How to properly add fields to models with South? - django

I have a django app called Locations and in its there are 2 models:
class City(models.Model):
class Country(models.Model):
I did python schemamigration Locations --initial and then python migrate Locations. Everything worked fine.
Then I added 2 fields to City and did python schemamigration Locations --auto and it said:
Deleted field cover_image on Locations.Country
Added field lng on Locations.City
Added field ltd on Locations.City
Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate Locations
Then when I did python migrate Locations, I got:
Running migrations for Locations:
- Migrating forwards to 0003_auto__del_field_country_cover_image__add_field_city_lng__add_field_cit.
> Locations:0001_initial
FATAL ERROR - The following SQL query failed: CREATE TABLE "Locations_country" ("id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, "slug" varchar(50) NOT NULL, "image" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "flag" varchar(100) NOT NULL)
The error was: relation "Locations_country" already exists
Error in migration: Locations:0001_initial
DatabaseError: relation "Locations_country" already exists
I always keep getting this error. Am I doing something wrong?
Then I did python migrate Locations 0003 --fake and this was the output:
- Soft matched migration 0003 to 0003_auto__del_field_country_cover_image__add_field_city_lng__add_field_cit.
Running migrations for Locations:
- Migrating forwards to 0003_auto__del_field_country_cover_image__add_field_city_lng__add_field_cit.
> Locations:0001_initial
> Locations:0002_auto__add_field_city_lng__add_field_city_ltd
> Locations:0002_auto__add_location__add_field_country_cover_image
> Locations:0003_auto__del_field_country_cover_image__add_field_city_lng__add_field_cit
Now when I do python migrate Locations it says:
Running migrations for Locations:
- Nothing to migrate.
- Loading initial data for Locations.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
And those 2 fields have not been added. Whats going on? Whats the correct way to add/delete fields?
I have read the basic South documentation, please point to me if I have missed out something.

Delete 0002 and 0003 migrations files. And then roll back to 0001 by doing:
python migrate Locations 0001 --fake --delete-ghost-migrations
After that run schemamigration and migrate normally.
(During discussion with OP it was first cleared that 0002 and 0003 was never reflected to database, so it is no harm to delete those migration files from disk)


Django 2.1.7: Makemigrations command result: "No change detected in app"

(I am aware that a number of Django users have had the same issue.
I have looked at a number of solutions online but none has worked for me so far.)
I have set up my, and files as explained in Django official tutorial (please see the 3 files below).
When I enter in the terminal:
$ python3 makemigrations munichliving_app
It returns:
No changes detected in app 'munichliving_app'
(file in INSTALLED_APP --> I added and tested both one at a time:
'munichliving_app' and
'munichliving_app.apps.MunichLivingConfig' file: file:
Django official tutorial states that I should see something along the lines of:
Migrations for 'polls':
- Create model Choice
- Create model Question
- Add field question to choice
Thank you.
Your app is munichliving (the module that contains, but you have munichliving_app in your INSTALLED_APPS setting. The munichlivin_app is the project folder (the one that contains It doesn't normally contain models so you shouldn't usually have to add it to INSTALLED_APPS or make migrations for it.
Replace 'munichliving_app' with 'munichliving' in your INSTALLED_APPS.
Next, I would remove your because it doesn't appear to be used. If you do keep it, then change it to name='munichliving', then use'munichliving.apps.MunichLivingConfig'inINSTALLED_APPS`.
Finally, create migrations with
./ makemigrations munichliving
Try this:
python migrate --fake appname
Or delete the migration folder in your app, go to the database and delete the file in django_migrations table, then migrate again:
python makemigrations
python migrate

How to add a column to existing table in flask

Done as follows but no column is added.
Migrate database
python db migrate
Edit migrations/versions/{version}
def upgrade():
from alembic import op
op.add_column('table_name', Column('column_name', INTEGER) )
Update schema
python db upgrade
The reason is that alembic stores version in table called alembic_version, and once {version} is in alembic_version, then nothing happens.
The solution is to create a new migration script and do migrate again.

Another South "table does not exist" issue: none of the previously posted solutions working

I am trying to make an app using Django and am using South to handle migrations. After I define the app's, I include south in the "INSTALLED_APPS" in Then I sync my database. When I validate the database, I get 0 errors. Then I execute the following commands on the command prompt:
C:\Users\abagaria\Desktop\IntegrateID\website>python schemamigration w
ebsite.integrate --initial
Creating migrations directory at 'C:\Users\abagaria\Desktop\IntegrateID\website\
Creating in 'C:\Users\abagaria\Desktop\IntegrateID\website\website\i
+ Added model integrate.Publisher
+ Added model integrate.Author
+ Added model integrate.Book
+ Added M2M table for authors on integrate.Book
Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migr
ate integrate
C:\Users\abagaria\Desktop\IntegrateID\website>python migrate website.i
Running migrations for integrate:
- Migrating forwards to 0001_initial.
> integrate:0001_initial
FATAL ERROR - The following SQL query failed: CREATE TABLE "integrate_publisher"
("id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" varchar(30) NOT NULL, "address" varc
har(50) NOT NULL, "city" varchar(60) NOT NULL, "state_province" varchar(30) NOT
NULL, "country" varchar(50) NOT NULL, "website" varchar(200) NOT NULL)
The error was: table "integrate_publisher" already exists
! Error found during real run of migration! Aborting.
! Since you have a database that does not support running
! schema-altering statements in transactions, we have had
! to leave it in an interim state between migrations.
! You *might* be able to recover with: = DROP TABLE "integrate_publisher"; []
= DROP TABLE "integrate_author"; []
= DROP TABLE "integrate_book"; []
= DROP TABLE "integrate_book_authors"; []
! The South developers regret this has happened, and would
! like to gently persuade you to consider a slightly
! easier-to-deal-with DBMS (one that supports DDL transactions)
! NOTE: The error which caused the migration to fail is further up.
Error in migration: integrate:0001_initial
DatabaseError: table "integrate_publisher" already exists
I know that a lot of people have faced similar problems while using south, but usually in their case, they make the mistake of executing the "--initial" command more than once-- thereby causing south to make more than one __initial file in the migrations directory. But in my case, South thinks that the table already exists even when I make the first migration!
I have also tried:
deleting the migrations directory
deleting ghost migrations
making a "fake" migration
and then running the actual migration
Can someone please tell me how I fix this problem and can start defining my models again?
If you already have tables in database, do not use --initial, instead you need convert_to_south command. Delete directory "migrations", all tables from database and run the following commands:
python syncdb
python convert_to_south appname
python syncdb --migrate

Why is south migrate failing?

I have a blank MySQL database that I've just created. south is in my INSTALLED_APPS.
I run:
$ ./ syncdb
Creating table some_app_table
You just installed Django's auth system, which means you don't have any superusers defined.
Superuser created successfully.
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
> django.contrib.auth
> django.contrib.contenttypes
Not synced (use migrations):
- myapp
$ ./ schemamigration myapp --initial
+ Added model myapp.Model
Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate myapp
$ ./ migrate myapp
Running migrations for myapp:
- Migrating forwards to 0003_initial.
> skan:0001_initial
> skan:0002_initial
FATAL ERROR - The following SQL query failed: CREATE TABLE `myapp_model` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` integer NULL, `name` varchar(200) NOT NULL);
The error was: (1050, "Table 'myapp_model' already exists")
What's going on? Why won't South initialise correctly?
You already have some migrations defined: initial is (as expected) only needed for the initial migration.
Your syncdb output says:
Not synced (use migrations):
- myapp
Which indicates that south is working as expected. But, then you do:
$ ./ schemamigration myapp --initial
+ Added model myapp.Model
Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate myapp
Notice the 0003-prefix: this (most likely) indicates that there are already migrations defined. This is confirmed by the output of your next command:
$ ./ migrate myapp
Running migrations for myapp:
- Migrating forwards to 0003_initial.
> skan:0001_initial
> skan:0002_initial
In other words, you already have a couple of initial migrations, of which at least one will create that table. Your #3 migration tries this again, but fails, because the table of course exists by now.
What you need to do is only use initial on the creation of your Django app. As soon as the migrations folder contains a file called, you don't need any initial migrations anymore. If you change your table from this point on, call it with auto, and then migrate:
./ schemamigration myapp --auto
./ migrate myapp

Pesky "Table 'my_table' already exists" in Django-South

In Django-South:
I changed I've run the initial migration successfully for myapp but for some reason, after I've made a change to my model and go to
./ schemamigration myapp --auto
./ migrate myapp
And I get a lot of traceback which ends in:
(1050, "Table 'my_table' already exists")
After much googling, I found and tried this:
./ migrate myapp --fake
And then I proceed to migrate it, to no avail; same error.
Any suggestions?
I just got this same error, and found this question by search.
My problem was that my second migration I'd created using the --initial flag, i.e.
$ ./ startapp foo
$ ./ schemamigration --initial foo
$ ./ migrate foo
... make some changes to foo ...
$ ./ schemamigration --initial foo
$ ./ migrate foo
... and I get the error, and the migration fails because in the second migration, South is trying to create a table its already created.
In my migrations folder:
$ ls foo/migrations
remove that second migration and re-export the second migration with the correct --auto flag:
$ rm foo/migrations/
$ ./ schemamigration --auto foo
$ ./ migrate foo
There may be other things that cause this error, but that was my bad!
Is it an existing app?
In that case you will need to convert it in addition to the fake bit.
There are good docs here on converting an existing app.
Although they are quite tricky to find if you don't know where they are already ( ;
For converting, after adding south to your installed apps:
./ syncdb
./ convert_to_south myapp
./ migrate myapp 0001 --fake
this problem actually happens if one of the cases:
1) You made "schemamigration app_name --initial" after one is "--auto"
2) You interrupted the last migration you have made.
To resolve such problem you apply the following:
1) mark your last schema migration as fake.
python schemamigration app_name --fake
Note: Make sure that the schema of models is same as schema of tables in database.
2) apply the migration again by doing
python schemamigration app_Name --auto
python migrate app-Name
Note: sometimes you might add manually a specific field you already added using the following syntax.
python schemamigration app_name --add-field My_model.added_field
For more info. regarding south, you could check its documentation here.