dynamically created button is does not show in mfc - mfc

So I have this code
CButton details;
details.Create(_T("details"),WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|BS_PUSHBUTTON,CRect(120,100,100,30), this, 15000);
but it doesn't do anything(created button is not visible after creating it). What am I missing?
EDIT: The code is in a dialog based application's OnInitDialog function. What it should do is to display the button.

Your CButton is created with automatic storage duration. So it is destroyed when OnInitDialog returns. (Which is before the dialog is visible.) Make the CButton a member variable instead.

The values under CRect provided by you is incorrect, it must be CRect(120, 100, 220, 130).

this is depending to declaring CButton details;!
you must declare CButton details; as general instance(not local instance)
define your CButton details; instance as general, so your problem will solved!
bellow code work 100 percentage :
#define BBB 10000
CButton c;
void CThreadsDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
bool a = c.Create(_T("new button"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(100, 100, 220, 230), this, BBB);
if c button created, a variable will be true.

My experience: nothing is shown if your dialog is inherited from CDHtmlDialog, but works OK with normal CDialog. So change the first line in OnInitDialog()
and of course, the button variable should be global or class member, not local.


Create Button and Reference in message map

Im creating a button on my oncreate using message map.
I am unable to get a callback message from ON_BN_CLICKED when passing a reference to ICL_OK.
I don't believe its a parenting issue. The window is an CFrameWnd and parent is a CMainFrame.
Even getting all the messages and I can swtich between what I want to do as I have list boxes and input boxes to add also and edit / get response.
Cant go into the gui main thread loop. Message map is the way I need to achieve this.
CRect(10, 10, BUTTON_WIDTH, HEIGHT), this, ICL_OK);
To click the button and get a response. Instead in using OnCmdMsg and getting a reference to its nID which I don't like. I want BN_CLICKED to work.
Refering to this answer
Message map macros
I can again confirm oncmdmsg works but wm_command event does not fire.
Message map macros
UPDATE: Still not working, alternative is to use ON_COMMAND_RANGE and still fires the WM_COMMAND so just have to restrict the amount of messages it handles. Hope it helps someone. If you want to generate a button the solution below might help you.
You are writing that the button is not showing in the window. There is a reason for that, and I would guess this: You define the button in a subroutine/method/function instead of defining it in its parent class.
Instead, in its parent class, whether that is the CMainFrame or some other Window, define a button like:
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
/// bunch of stuff, including OnCreate() or OnCreateClient()
CButton m_button;
In the class that houses the button, assuming CMainFrame for now, create the button... ideally in OnCreate() or OnCreateClient()
call the baseclass version then your button create....
int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs)
int ret = __super::OnCreate(lpcs);
if (ret != -1) {
m_button.Create(_T("Ok Button"), WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, CRect(10, 10, BUTTON_WIDTH, HEIGHT), this, ICL_OK);
return ret;
If your constructor is in a method, then its destructor will be called at the end of the method. MFC CWnd derived windows classes usually call DestroyWindow() in their destructor and what this means is that the window is destroyed by the end of the call and that is the reason it is not visible.

MFC: How to custom draw a dynamically created CListCtrl

I need to customize the head/row height of a CListCtrl. After some googling, I know that I need to subclass CListCtrl, so I wrote my own list class, with the outline as follows:
class CListCtrlCl : public CListCtrl
void CListCtrlCl::PreSubclassWindow()
CHeaderCtrl *pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl();
void CListCtrlCl::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct)
if (m_nRowHeight>0)
lpMeasureItemStruct->itemHeight = 100;
The problem is that this method worked if I drag a CListCtrl control in dialog template, but if I create this listctrl dynamically, like:
BOOL CListCtrlTestDlg::OnInitDialog()
CRect rect(7,7,300,300);
SetWindowLong(m_ListCtrl.m_hWnd ,GWL_EXSTYLE,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
Then the customization code just doesn't take effect. Whatever I did, the result listctrl is the standard one without any customization. But I need to create this listctrl dynamically, so could anyone tell me what I need to do to make dynamically created clistctrl customizable?
You've left off the necessary style for custom drawing when you create the control. Add LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED. That should fix your problem.
The reason is that, PreSubclassWindow is only called when you subclass a control. When you createthe control you have also control over the style.
Simply overwrite the virtual Create function and just add the style like you are doing it in the PreSubclassWindow function. Than call the base class. You can also overwrite PreCreateWindow.
But much simpler than using the ownerdraw feature is cusum draw.

Embedded dialog in Tab Control cannot work in second dialog, MFC

I have following code which works in the main dialog, but cannot work in the second (or third) dialog. The thing is that I want each page of the tab control can show a embedded dialog, it's similar to property page.
First I create two dialog, IDD_DIALOG1 and IDD_DIALOG2.Then I change the style of them to child and border to None. After that I add CDialog class to each of them.
In my MainDialog.h, I have the following code:
#include "Dialog1.h"
#include "Dialog2.h"
CDialog1 m_para1;
CDialog2 m_para2;
CTabCtrl m_TabCtrl;
In my MainDialog.cpp, I use the following code to embed the dialo in the OnInitDialog:
m_TabCtrl.InsertItem(0, _T("TAB1"));
m_TabCtrl.InsertItem(1, _T("TAB2"));
CRect rs;
By using this way, It can work in this case. But if I want to use this method in my SecondDialog, the non-main dialog, it cannot work. Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance.
When you create a modeless dialog box, try this:
The second parameter of the Create function is a point to the parent window object (of type CWnd) to which the dialog object belongs. The return type of the GetDlgItem function is HWND.
See following:

CMFCButton::SetToolTip(str) not work in OnInitDialog() and

I want my CMFCButton to show tooltip when mouse over.
It doesn't work if I use SetToolTip() method in OnInitDialog
CMFCButton* bt = ((CMFCButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_MFCBUTTON1));
BUT it does work if I put this code in message handle function like another button's click handle.
What I want is that the CMFCButton could show tooltip when the dialog is created, where should I put these code?
By the way, The tooltip text I set in the Property view does not work for most time.
I just derived a class
class CMyButton : public CMFCButton
void SetDelayFullTextTooltipSet(bool DelayFullTextTooltipSet)
m_bDelayFullTextTooltipSet = DelayFullTextTooltipSet;
Instead of a CMFCButton variable on the Dialog class I use the button, I now have a CMyButton.
And in the OnInitDialog, after the SetTooltip call, I do
Have you called the base class' OnInitDialog()? The main point is that the control needs to be created before you call SetToolTip() on it. Step into OnInitDialog() with the debugger and see if m_hWnd of the control has a value at the moment you call SetToolTip().

create a control programmatically using MFC

I just wonder how to do it.
I write :
CEdit m_wndEdit;
and in the button event handler (dialog app),
I write :
m_wndEdit.Create(//with params);
but I still don't see the control appear in the UI.
I actually wrote this in the button handler :
CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1);
CRect rect;
wnd_Edit.Create(ES_MULTILINE | ES_NOHIDESEL | ES_READONLY,rect,this,105);
id 105 doesn't exist. (I used it in the Create member function of CEdit). I just put it in there. isn't it supposed to be the id you want to give to the new control ? Should it already exist ?
Check with the following set of flags as the example mentioned in MSDN:
rect, this, 105);
The Invalidate() is not necessary
Add the WS_VISIBLE flag to your create flags, you don't need the ShowWindow
You are creating the button on the location where IDC_LIST1 is - you probably want to do pWdn->Destroy() after the GetClientRect()
The id you pass to Create() can be anything, of course if you want to handle messages from this button later you'll need to use the correct id. In that case it's easiest to manually add an entry to resource.h.
What do you mean with 'I put this code in the button event handler' - which button? A different one from the one you're trying to create, I may hope? Does your code get called at all, does it stop when you put a breakpoint in? What's the value of wnd_Edit->m_hWnd after the call to Create()?
wnd_Edit is a member of your dialog, right, and not a a function local variable?
What is wnd_Edit exactly? If it's a local variable in that function, that is likely the problem. The CWnd destructor destroys the window associated with the CWnd. So when wnd_Edit goes out of scope, the edit box is destroyed too.
If that's not it, check the return value of Create(). Is it NULL? If it is, check the value of GetLastError().