Access sub object in COM interface - c++

I want to get access to a sub object of a COM object. In my example I use the CANoe COM Server.
In my program I create a CAN interface to the CANoe Application. Here is an extract of my code so far and it does exactly what I want:
HRESULT result;
//prepare for COM handling...
result = CoInitialize(NULL);
//get CLSID of CANoe...
result = CLSIDFromProgID(L"CANoe.Application", &clsid);
//connect to COM interface of CANoe...
result = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER | CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER, IID_IApplication, (void**) &pIApp);
qDebug() << "COM connection established";
qDebug() << "COM connection error";
qDebug() << "Error: CLSID";
Now I want to get access to a sub object of the COM Server. For example the Measurement object. I tried it with the method pIApp->get_UI()
IDispatch* pIDis;
IMeasurement* pIMeasurement;
result = pIApp->get_UI(&pIDis);
pIMeasurement = (IMeasurement*) pIDis;
The pointer to the COM object needs to be a pointer of the type IMeasurement, so I can use all the methods defined in the header file. But the method get_UI only supports pointer of the type IDispatch. I tried to cast the pointer from type IDispatch to IMeasurement. But the program crashs at runtime.
I also tried to create a new interface directly to the sub object:
result = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER | CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER, IID_IMeasurement, (void**) &pIMeasurement);
But in this try in the variable result there is saved an error and I can't access the methods of the sub object Measurement.
Where is my mistake and how can I get access to the sub object?
Thank you for all answers and hints!

Thanks to #WhozCraig, #Hans Passant and #Eric Brown for the hints in the comments.
I was able to solve my problem with the following code:
IDispatch* pIDispatch;
//get pointer pIDispatch to Measurement object of CANoe...
result = pIApp->get_Measurement(&pIDispatch);
//pointer pIDispatch to pIMeasurement...
result = pIDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IMeasurement, (void**) &pIMeasurement);
//work with connection here...


Using GetFunctionInfo to get the name of a function from a FunctionID

I am writing a CLR profiler using the ICorProfilerInfo interface.
When using SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks, the callback methods are passed a FunctionID.
How do I get the metadata (I am after the name in particular), of a function given this FunctionID?
An MSDN article suggests that the first call should be to GetFunctionInfo. The documentation for this function states:
The profiler code can call ICorProfilerInfo::GetModuleMetaData to obtain a metadata interface for a given module. The metadata token that is returned to the location referenced by pToken can then be used to access the metadata for the function.
It does not elaborate on the last sentence ('the metadata token ... can be used to access metadata for the function').
How does this work?
So far, I am doing the following:
void MyProfiler::EnterMethod(FunctionID functionID)
ClassID classId = 0;
ModuleID moduleId = 0;
mdToken metaDataToken = 0;
IMetaDataImport* metaDataImport = NULL;
// (m_info is ICorProfilerInfo3)
m_info->GetFunctionInfo(functionID, &classId, &moduleId, &metaDataToken);
m_info->GetModuleMetaData(moduleId, ofRead, IID_IMetaDataImport, (IUnknown**)&metaDataImport);
// What goes here?
I have tried to call GetTypeRefProps like this:
mdToken ptkResolutionScope;
WCHAR szName[1024];
ULONG cchName = 1024;
ULONG pchName;
HRESULT result = MetaDataImport->GetTypeRefProps(pToken, &ptkResolutionScope, szName, cchName, &pchName);
The final call returns S_FALSE, and does not populate szName.
GetTypeRefProps is only applicable when your token is a TypeRef token, GetFunctionInfo will give you a MethodDef token which requires you to use the GetMethodProps method.
metaDataImport->GetMethodProps(metaDataToken, NULL, szName, cchName, &pchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Insert raw file data into BLOB ("OLE Object") field of Access table using ADO

I am trying to insert a file into MS Access database, into a field of OLE Object type. I am using C++ and ADO.
Currently I get error Invalid pointer error.
I think that my problem is mishandling variants since this is the first time I use them. I am learning from this code example but have problem understanding how to insert file from disk into variant.
They read it from database, and copied it into new record so the part where I read file from disk and then insert it into variant is missing.
I am firing off my code in GUI when menu item is selected. Database has one table named test with fields ID which is primary key and field which is of OLE Object type.
After searching online I have found nothing that can help me.
Here is smallest code snippet possible that illustrates the problem ( error checking is minimal):
wchar_t *bstrConnect = L"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; \
Data Source = C:\\Users\\Smiljkovic85\\Desktop\\OLE.accdb";
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
// connection
ADODB::_ConnectionPtr pConn(L"ADODB.Connection");
// recordset
ADODB::_RecordsetPtr pRS(L"ADODB.Recordset");
// connect to DB
hr = pConn->Open(bstrConnect, L"admin", L"", ADODB::adConnectUnspecified);
// open file
std::ifstream in(L"C:\\Users\\Smiljkovic85\\Desktop\\file.pdf",
std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary);
// get file size
int fileSize = in.tellg();
// here I tried to adapt code from the example linked above
pRS->Open(L"test", _variant_t((IDispatch*)pConn, true),
ADODB::adOpenKeyset, ADODB::adLockOptimistic, ADODB::adCmdTable);
// add new record
// copy pasted
_variant_t varChunk;
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
// modify to our file size
rgsabound[0].cElements = fileSize;
psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, rgsabound);
//=================== try to add file into variant
char *chData = (char *)psa->pvData;
chData = new char[fileSize];, fileSize);
/* ============= I have even tried the following :
char *chData = new char[fileSize];, fileSize);
BYTE* pData;
SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void **)&pData);
memcpy(pData, chData, fileSize);
// Assign the Safe array to a variant.
varChunk.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1;
varChunk.parray = psa;
// add this record into DB
// cleanup
delete[] chData;
catch (_com_error e)
MessageBox(hWnd, (LPWSTR)e.Description(), L"", 0);
Can you help me to modify this code snippet so I can insert file into variant?
I have searched here for help and two posts that gave me an idea. Still none of my solutions work. You can see them in the above code snippet, in the comments.
What I get now, is the following error: a problem occurred while microsoft access was communicating with the ole server or activex control in MS Access. I have searched online for solution but had no luck, every link claims it has to do with access and not with the code.
Please help...
Since you are already using ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Recordset objects you should be able to use a binary ADODB.Stream object to manipulate the file contents with
.LoadFromFile to fill the Stream with the file contents, and
.Read to pull it back out of the Stream and store it in the database field.
Unfortunately I cannot offer a C++ example, but in VBA the code would be:
Dim con As ADODB.Connection, rst As ADODB.Recordset, strm As ADODB.Stream
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.Open _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\Users\Public\Database1.accdb"
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "test", con, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
Set strm = New ADODB.Stream
strm.Type = adTypeBinary
strm.LoadFromFile "C:\Users\Gord\Desktop\test.pdf"
strm.Position = 0
rst.Fields("FileData").Value = strm.Read
Set rst = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
Set strm = Nothing

c++ MFC SDI DLL call method of OLE Server using IDispatch

I have written a c++ MFC DLL that brings up an SDI Application which is a very legacy OLE Server. (I have no choice about using this OLE Server so I have to make it work.)
I am accessing this c++ DLL from C#.
I have everything "working". I can call methods of the DLL, I have implemented C# delegates correctly, etc.
I can call methods of the OLE Server directly in C++ and export these so that my C# application call call them too. This is my "Hello World" for accessing the OLE Server functionality in its entirety from C#.
So far so good.
The next step is to make this C++ DLL as much of a "pass-through" as possible so that C# developers can write business logic around this OLE server. If changes or updates happen from the maker of the OLE Server, we do not want to have to update C++ code, we want to respond to the changes in C#.
So even though I can implement methods in C++ using the imported class from the OLEServer.tlb file and pass these through to C#, we do not want to ultimately do this. I am trying to call methods through the IDispatch interface instead and I am running into difficulties that I can't quite understand.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 for both unmanaged C++ and C#.
VARIANT LaserCat::LaserCatCommand(LPCTSTR* p_pMethodNameAndParamsInReverseOrder, UINT p_Count)
VARIANT result;
VARIANT* pResult = NULL;
DISPID dispid;
const IID IID_ITriad = {0x60EE772D,0xE076,0x4F58,{0xA8,0xB4,0x2F,0x7A,0x29,0xBB,0x02,0x50}};
COleException* pError = NULL;
BOOL HasDispatch = theApp.pTriadView->pTriadItem->Catalog.CreateDispatch(IID_ITriad, pError);
LPDISPATCH iDisp = theApp.pTriadView->pTriadItem->Catalog.m_lpDispatch;
LPOLESTR Names[1] = {(LPOLESTR)L"GetInterfaceVersion"};
hr = iDisp->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, Names, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &dispid);
if (hr != S_OK) return result;
short maj = 0;
short min = 0;
short* nMajor = &maj;
short* nMinor = &min;
Args[0].piVal = nMinor;
Args[0].vt = VT_BYREF;
Args[1].piVal = nMajor;
Args[1].vt = VT_BYREF;
pParams->rgvarg = Args;
pParams->cNamedArgs = 0;
pParams->cArgs = 2;
pParams->rgdispidNamedArgs = NULL;
UINT* pArgErrorIndex = NULL;
hr = iDisp->Invoke(dispid, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, pParams, pResult, pExcept, pArgErrorIndex);
if (pExcept != NULL || pArgErrorIndex != NULL || hr != S_OK)
Error = _T("Error");
return result;
result = *pResult;
return result;
The following line from above gives me a "Bad variable type" error:
hr = iDisp->Invoke(dispid, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, pParams, pResult, pExcept, pArgErrorIndex);
BTW, I am sure that the code can be vastly improved, it has been years since I have written in C++ and this is just a "first kick" at getting this working so no real error handling etc.
I have toyed around with "Args[]" type and value with variations of "Type Mismatch" errors and "Null Reference Pointers"
The function that is imported by the .tlb file looks like this:
short GetInterfaceVersion(short * nMajor, short * nMinor)
short result;
static BYTE parms[] = VTS_PI2 VTS_PI2 ;
InvokeHelper(0x178, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_I2, (void*)&result, parms, nMajor, nMinor);
return result;
Oh, although I am passing in the "pMethodNameAndParamsInReverseOrder" as a parameter, I am just hard-coding it to get this one simple method working. Once I have it working with this and a few other methods, I am planning on making this generic to handle any methods implemented by the COM interface via IDispatch.
Any help would be appreciated mostly in getting this working but I would also appreciate any pointers on improving the code, I have mouch to learn in C++
BTW, If this helps clarify things, theApp.pTriadView->pTriadItem->Catalog is the COM class I am implementing
Thanks to #HansPassant (see first comment) I see what I was missing. Unfortunately I have hit a downstream result of fixing that. The VARIANT "pResult" is coming back empty. I will continue to hunt that down now but any thoughts would be welcome :)

WICPixelFormatGUID = {????????-????-????-????-????????????} gives on debugging

I am trying to display on a button click. i have written a code and i am sure it is correct.
On debuging i get the value of WICPixelFormatGUID = {????????-????-????-????-????????????} and guidPixelFormatSource = {CCCCCCCC-CCCC-CCCC-CCCC-CCCCCCCCCCCC}. I don't know why i get these strange values??
My code is as follows-
HRESULT AMEPreviewHandler::ConvertBitmapSourceTo32bppHBITMAP(
IWICBitmapSource * pBitmapSource,
IWICImagingFactory * pImagingFactory,
HBITMAP * pStream)
//Pay Attention that this function is called from a static function by creating instance of the class (there is no problem in the function call . I have checked the value of the parameters while debugging and i am sure that its correct)
IWICBitmapSource *pBitmapSourceConverted = NULL;
WICPixelFormatGUID guidPixelFormatSource; /the problem here is here on debugging it gives strange value.
HRESULT hr = pBitmapSource->GetPixelFormat(&guidPixelFormatSource);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (guidPixelFormatSource != GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGRA))
IWICFormatConverter *pFormatConverter;
hr = pImagingFactory->CreateFormatConverter(&pFormatConverter);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
.......And so on....
One more thing is when i run the same code from non-static function it works fine(but my situation is i have to call it on button click event and it is done by DialogProc()function (and it is static function) and i have no more option left so i created the instance of the class and using those instance and pointer i am calling this ConvertBitmapSourceTo32bppHBITMAP(by passing the parameter using instances which are intialized in contructor).
Any reasons for the strange value on debugging of the two ???

Word automation - SaveAs

I try to write a simple MFC - Word Automation to save for every 1 minute.
I follow this article :
And this is what Im trying to implement , I'm new to COM so I think there's problem here:
my VBA is generated by Word 2010:
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:="1.docx", FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocument _
, LockComments:=False, Password:="", AddToRecentFiles:=True, _
WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=False, _
SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData:=False, SaveAsAOCELetter:= _
False, CompatibilityMode:=14
And my code to implement VBA code above :
COleVariant varName(L"b.docx");
COleVariant varFormat(L"wdFormatXMLDocument");
COleVariant varLockCmt((BYTE)0);
COleVariant varPass(L"");
COleVariant varReadOnly((BYTE)0);
COleVariant varEmbedFont((BYTE)0);
COleVariant varSaveNativePicFormat((BYTE)0);
COleVariant varForms((BYTE)0);
COleVariant varAOCE((BYTE)0);
x.vt = VT_I4;
x.lVal = 14;
COleVariant varCompability(&x);;
VARIANT result;
_hr=OLEMethod( DISPATCH_METHOD, &result, pDocApp, L"SaveAs2",10,
I get no error from this one, but it doesn't work.
The VBA syntax uses named parameters where the order and count of the parameters do not matter. However, when calling from C++ you need to pass the required number of parameters in the right order.
SaveAs2 is defined as:
void SaveAs2(
ref Object FileName,
ref Object FileFormat,
ref Object LockComments,
ref Object Password,
ref Object AddToRecentFiles,
ref Object WritePassword,
ref Object ReadOnlyRecommended,
ref Object EmbedTrueTypeFonts,
ref Object SaveNativePictureFormat,
ref Object SaveFormsData,
ref Object SaveAsAOCELetter,
ref Object Encoding,
ref Object InsertLineBreaks,
ref Object AllowSubstitutions,
ref Object LineEnding,
ref Object AddBiDiMarks,
ref Object CompatibilityMode
So, it has 17 parameters which means you should specify them all if you are going to pass CompatibilityMode, which was specified as 10th parameter in your example (that corressponds to SaveFormsData).
If you do not need all the parameters, or just for testing, you can try a simpler code:
_hr = OLEMethod(DISPATCH_METHOD, &result, pDocApp, L"SaveAs2", 2, varName.Detach(), varFormat.Detach());
If you need the rest of the parameters, you need to pass all the parameters up to the parameter you need set. In that case, you can pass
COleVariant vtOptional((long)DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
for the parameters you do not like to set.
Edit - Test Code
This works for me:
CLSID clsid;
IDispatch *pWApp;
HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(L"Word.Application", &clsid);
hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pWApp);
hr = OLEMethod(DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, NULL, pWApp, L"Visible", 1, COleVariant((long)1));
VARIANT result;
hr = OLEMethod(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pWApp, L"Documents", 0);
IDispatch *pDocs = result.pdispVal;
VARIANT result2;
hr = OLEMethod(DISPATCH_METHOD, &result2, pDocs, L"Open", 1, COleVariant(L"D:\\Archive\\t1.docx"));
IDispatch *pDoc = result2.pdispVal;
VARIANT result3;
hr = OLEMethod(DISPATCH_METHOD, &result3, pDoc, L"SaveAs2", 1, COleVariant(L"D:\\Archive\\t2.docx"));
Change your variable varFormat from wdFormatXMLDocument to an integer of 12 (probably like you've done the varCompability variable). Also, what's the 10 for after "SaveAs2"?
Guess I'll start over since you opened the bounty.
Change your variable varFormat from wdFormatXMLDocument to an integer of 12 (probably like you've done the varCompability variable). wdFormatXMLDocument is an enum of WdSaveFormat and was introduced in Word 2003. There is no need to send in an L"name" - just send in the integer of 12.
If these are previously saved documents (i.e. not new ones), perform a conversion first to get it to the right format (like ActiveDocument.Convert)