CBT Hook receiving only some events - c++

I created a DLL to hook some events using a CBT hook. It seems to work only for the windows created by the process launching the hook...
My system is Windows 7 x64, but the behaviour is the same also on the x32.
This is the code (sorry but I'm no C++ expert):
#include "windows.h"
extern "C"
static LRESULT CALLBACK CbtProcCb(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HWND g_hNotifyWin = NULL;
DWORD g_uNotifyMsg = NULL;
HHOOK g_hHook = NULL;
__declspec(dllexport) HHOOK SetCbtHook(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lStrMsg, DWORD threadId)
g_hNotifyWin = hWnd;
g_uNotifyMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(lStrMsg);
g_hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, (HOOKPROC)CbtProcCb, g_hDll, threadId);
return g_hHook;
__declspec(dllexport) int UnsetCbtHook()
if ( !g_hHook )
return 0;
return UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hHook);
static LRESULT CALLBACK CbtProcCb(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
SendNotifyMessage(g_hNotifyWin, g_uNotifyMsg, nCode, wParam); // Send nCode to check the received event
return CallNextHookEx(g_hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
g_hDll = hinstDLL;
return true;
Any hints?

When Windows installs globals hook, the DLL implementing the hook function is often loaded in other processes. In those processes, the g_hNotifyWin and g_uNotifyMsg global variables are NULL. That global variables are only not NULL in the context of the process in which the SetCbtHook call took place.
You must have a way to retrieve the correct value for g_hNotifyWin and 'g_uNotifyMsg', in an arbitrary process.
const char * g_pszClassName = "MyClassName";
const char * g_pszRegisteredMsg = "MyMessage";
to your DLL, and replace "MyClassName" by the class name of the g_hNotifyWin window. See the RegisterClass call in your EXE. Update also "MyMessage".
Then, use the following CbtProcCb function:
static LRESULT CALLBACK CbtProcCb(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if ( nCode >= 0 ) {
if ( g_hNotifyWin == NULL ) g_hNotifyWin = FindWindow( g_pszClassName, NULL );
if ( g_uNotifyMsg == 0) g_uNotifyMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(g_pszRegisteredMsg);
if ( g_hNotifyWin && g_uNotifyMsg )
SendNotifyMessage(g_hNotifyWin, g_uNotifyMsg, nCode, wParam); // Send nCode to check the received event
return CallNextHookEx(NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam); // first arg useless see MSDN
As you noted in comment, same problem for g_uNotifyMsg See updated function. You could set up those variables in DllMain, indeed.
The first argument to CallNextHookEx may be NULL.

I guess your ThreadId is not zero, so hook is attached only to the calling process / thread respectively. Read documentation:


Hook WH_GETMESSAGE message

I'm trying to hook WH_GETMESSAGE from my class to determine the moment when specific window is resizing. However, looks like the hook isn't set.
Class from where I try to hook:
class WindowDisplayHelper : // public ...
// some other public methods here
void SetMsgHook();
LRESULT CALLBACK GetMsgProcHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
static LRESULT CALLBACK MsgPoc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// some other private members there
HWND m_windowHandle;
bool m_isWindowResizing = false;
static HHOOK m_msgHook;
static WindowsDisplayHelperMasterWindow* m_pThis;
.cpp file:
WindowDisplayHelper* WindowDisplayHelper ::m_pThis = nullptr;
HHOOK WindowDisplayHelper ::m_msgHook = NULL;
void WindowDisplayHelper ::SetMsgHook()
m_pThis = this;
m_msgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, MsgPoc, NULL, 0);
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowDisplayHelper::MsgPoc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (m_pThis != nullptr)
return m_pThis->GetMsgProcHook(code, wParam, lParam);
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowDisplayHelper::GetMsgProcHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (code < 0)
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);
MSG* lpmsg = (MSG*)lParam;
DUMPER_INFO("Hooked for HWND: %p. Current window %p", lpmsg->hwnd, m_windowHandle);
if (lpmsg->hwnd != m_windowHandle)
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);
if (lpmsg->message == WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE && !m_isWindowResizing)
DUMPER_INFO("Start window resizing");
m_isWindowResizing = true;
else if (lpmsg->message == WM_EXITSIZEMOVE && m_isWindowResizing)
DUMPER_INFO("Stop window resizing");
m_isWindowResizing = false;
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);
Here is how I create WindowDisplayHelper object:
bool DisplayManager::CreateWindowDisplay(TDisplayId displayId, void * windowHandle)
auto helper = boost::make_shared<WindowDisplayHelper>(windowHandle);
AddDisplayHelper(displayId, helper);
return true;
Though I call SetMsgHook() after the object is created, looks like hook isn't set, because I don't see any debug outputs in my log file and m_isWindowResizing variable always == false. So the question is why my hook doesn't work?
m_msgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, MsgPoc, NULL, 0);
This line produce a ERROR_HOOK_NEEDS_HMOD (1428) system error. It means that Cannot set nonlocal hook without a module handle. If you set dwThreadId parameter to zero, the hook procedure is associated with all existing threads running in the same desktop as the calling thread. It is a nonload hook you need specified a valid hmod parameter. You need put the hook code in a DLL as #Remy Lebeau pointed out.
Or set a valid dwThreadId parameter using GetCurrentThreadId() as #rudolfninja pointed out.
I test based on a Windows Desktop Application Template with the following code. It works. You can have a try.
int APIENTRY wWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
_In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
_In_ LPWSTR lpCmdLine,
_In_ int nCmdShow)
// ...
HHOOK m_msgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, MsgPoc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId());
DWORD errCode = GetLastError();
MSG msg;
// Main message loop:
while (GetMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0))
if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg))
return (int) msg.wParam;
LRESULT CALLBACK MsgPoc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (code < 0)
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);
MSG* lpmsg = (MSG*)lParam;
//OutputDebugString("Hooked for HWND: %p. Current window %p", lpmsg->hwnd, m_windowHandle);
if (lpmsg->hwnd != m_windowHandle)
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);
if (lpmsg->message == WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE && !m_isWindowResizing)
OutputDebugString(L"Start window resizing");
m_isWindowResizing = true;
else if (lpmsg->message == WM_EXITSIZEMOVE && m_isWindowResizing)
OutputDebugString(L"Stop window resizing");
m_isWindowResizing = false;
return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam);

Windows keyboard hook successfully set, but isn't called

I'm trying to create a hook to a keyboard event but the hook is never called on a key stroke. I set the hook with:
HHOOK hookRes = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_KEYBOARD, &KeyStrokeHook, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId() );
And the callback function is:
LRESULT CALLBACK KeyStrokeHook( _In_ int code, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam )
if( code < 0 )
return CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wParam, lParam );
if( lParam & 0x80000000 == 0 ) // If key pressed, not released
keyStroke = wParam;
SetEvent( keyEvent );
return CallNextHookEx( NULL, code, wParam, lParam );
hookRes has a valid hook, but the hook function is never called.
Can the hook be triggered if the thread that set the hook is currently blocked on a mutex?

Global Keyboard Hook Spy?

I'm writing up a quick tool in C# thats meant to sort of be a virtual keyboard. At the moment I am using SendKeys. I want to know if keyloggers would capture the keys so I found this code but i don't have mfc installed so i cant compile nor run it
How might i key if SendKeys is being logged by keyloggers or how do I get the code (snippet below) running in a single exe to test my code with?
#include <Windows.h>
static UINT uMsg = 0;
static HWND hWndMain = 0;
static HHOOK hKeyHook = NULL ;
#pragma data_seg()
HINSTANCE hInstance = 0;
HOOKPROC lpfnHookProc = 0;
LRESULT __stdcall KeyboardFunc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
BOOL bPassToChain;
char szDebug [100];
// Check for exception cases...
if (nCode < 0)
return (CallNextHookEx (hKeyHook, nCode, wParam, lParam));
if (nCode == HC_NOREMOVE)
return (CallNextHookEx (hKeyHook, nCode, wParam, lParam));
switch (wParam)
case VK_F2:
wsprintf (szDebug, "F2 key message, lparam = 0x%X\n", lParam);
OutputDebugString (szDebug);
// only send on keydown, not keyup (autorepeat)
if (HIWORD (lParam) & 0xC000)
OutputDebugString ("F2 Keyup\n");
wsprintf (szDebug, "Sending F2 keydown message %d to hwnd 0x%X\n",
uMsg, hWndMain);
OutputDebugString (szDebug);
PostMessage (hWndMain, uMsg, 0, 0);
bPassToChain = FALSE;
default :
bPassToChain = TRUE ;
break ;
if (bPassToChain)
return (CallNextHookEx (hKeyHook, nCode, wParam, lParam));
return TRUE ; // We have processed this key
BOOL __stdcall InstallExampleKeyboardHook (HWND hWnd, UINT uMyMsg)
hWndMain = hWnd ;
uMsg = uMyMsg;
lpfnHookProc = (HOOKPROC) KeyboardFunc ;
hKeyHook = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_KEYBOARD, lpfnHookProc, hInstance, NULL);
if (hKeyHook)
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
It's nothing about MFC. Straight native c++ code. If you have Visual Studio, you should be able to make a quick console c++ app, copy and paste that code in, and compile and test. If not, go and get the free but big Windows SDK. Less friendly then VS, but there's a compiler, so should get you in the right direction.
Low level hooks are not quite debugger friendly, so you might need to trace or log out some helpful statements.
Edited: to get the module handle, you will need something like this:
HookModule = LoadLibrary(ModulePath);
HookProc HookFunction = GetProcAddress(HookModule, "GetMessageCallBack");
GetMessageHookHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(HookType.WH_GETMESSAGE, HookFunction, HookModule, 0);

calling a function only when a key is pressed not when it is released

As the snippet below runs , each time a key is tapped,the function LowLevelKeyboardProc is called. But the problem is it is called both at the time of pressing a key and at the time of releasing a key.It means , per one tap the function is called two times.But I want the function be called only one when the key is pressed and not when the key is released.
Even if I can filter the pressing and releasing of keys inside the function LowLevelKeyboardProc,it will be fine. Is there any way I can do this.
static LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
// call the function only if the key is pressed,else ( i.e key released) do nothing
BOOL WINAPI installHook(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fwdReason, LPVOID lpvReserved){
handleKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, LowLevelKeyboardProc, hinstDLL, 0);
MSG msg;
while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)){
return msg.wParam;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fwdReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { // ENTRY POINT
if(hookThreadHandle==NULL) {
LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress = &installHook;
hookThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, lpStartAddress, NULL, 0, &hookThreadId);
return TRUE;
You cannot change the way LowLevelKeyboardProc is called, but inside the function you can know the reason of the call:
static LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if ( nCode < 0 )
return CallNextHookEx(handleKeyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
if ( wParam == WM_KEYDOWN ) // possibly you want also WM_SYSKEYDOWN
// do what you need

Access to hook in hook procedure

How can I access to the handle of a hook from his procedure ?
Example :
HHOOK hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, (HOOKPROC)hookProc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0);
LRESULT CALLBACK hookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
//I want my HHOOK here :O
You need to store the HHOOK variable in global memory. Don't declare it as a local variable of whatever function is calling SetWindowsHookEx().
Edit: Here is a class-based example for 32-bit CPUs:
class THookKeyboardLL
HHOOK hHook;
void *pProxy;
static LRESULT CALLBACK ProxyStub(THookKeyboardLL *This, int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT CALLBACK HookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
#include <pshpack1.h>
struct sProxy
unsigned char PopEax;
unsigned char Push;
void *ThisPtr;
unsigned char PushEax;
unsigned char Jmp;
int JmpOffset;
#include <poppack.h>
long CalcJmpOffset(void *Src, void *Dest)
return reinterpret_cast<long>(Dest) - (reinterpret_cast<long>(Src) + 5);
LRESULT CALLBACK THookKeyboardLL::ProxyStub(THookKeyboardLL *This, int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return This->HookProc(nCode, wParam, lParam);
: hHook(NULL), pProxy(NULL)
sProxy *Proxy = (sProxy*) VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(sProxy), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
Proxy->PopEax = 0x58;
Proxy->Push = 0x68;
Proxy->ThisPtr = this;
Proxy->PushEax = 0x50;
Proxy->Jmp = 0xE9;
Proxy->JmpOffset = CalcJmpOffset(&(Proxy->Jmp), &ProxyStub);
// Note: it is possible, but not in a portable manner, to
// get the memory address of THookKeyboardLL::HookProc()
// directly in some compilers. If you can get that address,
// then you can pass it to CalcJmpOffset() above and eliminate
// THookKeyboardLL::ProxyStub() completely. The important
// piece is that the Proxy code above injects this class
// instance's "this" pointer into the call stack before
// calling THookKeyboardLL::HookProc()...
DWORD dwOldProtect;
VirtualProtect(Proxy, sizeof(sProxy), PAGE_EXECUTE, &dwOldProtect);
FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), Proxy, sizeof(sProxy));
pProxy = Proxy;
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, (HOOKPROC)pProxy, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0);
if (hHook != NULL)
if (pProxy)
VirtualFree(pProxy, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
LRESULT CALLBACK THookKeyboardLL::HookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// ...
return CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
// when this method exits, it will automatically jump
// back to the code that originally called the Proxy.
// The Proxy massaged the call stack to ensure that...
If you look at the documentation for CallNextHookEx you see that the HHOOK parameter is optional on Windows NT, if you need to support Windows 9x then you need to store the HHOOK in a global variable.
Your example code shows that you are creating a global hook, global hooks are expensive so if you want to register more than one callback function you should abstract this so that your application only sets one hook and the callback function you register there calls your real functions (in a linked list etc).