Auto download file from FTP and check against existing file - c++

I have an internal company need to create some sort of application which does the following daily at a specific time:
connects to our company's internal ftp url (not a secure url)
downloads a file with a specific file name
checks the newly downloaded file with the file downloaded the day before
throws an error if the file is the same or else displays a message saying all is good (or sends an email or something with that notification)
That's it. All i need to do is to check and make sure the file on the ftp is different from the day before.
Can anyone recommend an easy way of doing this? I've tried googling for a solution and not quite finding a straight answer.
I've been out of programming for the last 8 years but I still remember visual basic 6.0 and visual c++.
Please guide / suggest as you see fit.
Thank you :)

For vc++:
You could use any ftp client library for downloading a file. Take a look at this SO question which could be useful to you C++ FTP Library? . Then you need a proper way to chech the time. I think your program might need to run at statup and check for the system time at a specific interval if the time is due then download the file. For this you can take alook at this question How to get current time and date in C++? . Finally there are numerous ways for comparing the file and outputing the result, for starters is suggest you use the std.


application.cfc contains encrypted code

I've just inherited a rather antiquated ColdFusion system (from the Allaire days) which has an application.cfc containing what looks like encrypted code, as follows.
Allaire Cold Fusion Template
Header Size: New VersionÏ{£ z¦7¦¶¸¶ähqؤä8X°É¿Ìò©‰P^qvßNÊÒ‡ùFÍû'ÉÊE´Žå¿ˆpcíå†óΔ7Žä]±Ï÷f?¼û=Ò“šüù>eÐ×åR™”ÎÓ’Íf#®ëâéÃYЦ]ÝišE𧵤ˮðÐ4~¿xî)ä˜âÂã&ăXDÂ2e".´§ábðyNN6¡I¨´eiÈ"³zñ¤îu ÍP†7ü#›™ú! ØþFtðêt-IÏY¤ae~®ç×7,Ä£oâÿPé ;b7é{”_)UM‚ýó#g£Ä'žê
I've never seen this before in an application file. Has anybody? And if it's encoded, how would one un-encode it?
Yes, I've seen this before. Your .cfm and .cfc files were encoded/encrypted using the cfencode.exe utility. Luckily someone wrote a decryption utility for it (my coworker needed it several years ago). Unfortunately I don't know where he downloaded it or obtained a copy, but from doing some online searches, it appears that the utility is called cfdecrypt 2.0.
You can search for it and download it. Hopefully this points you in the right direction and gives a good starting point.

How to send file via C++

I would like to ask how it could be possible to transfer a simple .csv file from one PC to another using C++.
I'm quite of new to C++, so please be patient with me ;-)
At the moment i've got a C++ program collecting data from two COM-ports and storing it (after editing) into the .csv-file mentioned above. Before windows (7 professional) is shutting down i would like to start a program which takes this file and send it to me or my webserver.
I googled around and found many postings showing FTP- or mail-scripts, but none of them worked for me...
I would prefer a FTP-solution.
Does anybody know how to realize a task like this?
I would be very greateful for any help :-)

Beginner - data storage through XML or text files

I am a beginner in visual studio and has only code C and C++ in command line settings.
Currently, I am taking a module(software development) which requires me to come up with an expense tracker - a program which helps user tracks his/her daily expenses. Therefore, at the end of each individual day, or after a user uses finishes the program, we would have to perform data storage to store all the info in one place which we would export it during the next usage.
My constraint include not using any relational database(although i have no idea what it is :( ). Data storage must be done using XML or text files. Following this, I have several questions regarding data storage:
1) If data is stored successfully, do we export it everytime we start the program? And everytime after the user closes the program, we overwrite the existing data file and then store it accordingly?
2) I have heard from some people that using text file may be easier. Searching on the internet and library only provides me with information regarding XML and not text. Would anyone be able to help me with it? Like tutorials link and stuff?
Thank you very much!
File writing/handling works similar to every other buffer in c++.
you can enable file handling using the fstream header. You can create a file, write to it and over-write every time the program is run, or can even create a file the first time the program is run and then append to it every subsequent time the program runs.
Ive only ever done text files, never tried XML, but Im guessing they're similar. should give you everything you need to know.
Your choice of XML vs plain text depends on the kind of data that you'll be storing.
The reason why you'll only find XML libraries on the internet is because XML is a lot more complicated than plain text. If you don't know what XML is or if the data that you're storing isn't very complex, then I would suggest going with plain text.
For example, to track expenses, you might store a file like this:
sandwich 5.00
coffee 2.30
soft drink 1.50
It's very easy to read/write lines like this to/from a file in C++.

How to read a .shd file in C++?

I am creating a project in c++ for getting JobSettings of a job in a queue from .shd file.Can anyone please suggest me which API is used for reading .shd file?
If you're talking about the shadow file from the Windows spooler, take a look at this site and code accordingly -
Please note that this format is undocumented and so could change ever so often.

Moving, renaming huge amount of text files based on content and size

*Update July 4*
I ended up doing the following:
Sort on date
Check if last sentence is the same
If Yes: If bigger -> this is the new message to be chosen. If smaller: remove. If no more of the same can be found, choose this one and move to another folder.
If No: move on. Loop this again until all files with certain date have been checked.
Thanks all for the help!!
I'm busy with a big project where I have a huge number of emails that I have to filter, imported from gmail through thunderbird. There is a big problem though.
Because gmail uses conversations, but thunderbird doesn't format them as such, what I have is a text file for each email, though the complete previous conversation as well. And so a whole new text file for each reply.To clarify, an example of a conversation:
Me:Hi, how are you?
You, replying: Good!
Me: Great!
In gmail this looks exactly as above, but for me this are now 3 files:
file 1:
Me, sent at 11:41:
Hi, how are you?
file 2:
You, sent at 11:42:
Me, sent at 11:41:
Hi how are you?
file 3:
Me, sent at 11:43:
You, sent at 11:42:
Me, sent at 11:41:
Hi how are you?
As you can understand, this is no problem with 3 files: I just throw away file 1 and 2 and only use file 3. That's precisely what I want to do. But considering in total there are around 30k files, I would very much like to automate that.
It is unfortunately not possible to do this complete by file name, though partially it can. The files are named after their date. For instance: 20110102 for Jan 2, 2011. However as there are multiple email conversations on a day, I would lose a lot if I would just sort by date and only keep the largest.
I hope the problem is clear and you can help me with this.
I work on Mac OSX 10.7. I've tried using Applescript, but either my script is not good or Applescript can't handle the amount of files.
Maybe you have a recommendation for software or a script in some way? I'm open for all and not unfamiliar with programming.
Thanks in advance!
As your task is basically just text processing, any language you're familiar with, including AppleScript, PHP, bash, C, should be able to do the job. I think perhaps #inTide's breaking the problem down into discreet steps is what you need to do, building one portion at a time in the language of your choice.
Pick a language that you're familiar with and start writing one the code to the first step and make sure it's working as you expect, and then expand, adding a small bit of new functionality at each point and making sure that functionality works before moving on. Without an example of the code you've written or a better description of how AppleScript is failing for you, additional advice is difficult.