if I change the validation name even a bit I get an error that the validation can't be found.
Really stupid noob question I am sure, your patience is appreciated.

It's indeed failing before your validator gets run-- the "argument out of range" error is what happens when you call Time.parse on a date that can't exist. In irb:
2.0.0p247 :004 > require 'time'
=> true
2.0.0p247 :005 > Time.parse("1/123/2012")
ArgumentError: argument out of range
And I'm betting that started is a datetime or timestamp attribute, right? Rails tries to convert the string from the params hash to their types before any validations are run.


Globalize: How to show in the view the current locale information

I am currently having a bit of a problem with Globalize gem.
I explain the current situation:
I have a Model called Question. After creating it, without any data stored, I added the following lines to the model:
class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
translates :wording, :answer1, :answer2, :answer3, :answer4
Then, I created a migration to create the translations table
class CreateTranslationsTable < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
Question.create_translation_table! :wording => :string, :answer1 => :string, :answer2 => :string, :answer3 => :string, :answer4 => :string
def end
def down
def end
My default locale is :en. After that I added some data.
If I go execute rails c and put the command Question.first.wording everything works fine.
Although when I execute in 'rails c' I18n.locale = :es and then I do Question.first.wording still displays the english text I put at the beginning.
I tried one thing which it seemed to help me is that I dropped all the translated columns (like specified in Globalize documentation after you migrated data. In my case I didn't have any data to migrate at the beginning though). After that I made a rollback (which got back the columns I deleted form the Question model), then executing Question.first.wording with I18n.locale = :es got it working. Which means that Question.first.wording returns nil.
After that, I implemented the 'Locale from Url Params' as specified in the Ruby on Rails guide
Which means the first URL param si the ':locale' param.
Now the current problem: The view still displays the information in English when it should display it in Spanish, since the URL I entered was http://localhost.com/es/questions/.
How can I make it to display in the view the Spanish information?
My mistake. I interpreted from the documentation that the the chunck of code (in application_controller.rb) that works for setting the url:
def default_url_options(options={})
{ locale: params[:locale] }
would actually set the 'I18n.locale' variable. What I did is the next to get around this (in application_controller.rb):
before_action :change_to_current_locale
def change_to_current_locale
I18n.locale = params[:locale]
That made it work.

Rails Validations - Reverse of Confirmation Validation

I want to be sure, two attributes don't have the same value with a validation in my Rails4 application. I know about confirmation validation but I need exactly the opposite of that.
Does Rails have this kind of validation?
You need to create a custom validation I think:
validate :check_attribute1_and_attribute2
def check_attribute1_and_attribute2
if attribute_1 == attribute_2
errors.add( :column_2, ' Value 2 cannot be similar to Value 1!')
Hope it helps :)
I had a similar need and wanted a simple solution. I thought this worked out pretty well in the end.
validates :applicant_id, exclusion: {
in: -> (reference_request) { [reference_request.reference_id] },
message: 'cannot also be a reference'

Strange Behaviour with .errors on Factory Girl Stubbed Object

I am using factory_girl_rails (4.2.1) and rspec-rails (2.14.0) to test a simple controller on Rails 4. When testing an error case, I use FactoryGirl.build to build an invalid User object. However, the resulting object does not contain any error in #user.errors; yet expect(assigns(:user)).to have(1).errors_on(:email) in the test case still passes. Why doesn't the FactoryGirl generated object has any error, and how does rspec see the error?
Here are the details and code.
The controller simply creates a User object, then redirect to a verification page if creation was successful or render the form again if there is any error.
class RegistrationController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
#user = User.create(params.required(:user).permit(:email, :password, :password_confirmation))
if #user.errors.empty?
redirect_to verify_registration_path
render :new
In my error case test, I create a User without 'email' using FactoryGirl. It is expected to create an error entry in #user.errors for the 'email' field AND renders the :new template.
describe RegistrationController do
#... Some other examples ...
describe 'GET create' do
def post_create(user_params)
allow(User).to receive(:create).with(ActionController::Parameters.new({user: user_params})[:user]).and_return(FactoryGirl.build(:user, user_params))
post :create, user: user_params
context 'without email' do
before { post_create email: '', password: 'testing', password_confirmation: 'testing' }
subject { assigns(:user) }
it 'build the User with error' do
expect(subject).to have(1).errors_on(:email)
it 'renders the registration form' do
expect(response).to render_template('new')
However, when I ran the test case, only the 'renders the registration form' example failed, but not the other one.
1) RegistrationController GET create without email renders the registration form
Failure/Error: expect(response).to render_template('new')
expecting <"new"> but rendering with <[]>
# ./spec/controllers/registration_controller_spec.rb:51:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.25726 seconds
6 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/controllers/registration_controller_spec.rb:50 # RegistrationController GET create without email renders the registration form
What is strange here is that rspec seems to be able to see an error in #user (hence the first test case passes) but for some unknown reason #user.error.empty? returns true in controller causing it to redirect instead of rendering the :new template (hence the failed second test case). I also confirmed in debugger that #user.error was indeed empty.
Is it something wrong with how FactoryGirl handles error, or am I using it wrong?
Two things I want to mention here are:
1. Probably You want to use "Post create" instead of "Get create".
2. Whether email is missing or not is the model's concern, not controller's.
I suggest you use stub to return false for the case that email is missing.
The easiest way is:
And maybe you want to change some other things in the controller, like "if #user.errors.empty?"
EDIT: Sorry, "create" actually doesn't return false.
So in your controller
#user = User.new(.....)
if #user.save
render :new
And in your test use

Outputting data with NanoStoreInMotion

I have successfully been able to create a user using NanoStoreInMotion. I can query on it and see the object. What I am having an issue with is outputting data. For example:
User model:
class User < NanoStore::Model
:first_name => "Jason"
:last_name => "Beam"
user = User.find(:first_name => "Jason")
#This returns the object [#<User:0xab96ab0>]
With ruby, normally to call on a specific field I would just do user.first_name. This throws an error, "undefined method 'first_name' for [#]:Array (NoMethodError)
If I remember correctly find returns an Array so you need to do something like user[0].first_name
Based on my experience I would advise against NanoStoreInMotion. I wouldn't exclude my own inability to use it correctly, but for me it was unreasonably slow (storing thousands of relatively complex objects) and throwing a lot of cryptic errors.
So I moved to MotionModel and I am very happy with it.

No route matches with valid object

Having read this:
"No route matches" error?
I'm trying to figure out if there is a gem or way to monkey patch actionpack to get around this constraint.
Basically, I'm writing specs (they run fast), and I don't understand why actionpack throws this error when being applied to an object which isn't "saved".
For two reasons:
Why is it throwing a "No route matches" when it really should be throwing something more meaningful (e.g. object must be saved before a route can be constructed, or object ID is nil). The exception seems a little obscure.
I shouldn't have to save the object at all if all I am trying to do is generate a url for that object, given the ID is populated using a factory or something similar.
This constraint makes it a pain to write fast tests, unless I'm missing something...
True, the error message is a bit obscure. Regarding your second point, you don't need to save an object to generate a URL, the helper will work just as well with a literal value.
building_path(1) # GET /buildings/1 => BuildingsController#show, params={:id=>"1"}
So in the example the object can be replaced with any value:
get :show, :id => "1"
For example, if you use rails generate scaffold Article, RSpec will build a spec like this:
def mock_article(stubs={})
(#mock_article ||= mock_model(Article).as_null_object).tap do |article|
article.stub(stubs) unless stubs.empty?
describe "GET show" do
it "assigns the requested article as #article" do
Article.stub(:find).with("37") { mock_article }
get :show, :id => "37"
assigns(:article).should be(mock_article)
which does not hit the database.