Is Iterative Deepening Search supposed to be that slow? - c++

My Data Structure:
class Cell
struct CellLink
Cell *cell;
int weight;
int row;
int column;
vector<CellLink> neighbors;
State state;
int totalCost = 0;
The primary function:
void AI::IterativeDeepeningSearch(Cell* cell)
Cell* temp;
int bound = 0;
while (true)
naturalFailure = false;
temp = IDShelper(cell, bound);
if (IsExit(temp))
The Helper:
Cell* AI::IDShelper(Cell* cell, int bound)
Cell* temp = cell;
SetEnvironment(cell, State::visited);
if (bound > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < cell->neighbors.size(); i++)
temp = IDShelper(cell->neighbors[i].cell, bound - 1);
if (IsExit(temp))
naturalFailure = true;
return temp;
else if (IsExit(cell))
return cell;
return temp;
I have made an Iterative Deepening Search for a maze. The problem is that it is taking literally hours to complete the search on a 21x21 maze while other algorithms take a couple of seconds.
I know that IDS is supposed to be slow but is it supposed to be that slow?

I think I can see why this is slow.
In your helper, you're visiting the neighbors like so:
if (bound > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < cell->neighbors.size(); i++)
temp = IDShelper(cell->neighbors[i].cell, bound - 1);
if (IsExit(temp))
naturalFailure = true;
return temp;
but you're never using past results. You mark something as visited, but never check whether it is already visited.


Pointer to array of pointers to structs in C++

I need some help, I'm learing data structers and I got a task to write a programm based on array of pointers to structres which can add elements and do other task with array.I have next model of levels:
first level --> net of shops
second level --> shop
third level --> goods
I've written types for this
typedef struct
QString date;
QString prod_code;
QString name;
typedef struct
QString address;
QString number;
void **sublevel;
typedef struct
QString website;
QString name;
QString owner;
QString address;
void **sublevel;
Then I've created global variable void **Start which points to array of pointers:
// init list
void ** init_list()
void** p = new void*[SIZE_AR];
p = p+2;
((int*)p)[COUNT_POS] = 0;
((int*)p)[SIZE_POS] = SIZE_AR;
return p;
void ** Start = init_list();
COUNT_POS - index of elements where I store count of currently used elemnets
SIZE_POS - size of array allocated in dynamic memory
SIZE_AR - default size for array
But I get segmentation fault when I try to add to element to the last level
(for previous two ones works fine):
// expand array if it overfilled
void ExpandArrPtr (void **&ar, int &SizeAr, int Cnt)
void **arW;
arW = new void*[SizeAr+DELTA+2];
for (int K = SizeAr-1; K >= 0; K--) {
arW[K+2] = ar[K];
SizeAr = SizeAr + DELTA;
delete []ar;
((int*)ar)[COUNT_POS] = Cnt;
((int*)ar)[SIZE_POS] = SizeAr;
// binary search
void bin_search(void **start, QString key, int &pos, bool &find, Cmpmethod func)
int mid;
int high, low;
find = false;
if((int*)start[COUNT_POS] == 0)
pos = 0;
qDebug()<<"zero elem\n";
low = 0;
high = ((int*)start)[COUNT_POS] - 1;
mid = (high + low) / 2;
int result = func(start[mid], key);
if(result == 0)
pos = mid;
find = true;
else if(result == 1)
high = mid - 1;
low = mid + 1;
}while(low <= high);
pos = low;
// function for adding in any level
void addtosort(void **&start, void *pnew, int pos)
int count = ((int*)start)[COUNT_POS];
int size = ((int*)start)[SIZE_POS];
if(count == size)
ExpandArrPtr(start, size, count);
if(pos == count)
start[pos] = pnew;
for(int i = count;i >= pos;i--)
start[i+1] = start[i];
start[pos] = pnew;
((int*)start)[COUNT_POS] = count;
void add_goods(void **&Start, goods * Pnew)
int pos;
bool find;
bin_search((((shop*)(Start))->sublevel), Pnew->name, pos, find, compare_goods);
addtosort((((shop*)(Start))->sublevel), Pnew, pos);
// finding the item in second level to add
void find_place(QString key)
int pos;
bool find;
int count = ((int*)Start)[COUNT_POS];
for(int i = 0;i < count;i++)
bin_search(((net*)(Start)[i])->sublevel, key, pos, find, compare_shop);
goods * Pnew = new goods;
Pnew->date = "foo"
Pnew->name = "bar"
add_goods(((net*)(Start)[pos])->sublevel, Pnew);
What can cause such problem?

C++ Bubble sort dynamically allocated array

I wrote a bubble sorting algorithm which sorts a dynamically allocated array using string comparison.
Here is my code:
void AddressBook::bubble_sort_address_book(){
bool swapped = true;
swapped = false;
for(int i = 0; i < noOfEmployees; i++){
if(employees[i].combined_name() > employees[i+1].combined_name()){
Employee temp_employee = employees[i+1];
employees[i+1] = employees[i];
employees[i] = temp_employee;
My problem is pretty obvious, yet I can not seem to figure out how to solve it: The code sometimes fails on the line (in an undefined manner) :
Employee temp_employee = employees[i+1]
Its pretty obvious because if i is equal to the end of the array, accessing memory with i+1 results in undefined behaviour. However, if I stop the for loop with noOfEmployees-1, this does not happen but the first element is never sorted (obviously).
How can I implement bubble sort properly? It seems as such a trivial task. Am I missing something?
The following simplified version in pure C works fine:
int employees[10]= {3,1,7,6,9,7,1,0,2,6};
int noOfEmployees= 10;
void bubble_sort_address_book(void){
bool swapped = true;
int i;
swapped = false;
for(i = 0; i < noOfEmployees-1; i++){
if(employees[i] > employees[i+1]){
int temp_employee = employees[i+1];
employees[i+1] = employees[i];
employees[i] = temp_employee;
swapped= true;
int main()
int i;
for (i=0; i<noOfEmployees; i++) {
printf("emp %d= %d\n", i, employees[i]);
return 0;
As you request, the function of variable swapped is to indicate that following a complete pass through the array no swap occurred and so it indicates the array is now sorted.
You can use an explicit bound on the outer loop.
You should also split things out into smaller functions.
bool operator <(Employee const & lhs, Employee const & rhs) {
return lhs.combined_name() < rhs.combined_name();
// a.k.a. std::swap
void swap(Employee & lhs, Employee & rhs) {
Employee temp(static_cast<Employee&&>(lhs)); // a.k.a. std::move
lhs = static_cast<Employee&&>(rhs);
rhs = static_cast<Employee&&>(temp);
void bubble_sort_impl(Employee * begin, Employee * end) {
for (; end != begin; --end) {
for (Employee * it = begin; it+1 != end; ++it) {
if (*(it+1) < *it) {
swap(*it, *(it+1));
// do we really need "bubble_" or "_address_book" in this name?
void AddressBook::bubble_sort_address_book() {
bubble_sort_impl(employees, employees + noOfEmployees);
another solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int employees[10] = { 3,1,7,6,9,7,1,0,2,6 };
void bubble_sort_address_book(void) {
bool swapped = true;
int i;
int noOfEmployees = 10;
while (swapped) {
swapped = false;
for (i = 1; i <= noOfEmployees ; i++) {
if (employees[i] > employees[i - 1]) {
int temp_employee = employees[i - 1];
employees[i - 1] = employees[i];
employees[i] = temp_employee;
swapped = true;
int main()
int i;
int noOfEmployees = 10;
for (i = 0; i<noOfEmployees; i++) {
printf("emp %d= %d\n", i, employees[i]);
return 0;

Discrete Event Simulation Algorithm debug

I am working on a discrete event simulation program in C++. My output is completely incorrect but all the output values are pretty close to the correct output. I have tried debugging my algorithm but I couldn't find any errors. Below is my main algorithm for the simulation.
I implemented the event priority queue using a min heap and array. I am not allowed to use any STL libraries. The FIFO queue used in the code is a linked list. When I print the event time at the top of the priority queue, the events are not always getting passed in ascending order (which I think is how event priority queues are supposed to work) and I do not understand why. The ascending order is breached mostly around event completion times. Please help!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "PQueue.h"
#include "SPqueue.h"
#include "LinkedList.h"
using namespace std;
int serverCount; //number of servers
Spqueue spq; //priority queue for servers
Pqueue pq; //priority queue for events
LinkedList list; //FIFO queue to put arriving events in
double totalTime; //variables for statistics calculation
double timeNow;
double totalWait;
int ql;
int qlength = 0;
double totalQlength;
int time = 0;
bool available(); //checks availability of servers
int main() {
ifstream fin;"Sample2.txt");
if (!fin.good())
cerr << "Couldn't find file/corrupted file" << endl;
fin >> serverCount; //reads number of servers and efficiency
//from file
for (int i = 0; i < serverCount; i++) {
server s;
fin >> s.effi;
s.status = true;
s.count = 0;
//reads first event from file
event e;
fin >> e.eventTime;
fin >> e.serviceTime;
e.eventType = -1;
int i = 1;
//while priority queue is not empty
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
timeNow = pq.getArrivalTime(1);
while (time < pq.getArrivalTime(1)) {
totalQlength = totalQlength + list.getLength();
//get event from priority queue
if (pq.getServer(1) == -1) { //if arrival event, add to FIFO queue
list.AddTail(pq.getArrivalTime(1), pq.getServiceTime());
if (list.getLength() > qlength) {
qlength = list.getLength();
//read next arrival event from file
if (!fin.eof()) {
event e;
fin >> e.eventTime;
fin >> e.serviceTime;
e.eventType = -1;
else //must be customer complete event
spq.setIdle(pq.getServer(1)); //set the server to idle
pq.deleteMin(); //remove the evnt from priority queue
//if FIFO queue is not empty and servers are available
//process event
if ((list.isEmpty() == false) && (available() == true)) {
int s = spq.getMin();
spq.setBusy(s); //set server to busy
spq.incrementCustNumber(s); //increment number of customers
double waitTime = timeNow - list.getHead().arrivalTime;
totalWait = totalWait + waitTime;
double serviceT = spq.getEffi(s) * list.getHead().serviceTime;
double eventT = list.getHead().arrivalTime +serviceT;
event e2;
e2.eventTime = eventT;
e2.serviceTime = list.getHead().serviceTime;
e2.eventType = s;
pq.insert(e2); //add customer complete event to the priority
list.RemoveHead(); //remove head from FIFO
totalTime = pq.getArrivalTime(1);
return 0;
bool available() {
bool ava = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= serverCount; i++) {
if (spq.getStatus(i) == true) {
ava = true;
return ava;
Below is the priority queue implementation:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "PQueue.h"
using namespace std;
Pqueue::Pqueue() {
inde = 0; //length of heap
void Pqueue::insert(event i) { //inserts new element into the heap array and maintains min heap property
pqueue[inde] = i;
int Pqueue::getServer(int i) {
return pqueue[i].eventType;
void Pqueue::siftup(int i) { //shifts element up to the correct position in the heap
if (i == 1)
int p = i / 2;
if (pqueue[p].eventTime > pqueue[i].eventTime)
swap(pqueue[i], pqueue[p]);
void Pqueue::deleteMin() { //removes element at the root of the heap
swap(pqueue[inde], pqueue[1]);
void Pqueue::siftdown(int i) { //shifts element to its position in the min heap
int c = i * 2;
int c2 = (i * 2) + 1;
if (c > inde) return;
int in = i;
if (pqueue[i].eventTime > pqueue[c].eventTime)
in = c;
if ((c2 < inde) && (pqueue[i].eventTime > pqueue[c2].eventTime))
in = c2;
if (pqueue[c].eventTime < pqueue[c2].eventTime) {
in = c;
if (in != i) {
swap(pqueue[i], pqueue[in]);
void Pqueue::swap(event& i, event& j) {
event temp;
temp = i;
i = j;
j = temp;
bool Pqueue::isEmpty() { //checks if the priority queue is empty
if (inde == 0) return true;
return false;
double Pqueue::getArrivalTime(int i) {
return pqueue[i].eventTime;
double Pqueue::getServiceTime() {
return pqueue[1].serviceTime;
There are five servers with varying efficiency. The most efficient idle server is to be used. For this, I sorted the array of servers efficiency wise in the beginning.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "SPqueue.h"
using namespace std;
Spqueue::Spqueue() {
inde = 0;
void Spqueue::insert(server i) { //inserts new element into the array
spqueue[inde] = i;
void Spqueue::heapify(int n, int i)
int largest = i; // Initialize largest as root
int l = 2 * i; // left = 2*i + 1
int r = 2 * i +1; // right = 2*i + 2
// If left child is larger than root
if (l < n && spqueue[l].effi > spqueue[largest].effi)
largest = l;
// If right child is larger than largest so far
if (r < n && spqueue[r].effi > spqueue[largest].effi)
largest = r;
// If largest is not root
if (largest != i)
swap(spqueue[i], spqueue[largest]);
// Recursively heapify the affected sub-tree
heapify(n, largest);
void Spqueue::heapSort()
// Build heap (rearrange array)
for (int i = inde / 2 - 1; i > 0; i--)
heapify(inde, i);
// One by one extract an element from heap
for (int i = inde - 1; i > 0; i--)
// Move current root to end
swap(spqueue[1], spqueue[i]);
// call max heapify on the reduced heap
heapify(i, 1);
void Spqueue::swap(server& i, server& j) {
server temp;
temp = i;
i = j;
j = temp;
int Spqueue::getMin() { //iterates to the next available server in the sorted list of servers
int i = 0;
while (i <=20){
if (spqueue[i].status == true)
return i;
bool Spqueue::getStatus(int i) {
return spqueue[i].status;
void Spqueue::setBusy(int i) {
spqueue[i].status = false;
void Spqueue::addServiceTime(int i,double s) {
spqueue[i].busyTime = spqueue[i].busyTime + s;
double Spqueue::getTotalServiceTime(int i) {
return spqueue[i].busyTime;
void Spqueue::setIdle(int i) {
spqueue[i].status = true;
double Spqueue::getEffi(int i) {
return spqueue[i].effi;
void Spqueue::incrementCustNumber(int i) {
int Spqueue::getCount(int i) {
return spqueue[i].count;
And the following function is supposed to return the most efficient server.
int Spqueue::getMin() { //iterates to the next available server in
the already sorted array
int i = 0;
while (i <=20){
if (spqueue[i].status == true)
return i;
Your priority queue implementation of siftdown has some problems.
void Pqueue::siftdown(int i) { //shifts element to its position in the min heap
int c = i * 2;
int c2 = (i * 2) + 1;
// *** Possible bug
// *** I think that if c == inde, then c is indexing beyond the current queue
if (c > inde) return;
int in = i;
if (pqueue[i].eventTime > pqueue[c].eventTime)
in = c;
if ((c2 < inde) && (pqueue[i].eventTime > pqueue[c2].eventTime))
in = c2;
// ***************
// ** Bug here
if (pqueue[c].eventTime < pqueue[c2].eventTime) {
in = c;
if (in != i) {
swap(pqueue[i], pqueue[in]);
First, I think you want to test c1 >= inde. Also, when you're checking to see if pqueue[c].eventTime < pqueue[c2].eventTime, you do so without making sure that c2 is within bounds.
I find the following to be a more clear and succinct way to do things:
// find the smallest child
int in = c;
if (c2 < inde && pqueue[c2] < pqueue[c])
in = c2;
if (pqueue[in] < pqueue[i]) {
swap(pqueue[i], pqueue[in]);

C++ Implementation of Held-Karp and speed

I'm trying to speed up my implementation of the Held-Karp Algorithm and I've been trying to figure why after nine points, it starts to become increasingly slow. I'm also utilizing xlib to help with illustrating the graph but I don't think that's the issue.
double GetMinimumRoute(int startVertex, std::vector<int> Set, Node* root)
printf("%d\n", CountRecursive);
Node node;
root-> = Vertices[0];
root-> = true;
root->CountNodes = 0;
return AdjancyMatrix[startVertex][0];
double totalCost = 999999999;
int selectedIndex = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<Set.size(); i++)
Node node;
root-> =;
int costOfVisitingCurrentNode = AdjancyMatrix[startVertex][];
std::vector<int> newSet(Set);
int costOfVisitingOtherNodes = GetMinimumRoute(, newSet, &(root->;
int currentCost = costOfVisitingCurrentNode + costOfVisitingOtherNodes;
if(totalCost > currentCost)
totalCost = currentCost;
selectedIndex = i;
root-> = true;
return totalCost;

Dijkstra's Algorithm issue [repost]

I realized I can't post answers to my own questions because of my low rep or whatever so i deleted my old question and am reasking it. i changed some things and still can't get what i'm looking for.
Here is most of the code
I left out some of the simpler implementations such as parts of the pathFinder class because I know for sure they work, which is why you'll see playerVertex and time just randomly there.
In the example they used a decreaseKey function, I'm not sure if THAT'S what I'm missing? I'm a beginner here, so constructive criticism is welcome. (hopefully as polite as possible) lol. My problem is printing the path, I get a looop of the same two values over and over again.
class Heap
public: Heap();
void insert(double element);
double deletemin();
void print();
int size(){return heap.size();}
int currentIndex;
int left(int parent);
int right(int parent);
int parent(int child);
void heapifyup(int index);
void heapifydown(int index);
vector<double> heap;
currentIndex = 0;
void Heap::insert(double element)
heapifyup(heap.size() - 1);
double Heap::deletemin()
double min = heap.front();
heap[0] =;
return min;
void Heap::print()
vector<double>::iterator pos = heap.begin();
cout << "Heap = ";
while ( pos != heap.end() )
cout << *pos;
cout << endl;
void Heap::heapifyup(int index)
while((index>0) && (parent(index) >=0) && (heap[parent(index)] > heap[index]))
double tmp = heap[parent(index)];
heap[parent(index)] = heap[index];
heap[index] = tmp;
index = parent(index);
void Heap::heapifydown(int index)
int child = left(index);
if((child > 0) && (right(index) > 0) && (heap[child]>heap[right(index)]))
child = right(index);
if(child > 0)
double tmp = heap[index];
heap[index] = heap[child];
heap[child] = tmp;
int Heap::left(int parent)
int i = ( parent <<1) + 1;
return(i<heap.size()) ? i : - 1;
int Heap::right(int parent)
int i = ( parent <<1) + 2;
return(i<heap.size()) ? i : - 1;
int Heap::parent(int child)
if(child != 0)
int i = (child - 1) >>1;
return i;
return -1;
class pathFinder : public weightedGraph
vertex* playerVertex;
double time;
string source;
playerVertex = NULL;
time = 0;
void Dijkstra(int s,int t)
vertex *verts = findVertex(grid[s][t]);
Heap H;
for each(vertex *v in vertexList)
if(v->data == verts->data)
verts->distance = 0;
verts->pred = NULL;
v->distance = INFINITY;
v->pred = NULL;
while(H.size() != 0)
vertex *x = findVertex(H.deletemin());
for each(edge *v in x->adjacencyList)
if(v->end->visited != true)
v->end->visited = true;
void relax(vertex *a, vertex *b)
if(a->distance + weightFrom(a,b) > b->distance)
b->distance = a->distance + weightFrom(a,b);
b->pred = a;
void printPath(double dest,double dest1)
vertex *verta = findVertex(dest);
while(verta->pred->data != dest1)
verta = verta->pred;
and i'm not sure about the print path being that. i just used the print path from the BFS algorithm i've implemented before.
Where in your printPath function are you looking for the end of the list?
You keep going verta = verta->pred until the data is not equal to some value.
By the way, don't compare doubles for equality, as it ain't going to happen. See What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point.
What happens when you single step with your debugger?
(Try drawing the links and how you traverse them.)