Integrating Cachely add-on with Django on Heroku - django

I have installed the Cachely addon on the app, and received my CACHELY_URL. The devcenter article gives instructions about how to integrate the addon in a rails environment.
My app uses a Django environment. Is there any documentation on how to integrate the app in a Django environment? Is there a better way to have caching in a Django environment on Heroku?

I had a chat with their support team, and they communicated to me that they are being shut down by the end of the year. So, looks like I should move on to some other add-on.


How to get my Django app in a real server?

I'm starting with web development, the last week I just write an HMTL, JavaScript and PHP scripts and get some very basic working properly in my web page, I used Cyberduck to get my files working in my web page. This week I want to use Django to develop faster, I have got my web page working locally but I have not been able to find a tutorial to get my Django app working in my server, I have a hosting service.
Develop a simple django app following django docs:
For Python 2.7.X and Django 1.11:
For Python 3.7.X and Django 2.1:
Then try hosting the same in pythonanywhere site:

Turning Django web app to a Desktop app

I am very comfortable with Django, and I was wondering about whether there is some way to convert a Django web app into a Desktop app (may be not 100%), so that I can distribute it to users, instead of learning a GUI framework.
Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but if you really, really don't want to learn a GUI framework, in your place I'd consider packaging your Django web application with a small web server in the distributable package, with the Django app configured to run on localhost on the web server. Then I'd include a script that launches a browser pointing at the starting page of your Django app as the "executable".
If not configured properly this could be considered weak from a security point of view.

Django start from scratch

I am a PHP developer and know about all the major frameworks like Joomla!, CI, zend etc.
Now I got a project in Python based CMS ( DJango ).
I am studying python now a days and I had some doubts.
Can I set wamp ( I mean apache ) for running platform of DJango ?
If yes please suggest me any doc / tutorial for setting up wamp
Is Django a MVC architecture frame word ?
Like in Joomla! is it having any authentication system ?
Where to start Django from scratch ?
There is no need to setup apache since django comes with built-in server for development. But still if you want to setup apache, you can try bitnami django-stack.
Yes. Django is a MVC architecture based framework. I found this django-faq-question useful.
Yes. Django is having its built-in authentication system in the module named auth. More information about this can be found in django documentation here.
To start writing your first django app, refer the clear documentation given here.

porting django app to GoogleAppEngine to deploy on

I wanted to port my django app to run on GoogleAppEngine and deploy this on my django app I am using postgres as db to store user info,sothat user login /registration is possible.
I came across this article about porting django to appengine.
It mentions that you need to use Google Cloud SQL backend .This article says that it comes with a price from june12th onwards.
So,it seems that, to I have to pay to deploy even a non commercial application? Or is there some way I can do this without using cloud sql?
I did it with django-nonrel, it requires a few modifications but it worked. Here is a guide on how to set up. After it worked for me, I realized Heroku was easier to set-up and maintain, so my other apps went straight to heroku.

webapp or django, which framework to opt for on google app engine?

Im currently learning about Google App Engine and how it can be used to develop web apps. I have some knowledge of Django too.
What is the best way to go for building an app on Google App Engine,should i use the default webapp framework or use Django ?
Please Help
Thank You
it depends on your project
you can use both , but i prefer webapp cause its simple for me
Google App Engine SDK used to ship with Django 0.96 not the latest version
but there is a project called forked of the latest version of Django
here is an article to run native django apps on GAE