Force ember data store.find to load from server - ember.js

Is there a nice way to force Ember Data to load the resource from server eaven if it has it already in store ?
I have a simple show user action that do store.find('users',id) the model is loaded only once at first attempt to display a page the second time i go my model is loaded from the store which is normal ember data behaviour i know. However i need to load it each time.
the only way i found is to do this :
#store.find('user',{id: params.user_id}).then (users)->
however it forces me to implement a "fake" show action on my index action ...

I think this...
Good luck

Additionally you can call getById which will return any instance of that record that exists, or null, then call unloadRecord to remove it from the cache. I like Edu's response as well though, then I wouldn't have to worry about the record existing somewhere else. Maybe I'd use getById then reload that way any references that had a reference to the user got updated. (pardon my errant coffeescript, if it's wrong).
user = #store.find('user', params.user_id)
if (user)

Hot off the presses, thanks to machty:
There's a new method getting added as part of the query params feature going into beta this weekend called Route.refresh()...
Refresh the model on this route and any child routes, firing the
`beforeModel`, `model`, and `afterModel` hooks in a similar fashion
to how routes are entered when transitioning in from other route.
The current route params (e.g. `article_id`) will be passed in
to the respective model hooks, and if a different model is returned,
`setupController` and associated route hooks will re-fire as well.
An example usage of this method is re-querying the server for the
latest information using the same parameters as when the route
was first entered.
Note that this will cause `model` hooks to fire even on routes
that were provided a model object when the route was initially
#method refresh
#return {Transition} the transition object associated with this
attempted transition
#since 1.4.0

You can do this in the setupController hook, using a promise, and the reload method mentioned by Edu.
setupController: ->
#store.find('myModel', 1).then (myModel) ->

If you are sure that records to display will change after a certain action then you can call this.refresh() method in your Route. For example:
ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
#store.find 'product',
activated: true
accept: (product) ->
if not product.get('activated')
product.set 'activated', true
.catch (err) ->
console.log err
.then =>
ignore: (product) ->
if not product.get('ignored')
product.set 'ignored', true
.catch (err) ->
console.log err
.then =>
If actions are called from child route - e.g. products/proposed - models will be reloaded for parent route and also child routes.

I think that what you are looking for is DS.Store#fetchById


How do I save all locally created records in ember / ember data?

Currently, the Ember Data filter method has been deprecated. What's the best way to approach saving all new/updated records of a particular type?
You can call save() on a RecordArray so I have been doing:
this.get('store').peekAll('record-type').save() but I'm not sure if there's some better way to go about it.
I would go with:
this.get('store').findAll('users').then((users) => {
.filterBy('dirtyType', 'created') // filter for unsaved records
.invoke('save'); // call the save method on each model instance
If you return the users object you get an array of promises that you could catch with Ember.RSVP.all(), to listen for when all the users have been saved.

Asynchronous loading in an Ember Component

I have an autocomplete component within a form. Upon inserting the component, I run this function:
setSearchInput: (->
username = #get 'targetObject.user.username'
#set('searchInput', username)
The targetObject in this case is the form, which has access to the content model's associated user. At this point, the user might not yet be loaded. Typically, this would prompt Ember-Data to query the server and return a promise. However, in this case it does not return a promise. It returns undefined. However, it returns the expected result if I force Ember to pause a second like this:
setSearchInput: (->
window.setTimeout =>
username = #get 'targetObject.content.user.username'
#set('searchInput', username)
, 1000
I experience something similar if I set a breakpoint on #set('searchInput', username). username will be undefined, but if I run #get 'targetObject.content.user.username' at this point, it will return the expected result.
Any idea what's going on? Ember-Data is still in beta, so perhaps this is a bug? Has anyone else encountered this behavior?
I'm going to assume user is a belongsTo async object here (if not you'll need to show what content is up there, cause I'm having to guess), and I'm going to do it in javascript (sorry, if I do it in coffeescript it will probably confuse you more ;) )
setSearchInput: function(){
var self = this;
self.set('searchInput', user.get('username'));

Get server URL for Ember DS.Model Class

In using Ember Data for my models, there are some cases where I need to work around the data limitations and access other quasi-restful URLs on my server.
For example, I have a Feed object that records a stream of data. For accessing the models I have a RESTful endpoint:
In order to start and stop recording a feed, I need to send a PATCH to a url like:
Subsequently I can reload my model and see the changes reflected therein.
In this case, I need to access $.ajax and the URL is the same as the one Ember would use. However, I can't figure out how to eke this information out of Ember.
So far, the best I can do is:
rootForModel: Ember.computed( ->
pluralRootForModel: Ember.computed( ->"rootForModel"))
Such that for an instance of App.FeedItem I can do:
this.get("rootForModel") # feed_item
this.get("pluralRootForModel") # feed_items
And I'm guessing this would stay in sync with any settings made in the Adapter etc.
Subsequently, I can call like:
url: #get("pluralRootForModel") + "/" + #get("id")
update_action: "start"
type: "PATCH"
Is this totally out in left field? Is there a more direct way to compose these URLs?
Another (related issue) is getting the underscored name for a given model.
App.MyModelController => my_model_controller
I've done something like:
* The underscored name for this.
* i.e. App.MyClass -> my_class
* From an instance, use this.constructor.underscored_class_name()
* #return {String} This classname, underscored.
underscored_class_name: ->
_.underscored("#{#}".replace(/^.*?\./g, ""))
Is this crazy? Are there any better ways?
Check out buildURL in DS.RESTAdapter.
If you want to use underscores in server paths and keys, check out DS.ActiveModelAdapter (and its default serializer, DS.ActiveModelSerializer). This adapter has its own implementation of buildURL.

Ember Data - rollback if navigating away from a form

My application has new / edit forms for a set of entities read from a backend.
When I open such a form, and fill out / edit some fields, then navigate away, the records appear changed in the entity lists, even though I did not commit those changes. Reloading the app (which reloads the data from the backend) fixes the issue, but is not an option.
I've tried doing some transaction rollbacks in the form view's willDestroyElement, but this seems fundamentally wrong since it gets called even after successful form submits (and actually crashes with Attempted to handle event rollback on X while in state rootState.loaded.updated.inFlight).
How would I go about ignoring all unsubmitted form changes (similar to pressing the Cancel button, which performs a transaction rollback), for any use case that involves navigating away from the forms?
Using Ember rc5, Ember Data 0.13.
When exiting the form route, check the state of the record. If its (isNew OR isDirty) and its NOT isSaving, rollback:
App.FormRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
deactivate: function() {
var model = this.controllerFor('form');
if ( (model.get('isNew') || model.get('isDirty')) && (!model.get('isSaving')) ) {

saving form with associated model

It seams simple, but I'm stuck on this one. I have a single controller, and single view dedicated to order model, which has nested client. I create empty records on setupController:
ShowroomApp.OrdersRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
setupController: (controller,model) ->
model.set("client", ShowroomApp.Client.createRecord() )
controller.set("content", model )
save: ->
On OrdersController i have save action to commit changes made in the form. It results in two separate POST requests each one for each model, but the association doesn't build itself. Orders model saves first, and client_id is obviously null because client doesn't exists yet. Later goes Client post and saves the client, but Order model doesn't know about it and stays without client.
Is there any solution to that?
This is due to an outstanding ember-data issue - RESTAdapter: Allow new parent, child to be saved at once
Check out Tom Dale's Comment for a possible workaround. It involves manually adding support for saving both records at once.
As an alternative, you might consider adding a onCreate callback to the parent record, then creating the child in the callback. If you are ok with having a second commit() this will get the job done.