Fail to define a Class in Clojure? - clojure

I was following the example on Clojure in Action Page 326,
(defn new-object [klass]
(fn [command & args]
(condp = command
:class klass)))
Then I typed: (def cindy (new-object Person))
It gives me: CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: Person in this context, compiling:(/Users/sdfsd/clj/testlein/src/testlein/sdf:22:12)
If I change Person to "Person" or 'Person, it works. But I believe that is not the right way to solve this problem because Person should be a class and "Person" is :name of the class. Could someone please tell me why I am having this problem? Thanks!

(import package-and-name-of-your-person-class)
Or without import, use as parameter in the function call package-and-name-of-your-person-class instead of Person
(def cindy (new-object package-and-name-of-your-person-class))


passing optional :query-param in clojure request

I have started learning clojure and have one use case where I would want to call a downstream service with query-params. Now these query-params can vary and can be absent. I am stuck at how to achieve it using clojure.
Any help from experience folks would be great!
(defn- call-stud-service* [name id college_id course city]
(let [base-url-prefix (get-in config [:url :student-service])
student-service-url (str (url base-url-prefix base-path))]
{:connection-manager connection-manager
:throw-exceptions false
:headers {:Content-Type "application/json"
:Accept "application/json"}
:query-params {"name" name
"id" id
"college_id" college_id
"course" course}}))
What my use case is : if I have additional parameter city I can pass it in the request as query-param else I won't.
I gave a thought maybe using something assoc to append query-params but not sure if would work.
Use cond->:
(cond-> query-params
city (assoc "city" city))

Finding Matched Path in Clojure Web Service

I hope I can explain this in such a way that it makes sense!
I'm using Liberator to prototype some web services that I need to expose to clients and have route(s) defined like so:
(defroutes fish
(context "/fish"
(ANY "/cod/:id/count"
(cod-fish id))))
(def handler
(-> fish
The intention of path-wrapper is to output some information about the matched path. It currently looks like so:
(defn path-wrapper
(fn [request]
(println "in" (:request-method request) (:uri request))
(let [response (handler request)]
(println "out")
This prints out what you'd expect:
in :get /fish/cod/123/count
However, what I'd like it to print out is:
in :get /fish/cod/:id/count
That is, the path that matched rather than the URI that matched it.
I'm almost certain that the answer is in Clout somewhere but I don't seem able to find it! :(
Any advice?
In cases like this I'm fond of putting in a debugging statement like:
(let [response .... ]
(log/errorf "in: request was: %s"
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint request))
and look for the data you want in the output (then remove the statement) or if you have a working and modern emacs+cider environment you can add debugging to the function with C-uC-cC-c and catch the value of request that way. If the data you wan't is available it will likely be in that output. If you are not using a logging framework then remove the log and with-out-str parts and just call pprint directly.
Sorry if i'm misunderstanding or perhaps is's a typo in the question though:
(let [response handler]
(println "out")
looks like it's returning the handler itself rather than the result of calling that handler, should it be :
(let [response (handler request)]
(println "out")

Faking friend credential function using Midje

I'm trying to test my routing in isolation using Midje. For some routes that hit the database I have no trouble using (provided ...) to isolate the route from a real db call. I've introduced Friend for authentication and I've been unable to fake the call to the credential function.
My credential function looks like this (It's implemented like this because I don't want it getting called just yet):
(defn cred-fn
(println (str "hey look I got called with " creds))
(throw (Exception.)))
The middleware for the routes then look like this:
(def app
(-> app-routes
(wrap-json-body {:keywords? true :bigdecimals? true})
(wrap-defaults defaults)
{:unauthorized-handler json-auth/login-failed
:workflows [(json-auth/json-login
:login-uri "/login"
:login-failure-handler json-auth/login-failed
:credential-fn auth/cred-fn)]})
I've also tried without using the auth-json-workflow, the implementation for the routes looks almost identical and I can add that if it helps but I get the same result.
And then my tests look like this (using ring-mock):
(defn post [url body]
(-> (mock/request :post url body)
(mock/content-type "application/json")
(fact "login with incorrect username and password returns unauthenticated"
(:status (post "/login" invalid-auth-account-json)) => 401
(auth/cred-fn anything) => nil))
(fact "login with correct username and password returns success"
(:status (post "/login" auth-account-json)) => 200
(auth/cred-fn anything) => {:identity "root"}))
I then get the following output running the tests:
hey look I got called with {:password "admin_password", :username "not-a-user"}
FAIL at (handler.clj:66)
These calls were not made the right number of times:
(auth/cred-fn anything) [expected at least once, actually never called]
FAIL "routes - authenticated routes - login with incorrect username and password returns unauthenticated" at (handler.clj:64)
Expected: 401
Actual: java.lang.Exception
hey look I got called with {:password "admin_password", :username "root"}
FAIL at (handler.clj:70)
These calls were not made the right number of times:
(auth/cred-fn anything) [expected at least once, actually never called]
FAIL "routes - authenticated routes - login with correct username and password returns success" at (handler.clj:68)
Expected: 200
Actual: java.lang.Exception
So from what I can see the provided statement is not taking effect, and I'm not sure why. Any ideas?
I recently ran into a similar issue, and after some digging I
think I understand why this is happening. Let's take a look at how
the bindings for auth/cred-fn change over time.
(clojure.pprint/pprint (macroexpand '(defn cred-fn
(println (str "hey look I got called with " creds))
(throw (Exception.)))))
(println (str "hey look I got called with " creds))
(throw (Exception.)))))
As you can see above, the defn macro interns the symbol cred-fn in the current namespace and binds it to a Var referencing
your dummy function.
(def app
(-> app-routes
(wrap-json-body {:keywords? true :bigdecimals? true})
(wrap-defaults defaults)
{:unauthorized-handler json-auth/login-failed
:workflows [(json-auth/json-login
:login-uri "/login"
:login-failure-handler json-auth/login-failed
:credential-fn auth/cred-fn)]})
Here's the important piece. At compile time, we thread
app-routes through a series of functions. One of these functions
is friend/authenticate, which takes a map with key :workflows.
The value of :workflows is a vector populated with the results of
a call to json-auth/json-login, which receives auth/credential-fn
as a parameter. Remember, we are inside a def, so this is all
happening at compile time. We look up the symbol cred-fn in the
auth namespace, and pass in the Var which the symbol is bound
to. At this point, that's still the dummy implementation.
Presumably, json-auth/json-login captures this implementation
and sets up a request handler which invokes it.
(fact "login with incorrect username and password returns unauthenticated"
(:status (post "/login" invalid-auth-account-json)) => 401
(auth/cred-fn anything) => nil))
Now we're at runtime. In our precondition, Midje rebinds the
symbol auth/cred-fn to a Var that references the mock. But the
value of auth/cred-fn has already been captured, when we def'd
app at compile time.
So how come the workaround you posted works? (This was actually the clue that led me to
Eureka moment - thanks for that.)
(defn another-fn []
(println (str "hey look I got called"))
(throw (Exception.)))
(defn cred-fn [creds]
And in your tests...
(fact "login with incorrect username and password returns unauthenticated"
(:status (post "/login" invalid-auth-account-json)) => 401
(auth/another-fn) => nil))
(fact "login with correct username and password returns success"
(:status (post "/login" auth-account-json)) => 200
(auth/another-fn) => {:identity "root"}))
This works because, at compile time, the value of auth/cred-fn that
gets captured is a function that simply delegates to
auth/another-fn. Note that auth/another-fn has not been
evaluated yet. Now in our tests, Midje rebinds auth/another-fn
to reference the mock. Then it executes the post, and somewhere
in the middle-ware, auth/cred-fn gets invoked. Inside
auth/cred-fn, we look up the Var bound to auth/another-fn (which
is our mock), and invoke it. And now of course, the behavior is
exactly as you expected the first time.
The moral of this story is, be careful with the def in Clojure
I'm still not sure why this is happening but I have a work around. If I replace my credential-fn with:
(defn another-fn
(println (str "hey look I got called"))
(throw (Exception.)))
(defn cred-fn
And then create a fake for the new function in the test, like this:
(fact "login with incorrect username and password returns unauthenticated"
(:status (post "/login" invalid-auth-account-json)) => 401
(auth/another-fn) => nil))
(fact "login with correct username and password returns success"
(:status (post "/login" auth-account-json)) => 200
(auth/another-fn) => {:identity "root"}))
I get the result I was expecting. cred-fn still gets called but another-fn doesn't get called due to the provided.
If anyone knows why this is the case I'd be interested in knowing. It might be due to the way that the credential function gets called? -

How to write a login function in luminus or use friend?

I am beginning to use luminus framework to develop a web app, and I am trying to use friend for auth, I am stacked here, I don't know how to use that like using gem in rails app.
I don't know where should I put the code in luminus, is there anyone can show me a demo. Or tell me what to do next?
Well, you can also tell me how to write a log in function in luminus.
The login sort of works like it is posted in the Luminus Docs. Not sure if you managed to read that part, but I'll show you a simplified version of the code I use. I want to mention that I removed quite a bit of code to make everything a bit easier to understand, so this may not work as-is since I only deleted code and extra parens. Since it is from actual working code, it will work with a bit of tweeking:
The first part is getting the login form:
(defn login-page []
[:h3 "Login"]
[:form {:method "POST" :action "login"}
[:div "Username:"
[:input {:type "text" :name "username" :required "required"}]]
[:div "Password:"
[:input {:type "password" :name "password" :required "required"}]]
[:input {:type "submit" :value "Log In"}]]]]))
Notice that there is a "POST" method? In order to get the routes to work, you have to have a "POST" route, but you will also need a "GET" route. This is the simplified version of the "GET" "POST" loop that I have:
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/login" []
(POST "/login" [username password]
(do-login username password)))
The (do-login) function is where I authenticate the user / password combo, which then sets the session, which is shown downn below.
Notice that the POST route needs arguments. The arguments must match the "name" parameters in the form.
Finally, to get it all to work, you have to hook up some sessions. I personally use lib-noir.sessions:
(ns myapp.handler
(:require [noir.session :as sesh])
Then you have to create a map to hold the session, which I'm wrapping in a function here (note that the :key must match whatever you have in your database:
(defn set-user [username]
(sesh/put! :handle username))
And finally, you have to tell clojure that you want to allow sessions to be handled via middleware:
(def app
Hopefully that gives you a bit of a headstart. I did not include how to connect to a database or how to use a map, but the above should be enough to get you on your way. I also did not touch on authorization and security (please don't skip this!). Using a database, map, or friend isn't a huge quantum leap from here. Just wanted to offer just enough to get you started.
Here's an example from when I did a luminus+friend combination, granted, they've changed the template several times, so this is from an older version, but the concepts the same, I hope it helps.
(def all-routes
[home-routes cljs-routes test-routes app-routes])
(def app
(-> all-routes middleware/app-handler ))
(def secured-app
(friend/authenticate app{
:login-uri "/login"
:unauthorized-redirect-uri "/login"
:credential-fn (partial creds/bcrypt-credential-fn users)
:workflows [(workflows/interactive-form)]})))
(def war-handler
(middleware/war-handler secured-app))

Accessing Compojure query string

I'm trying to pull a value out of the url query string however I can return what I believe is a map, however when i use the below code, it doesn't process it as expected. Can anyone advise how I access specific values in the returned querystring datastructure?
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/" [] (layout (home-view)))
(GET "/remservice*" {params :query-params} (str (:parameter params))))
You'll need to wrap your handler in compojure.handler/api or compojure.handler/site to add appropriate middleware to gain access to :query-params. This used to happen automagically in defroutes, but no longer does. Once you do that, the {params :query-params} destructuring form will cause params to be bound to {"foo" "bar"} when you hit /remservice with foo=bar as the query string.
(Or you could add in wrap-params etc. by hand -- these reside in various ring.middleware.* namespaces; see the code of compojure.handler (link to the relevant file in Compojure 1.0.1) for their names.)
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/remservice*" {params :query-params}
(str params)))
(def handler (-> my-routes compojure.handler/api))
; now pass #'handler to run-jetty (if that's what you're using)
If you now hit http://localhost:8080/remservice?foo=bar, you should see {"foo" "bar"} -- the textual representation of your query string parsed into a Clojure map.
In the default app for compojure 1.2.0, the querystring middleware seems included by default. You can inspect the request as such.
(GET "/" request (str request))
It should have a lot of stuff, including the params key.
{ . . . :params {:key1 "value1" :key2 "value2} . . . }
As such, you can include a standard Clojure destructuring form to access the query parameters in your response.
(GET "/" {params :params} (str params))
Your page should then look like the following.
{"key1" "value1", "key2" "value2"}
As noted in the comment by Michal above, however, the keys are converted to strings and if you'd like to access them you need to use the get function rather than the more convenient symbol lookups.
(GET "/" {params :params} (get params "key1"))
;;the response body should be "value1"
With compojure 1.6.1 HTTP-request-destructuring works for me in a such way:
add [ring/ring-defaults "0.3.2"] in :dependencies in project.clj (because compojure.handler namespace was deprecated since 1.2 in favor of the [ring-defaults])
add [ring.middleware.defaults :refer :all] in :require in your.routes.namespace
add (def site (wrap-defaults app site-defaults)) in your.routes.namespace, where app is declared via (defroutes app ...
add :ring {:handler your.routes.namespace/site} in project.clj
I had luck in compojure 1.1.5 not needing a wrapper and being able to use the :as directive
(GET "/tweet/:folder/:detail" [folder detail :as req]
(twitter-controller/tweet folder detail (-> req :params :oauth_verifier))