Install GeoIP (PECL) for Piwik on Ubuntu 13 - geoip

How do I install GeoIP (PECL) on Ubuntu 13. I have tried "apt-get install php-geoip" but it can't find the package.

On ubuntu, it's a simple PHP library.
Make sure you have libgeoip-dev and php5-dev aswell.
sudo apt-get install php5-geoip php5-dev libgeoip-dev
Also, for piwik you will want to copy the dat files into your piwik /misc folder and chmod them (ie 664 if owner is user:www-data) so the webserver has write access.


How to add user made scripts to EC2 ubuntu?

I have created an EC2 instance on AWS and I want to transfer some scripts into the site-packages of python3. I can't seem to find a way to do this. Some functions from these files are used by the scripts I am looking to run.
I tried SFTP but it wont allow me to get into the folder just tried to download it.
I am on Ubuntu.
Best option to install any service or program in python on a linux server is to create a regular user and then create a virtualenv on a private directory. There, you can freely install any script or package and give the proper rights to specific services/directories of your server.
Install also basic packages in order to run python environment:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python-dev python-setuptools zlib1g-dev python-pip

installing php-imap on amazon ec2 linux 2

I need to install php-imap on amazon ec2 linux 2 instance.
All the php stuff is inside amzn2extra-lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 but php-imap package is missing.
Any advice ?
I installed it like this.
I downloaded the php source code of the currently installed version in my Amazon Linux 2
Unpacked it and went into php-7.2.8/ext/imap/
Compiled extension:
I got some errors.
Some U8T_CANONICAL stuff so
sudo yum install libc-client-devel
Then libc-client.a not found so created a symlink for it:
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libc-client.a
some other imap library error so:
sudo yum install uw-imap-static
I got some other errors so the working configure line was:
./configure --with-kerberos --with-imap-ssl
cd php-7.2.8/ext/imap/modules
sudo cp /usr/lib64/php/modules/
Created an ini file to load it:
sudo vi /etc/php.d/30-imap.ini
added to the file this content:
restarted php service (you might need to restart httpd depending on your php installation):
sudo systemctl restart php-fpm
PHPinfo now contains:
IMAP c-Client Version 2007f
SSL Support enabled
Kerberos Support enabled
For those who are facing the U8T_CANONICAL error and can't being able to install the libc-client-devel on Amazon Linux 2 AMI need to do something extra to resolve the U8T_CANONICAL error.
The main problem is that libc-client-devel isn't available so we need to do it in another way.
I found this link while searching for my problem. The solution that is posted here is solid. The following link that i gave is for those who are not being able to install the libc-client-devel will be benifited from the link.
Or you could just copy paste the commands i'm giving below.
1 - sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
2 - sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
3 - yum install epel-release
4 - sudo yum install libc-client-devel uw-imap-static openssl-devel
5 - sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libc-client.a /usr/lib
The rest can be followed from respondent.
Again thanks to the person who answered.
Same problem here.
I came from debian/ubuntu and i miss a lot of php packages on aws linux2.
I know it's still a candidate and not a final LTS release. Only worked for a month with this distro and saw a lot of changes and updates. Some php dependencies can be solved with pear or pecl, but I couldn't get nothing working on php-imap.
php-imap depends on libc-client (maybe that's a problem?)
Here is my solution.
Search for the libc-client rpm that correspond to your version and
install manually.
Search for the rpm that corresponds to your php installed version. In my case it was 7.2.5**-2** about 2 weeks ago. (today is
7.2.5**-3** ) and isntall manually
wget -P /tmp
wget -P /tmp
rpm -i /tmp/libc-client-2007f-16.el7.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i /tmp/php72u-imap-7.2.5-2.ius.centos7.x86_64.rpm
If it fails because Failed dependencies:
rpm -ivh /tmp/php72u-imap-7.2.5-2.ius.centos7.x86_64.rpm --nodeps
I dont like this solution, but can't find for now any other solution more stable and easy. It will be a pain with updates....

Install yum packages without internet connection

Is there any way to download all packages from this line, save them locally and then install them to a machine without an internet connection?
yum install -y qemu-kvm qemu-img virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-client virt-install virt-viewer bridge-utils
Yes, you can use the --downloadonly command.
Run yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-client virt-install virt-viewer bridge-utils --downloadonly it will prompt to install but it wont and will instead show;
yum install procmail --downloadonly
Installed size: 385 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
exiting because --downloadonly specified
By default the downloaded files are in; /var/cache/yum/
There are some more details here on the RedHat page.

How to install Docker from the Source code?

I am trying to install docker from the source code downloaded from
I am unable to install it from the source code .
The Makefile present creates a image , but i want to install it in my system.
Can anyone suggest solution ?
I am using UBUNTU 14.04
Well, idk if this works for your linux distro. (looks like it is ubuntu) but i run kali linux and even if we have different commands to use the process is just as same in every linux distro.
first, before we jump on, we need to update our linux repos.(repositories)
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install git
[This installs git]
Now we can start cloning git repos. into our system
go to your desired folder/working directory and type:
sudo git clone "link of the git repo. without the commas"
i would better suggest you to just:
sudo apt install
[To install docker by apt]
it's better to install it via the docker package and update it to the last version. This is the best way to install docker.

How do you install Docutils from the Terminal so that Django admindocs will work?

Docutils is a great package. If you are using Django the admindocs package needs docutils. Instructions are available for installing with a web browser, but what if you are remote and logging in with a terminal over SSH? How to install in that case? What if you just want a quick recipe to do the job with the terminal?
I know I'm rather late to this question, but the accepted answer doesn't really reflect the common best practices from Python community members (and even less so from the Django community members.) While the outlined manual installation process does work, is is far more pains taking and error prone than the following:
You really should be using Pip. With Pip installing docutils system wide is as simple as:
$ sudo pip install docutils
This not only works for docutils but nearly any package on the 'Cheese Shop' as well as many other code repositories (Github, Bitbucket, etc.)
You may also want to look into other common Python best practice tools like virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper so that you can avoid global package installation.
To install Pip on Ubuntu/Debain I generally do the following:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
BTW: for virtualenv 'sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv' and for virtualenvwrapper 'sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper'.
The key to the install is to use the curl utility. The following will install docutils:
mkdir docutilsetup
cd docutilsetup
curl -o docutils-docutils.tar.gz
gunzip docutils-docutils.tar.gz
tar -xf docutils-docutils.tar
cd docutils
sudo python install
This performs the following steps: Create a directory to download docutils into. cd into the directory just made, and use curl to download the zipped version of docutils. Unzip the file which creates a subdirectory docutils. cd into that directory and install with root permissions.
If you are using Django you will have to restart Django for admindocs to start working.
Although it is an old thread, I want to share the answer I found. To install type command
sudo apt install python-docutils
sudo apt install python3-docutils
This will install the dependencies too. Yesterday, I installed docutils using this command for Geany editor and it is working fine.