Accessing microphone from a service on Glass - google-glass

I would like a service to access the microphone (and do some signal processing on it a bit like what the google music is doing to recognise songs)
Is there a public API for that ? can't seem to find it :/

Have you tried the AudioRecord class in Android? That should do everything you need. You might also find the waveform sample on the Google Glass GitHub page to be a useful example.
Keep in mind that recording audio from a service (as in a background service) might be dangerous since other applications could need the microphone for voice recognition and so forth. Using an immersion for this might be a better approach.


can we use Exoplayer for Websites?

I am working on an AWS cloud project which involves video streaming. For this case, a media player needs be to used is Exoplayer along with required AWS services but I am not able to find anything regarding Exoplayer's use on Websites. Can anyone help me with the usage of Exoplayer for web applications?
ExoPlayer is an Android player - for websites, you would typically use a HTML5/JavaScript player assuming your service is using a typical video streaming technology such as HLS or DASH.
OpenSource HTML5/JavaScript players are readily available:
There are also multiple commercial players also like BitMovin, TheoPlayer, JWPlayer etc.

How to disable sentence-level auto correction in Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API

I am working on a speech recognition task, which involves the detection of children's speaking capability, improvement over time...
I'd like to use the Google Cloud Speech to Text API for the ASR part of the detection. Then I would use the transcripts of different measurements to estimate the advancement.
But! The sentence level autocorrect of Google Speech API consistently rewrites the previous limb of the spoken sentence...
Is there a way to disable the autocorrect of this ASR?
I can't bypass this problem with the "speechContext", "single_utterance" or "maxAlternatives" options.
"single_utterance" may work with words, but it corrects the misspells..
Any advice in this field?
If you use streaming instead of batch recognize, you should receive an answer as soon as that part of the audio is transcribed, it does not wait for the rest of the sentence. You should then just store the first answer provided by the stream, not the further corrections.
This means that you don't have to wait until isFinal=True.
For a quick and dirty example of what I mean, go tho the speech API page, and run the streaming test with the developer tools open. There you'll see the streaming data received as the words are being spoken:

Suggestions for real-time charting with SignalR in C# application

I am building a dashboard that will monitor production data, and am able to access this data via web services. The data changes every 1 minute, so I would like to have a page with 4 charts/gauges (the number of systems I am monitoring) that would get the data pushed to them with a successive web service call.
Can anyone suggest a good charting kit that would work well with C#? And would SignalR be a good fit here do you think? I have read that node.js and are options, but I have no experience with node yet. I would like something along the lines of DevExpress. Perhaps jquery and something on the front end works here as well? Thanks!
For such a dashboard SignalR is definitely a good fit if you already work with .NET and ASP.NET. For a web dashboard in particular, a good graphic library is Raphael, which is open source and pure JavaScript. It's simple and straight to the point, but often less is more. You can build interesting kinds of charts with it.
This project is maybe interesting for you as a sample of those 2 technologies together. If you press the skulls to raise errors, they will be triggered on a backend simulator and pushed to the dashboard using SignalR. You will notice a piechart graph there, which is done using Raphael and updates live when new errors are received.
The code of the project is here, it's a bit complex but maybe you want to have a look anyway. It's based on SignalR 1.x, but overall concepts are still the same.

How to stream video in a django app

I'm looking to stream video's as part of a django app, but I've never done anything with video and don't really know where to start. I don't have all the details of the project yet, but I'm expecting a fairly small library of videos uploaded by one or two people (Think less than 100 videos of about 5 mins length).
I'm looking for a solution that allows users to upload videos using django admin. I want to reach the majority of desktop browsers (95%+), and obviously I want to keep my costs down. Saying that I do like the idea of using some sort of cloud based CDN (I've no idea if that's possible / appropriate for this size of project)
I really want to ask if anyone can point me int he right direction (tutorials / services / projects / code), but I realise that might not be specific enough.
So to be more specific -
Is it possible to stream video to browsers using just django and an apache web server?
What cloud hosting providers will support easy integration with a django app?
Will I need to convert the format of my video's before they're ready to stream?
Can I use Red5 with a cloud hosting solution.
I want to host the project on a Ubuntu server that I use to host a
couple of other (low traffic) django apps - would it be a mistake to install Red5
on a server with existing sites.
From recollection, the server has 12GB RAM and 4 cores (in a 1and1
uk datacentre). Will I have enough power / bandwidth to stream say 3-5 video's simultaneously? (assuming red5 / wowza).
I'm not interested in Flash because I was rooting for Apple. Do I
need to need to re-evaluate my prejudices to be free of my ignorance?
I never streamed videos using Django/Python, but I have some experience in the field of streaming video in frontend apps. I can certainly not answer all your questions. In my experience it does not really matter where the video is hosted, a CDN is fine if you want to distribute the video world-wide.
I personally think you should start with the question on how you want to play the video in the browser. Choose an appropriate video player (could be html5 video) and you have an idea of what is possible to play and what not.
3) The format matters depending on how you want to stream the video. Progressive download (e.g. mp4)? Live streaming (unprogressive, e.g. HLS)? You can find example videos online and test if your video player can play the videos on the platform you want to support.
7) As said, you need to check out which player to use in this case. HTML5 video is not widely supported enough yet in my opinion, but can play most formats in the most modern browsers (Chrome, Safari).
Hope that helps.

Speech recognition (web) services?

I have a buffer of audio and I'd like to perform speech recognition/transcription on it. I have limited CPU and RAM locally so I want to perform recognition on a server.
Are there any (web) services that allow me to do this?
My searches so far have led nowhere...
Google has just introduced browser-based access to its speech engine through HTML5.
To get this page to work, I launched the Chromium browser as follows in Ubuntu:
$ chromium-browser --enable-speech-input
I believe that the idea is to be able to build applications that use Google's speech recognizer, but I haven't had a chance to look deeply into it.
Another interesting project is WAMI from MIT:
Lumenvox offers such a service but seems expensive for your needs.