Refreshing a new document so default displays in computed control - refresh

This problem has been bugging me for awhile and I can not seem to get around it. So I stripped it down to the most basic level.
1. created a new XPage and bound it to an exiting form
2. created a panel called 'displayPanel'
3. inside the panel create a comboBox and give it a few values and a default value of any valid value.
4. Set an onChange event that does a partial refresh of displayPanel
5. Add a computed field that simply displays the value of the comboBox.
6 added a button that does a partial refresh of displayPanel onClick.
Open the XPage and the computed field is blank, make a change and the computed field displays.
open the XPage again and click the refresh button and the computed field displays
Now this is a very simple example but what I need to do is actually more complex but the value of the comboBox (Does not need to be a comboBox) is not available until a refresh is performed. This is only an issue on a new document when it first gets it's defaults.
I have added this:
to every one of the page events but it does not appear to do an actual page refresh like clicking the button or making a change.
I'm at a loss as to how to make this work. If I could get this simple example to work the rest of what I need is easy.

Fredrik is on the right track -- you should set the value manually during an event -- but I would add two caveats:
Call setValue instead of replaceItemValue (e.g. document1.setValue("myComboBox", "Default Value");). The comparative advantages might not be applicable in this specific case, but you should be in the habit of always calling setValue instead of replaceItemValue (and getValue instead of getItemValue) so that, when you've encountered a scenario where it makes a real difference, you just get that benefit for free... the rest of the time, the methods are equivalent, so you might as well just use the one that requires less typing. :)
You'll probably need to do this in afterPageLoad: the data source may not be ready yet during beforePageLoad; depending on why you're referencing the default value elsewhere in your page, beforeRenderResponse might be too late; and afterRenderResponse would definitely be too late...
...which leads me to why the defaultValue attribute does not behave the way we might expect it to, especially for those of us with experience developing Notes client apps.
The XPages engine splits the processing of every HTTP request into several "phases". Depending on the type of request (initial page load, partial refresh event, etc.) and other factors, the lifecycle will consist of as many as 6 phases and as few as 2.
This tutorial page provides an excellent description of these phases, but in the context of this question, the following are specifically of interest:
Apply Request Values
When an event runs against a page that has already been loaded (e.g. a user clicks a button, or selects a value from a combobox that has an onChange event, etc.), the HTTP request sent to the server to trigger the event includes POST data that represents the value of all editable components. This phase temporarily stores these values in the submittedValue property of any affected components, but the data source doesn't "know" what the new values are yet.
Process Validations
This phase runs any applicable validators and, if any fail, skips straight to the last phase (which means it never runs the code of the event that was triggered).
Update Model Values
If no validations fail (or none are defined), this phase takes the submitted values and actually stores them in the corresponding data source. Until this point, the data source is completely unaware that there has been any user interaction. This is intended to avoid prematurely polluting any back end data with user input that might not even be valid. Remember, not every data source is a "document"; it might be relational data that is changed via an UPDATE the instant setValue is called... which is basically what this phase does: it takes the submittedValue and calls setValue on the corresponding data source (and then sets submittedValue to null). This separation allows components to simply be visual representations of the state of the back end data -- visual representations that the user interacts with; our code should always be interacting directly with the back end data via the abstraction layer of a data source.
Render Response
Once all of the other phases have run (or been skipped), this phase sends a response to the consumer. In other words, it sends HTML (or JSON, or XML, or PDF, etc.) back to the browser. But the most salient point in the context of this question is that the prior phases are always skipped on initial page load. When the user first accesses a page, they haven't had a chance to enter any data yet, so there are no request values to be applied. Since no data has been posted, there's nothing to validate. And -- most pertinent of all -- there's nothing to be pushed to the data model. So a representation of the component tree (or a subset of it, in the case of a partial refresh event) always needs to be sent to the user, but until the user interacts with that representation, the data source remains in whatever state it was when the most recent response was rendered... which is why, if you want a specific property of the data source to have a specific value before the user interacts with it, your code needs to set that property's value manually.
In summary, components are visual. Data sources are abstract. Perhaps this behavior would be more self-explanatory if the component property had simply been called defaultClientValue instead of defaultValue, because that's essentially what it is: a default suggestion to the user for what data to send back to the data source. But until they do, the data source has not received that value. So if, on initial page load, you need a data source property to have a value that it wouldn't already have in its default state, you should manually call setValue to give it the desired value.
P.S. Ironically, if you'd called partialRefreshPost instead of partialRefreshGet, you likely would have achieved the result you were looking for, because the former sends all the form data, while the latter just asks the existing component state to be rendered again. But then you're forcing all of the form data to be sent just to update one data source property, so it's better to simply do what's described above.


Power Apps :I need onstart action for datacardvalue. How to implement it differently?

I need to use the value of a datacard for checking if it matches a global variable.
The problem is that the only actions that I can use is onselect (but the item is a card only for reading and can not be selected or edited) and onchange. So I used the second option (at least that works) but not if I click for first time. I need to first open another request to read and then select again the one that I need to change the field and enable the onchange action code I have written.
Is there any way to set like a value that is not appropriate and that it will change inevitably when I open the request for reading on first attempt? Setting a default value is not possible either as it has errors.
I just added the code after ; on the "on select" field of the button that navigated me on the reading the request page. So the global variable was set before actually opening the request to read.

Document has been modified or corrupted since signed! (data)

I'm working in HCL Notes application. I have developed a summary view to show calculated figures to the user. Then the user clicks one of the action buttons and I open a detailed view, but for that view I setup Selection Formula on the fly so that it shows the records filtered specific to that button conditions. It was working almost fine for a few days, but now most of the time it shows some previously shown (filtered) data no matter what button the user has clicked. Means it doesn't set the Selection Formula of the view and shows the view with the old formula and it won't get back to normal condition even if they restart Notes application.
When the user is stuck in this particular condition, and they peep through the status bar it shows this message:
Document has been modified or corrupted since signed! (data).
The necessary code-snippet is as below:
*Set dtlView = db.GetView("Report_Dtl")
dtlView.SelectionFormula =formula
Call dtlView.Refresh()*
where formula is the dynamically built formula. Looks like the line
dtlView.SelectionFormula =formula
is unable to update the selection formula and then the line below generates the above error message:
Call uidb.OpenView(dtlView.Name,,False, False)
Please help!
For "on the fly" modification of the view selection formula your user need "Designer"- access to the database, and that is never a good idea. The help document to the function you are using is explicitly stating that this is not a good idea (emphasise of mine):
This is not a good way to display a selected set of documents for a specific user. When you use this property to change the view selection, it applies to all users of the view.
There are problems with using this method to make a view display a new selection of documents for an end user:
Do not give end-users Designer access to an application.
If it is a shared view, users will interfere with each other's searches.
The NotesĀ® client caches design information, and there's no way to tell it to update its cache (except for outlines). Exiting and re-entering the application usually works, but it's hard to programmatically ensure the user exited the application entirely.
In addition the modification of the view selection formula can break the signature of the design element and then other errors occur.
Better use another approach:
Use a Folder for every user and put the selected documents in there (after doing a NotesDatabase.Search with the formula
Use a separate view for every user and let a server agent manipulate its selection formula with a user that has access.
For having a separate view / folder for every user you could use "Shared, Private on first use"- views (they are not easy to maintain), or any process that generates them and is able to assign every view to the users they belong to... in both cases this needs some effort, but at least it will work.

architecture question - using sub routes vs components

I am trying to build a UI with left side bar having filters and right side having actual filtered data.
For loading data into the dynamic part of the UI(right side), which approach is considered better in terms of code quality and app performance ?
Use sub routes (for dynamic part of the UI)
Use separate components that load their own data (for dynamic part of
the UI)
There is not a direct correct answer for that; you can use both ways but here is a few things to consider and in the end I generally prefer to use sub-routes due to the following:
Waiting for UI to load: In case you are using separate components to load their own data; then you need to handle the loading state of the components. What I mean is; if you simply use sub-routes; then model hooks (model, beforeModel, etc.) will wait for the promises to be solved before displaying the data. If you simply provide a loading template (see the guide for details) it will be displayed by default. In case you use components, you might need to deal with displaying an overlay/spinner to give a better UX.
Error Handling: Similarly like loading state management; Ember has already built in support for error handling during route hook methods. You will need to deal with that on your own if you prefer components to make the remote calls. (See guide for details)
Application State: Ember is SPA framework; it is common practice to synchronize application state with the URL. If you use sub-routes; you can simply make use of the query parameters (see the guide for details) and you will be able to share the URL with others and the application will load with the same state. It is a little bit trickier to do the same with components; you still need to use query parameters within the routes and pass the parameters to the components to do that.
Use of component hook methods: If you intend to use the components then you will most likely need to use component hook methods to open the application with default filter values. This means you will need to make some remote call to the server within one or more of init, willRender, didReceiveAttrs component hook methods. I personally do not like remote calling within those methods; because I feel like this should better be done within routes and data should be passed to the components; but this is my personal taste of coding that you should approach the case differently and this is perfectly fine.
Data down, actions up keeps components flexible
In your specific example, I'll propose a third option: separate components that emit actions, have their data loaded by the route's controller, and never manipulate their passed parameters directly in alignment with DDAU.
I would have one component, search-filter searchParams=searchParams onFilterChange=(action 'filterChanged'), for the search filter and another component that is search-results data=searchResults to display the data.
Let's look at the search filter first. Using actions provides you with maximum flexibility since the search filter simply emits some sort of search object on change. Your controller action would look like:
actions: {
this.set('searchParams', searchParams);
//make the search and then update `searchResults`
which means your search-filter component would aggregate all of the search filter fields into a single search object that's used as the lone parameter of the onFilterChange.
You may think now, "well, why not just do the searching from within the component?" You can, but doing so in a DRY way would mean that on load, you first pass params to the component, a default search is made on didInsertElement which emits a result in an action, which updates the searchResults value. I find this control flow to not be the most obvious. Furthermore, you'd probably need to emit an onSearchError callback, and then potentially other actions / helper options if the act of searching / what search filter params can be applied together ever becomes conditionally dependent on the page in the app.
A component that takes in a search object and emits an action every time a search filter field changes is dead simple to reason about. Since the searchParams are one-way bound, any route that uses this component in it's template can control whether a field field updates (by optionally preventing the updating of searchParams in an invalid case) or whether the search ever fires based of validation rules that may differ between routes. Plus, theres no mocking of dependencies during unit testing.
Think twice before using subroutes
For the subroutes part of your question, I've found deeply nested routes to almost always be an antipattern. By deeply, I mean beyond app->first-child->second child where the first child is a sort of menu like structure that controls the changing between the different displays at the second child level by simple {{link-to}} helpers. If I have to share state between parents and children, I create a first-child-routes-shared-state service rather than doing the modelFor or controllerFor song and dance.
You must also consider when debating using children route vs handlebars {{if}} {{else}} sections whether the back button behavior should return to the previous step or return to the route before you entered the whole section. In a Wire transfer wizard that goes from create -> review -> complete, should I really be able to press the back button from complete to review after already having made the payment?
In the searchFilter + displayData case, they're always in the same route for me. If the search values need to be persistent on URL refresh, I opt for query params.
Lastly, note well that just because /users/:id/profile implies nesting, you can also just use this.route('user-profile', { 'path' : 'users/:id/profile' }) and avoid the nesting altogether.

Qt 5.2 Model-View-Pattern: How to inform model object about changes in underlying data structure

I have a class used for permanent storage of some item that are organized in a table-like manner. This class is totally unrelated to Qt and comes from a different library. Lets call this class DataContainer for the rest of this question. It provides std-c++ compatible iterators to access and manipulate the content.
I need to display and modify that data through a Qt GUI. My idea was to create a class DataContainerQtAdaptor that inherits from QAbstractTableModel and stores a pointer to the DataContainer object. The DataContainerQtAdaptor serves as an adaptor to the DataContainer object and all manipulation from inside of my Qt app is done through this adaptor. Then I use a QTableView widget to display the information.
Unfortunately the DataContainer might be changed by threads/processes. (For example think of DataContainer as some C++ class that encapsulates a database connection and that database might be changed by someone else.)
1) Assume I have a function that is called everytime the internal structur of the DataContainer object has been changed. What is the correct function of the QAbstractTableModel that must be called to inform the model of the underlying change? I need something like "Dear Model, your persistent storage backend changed. Please, update yourself and emit a signal to every attached view in order to reflect this change".
2) Lets say 1) is solved. What is the best way to avoid a "double" GUI update in case the change was triggered through the GUI? E.g: User clicks on a cell in the table widget -> table widget calls setData of the model -> model pushes change to backend -> backend triggers its own "onUpdate" function -> model re-reads complete backend (although it already knows the change) -> GUI is updated a second time
3) The user should be able to insert new rows/columns through the GUI and put data into it. But the position is detemined by this data, because the backend keeps the data sorted. Hence, I have the following problem: The user decides to create a new row at the end and the new data is pushed to the backend. When the backend/model is re-read this data is normally not at the last position, but has been inserted somewhere in the middle and all other data has been moved forward. Ho do I keep all the properties of the the table view widget like "selection of a cell" in sync?
I believe, there must be some simple standard solution to all these question, because it is the same way as QFileSystemModel works. The user selects a file and some other process creates a new file. The new file is displayed in the view and all subsequent rows move forward. The selection moves forward, too.
Model Semantics
First of all, you must ensure that the QAbstractItemModel cannot be in an inconsistent state. This means that there are some signals that must be fired on the model before certain changes to the underlying data are done.
There is a fundamental difference between changes to structure and changes to data. Structure changes are the rows/columns of the model being added or removed. Data changes affect the value of existing data items only.
Structural changes require calling beginXxx and endXxx around the modification. You cannot modify any structure before calling beginXxx. When you're done changing the structure, call endXxx. Xxx is one of: InsertColumns, MoveColumns, RemoveColumns, InsertRows, MoveRows, RemoveRows, ResetModel.
If the changes affect many discontiguous rows/columns, it's cheaper to indicate a model reset - but be wary that selections on the views might not survive it.
Data changes that keep the structure intact merely require that dataChanged is sent after the underlying data was modified. This means that there is a window of time when a call to data might return a new value before dataChanged is received by the object that queries the model.
This also implies that non-constant models are almost useless from non-QObject classes, unless of course you implement bridge functionality using observer or similar patterns.
Breaking Update Loops
The Qt-idiomatic way of dealing with update loops on the model is by leveraging the item roles. It's entirely up to you how your model interprets the roles. A simple and useful behavior implemented by QStringListModel is simply to forward the role from the setData call to dataChanged, otherwise ignoring the role.
The stock view widgets react only to dataChanged with the DisplayRole. Yet, when they edit the data, they call setData with the EditRole. This breaks the loop. The approach is applicable both to view widgets and to Qt Quick view items.
Insertion of Data into Sorted Models
As long as the model properly emits the change signals when the sorting is done, you'll be fine.
The sequence of operations is:
The view adds a row and calls model's insertRow method. The model can either add this empty row to the underlying container or not. The key is that the empty row index must be kept for now.
The editing starts on an item in the row. The view state changes to Editing.
Editing is done on the item. The view exits the editing state, and sets the data on the model.
The model determines the final position of the item, based on its contents.
The model invokes beginMoveRows.
The model changes the container by inserting the item at the correct location.
The model invokes endMoveRows.
At this point, everything is as you expect it to be. The views can automatically follow the moved item if it was focused prior to being moved. The edited items are focused by default, so that works fine.
Required Container Functionality
Your DataContainer doesn't have enough functionality to make it work unless all access to it were to be done through the model. If you want to access the container directly, either make the container explicitly inherit QAbstractXxxxModel, or you'll have to add a notification system to the container. The former is an easier option.
Your core question reduces to: can I have model functionality without implementing some variant of the model notification API. The obvious answer is: no, sorry, you can't - by definition. Either the functionality is there, or it isn't. You can implement the notification API using an observer pattern if you don't want the container to be a QObject - then you'll need your model shim class. There's really no way around it.
The QFileSystemModel gets notified by the filesystem about individual directory entries that have changed. Your container has to do the same - and this amounts to providing a dataChanged signal, in some shape or form. If the model has items that get moved around or added/removed - its structure changes - it has to emit the xxxAboutToBeYyy and xxxYyy signals, by calling the relevant beginZzz and endZzz methods.
The most important underdocumented aspect of QModelIndex is: its instances are only valid for as long as the model's structure hasn't changed. If your model is passed an index that was generated prior to a structure change, you're free to behave in an undefined way (crash, launch a nuclear strike, whatever).
The whole reason for the existence of QModelIndex::internalPointer() is your use case of having an underlying, complex-indexed data container. Your implementation of the model's createIndex method must generate index instances that store references to the DataContainer's indices in some form. If those indices fit in a pointer, you don't need to allocate the data on the heap. If you need to allocate the container index storage on the heap, you must retain a pointer to this data and delete it any time the container's structure changes. You're free to do it, since nobody is supposed to use the index instance after a structure change.
From the documentation of method bool QAbstractItemModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()):
If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if
you want to support insertions. Alternatively, you can provide your
own API for altering the data. In either case, you will need to call
beginInsertRows() and endInsertRows() to notify other components that
the model has changed.
The same goes for removeRows() and moveRows() (they have their own begin*() and end*() methods). For modifying data of existing item there's a dataChanged() signal.
Here's how it goes (answer for question 1):
Implement your own methods for inserting/deleting/modifying data, where each of those methods must look like this:
beginInsertRows(parentIndex, beginRow, endRow);
// code that modifies underlying data
beginRow and endRow must be provided to inform which where the rows will be inserted and how many of them (endRow-beginRow).
For beginDeleteRows() and beginMoveRows() it's the same.
When you have a method which simply modified data in existing item, then this method must emit signal at the end: dataChanged().
If you do a lot of changes in the data, it sometimes is simpler to just call beginResetModel() and endResetModel() in the method performing this huge modification. It will cause all views to refresh all data in it.
Answer for question 2:
This is up to the View class implementation if it will "double-update". When you enter data in the View, data is sent to the model through one of the edition methods in model (insertRows(), setData(), etc). Default implementation of those methods always use begin*() and end*() methods and so the proper notification signals are emitted by the model. All Views listen to those signals, including the one you used for entering the data, therefore the "double-update" will be performed.
The only way to define this behaviour is to inherit the View and reimplement its protected slots (like dataChanged() and similar) to avoid updating if the value was detected to be provided by this view.
I'm not sure if Qt views do that already or not. Answer to this requires someone more educated in Qt internals, or looking into Qt source code (which I don't have at the moment). If somebody knows this, please comment and I will update the answer.
I think it's not that bad to reload the data from model - it guarantees that what you see is indeed the value from the model. You avoid possible problems with the Editor and the View bugs.
Answer for question 3:
When you reload whole model, then there is no simple way to keep track of selection. In that case you need to ask view->selectionModel() about current selection and try to restore it after reload.
However if you do partial refreshing (using methods I described in answer 1), then the View will track the selection for you. Nothing to worry about.
Final comments:
If you want to edit data from outside of model class, you can do it. Just expose begin*() and end*() methods as public API, so other code that edits data can notify model and views about changes.
While it can be done, it's not a good practice. It may lead to bugs, because it's easy to forget about calling notification everywhere you modify the data. If you have to call model API to notify about changes, why not already move all editing code insise the model and expose editing API?

Issues with On Demand Process Response

I am using Oracle ApEx v4.1 together with Dynamic Actions, which basically calls a javascript function, which in turn calls an On Demand Process to save data, to the database.
Just a bit of background, I am using jQuery to scan each of the elements with their values, when the user either presses the "Save" button or the "Next" button, which in turn then passes these elements with values into the above on demand process.
My question/issue is, it looks like sometimes the process is missing the data passed in and I am not sure why and I thought that perhaps in my dynamic action I am performing both a ape.submit('SUBMIT') as well as a JavaScript function call to an on demand process.
Do I need to delay one of these calls, as at the moment, I am unsure why it works sometimes and other times, it doesn't.
Any ideas on how to lay out the code, i.e.
saveTheData(); <-- calls my ondemand process to save data to database
First of all, let's hark back a bit to your previous question. And what exactly you are exactly doing here. It seems wildly unnecessary!
What reason is there to collect item values in jQuery and submit them to session state when you are submitting the page anyway? When you use a next/prev/appy button and the page submits then the items' values are in session state, and you can use them in processes.
You are submitting the page with apex.submit. This submits the page, and sets all item's values in session state. You perform your JavaScript function which would call an on-demand process, providing values to the process. These values are page item values, and thus you're actually just setting session states in your on-demand process. It honestly seems like you have a real wacky design going on!
As to why it sometimes works, and sometimes it doesn't: apex.submit will submit the page. Like, right away. If you need code executed before the page is processed then do it before the submit. Note that if you were to switch the lines around it might still not work, depending on how you call the ondemand process (async or synchronous), and whether you want a success function to do something or not. When the call is async, then it might be your success function is not handled before the submit is done.