Can't run bjam to compile boost python tutorial - c++

I am trying to follow this tutorial on wrapping C++ code for python for Windows.I installed python.Downloaded the latest version of boost(1_55).First I ran bootstrap.bat to build bjam.exe.Next, I configured boost_1_55_0\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam to use msvc10 compiler and added the path to python installation.
Now,based on the tutorial :
Now we are ready... Be sure to cd to libs/python/example/tutorial
where the tutorial "hello.cpp" and the "Jamroot" is situated.
Trying to run bjam in that directory gives me : "bjam is not recognized as internal or external command" error.What have I missed here? Should user-config.jam reside in another location?Or bjam added to system path?
Ok.Thanks to #john I had to add bjam to system path.But now,running it,hello_ext.lib is created in \boost_1_55_0\libs\python\example\tutorial\bin\msvc-11.0\debug but not DLL.Based on the tutorial I should get DLL file for the extension.Now, I am not sure how python links with extension.But if I assume it does like C++ then it should have linked with hello_ext.lib.But if run :
which contains imported method from the extension ,the python runtime crashes.Isn't there a comprehensive tutorial on this workflow?Boost doc sucks completely on this.

This worked for me:
1.) unzip
2.) Prepare to use the Boost Library Binaries
Go to the boost_1_55_0 root directory and open a command prompt and type following commands:
3.) Find user-config.jam:
Type following in the command prompt:
4.) If the user-config.jam is in your homedrive directory please change it there as followed:
The .jam language rates a “whitespace” as a separation of arguments!
# -------------------
# MSVC configuration.
# -------------------
# Configure msvc (default version, searched for in standard locations and PATH).
# using msvc ;
# Configure specific msvc version (searched for in standard locations and PATH).
using msvc : 10.0 : C:\\app\\tools\\MSVisualStudio2010\\VC\\bin\\cl.exe ;
# ---------------------
# Python configuration.
# ---------------------
# Configure specific Python version.
# using python : 3.1 : /usr/bin/python3 : /usr/include/python3.1 : /usr/lib ;
using python
: 2.5 # Version
: C:\\app\\tools\\Python25\\python.exe # Python Path
: C:\\app\\tools\\Python25\\include # include path
: C:\\app\\tools\\Python25\\libs # lib path(s)
: <define>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1
5.) Build the Libraries AFTER configuration!!
Go to the boost_1_55_0 root directory and open a command prompt and type following commands:
6.) Copy the user-config.jam to \boost_1_55_0\libs\python\example\tutorial
7.) Go further to \boost_1_55_0\stage\lib\
Rename libboost_python-vc100-mt-gd-1_55.lib to boost_python-vc100-mt-gd-1_55.lib and copy it to
8.) Now you should have all of these files in the \boost_1_55_0\libs\python\example\tutorial directory
9.) Open a command prompt in \boost_1_55_0\libs\python\example\tutorial
And type following command:
10.) After successful building..
You should have this file in the directory:
rename this file to:


vcpkg how to edit package file when compilation fails when installing package?

I'm installing dependencies for some project which downloads dependencies with vcpkg (the project is Hyperledger Iroha, but it does not matter). Unfortunately when compiling dependencies with my compiler (g++ 12.1.0) one of packages (abseil) is not compiling.
The reason why it is not compiling is easy to fix in code - just one line to change.
The line is pointed by cmake:
CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake:146 (message):
Command failed: /usr/bin/cmake --build . --config Debug --target install -- -v -j13
Working Directory: /home/agh/Pulpit/blockchain/internship2022/iroha/vcpkg-build/buildtrees/abseil/x64-linux-dbg
See logs for more information:
and the error is:
/home/agh/Pulpit/blockchain/internship2022/iroha/vcpkg-build/buildtrees/abseil/src/ca9688e9f6-e4cda1d679.clean/absl/debugging/ error: no matching function for call to ‘max(long int, int)’
139 | size_t stack_size = (std::max(SIGSTKSZ, 65536) + page_mask) & ~page_mask;
| ~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /usr/include/c++/12.1.0/algorithm:60,
The reason is easy to fix - I just need to change one line to fix this.
Unfortunately when I'm changing the line of code and then after rerunning:
vcpkg install abseil
my changes are being removed before compilation. I found option which should help:
--editable, but it is happening again.
I would like to ask what is more professional (but still fast) way to change files, which are being build with vcpkg and containing errors?
The one solution which I found is that I can edit package:
-- Using cached /home/agh/Pulpit/blockchain/internship2022/iroha/vcpkg-build/downloads/abseil-abseil-cpp-997aaf3a28308eba1b9156aa35ab7bca9688e9f6.tar.gz
when I edit the package I see error:
File path: [ /home/agh/Pulpit/blockchain/internship2022/iroha/vcpkg-build/downloads/abseil-abseil-cpp-997aaf3a28308eba1b9156aa35ab7bca9688e9f6.tar.gz ]
Expected hash: [ bdd80a2278eef121e8837791fdebca06e87bfff4adc438c123e0ce11efc42a8bd461edcbbe18c0eee05be2cd6100f9acf8eab3db58ac73322b5852e6ffe7c85b ]
Actual hash: [ cf8bb1676d2fcba8bdd4bc30e2060bc5552a348d6e192561aec2763460120b10dcb86e29efe60d972d4b241783563bc8067381c48209daee4ecc429786ef6bba ]
so I can edit file containing the hash: ports/abseil/portfile.cmake
Another solution is to run proper cmake of the abseil project with VERBOSE=1, then copy failing build commands after that edit files and rerun commands.
I know that my solutions are quite dirty so I would like to know if there is cleaner way to solve problem - how to edit source code of a library when it is not compiling when we use vcpkg package manager?
This is how I do it:
Run install with --editable
vcpkg install abseil --editable
Initialize git repo in source dir:
cd buildtrees/abseil/src/_random_string_/
git init .
git add .
git commit -m "init"
Patch the library
Verify the library builds by calling install with --editable again
vcpkg install abseil --editable
Create patch from changes (or commits)
git diff > fix_build.patch
Copy patch into port dir and adjust portfile.cmake
REPO google/abseil
PATCHES fix_build.patch # <-- this is our patch
Copy the port directory into your project's overlay-ports dir. -OR- Update port version, submit it into your custom registry.
(optional, but appreciated) Create PR in upstream and vcpkg main repo.

How to install V2X-Hub on Ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to install V2X-Hub following those steps :
I did the compilation instructions until this one :
« Now, run the following commands from V2X-Hub directory
cd src/v2i-hub
cmake . -DqserverPedestrian_DIR=/usr/local/share/qserverPedestrian/cmake »
And it tells me :
« Cmake Error at CARMACloudPlugin/CMakeLists.txt:10 (find package):
By not providing «Findv2xhubWebAPI.cmake » in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by « v2xhubWebAPI », but Cmake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by « v2xhubWebAPI » with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of « v2xhubWebAPI » to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set « v2xhubWebAPI_DIR » to a directory containing one of the above files. If « v2xhubWebAPI » provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. »
Thanking you in advance for your help i am blocked.

could not find "vswhere"

I'm trying to install boost to run PyGMO properly. However, after I unpack it in a directory (did not use git).
After running bootstrap vc142 (I'm using VScode V1.63.2 and I'm on windows). I'm getting this error:
Building Boost.Build engine
could not find "vswhere"
Call_If_Exists "..\bin\VCVARS32.BAT"
### Using 'msvc' toolset.
Followed by:
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_78_0\tools\build\src\engine>dir *.exe
Volume in drive C has no label.
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_78_0\tools\build\src\engine>copy /b .\b2.exe .\bjam.exe
The system cannot find the file specified.
Failed to build Boost.Build engine.
Does anyone know how to fix/work around this?
Thank you in advance
I found the solution here (git)
First download and install MinGW installer mingw-w64-install.exe (I fot it from Sourceforge) and make sure you use x86_64 architecture.
Then download the boost file ( source)
Open and run cmd as admin
Enter the following command to link the MinFW folder in C:\
mklink /J C:\MinGW "C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64"
add MinGW to the system PATH:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\MinGW\bin
setx /M PATH "%PATH%"
Check if you have at least g++ version of 8.1.0
g++ --version
Methodology to install boost:
Navigate to the install folder created and unzip and extract the file into this folder
In the CMD navigated to the boost folder
cd C:\install\boost_1_78_0
Type the following to make directories for building and installing boost
mkdir C:\boost-build
mkdir C:\install\boost_1_78_0\boost-build
mkdir C:\boost
Setup (second line prepers b2, the third line builds with b2, and the fourth line adds C:\boost-build\bin to your session PATH variable)
cd C:\install\boost_1_78_0\tools\build
bootstrap.bat gcc
b2 --prefix="C:\boost-build" install
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\boost-build\bin
building boost (first line navigateds to boost directory, second line builds boost with b2 this can take a while)
cd C:\install\boost_1_78_0
b2 --build-dir="C:\install\boost_1_78_0\build" --build-type=complete --prefix="C:\boost" toolset=gcc install
Extra notes:
This should work for boost 1.68.0 too and might work for other version just replace 1_78_0 with 1_68_0.
At the end you should have three lines that look something like this:
...failed updating 72 targets...
...skipped 292 targets...
...updated 22164 targets...
It's totally fine if you have some failed and skipped files.
Type "native tools " in the start search.
Run "Native tools for visual studio" as an administrator. A command prompt opens.
change directory to boost .
run command "bootstrap".
Follow up by ".\b2".
Wait for a while.
Worked for me. Hope it helps.

Compile D project with DMD

This might be stupidiest and newbie's question, but how do I actually compile D project with DMD on windows?
I tried these commands:
dmd *
dmd *.d
cd .. && dmd {DirectoryName}
dmd file1.d file2.d
But neither of them compile the project to executable.
I want to produce .exe file out of that project, but it seems I can't. I can only compile one file in the project or compile multiple, but only .obj file, not .exe...
DUB is the easiest for beginners:
C:\Users\217216x715132\Desktop\tmp1>dub init
Package recipe format (sdl/json) [json]:
Name [tmp1]:
Description [A minimal D application.]:
Author name [217216X715132]:
License [proprietary]:
Copyright string [Copyright © 2019, 217216X715132]:
Add dependency (leave empty to skip) []:
Successfully created an empty project in 'C:\Users\217216x715132\Desktop\tmp1'.
Package successfully created in .
C:\Users\217216x715132\Desktop\tmp1>dub run
Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86.
tmp1 ~master: building configuration "application"...
Running .\tmp1.exe
Edit source/app.d to start your project.
You can copy all your d files to your-project\source\ directory and let dub do all the hard work.
dub init doesn't work from git bash for some reason, as it waits for input on CLI. So you need to dub init from cmd.exe. dub run should work fine from git bash.
If you run it from git bash, press enter key 7 times, all the defaults will be accepted and the project will be created.
arun MINGW64 ~/Desktop/tmp1$ dub init
Package recipe format (sdl/json) [json]: Name [tmp1]: Description [A minimal D application.]: Author name [217216X715132]: License [proprietary]: Copyright string [Copyright © 2019, 217216X715132]: Add dependency (leave empty to skip) []: Successfully created an empty project in 'C:\Users\217216x715132\Desktop\tmp1'.
Package successfully created in .
arun MINGW64 ~/Desktop/tmp1$
Related issue in DUB
If you don't like Dub, you might try rdmd, which comes with the standard D compiler. E.g suppose you have a main.d file that imports other files:
rdmd --build-only main.d # Build
rdmd --build-only -g -debug main.d # Build in debug mode
rdmd main.d # Build temporary executable and run it
If you want to see the raw commands that dub executes to build your project, you can use:
dub build --force --verbose

Cannot build Soundpipe DSP library on Windows

I've found the lightweight DSP c library - Soundpipe.
I want to use some filters from it. I do not really need binary files, but the problem is that the repository doesn't have its main header file - soundpipe.h. As I understand, this is because the library uses specific modules ported from Csound and FAUST languages. Also the repository's readme doesn't have installation guide for Windows. It says:
By default, Soundpipe needs libsndfile, and a standard build
environment. Other modules that use other external libraries will need
to be explicitly compiled by modifying (note: but the Makefile's folder doesn't contain, there is only
To compile:
sudo make install
Ok, I've downloaded and installed libsndfile.
Then I have tried to use MSVC's nmake - it doesn't work:
makefile(7) : fatal error U1036: syntax error : too many names to left of '='
Here is the beginning of the makefile:
> .PHONY: all clean install docs bootstrap
> default: all
> VERSION = 1.5.0
> ...
After that I've downloaded MinGW, mingw32-make result: No such file or directory
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target '', needed by ''. Stop.
Ok, when I try to run the configure command, it doesn't work on my Win7 x 64 (sh: ./configure: No such file or directory, etc...)
I have the paths in mt system path variable:
Links that I've read:
How Do I Run ./configure with MinGW?
Getting mingw-get to install correctly - mingw/msys path missing plus more!
MinGW's configure doesn't work after reinstalling Git for Windows and GCC_TDM too (No idea how to run configure).
Any ideas how to build the library or at least find missing source files (or make through CSound, Faust, ...) ?
The Soundpipe build system is designed to be used with POSIX environments, of which there are a few to choose from on Windows.
I've been able to build Soundpipe using both MSYS2 and Windows Bash on Windows 10.