Changing Slots on Qt Menu Bar (with image) - c++

this is more of a functionality question than programming question but I can't find any other idiot operators like me out there that are having the same problem as me, or haven't figured it out themselves.
I've got a good basic understanding of CLI C++ so I want to get into the Qt Framework. I'm using their tutorials to get started...
The tutorial says that all I need is to "right-click an action and select Go to slot > triggered()."
The image below shows in red circles two of the primary places I've tried right clicking. I've also tried going through the menu and looking for things but to no avail. (Question continued below picture.)
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here or am I reading this wrong? Thanks in advance.
FYI the open button and save button under central widget is for the Open and Save buttons I added, NOT for the menu toolbar open and save functions.

Near the bottom of Qt Creator find the tabs "Action Editor" and "Signals & Slots Editor". Click the "Action Editor" tab to show a list of all the actions in your UI. You should be able to right-click these items and select "Go to slot...".


OnClick event and tooltip on a disabled CheckBox button in MFC

Is it possible to capture OnClick event when the CheckBox is disabled and then, to display a tooltip that shows why it is so (based on some business requirements)?
I looked up many sources over the internet, but I was able to find the answer to the second part of the question, not tested though. It seems to be a well-known problem, but I cannot find any answer or a hint.
I have to say that I am not a master of MFC, so a small code snippet would be appreciated.

Nested comboboxes in Qt

I'm looking for a way of nesting comboboxes in my GUI application (or to be more precise, I'm looking for a way to have an item displaying similar visual and functionnal properties as nested comboboxes).
Looking first at all the functions provided by the combobox class, it seems comboboxes nesting it's not supported by Qt.
I therefore thought that another solution would be to create a "menu" item outside the menu bar. If I understand correctly this phrase from the offical Qt documentation, it seems to be feasiable :
A menu widget can be either a pull-down menu in a menu bar or a standalone context menu
Not sure though was is meant by the "context" word.
However, there is no such (menu) widget in Qt designer and I haven't found any good examples about how to do it on the internet (and can't get a menu not associated with a menu bar to be displayed on the windows), explaining why I'm currently doubting whether it's feasible or not with a menu item.
I would greaty appreciate if you could provide some code sample along your response.
To clarify my first post, I'm trying to do something similar to this app :
It's the application that comes along the 3D connexion mouse whose usage is to parametrize each button.
As you can see, there are several sub-menu items. By clicking on the arrow next to a textbox, you open a sub-menu containing itself folders that contains themselves paramaters.

MFC CEdit control autocomplete

I want to implement the autocomplete capability for the MFC's CEdit control but I couldn't find anything on the web. I looked at the SHAutoComplete, but it seem like it's only useful for URL and file/folder path.
I was thinking of manually implement the function by programmatically display a popup menu at the blinking i-bar, but I encountered 2 problems:
I don't know how to get the xy coordinate of the blinking i-bar
I can't type anything after the popup menu is displayed
Can someone point me to an existing implementation that I can use?

wizard (or an alternative) in an aui managed pane

I would like to have wizard in my application. but I don't want the focus to be on the wizard until the wizard is finished. That's what happens if I use wx.wizard. I prefer to load the wizard in an aui pane. So the user can switch to main window even in the middle of the wizard. I can have panels on top of each to make a wizard. Kindly point me if there is a better Pythonic way of doing that.
Thank you in advance.
The Wizard "widget" in wxPython is basically a dialog. I don't think you can embed it in your application. You might be able to extend the widget somehow to do so, but that would likely be a lot of work.
Instead, I would just create a set of panels that are your wizard pages. You will need a main panel that has some buttons on it that you place your pages on. Then when you hit the button, it will show the next page. I wrote a tutorial on the subject a couple years ago that should get you started:

GDK : How to show status similar to 'Recording" and 'Complete"

I'm developing a GDK app where I need to provide an user experience to display status text similar to video recording status that Glass provides ( displaying "Recording" status then displaying progress indicator and finally showing 'Complete' text ). Appreciate your input.
Right now, you'll need to write your own UI logic to do this (perhaps by using a Dialog with a custom layout that has the appropriate centered label and icon, with a progress bar at the bottom, and changing the label and dismissing the dialog when the action is complete).
You may want to follow issue 271 in our issue tracker, which covers the progress indicator part of this flow.
Tony is right. There is no way to do this naively but you can build it yourself. You can create a layout that is build exactly like the menu is built in the GDK, and then just update the setcontentview() with a new layout each time you want to move to the next card. Also you can build a layout with the holo horizontal progressbar to get the general idea but it won't be like the one Google uses.
Also wanted to add that I have built a repo that you can drop into your project for this. Here is the link: