Am I disturbing other programs with OpenMP? - c++

I'm using OpenMP for a loop like this:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int out = 1; out <= matrix.rows; out++)
I'm doing a lot of computations on a machine with 64 CPUs. This works quite qell but my question is:
Am I disturbing other users on this machine? Usually they only run single thread programms. Will they still run on 100%? Obviously I will disturb other multithreads programms, but will I disturb single thread programs?
If yes, can I prevend this? I think a can set the maximum number of CPUs with omp_set_num_threads. I can set this to 60, but I don't think this is the best solution.
The ideal solution would disturb no other single thread programs but take as much CPUs as possible.

Every multitasking OS has something called a process scheduler. This is an OS component that decides where and when to run each process. Schedulers are usually quite stubborn in the decisions they make but those could often be influenced by various user-supplied policies and hints. The default configuration for almost any scheduler is to try and spread the load over all available CPUs, which often results in processes migrating from one CPU to another. Fortunately, any modern OS except "the most advanced desktop OS" (a.k.a. OS X) supports something called processor affinity. Every process has a set of processors on which it is allowed to execute - the so-called CPU affinity set of that process. By configuring disjoint affinity sets to various processes, those could be made to execute concurrently without stealing CPU time from each other. Explicit CPU affinity is supported on Linux, FreeBSD (with the ULE scheduler), Windows NT (this also includes all desktop versions since Windows XP), and possibly other OSes (but not OS X). Every OS then provides a set of kernel calls to manipulate the affinity and also an instrument to do that without writing a special program. On Linux this is done using the sched_setaffinity(2) system call and the taskset command line instrument. Affinity could also be controlled by creating a cpuset instance. On Windows one uses the SetProcessAffinityMask() and/or SetThreadAffinityMask() and affinities can be set in Task Manager from the context menu for a given process. Also one could specify the desired affinity mask as a parameter to the START shell command when starting new processes.
What this all has to do with OpenMP is that most OpenMP runtimes for the listed OSes support under one form or another ways to specify the desired CPU affinity for each OpenMP thread. The simplest control is the OMP_PROC_BIND environment variable. This is a simple switch - when set to TRUE, it instructs the OpenMP runtime to "bind" each thread, i.e. to give it an affinity set that includes a single CPU only. The actual placement of threads to CPUs is implementation dependent and each implementation provides its own way to control it. For example, the GNU OpenMP runtime (libgomp) reads the GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY environment variable, while the Intel OpenMP runtime (open-source since not long ago) reads the KMP_AFFINITY environment variable.
The rationale here is that you could limit your program's affinity in such a way as to only use a subset of all the available CPUs. The remaining processes would then get predominantly get scheduled to the rest of the CPUs, though this is only guaranteed if you manually set their affinity (which is only doable if you have root/Administrator access since otherwise you can modify the affinity only of processes that you own).
It is worth mentioning that it often (but not always) makes no sense to run with more threads than the number of CPUs in the affinity set. For example, if you limit your program to run on 60 CPUs, then using 64 threads would result in some CPUs being oversubscribed and in timesharing between the threads. This will make some threads run slower than the others. The default scheduling for most OpenMP runtimes is schedule(static) and therefore the total execution time of the parallel region is determined by the execution time of the slowest thread. If one thread timeshares with another one, then both threads will execute slower than those threads that do not timeshare and the whole parallel region would get delayed. Not only this reduces the parallel performance but it also results in wasted cycles since the faster threads would simply wait doing nothing (possibly busy looping at the implicit barrier at the end of the parallel region). The solution is to use dynamic scheduling, i.e.:
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,chunk_size)
for (int out = 1; out <= matrix.rows; out++)
where chunk_size is the size of the iteration chunk that each thread gets. The whole iteration space is divided in chunks of chunk_size iterations and are given to the worker threads on a first-come-first-served basis. The chunk size is an important parameter. If it is too low (the default is 1), then there could be a huge overhead from the OpenMP runtime managing the dynamic scheduling. If it is too high, then there might not be enough work available for each thread. It makes no sense to have chunk size bigger than maxtrix.rows / #threads.
Dynamic scheduling allows your program to adapt to the available CPU resources, even if they are not uniform, e.g. if there are other processes running and timesharing with the current one. But it comes with a catch: big system like your 64-core one usually are ccNUMA (cache-coherent non-uniform memory access) systems, which means that each CPU has its own memory block and access to the memory block(s) of other CPU(s) is costly (e.g. takes more time and/or provides less bandwidth). Dynamic scheduling tends to destroy data locality since one could not be sure that a block of memory, which resides on one NUMA, won't get utilised by a thread running on another NUMA node. This is especially important when data sets are large and do not fit in the CPU caches. Therefore YMMV.

Put your process on low priority within the operating system. Use a many resources as you like. If someone else needs those resources the OS will make sure to provide them, because they are on a higher (i.e. normal) priority. If there are no other users you will get all resources.


How to multithread core-schedule onto different cores (ideally in C++)

I have a large C++11 multithreaded application where the threads are always active, communicating to each other constantly, and should be scheduled on different physical CPUs for reasonable performance.
The default Linux behavior AFAIK is that threads will typically/often get scheduled onto the same CPU, causing horrible performance.
To solve this, I understand how to attach threads to specific physical CPUs in C++, e.g.:
std::cout << "Assign to thread cpu " << cpu << "\n";
cpu_set_t cpuset;
CPU_SET(cpu, &cpuset);
int rc = pthread_setaffinity_np(thread.native_handle(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
and can use this to pin to specific CPUs, e.g. attach 4 threads to CPUs 0,2,4,6.
However this approach requires a specific CPU number which is a problem in that there may be many programs running on a host using other CPUs. These might be my program or other programs. As just one example an 8 core machine might have two copies of my 4-threaded application so obviously having both of those two programs pick the same 4 CPUs is a problem.
I'd thus like a way to say "schedule the threads in this set all on different CPUs without caring of the CPU number". Is this possible in C++(11)?
If not, is this possible with numactl or another utility? E.g. I don't want "numactl -C 0,2,4,6" but rather "numactl -C W,X,Y,Z" where the scheduler can pick arbitrary W,X,Y,Z subject to W!=X!=Y!=Z.
I'm most interested in Linux behavior. I cannot change the OS configuration. I don't want the separate applications to cross communicate (nor can they as they might be other applications I do not control.)
Once I have the answer to this, the follow up is how do I modify this to add a e.g. fifth thread I do want to schedule on the same CPU as the first thread?
My problem in a specific Boost ASIO multithreaded application is, that even with a limited number of threads (like ten) on a system with much more cores, the threads get pushed around onto different cores all the time, which seriously reduces performances due to a high number of L1/L2 cache misses.
I have not searched much, yet, but there is a getcpu() system call on Linux, that returns the CPU-ID and NUMA Node-ID of the active thread, that is calling getcpu(). To get a set of unique CPU-IDs, one could try to create all threads, first, then let them all wait for a barrier via pthread_barrier_wait() and after that call getcpu() repeatedly in each thread until the returned values have stabilized. Stability has been reached, when each thread has gotten the same CPU-ID as answer for at least the last 1000 calls to getcpu() AND all the answers to all the different threads are different. It is of extreme importance to use non-blocking techniques like std::atomic values to synchronize during this testing phase. Because, if you wait for some Mutexes instead, the likelyhood is high, that your threads get re-mixed again by the scheduler.
After stability has been reached, each thread just sets its CPU affinity to its current CPU-ID and you are done.
In many cases, where you do not dynamically start and stop a lot of applications, hand-binding the threads to certain Cores might be the easiest solution, though. And if you do start and stop a lot of apps dynamically, the "pick N free cores" algo described above will fail miserably, if there aren't enough free cores left, anyways.

openMP: Running with all threads in parallel leads to out-of-memory-exceptions

I want to shorten the runtime of an lengthy image processing algorithm, which is applied to multiple images by using parallel processing with openMP.
The algorithm works fine with single or limited number (=2) of threads.
But: The parallel processing with openMP requires lots of memory, leading to out-of-memory-exceptions, when running with the maximum number of possible threads.
To resolve the issue, I replaced the "throwing of exceptions" with a "waiting for free memory" in case of low memory, leading to many (<= all) threads just waiting for free memory...
Is there any solution/tool/approach to dynamically maintain the memory or start threads depending on available memory?
Try compiling your program 64-bit. 32-bit programs can only have up to 2^32 = about 4GB of memory. 64-bit programs can use significantly more (2^64 which is 18 exabytes). It's very easy to hit 4GB of memory these days.
Note that if you are using more RAM than you have available, your OS will have to page some memory to disk. This can hurt performance a lot. If you get to this point (where you are using a significant portion of RAM) and still have extra cores, you would have to go deeper into the algorithm to find a more granular section to parallelize.
If you for some reason can't switch to 64-bit, you can do multiprocessing (running multiple instances of a program) so each process will have up to 4GB. You will need to launch and coordinate the processes somehow. Depending on your needs, this could mean using simple command-line arguments or complicated inter-process communication (IPC). OpenMP doesn't do IPC, but Open MPI does. Open MPI is generally used for communication between many nodes on a network, but it can be set up to run concurrent instances on one machine.

Parallelism on a single processor system

Can we apply the concept of parallelism on a single processor system. Let's say for example if we have two processes A & B and they are independent of each other, can they be simultaneously taken care (executed) of, if so how? Can you please explain in terms of the execution cycle that would follow.
They cannot run simultaneously if there is only a single processor. If you have a multi-thread or multi-process environment, it will time slice each process and/or thread. Only one will run at any given time, and there is overhead at each context switch.
The precise meaning of "context switch" varies significantly in usage, most often to mean "thread switch or process switch" or "process switch only", either of which may be referred to as a "task switch". More finely, one can distinguish thread switch (switching between two threads within a given process), process switch (switching between two processes), mode switch (domain crossing: switching between user mode and kernel mode within a given thread), register switch, a stack frame switch, and address space switch (memory map switch: changing virtual memory to physical memory map). The computational cost of context switches varies significantly depending on what precisely it entails, from little more than a subroutine call for light-weight user processes, to very expensive, though typically much less than that of saving or restoring a process image.
On an interesting historical note, there were even multi-threading libraries available for MS-DOS before Windows became popular. Many mainframe and mini computers from the same era employed the technique as well.
The concept of having something like parallelism is called multitasking for single processor. We have to understand that when we have one core, that means no matter how many process(task) are there in system, only one can be executed at a time.
But if a process have threads, all the threads will be assigned to cpu one by one and user will have impression that all the threads of process are running.
The cpu is to be switched between processes.It is called context switching in OS.
There are different methods for context switching like:
round robin,priority queue
Above method will decide that which process will use cpu.
But cpu can't be used by two processes at a time.
In advance OS task scheduler is responsible to assign process to cpu.

should I "bind" "spinning" thread to the certain core?

My application contains several latency-critical threads that "spin", i.e. never blocks.
Such thread expected to take 100% of one CPU core. However it seems modern operation systems often transfer threads from one core to another. So, for example, with this Windows code:
void Processor::ConnectionThread()
while (work)
I do not see "100% occupied" core in Task manager, overall system load is 36-40%.
But if I change it to this:
void Processor::ConnectionThread()
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 2);
while (work)
Then I do see that one of the CPU cores is 100% occupied, also overall system load is reduced to 34-36%.
Does it mean that I should tend to SetThreadAffinityMask for "spin" threads? If I improved latency adding SetThreadAffinityMask in this case? What else should I do for "spin" threads to improve latency?
I'm in the middle of porting my application to Linux, so this question is more about Linux if this matters.
upd found this slide which shows that binding busy-waiting thread to CPU may help:
Running a thread locked to a single core gives the best latency for that thread in most circumstances if this is the most important thing in your code.
The reasons(R) are
your code is likely to be in your iCache
the branch predictors are tuned to your code
your data is likely to be ready in your dCache
the TLB points to your code and data.
Your running a SMT sytem (ex. hyperthreaded) in which case the evil twin will "help" you with by causing your code to be washed out, your branch predictors to be tuned to its code and its data will push your out of the dCache, your TLB is impacted by its use.
Cost unknown, each cache misses cost ~4ns, ~15ns and ~75ns for data, this quickly runs up to several 1000ns.
It saves for each reason R mentioned above, that is still there.
If the evil twin also just spins the costs should be much lower.
Or your allowing interrupts on your core, in which case you get the same problems and
your TLB is flushed
you take a 1000ns-20000ns hit on the context switch, most should be in the low end if the drivers are well programmed.
Or you allow the OS to switch your process out, in which case you have the same problems as the interrupt, just in the hight end of the range.
switching out could also cause the thread to pause for the entire slice as it can only be run on one (or two) hardware threads.
Or you use any system calls that cause context switches.
No disk IO at all.
only async IO else.
having more active (none-paused) threads than cores increases the likelihood of problems.
So if you need less than 100ns latency to keep your application from exploding you need to prevent or lessen the impact of SMT, interrupts and task switching on your core.
The perfect solution would be an Real time operating system with static scheduling. This is a nearly perfect match for your target, but its a new world if your have mostly done server and desktop programming.
The disadvantages of locking a thread to a single core are:
It will cost some total throughput.
as some threads that might have run if the context could have been switched.
but the latency is more important in this case.
If the thread gets context switched out it will take some time before it can be scheduled potentially one or more time slices, typically 10-16ms, which is unacceptable in this application.
Locking it to a core and its SMT will lessen this problem, but not eliminate it. Each added core will lessen the problem.
setting its priority higher will lessen the problem, but not eliminate it.
schedule with SCHED_FIFO and highest priority will prevent most context switches, interrupts can still cause temporary switches as does some system calls.
If you got a multi cpu setup you might be able to take exclusive ownership of one of the CPU's through cpuset. This prevents other applications from using it.
Using pthread_setschedparam with SCHED_FIFO and highest priority running in SU and locking it to the core and its evil twin should secure the best latency of all of these, only a real time operating system can eliminate all context switches.
Other links:
Discussion on interrupts.
Your Linux might accept that you call sched_setscheduler, using SCHED_FIFO, but this demands you got your own PID not just a TID or that your threads are cooperative multitasking.
This might not ideal as all your threads would only be switches "voluntarily" and thereby removing flexibility for the kernel to schedule it.
Interprocess communication in 100ns
Pinning a task to specific processor will generally give better performance for the task. But, there are a lot of nuances and costs to consider when doing so.
When you force affinity, you restrict the operating system's scheduling choices. You increase cpu contention for the remaining tasks. So EVERYTHING else on the system is impacted including the operating system itself. You also need to consider that if tasks need to communicate across memory, and affinities are set to cpus that don't share cache, you can drastically increase latency for communication across tasks.
One of the biggest reasons setting task cpu affinity is beneficial though, is that it gives more predictable cache and tlb (translation lookaside buffer) behavior. When a task switches cpus, the operating system can switch it to a cpu that doesn't have access to the last cpu's cache or tlb. This can increase cache misses for the task. It's particularly an issue communicating across tasks, as it takes more time to communicate across higher level caches and worst finally memory. To measure cache statistics on linux (performance in general) I recommend using perf.
The best suggestion is really to measure before you try to fix affinities. A good way to quantify latency would be by using the rdtsc instruction (at least on x86). This reads the cpu's time source, which will generally give the highest precision. Measuring across events will give roughly nanosecond accuracy.
volatile uint64_t rdtsc() {
register uint32_t eax, edx;
asm volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=d"(edx), "=a"(eax) : : );
return ((uint64_t) edx << 32) | (uint64_t) eax;
note - the rdtsc instruction needs to be combined with a load fence to ensure all previous instructions have completed (or use rdtscp)
also note - if rdtsc is used without an invariant time source (on linux grep constant_tsc /proc/cpuinfo, you may get unreliable values across frequency changes and if the task switches cpu (time source)
So, in general, yes, setting the affinity does gives lower latency, but this is not always true, and there are very serious costs when you do it.
Some additional reading...
Intel 64 Architecture Processor Topology Enumeration
What Every Programmer Needs to Know About Memory (Parts 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7)
Intel Software Developer Reference (Vol. 2A/2B)
Aquire and Release Fences
I came across this question because I'm dealing with the exactly same design problem. I'm building HFT systems where each nanosecond count.
After reading all the answers, I decided to implement and benchmark 4 different approaches
busy wait with no affinity set
busy wait with affinity set
observer pattern
The imbatible winner was "busy wait with affinity set". No doubt about it.
Now, as many have pointed out, make sure to leave a couple of cores free in order to allow OS run freely.
My only concern at this point is if there is some physical harm to those cores that are running at 100% for hours.
Binding a thread to a specific core is probably not the best way to get the job done. You can do that, it will not harm a multi core CPU.
The really best way to reduce latency is to raise the priority of the process and the polling thread(s). Normally the OS will interrupt your threads hundreds of times a second and let other threads run for a while. Your thread may not run for several milliseconds.
Raising the priority will reduce the effect (but not eliminate it).
Read more about SetThreadPriority and SetProcessPriorityBoost.
There some details in the docs you need to understand.
This is simply foolish. All it does is reduce the scheduler's flexibility. Whereas before it could run it on whatever core it thought was best, now it can't. Unless the scheduler was written by idiots, it would only move the thread to a different core if it had a good reason to do that.
So you're just saying to the scheduler, "even if you have a really good reason to do this, don't do it anyway". Why would you say that?

Simple multi-threading confusion for C++

I am developing a C++ application in Qt.
I have a very basic doubt, please forgive me if this is too stupid...
How many threads should I create to divide a task amongst them for minimum time?
I am asking this because my laptop is 3rd gen i5 processor (3210m). So since it is dual core & NO_OF_PROCESSORS environment variable is showing me 4. I had read in an article that dynamic memory for an application is only available for that processor which launched that application. So should I create only 1 thread (since env variable says 4 processors) or 2 threads (since my processor is dual core & env variable might be suggesting the no of cores) or 4 threads (if that article was wrong)?
Please forgive me since I am a beginner level programmer trying to learn Qt.
Thank You :)
Although hyperthreading is somewhat of a lie (you're told that you have 4 cores, but you really only have 2 cores, and another two that only run on what resources the former two don't use, if there's such a thing), the correct thing to do is still to use as many threads as NO_OF_PROCESSORS tells you.
Note that Intel isn't the only one lying to you, it's even worse on recent AMD processors where you have 6 alleged "real" cores, but in reality only 4 of them, with resources shared among them.
However, most of the time, it just more or less works out. Even in absence of explicitly blocking a thread (on a wait function or a blocking read), there's always a point where a core is stalled, for example in accessing memory due to a cache miss, which gives away resources that can be used by the hyperthreaded core.
Therefore, if you have a lot of work to do, and you can parallelize it nicely, you should really have as many workers as there are advertized cores (whether they're "real" or "hyper"). This way, you make maximum use of the available processor resources.
Ideally, one would create worker threads early at application startup, and have a task queue to hand tasks to workers. Since synchronization is often non-neglegible, the task queue should be rather "coarse". There is a tradeoff in maximum core usage and synchronization overhead.
For example, if you have 10 million elements in an array to process, you might push tasks that refer to 100,000 or 200,000 consecutive elements (you will not want to push 10 million tasks!). That way, you make sure that no cores stay idle on the average (if one finishes earlier, it pulls another task instead of doing nothing) and you only have a hundred or so synchronizations, the overhead of which is more or less neglegible.
If tasks involve file/socket reads or other things that can block for indefinite time, spawning another 1-2 threads is often no mistake (takes a bit of experimentation).
This totally depends on your workload, if you have a workload which is very cpu intensive you should stay closer to the number of threads your cpu has(4 in your case - 2 core * 2 for hyperthreading). A small oversubscription might be also be ok, as that can compensate for times where one of your threads waits for a lock or something else.
On the other side, if your application is not cpu dependent and is mostly waiting, you can even create more threads than your cpu count. You should however notice that thread creation can be quite an overhead. The only solution is to measure were your bottleneck is and optimize in that direction.
Also note that if you are using c++11 you can use std::thread::hardware_concurrency to get a portable way to determine the number of cpu cores you have.
Concerning your question about dynamic memory, you must have misunderstood something there.Generally all threads you create can access the memory you created in your application. In addition, this has nothing to do with C++ and is out of the scope of the C++ standard.
NO_OF_PROCESSORS shows 4 because your CPU has Hyper-threading. Hyper-threading is the Intel trademark for tech that enables a single core to execute 2 threads of the same application more or less at the same time. It work as long as e.g. one thread is fetching data and the other one accessing the ALU. If both need the same resource and instructions can't be reordered, one thread will stall. This is the reason you see 4 cores, even though you have 2.
That dynamic memory is only available to one of the Cores is IMO not quite right, but register contents and sometimes cache content is. Everything that resides in the RAM should be available to all CPUs.
More threads than CPUs can help, depending on how you operating systems scheduler works / how you access data etc. To find that you'll have to benchmark your code. Everything else will just be guesswork.
Apart from that, if you're trying to learn Qt, this is maybe not the right thing to worry about...
Answering your question: We can't really tell you how much slower/faster your program will run if you increase the number of threads. Depending on what you are doing this will change. If you are e.g. waiting for responses from the network you could increase the number of threads much more. If your threads are all using the same hardware 4 threads might not perform better than 1. The best way is to simply benchmark your code.
In an ideal world, if you are 'just' crunching numbers should not make a difference if you have 4 or 8 threads running, the net time should be the same (neglecting time for context switches etc.) just the response time will differ. The thing is that nothing is ideal, we have caches, your CPUs all access the same memory over the same bus, so in the end they compete for access to resources. Then you also have an operating system that might or might not schedule a thread/process at a given time.
You also asked for an Explanation of synchronization overhead: If all your threads access the same data structures, you will have to do some locking etc. so that no thread accesses the data in an invalid state while it is being updated.
Assume you have two threads, both doing the same thing:
int sum = 0; // global variable
thread() {
int i = sum;
i += 1;
sum = i;
If you start two threads doing this at the same time, you can not reliably predict the output: It might happen like this:
THREAD A : i = sum; // i = 0
i += 1; // i = 1
**context switch**
THREAD B : i = sum; // i = 0
i += 1; // i = 1
sum = i; // sum = 1
**context switch**
THREAD A : sum = i; // sum = 1
In the end sum is 1, not 2 even though you started the thread twice.
To avoid this you have to synchronize access to sum, the shared data. Normally you would do this by blocking access to sum as long as needed. Synchronization overhead is the time that threads would be waiting until the resource is unlocked again, doing nothing.
If you have discrete work packages for each thread and no shared resources you should have no synchronization overhead.
The easiest way to get started with dividing work among threads in Qt is to use the Qt Concurrent framework. Example: You have some operation that you want to perform on every item in a QList (pretty common).
void operation( ItemType & item )
// do work on item, changing it in place
QList<ItemType> seq; // populate your list
// apply operation to every member of seq
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::map( seq, operation );
// if you want to wait until all operations are complete before you move on...
Qt handles the threading need to worry about it. The QFuture documenation describes how you can handle the map completion asymmetrically with signals and slots if you need to do that.