CSS3 Scaling box with box-shadow disappears in Safari 7 - css-transitions

got a strange issue with safari 7.
I have a simple box that gets scaled on hover the funny thing since Safari 7 it seams that the box shadow disappears when scaling the box.
Does anyone else had this issue and a solution?
Running example:
Thanks for your help :)

Looks like it's a bug in Webkit (as of this writing in the webkit nightly). Here's a simple demo to reproduce. And here's the bug report I filed.

It's not a fix, but you can avoid this problem by using filter: drop-shadow() instead of box-shadow().

Oddly enough, applying a border-radius (even a small one) seems to fix the problem.
border-radius: 0.02px;
see a demo here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ONWOGp


Why is my React app not loading correctly in Edge 84 (chromium) but does in chrome?

I have tried a django/react app as well as a base react app made using the create-react-app command. Both end up breaking in one way or another. For instance, the align-items tag does nothing (tried center, right, left). On my django/react app I have a header that loads perfectly on chrome but all I see is a background color on edge.
Maybe you should try adding display:flex so that the align-items property works.And for different browser testing try the webkit rule so that it is stable across all browsers.
See if it helps. Thank You
I'm going to be honest, I went and reloaded the server (have not changed anything since my posting) and it's working completely fine now. I was looking for errors but I dont see any. To clarify, I was having issues with displaying CSS correctly in a react app. Even using the baseline create-react-app and using a align-items property would not function at all in Edge, but would in chrome. Thanks to all who tried to help; hopefully this was a weird one-off.

sitecore back/forward button disabled, history points?

I'm using sitecore 6.5 content editor and it the back and forward buttons are disabled in 6.5. I've decompiled the code and it looks like it could be related to history points?
I recently upgraded from 6.2, perhaps I am missing something in the web.config or sitecore.config, but a simple comparison using beyond compare doesn't really lead me anywhere.
Any suggestions would be awesome.
FYI this was a confirmed bug that was resolved in version 7, not sure if there is a patch for previous versions though.

Raphael clip-rect issues with text in IE8/9

I'm trying to apply a clip-rect to some text within Raphael 1.5.2, with little success. It works fine on FF, Chrome and even IE6, but doesn't appear to clip on IE8 or 8.
Here's a fiddle that illustrates the problem.
Is anyone aware of a workaround, other than move to Raphael 2?
Use clip-path, not clip-rect.

Django Debug Toolbar - Which version has the green panel that docks at the top?

I turned on my debug toolbar and was surprised to see the stock template where the panels are aligned to the right.
I upgraded to django 1.3 and re-installed most of my requirements via PIP, which is where I imagine my usual toolbar disappeared.
I had always thought it was David Cramer's fork that had the green panel bar docked at the top, which I find insanely more usable (doesn't obstruct anything), plus it had some default default panels like unique SQL counts.
Now that I've cloned both David's fork and Rob's original, I see neither have this green dock.
Am I going insane? Is this a setting I've missed, or perhaps a different fork? I would kill for the workflow I'm used to!
Update: I've looked through the commits, and indeed, there was a version in 2009 that was docked at the top, but had nowhere near the functionality that the version I'm talking about had. The exact commit that moved the toolbar to the right appears to be: https://github.com/dcramer/django-debug-toolbar/commit/565b100f9d97214043ae93c51d276951a65331e8
But nowhere can I find this awesome version below:
It also claims to be version 0.2 which I find odd too. I will keep going through each commit but any help would be appreciated.
It used to have the bar at the top. The new version has the new sidebar layout.
I tried to find out which version it was, but found this page where you can download older versions.
Here is the commit where he moves to the side panel 8-11-2009. Yeah a long time ago. I guess it has been a while since I upgraded as well :)

Weird issue with cftextarea/cfwindow

A while ago, I worked on an application where a manager can approve/deny xxx applications. When some body selects an action from a drop down, it opens a cfwindow and loads cftextarea richtext="yes" in there, so that they could enter reasons for approval/denial.
Now the culprit is that in production, the fckEditor has a ton of funky chars in IE8. Same thing won't happen in FireFox. Also, the IE8 does not show the same stuff in dev.
I have looked at the scripts in /cf_admin/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/FCKeditor, they are all the same.
Since this wasn't an issue before, I am not sure where to look at. Something got updated on the server which probably causes this problem. Does anybody know what could be the problem?
It turns out the vp put the header X-UA-Compatible: IE=IE7 in IIS to force IE8 emulate IE7. When I made them change this to X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7, everything started to work perfectly again. For more details see Introducing IE=EmulateIE7.
Hope it helps others. Thanks.