I'm new to OpenModelica and I've a few questions regarding the code of 'BouncingBall.mo' which is distributed with the software as example code.
1) what's the difference between 'when' and 'if'?
2)what's the purpose of variable 'foo' in the code?
3)in line(15) - "when {h <= 0.0 and v <= 0.0,impact}",, shouldn't the expression for 'when' be enough as "{h <= 0.0 and v <= 0.0}" because this becomes TRUE when impact occurs, what's the purpose of impact(to me its redundant here) and what does the comma(,) before impact means?
model BouncingBall
parameter Real e = 0.7 "coefficient of restitution";
parameter Real g = 9.81 "gravity acceleration";
Real h(start = 1) "height of ball";
Real v "velocity of ball";
Boolean flying(start = true) "true, if ball is flying";
Boolean impact;
Real v_new;
Integer foo;
impact = h <= 0.0;
foo = if impact then 1 else 2;
der(v) = if flying then -g else 0;
der(h) = v;
when {h <= 0.0 and v <= 0.0,impact} then
v_new = if edge(impact) then -e * pre(v) else 0;
flying = v_new > 0;
reinit(v, v_new);
end when;
end BouncingBall;
OK, that's quite a few questions. Let me attempt to answer them:
What is the difference between when and if.
The questions inside a when clause are only "active" at the instant that the conditional expressions used in the when clause becomes active. In contrast, equations inside an if statement are true as long as the conditional expression stays true.
What's the purpose of foo?
Probably for visualization. It has no clear impact on the model that I can see.
Why is impact listed in the when clause.
One of the problems you have so-called Zeno systems like this is that it will continue to bounce indefinitely with smaller and smaller intervals. I suspect the impact flag here is meant to indicate when the system has stopped bouncing. This is normally done by checking to make sure that the conditional expression h<=0.0 actually becomes false at some point. Because event detection includes numerical tolerancing, at some point the height of the bounces never gets outside of the tolerance range and you need to detect this or the ball never bounces again and just continues to fall. (it's hard to explain without actually running the simulation and seeing the effect).
What does the , do in the when clause.
Consider the following: when {a, b} then. The thing is, if you want to have a when clause trigger when either a or b become true, you might think you'll write it as when a or b then. But that's not correct because that will only trigger when the first one becomes true. To see this better, consider this code:
a = time>1.0;
b = time>2.0;
when {a, b} then
// Equation set 1
end when;
when a or b then
// Equation set 2
end when;
So equation set 1 will get executed twice here because it will get executed when a becomes true and then again when b becomes true. But equation set 2 will only get executed once when a becomes true. That's because the whole expression a or b only becomes true at one instant.
These are common points of confusion about when. Hopefully these explanations help.
I'm currently converting a ThinkScript indicator to python, however, I've run into this piece of code and I'm kinda confused on how it works:
input rollingPeriodMinutes = 60;
def factor = (SecondsFromTime(Market_Open_Time) / (60 * rollingPeriodMinutes) / 100);
def rolloverTime = if factor == Round(factor) then 1 else 0;
rec H1 = compoundValue(1, if !rolloverTime then if high > H1[1] then high else H1[1] else high, high);
rec H = compoundValue(1, if rolloverTime then H1[1] else H[1], high);
I can't really understand what is stored at the end in the variable "H". Can you help me understand?
Any help is really appraciated!! Thanks
input rollingPeriodMinutes = 60;
declares (defines) and sets a variable, rollingPeriodMinutes, to a default value of 60. The input declaration indicates that the user will be able to alter this value in the thinkorswim settings for this script.
def factor = (SecondsFromTime(Market_Open_Time) / (60 * rollingPeriodMinutes) / 100);
declares and sets a variable, factor to a calculated value. This uses the rollingPeriodMinutes value, above, as well as the SecondsFromTime function and a Market_Open_Time variable that must have been set elsewhere in the script.
def rolloverTime = if factor == Round(factor) then 1 else 0;
declares and sets a variable, rolloverTime to a boolean based on the if statement. This uses the factor variable above (1 is true and 0 is false in thinkscript).
rec H1 = compoundValue(1, if !rolloverTime then if high > H1[1] then high else H1[1] else high, high);
rec H = compoundValue(1, if rolloverTime then H1[1] else H[1], high);
rec is actually the same as def and has been obsoleted. Previously, it specifically declared a recursive variable; now one would just use def regardless. See the notes below for more information.
CompoundValue is an easy statement in thinkscript, but complicated to understand from the Learning Center reference.
In short, the declarations for H and H1 are saying 'going back 1 bar: if no data is present, then use the if statement to determine a value; else if data is present, then use the high value.
Broken out, the algorithm for H1 (where high is a reserved word for the high price for a given bar) could look like:
let numBarsBack = 1
if (data is present for the bar at numBarsBack) then
if (!rolloverTime == true) then
if high > (H1 value one bar previous) then H1 = high
else H1 = (H1 value one bar previous)
else H1 = high // thinkscript sometimes requires a "default" in `if` statements, even if there's no 3rd possible value
else (if rolloverTime == true) then H1 = high
else (if data is not present for the bar at numBarsBack) then H1 = high
*** See my complete description of how CompoundValue works in thinkscript at the SO question "Understanding & Converting ThinkScripts CompoundValue Function".***
SecondsFromTime, according to the current thinkscript Learning Center reference looks like:
SecondsFromTime ( int fromTime);
Returns the number of seconds from the specified time (24-hour clock notation) in the EST timezone. Note that this function always returns zero when chart's aggregation period is greater than or equal to 1 day.
Input parameters
Parameter Default value Description
fromTime - Defines time from which seconds are counted, in the HHMM format, 24-hour clock notation.
The Learning Center reference for rec says this:
Notice: this is an article about an obsolete thinkScript® notation. Although rec variables are still supported by thinkScript®, they can be completely replaced by def.
Enables you to reference a historical value of a variable that you are calculating in the study or strategy itself. Rec is short for "recursion".
rec C = C[1] + volume;
plot CumulativeVolume = C;
This example plots the cumulative volume starting from the beginning of the time period.
and, finally:
Remember that thinkscript code is executed for every bar in a selected period. Ie, if you're looking at 10 days with a daily period, there will be a bar for each of the 10 days; and the script will run a loop, repeating the code for each of those 10 bars. As a result, the variables will have appropriate values for each bar.
Although the OP is wanting to convert a script to Python, if someone comes here interested in how thinkscript works, there are tricks to keep a value constant for an entire script (though this section of code does not include examples for that). For information on how to do this in thinkscript, see my answer to SO question "thinkscript - How to create a variable that retains its value".
I want to write something utterly ridiculous that calls for a great depth of conditional nesting. The least disorienting way to write this is to forgo brackets entirely, but I have not been able to find any info on if nesting single-statement if-else guards is legal; the non-nested version causes people enough problems it seems.
Is it valid to write the following? (In both C and C++, please let me know if they differ on this.)
float x = max(abs(min), abs(max));
uint32 count = 0u;
// divides and conquers but, tries to shortcut toward more common values
if (x < 100'000.f)
if (x < 10.f)
count = 1u;
if(x < 1'000.f)
if (x < 100.f)
count = 2u;
count = 3u;
if (x < 10'000.f)
count = 4u;
count = 5u;
... // covers the IEEE-754 float32 range to ~1.0e+37 (maybe 37 end branches)
--skippable lore--
The underlying puzzle (this is for fun) is that I want to figure out the number of glyphs necessary to display a float's internal representation without rounding/truncation, in constant time. Counting the fractional part's glyph count in constant time was much neater/faster, but unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out any bit-twiddling tricks for the integer part, so I've decided to just brute-force it. Never use math when you can use your fists.
From cppreference.com:
in nested if-statements, the else is associated with the closest if that doesn't have an else
So as long as every if has an else, nesting without brackets works fine. The problem occurs when an else should not be associated with the closest if. For example:
if ( condition1 ) {
if ( condition2 )
} // <-- This is needed so the else goes with the intended if.
A quick scan of your code looks like it's fine.
I am new to SystemVerilog and I would like to know how multiple assignments to the same signal are handled inside an always_comb block.
I am analyzing an FSM written by someonelse and I don't understand which would be the next state (signal named "ctrl_fsm_ns") if all the if-statements are true. Searching on google, I found out that here blocking assignments are used, so I expect that the last if-statement will decide the next state (so it is like a certain priority is assigned to each if-statement). But what if inside each if-block different signals are asserted? They will be all asserted even if the next state will be the last one, for example?
Here is the piece of code I don't understand.
unique case (ctrl_fsm_cs)
is_decoding_o = 1'b0;
// Stall because of IF miss
if ((id_ready_i == 1'b1) )
ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE;
// handle interrupts
if (irq_req_ctrl_i & irq_enable_int) begin
// This assumes that the pipeline is always flushed before
// going to sleep.
ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN_IF;
halt_if_o = 1'b1;
halt_id_o = 1'b1;
if ((debug_req_pending || trigger_match_i) & (~debug_mode_q))
ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF;
halt_if_o = 1'b1;
halt_id_o = 1'b1;
Your question to the code above is a general programming question and not Verilog-specific. Because there are only blocking assignments in use, the code is entirely procedural.
Since the code isn't using an "if-else-if" sequence, but just "if-if-if", all the "if" conditions will be evaluated IN ORDER, and all assignments will happen IN ORDER, thus the final assignment will win out (as Dave said).
In your comments above you asked about what if (A_expr,B_expr,C_expr) where all true? Then (A,B,C) will all be set to 1.
A_expr=1; B_expr=1; C_expr=1;
if (A_expr) A = 1;
if (B_expr) B = 1;
if (C_expr) C = 1;
For each variable in the always_comb block, the last assignment is the final value. The tool analyzes the procedural flow to make sure every variable that is being assigned has at least one assignment in every possible flow through the code. If there is any possibility that a variable could be read without being written to, that is considered latch behavior and would be illegal for an always_comb block.
You need to look at the code before or after the case statement to see if there are any other assignments to the halt_ variables.
An example based on your comments:
always_comb begin
A = 0; B = 1; C = 2;
if (I) A = X;
if (J) B = Y;
if (K) begin B = Z; C = Z; end
That is equivalent to these three continuous assignments:
assign A = I ? X : 0;
assign B = K ? Z : (J ? Y : 1 );
assign C = K ? Z : 2;
Each if statement becomes a multiplexor, and the latter statements have the higher priority.
I'm trying to use Z3 (with C++ API) to check if lots of variable configurations satisfy my constraints, but I'm having big performance issues.
I'm looking for advice about which logic or parameter setting I might be able to use to improve the runtime, or hints about how I could try and feed the problem to Z3 in a different way.
Short description of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it:
//_______________Pseudocode and example_______________
context ctx()
solver s(ctx)
// All my variables are finite domain, maybe some 20 values at most, but usually less.
// They can only be ints, bools, or enums.
// There are not that many variables, maybe 10 or 20 for now.
// Since I need to be able to solve constraints of the type (e == f), where
// e and f are two different enum variables, all my
// enum types are actually contained in only one enumeration_sort(), populated
// with all the different values.
sort enum_sort = {"green", "red", "yellow", "blue", "null"}
expr x = ctx.int_const("x")
expr y = ctx.int_const("y")
expr b = ctx.bool_const("b")
expr e = ctx.constant("e", enum_sort)
expr f = ctx.constant("f", enum_sort)
// now I assert the finite domains, for each variable
// enum_value(s) is a helper function, that returns the matching enum expression
// Let's say that these are the domains:
// int x is from {1, 3, 4, 7, 8}
// int y is from {1, 2, 3, 4}
// bool b is from {0, 1}
// enum e is from {"green", "red", "yellow"}
// enum f is from {"red", "blue", "null"}
s.add(x == 1 || x == 3 || x == 3 || x == 7 || x == 8)
s.add(y == 1 || y == 2 || y == 3 || y == 4)
s.add(b == 0 || b == 1)
s.add(e == enum_value("green") || e == enum_value("red") || enum_value("yellow"))
s.add(f == enum_value("red") || f == enum_value("blue") || enum_value("null"))
// now I add in my constraints. There are also about 10 or 20 of them,
// and each one is pretty short
s.add(b => (x + y >= 5))
s.add((x > 1) => (e != f))
s.add((y == 4 && x == 1) || b)
// setup of the solver is now done. Here I start to query different combinations
// of values, and ask the solver if they are "sat" or "unsat"
// some values are left empty, because I don't care about them
expr_vector vec1 = {x == 1, y == 3, b == 1, e == "red"}
expr_vector vec2 = {x == 4, e == "green", f == "null"}
// I want to answer many such queries.
Of course, in my case this isn't hardcoded, but I read and parse the constraints, variables and their domains from files, then feed the info to Z3.
But it's slow.
Even for something like ten thousand queries, my program is already running over 10s. All of this is inside s.check(). Is it possible to make it run faster?
Hopefully it is, because what I'm asking of the solver doesn't look like it's overly difficult.
No quantifiers, finite domain, no functions, everything is a whole number or an enum, domains are small, the values of the numbers are small, there's only simple arithmetic, constraints are short, etc.
If I try to use parameters for parallel processing, or set the logic to "QF_FD", the runtime doesn't change at all.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Is it always slow? Or does it get progressively slower as you query for more and more configurations using the same solver?
If it's the former, then your problem is just too hard and this is the price to pay. I don't see anything obviously wrong in what you've shown; though you should never use booleans as integers. (Just looking at your b variable in there. Stick to booleans as booleans, and integers as integers, and unless you really have to, don't mix the two together. See this answer for some further elaboration on this point: Why is Z3 slow for tiny search space?)
If it's the latter, you might want to create a solver from scratch for each query to clean-up all the extra stuff the solver created. While additional lemmas always help, they could also hurt performance if the solver cannot make good use of them in subsequent queries. And if you follow this path, then you can simply "parallelize" the problem yourself in your C++ program; i.e., create many threads and call the solver separately for each problem, taking advantage of many-cores your computer no doubt has and OS-level multi-tasking.
Admittedly, this is very general advice and may not apply directly to your situation. But, without a particular "running" example that we can see and inspect, it's hard to be any more specific than this.
Some Ideas:
1. Replace x == 1 || x == 3 || x == 3 || x == 7 || x == 8 with (1 <= x && x <= 8) && (x <= 1 || (3 <= x) && (x <= 4 || 7 <= x). Similar change with y.
rationale: the solver for linear arithmetic now knows that x is always confined in the interval [1,8], this can be useful information for other linear equalities/inequalities; it may be useful to also learn the trivial mutual exclusion constraints not(x <= 1) || not(3 <= x) and not(x <= 4) || not(7 <= x); there are now exactly 3 boolean assignments that cover your original 5 cases, this makes the reasoning of the linear arithmetic solver more cost-efficient because each invocation deals with a larger chunk of the search space. (Furthermore, it is more likely that clauses learned from conflicts are going to be useful with subsequent calls to the solver)
(Your queries may also contain set of values rather than specific assignments of values; this may allow one to prune some unsatisfiable ranges of values with fewer queries)
2. Just like #alias mentioned, Boolean variables ought to be Booleans and not 0/1 Integer variables. The example you provided is a bit confusing, b is declared as a bool const but then you state b == 0 || b == 1
3. I am not familiar with the enum_sort of z3, meaning that I don't know how it is internally encoded and what solving techniques are applied to deal with it. Therefore, I am not sure whether the solver may try to generate trivially inconsistent truth-assignments in which e == enum_value("green") e e == enum_value("red") are both assigned to true at the same time. This might be worth a bit of investigation. For instance, another possibility could be to declare e and f as Int and give them an appropriate interval domain (as contiguous as possible) with the same approach shown in 1., that will be interpreted by your software as a list of enum values. This should remove a number of Boolean assignments from the search space, make conflict clauses more effective and possibly speed-up the search.
4. Given the small number of problem variables, values and constraints, I would suggest you to try to encode everything using just the Bit-Vector theory and nothing else (using small-but-big-enough domains). If you then configure the solver to encode Bit-Vectors eagerly, then everything is bit-blasted into SAT, and z3 should only use Boolean Constraint Propagation for satisfiability, which is the cheapest technique.
This might be an X Y problem, why are you performing thousands of queries, what are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to explore all possible combination of values? Are you trying to perform model counting?
I have a mixed integer linear program (MIP or MILP).
In the end I want a boolean variable im my linear program, that has the following properties.
I have two variables:
boolean b.
real x, with x being 0 or larger.
What I want to achieve is:
b == false if x == 0.
b == true if x > 0.
I found a way to depict if x is in specific range (e.g. between 2 and 3) via:
2*b <= x
x <= 3*b
The problem with the above testing formula is, that b will be true if x is in the given range and false if outside that range.
Does anybody know a way to set a boolean variable to false if x == 0 and to true if x is larger than 0?
If U is an upper bound of x then
if x > 0 ==> b == 1
can be made as
x <= U*b
The second part (x == 0 => b == 0) needs to be modified to
x < epsilon ==> b == 0
which can be made as
b <= 1 + x - epsilon
where epsilon is a small number. Other than good practice this is necessary, because solvers do not work in rational arithmetic (although there are some research efforts to make them do so), but with certain precision thresholds, and therefore quantities such as 10e-12 are treated as zero.
I hope this helps!
You could use the signum function http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signum_function take the absolute value and negate it. Since you didn't name a specific programming language I keep it general.