replacing an element in a list of lists in haskell - list

I am trying to write a function like this:
updateMatrix:: [[a]] -> a -> (x, y) ->[[a]]
This is supposed to take in a list of lists such as:
[ [1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8]]
and put the given element at the specified coordinates, so, given:
[ [1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8]] 9 (0, 1)
it should return
[ [1, 9, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8]]
I can't figure out how to do this without having to rebuild the whole matrix, please help!

You need to rebuild the matrix every time. So as long as you don't need high performance computing, you could use this legible implementation:
replace :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
replace f 0 (x:xs) = (f x):xs
replace f i (x:xs) = x : replace f (i-1) xs
replace f i [] = []
replace2D :: (a -> a) -> (Int, Int) -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
replace2D f (x,y) = replace (replace f y) x
Your function would be:
updateMatrix ll x c = replace2D (const x) c ll

Here's an implementation:
updateMatrix :: [[a]] -> a -> (Int, Int) -> [[a]]
updateMatrix m x (r,c) =
take r m ++
[take c (m !! r) ++ [x] ++ drop (c + 1) (m !! r)] ++
drop (r + 1) m
But maybe this "rebuilds the whole matrix" as you say? Note that
lists are not mutable in Haskell, so you can't destructively update
one entry, if that's what you would mean by not "rebuilding the whole

Here’s a short one:
replace p f xs = [ if i == p then f x else x | (x, i) <- zip xs [0..] ]
replace2D v (x,y) = replace y (replace x (const v))
Now you can use it exactly like you wanted:
λ → let m = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
λ → replace2D 9 (0, 1) m
As others already said,
This approach is of course rather slow, and only makes sense if the structure is more complex than the lists are long. There’s easy documentation about the internal structure and complexity of things in Haskell out there.
Think of m as a pointer to a linked list of pointers, and you can see why it’s slower than a pure stream of bytes. There are better libs that use something closer to the latter.
Haskell’s values are immutable because there are no side-effects. Which is good for reliability. So you can’t change m. You can only build something out of m.
Haskell can simulate mutable references, with the help of monads. Like IORef. But using it for this would be rather wrong. There are many other questions here on Stack Overflow, explaining its usage, pros and cons.

Being a purely functional language, Haskell requires you to return a "brand new" matrix when you update an item, so you need to rebuild the whole matrix indeed (if you're actually interested in matrix processing, cast a look at matrix library rather than implementing your own).
Beware, lists are not a good choice for such manipulations, but if you do it for educational purposes, start with implementing a function that "replaces" an element in [a], then use it twice (function composition can help there) in order to get your updateMatrix function. Here is an answer that can help you on your way.


Haskell recurse and add to a list

I'm a Haskell beginner,
I have a function
func :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
func [] = []
func (x:xs) = x + func xs
Each recursion I want to append the value to a list for my output. This function will sum consecutive indexes in a list so that the input [1, 2, 3, 4] produces [1, 3, 6, 10].
How do I append the value generated each time to my list?
Your problem here isn't how to append, but rather how to calculate the value in the first place. Each item needs to be substituted with a sum of itself with all the items preceding it.
Here is one way to do it:
Prelude> func (x:xs) = x:map (+ x) (func xs); func [] = []
Prelude> func [1, 2, 3, 4]
How does this work? We're given a list that starts with the element x and has the remaining elements xs. We want to increment every item in xs by x, after recursively applying the algorithm to xs.
This is what x:map (+ x) (func xs) does. It reads as "prepend x to the result of mapping every element in func xs through an increment by x".
E.g. for [1, 2, 3, 4], we want 1 to be added to every member of the result of recursively applying the algorithm to [2, 3, 4], then prepended. For [2, 3, 4] we want 2 to be ... to [3, 4]. And so on, until eventually for [4] we want 4 to be added and prepended to the result of applying the algorithm to [].
This is where our base case (func [] = []) kicks in: the algorithm is defined so that it returns an empty list unchanged. Hence func [4] is [4], func [3, 4] is [3, 7], and you keep incrementing and prepending until you get [1,3,6,10].
I think in this particular case, you could use scanl1 like:
scanl1 (+) [1,2,3,4] -- [1,3,6,10]
When iterating over lists, we often use folds, which is a way of reducing the list to a particular value.
There's also another type of operation, which is a fold that collects all results along the way, and that's called a scan (from the docs):
scanl = scanlGo
scanlGo :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
scanlGo f q ls = q : (case ls of
[] -> []
x:xs -> scanlGo f (f q x) xs)
So the scan takes three arguments: a function that takes two values and returns a value, a starter value, and a list of values.
The scan will then return a list.
Thus, what you need is a function that takes two values and returns something of the same type as the first (it's okay if both are the same). Binary addition would work here: +.
You also need a value to start off with (the b, which is the second argument to our function), and 0 is the identity for integer addition, so we should use that.
Finally, we pass your list to get the result.
Try to figure out how to write you function as a fold and then as a scan and you will discover the answer.

Haskell - how to count elements in nested list

Lets say I have nested lsit: [1, [2, 3, 4], [5, [6]]] and I want to count how many elements it has. In this case it is six elements. I have written such code for doing this:
totalElems :: [a] -> Int
totalElems (x:xs) = case (x, xs) of
(_, []) -> 0
(y:ys, _) -> 1 + totalElems ys + totalElems xs
(_, _) -> 1 + totalElems xs
But I've got an error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘[a0]’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for totalElems :: [a] -> Int at a.hs:1:15
Relevant bindings include
xs :: [a] (bound at a.hs:2:15)
x :: a (bound at a.hs:2:13)
totalElems :: [a] -> Int (bound at a.hs:2:1)
In the pattern: y : ys
In the pattern: (y : ys, _)
In a case alternative:
(y : ys, _) -> 1 + totalElems ys + totalElems xs
How I can do this in Haskell?
You can't make freeform lists-within-lists like that in Haskell. Dynamically typed langues will tolerate silliness like that, but strongly-typed Haskell won't.
1 is of type Int, and [2,3,4] is of a different type [Int]. Things in a list have to be of the same type.
However, you could do something like this:
data Nest a = Elem a | List [Nest a]
example ::Nest Int
example = List [Elem 1, List [Elem 2, Elem 3, Elem 4], List [Elem 5, List [Elem 6]]]
countNest :: Nest a -> Int
countNest (Elem x) = 1
countNest (List xs) = sum $ map countNest xs
Let's say I have nested lsit: [1, [2, 3, 4], [5, [6]]]
You can't have that list. It won't type-check. Try typing it by itself in GHCi; it'll just spit an error message at you. Since this input can't exist in the first place, trying to write a function to process it is a doomed endeavor.
Instead, you need to define a custom data type for this. See the other answers.
As others have said, the simplest way to do this is with a different data structure, like the tree NovaDenizen defined. However, just so you know, Haskell's type system enables various ways of creating "lists" in which the elements have different types : see

List of lists, take next element

I have [[Integer]] -> [Integer] and want to take the first element of the first sub-list, the second element of the second sub-list and .. the n-th element of the n-th sub-list and so on.
I am trying to achieve this using list comprehensions. However, I first drop an incrementing number of elements and the take the head of the remaining. But there again I don't know how to use drop (inc z) where z = 0 with inc c = c + 1 as an already defined function, in presumably this:
getNext :: [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
getNext xs = [y | drop (inc z) (y:ys) <- xs, (y:_) <- xs]
where z = 0
I know that the code above is not working, but again I had only so far come up to this and hit a wall.
You can do it like this:
getNext :: [[a]] -> [a]
getNext xs = [ head $ drop y x | (x,y) <- zip xs [0..]]
Although note that this function is partial because of head.
As the other answers suggest, you can use a zip function and zip with the list of indices.
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) however offers the Parallel List Comp extension:
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
diagonal :: [[a]] -> [a]
diagonal ls = [l !! i | l <- ls | i <- [0..]]
The (!!) operator gets the i-th element from a list.
Furthermore it is always advisable to use the most generic function signature; so [[a]] -> [a] instead of [[Integer]] -> [Integer]. This can be useful if you later decide to take the diagonal of a matrix of Double's, String, lists, custom types,...
You can zip the actual list of list of integers and another list which runs from 0 to infinity and get the corresponding elements, like this
picker :: [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
picker xs = [(x !! y) | (x, y) <- (zip xs [0..])]
main = print $ picker [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
-- [1,5,9]
The expression [0..] will create an infinite list, lazily, starting from 0 and we zip it with xs. So, on every iteration, the result of zip would be used like this
[1, 2, 3] !! 0
[4, 5, 6] !! 1
[7, 8, 9] !! 2
We get element at index 0, which is 1, on the first iteration and 5 and 9 on the following iterations.

Rotating a list about an index

I have a list, lets say [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and I have to rotate the list at an index.
For example:
rotate 2 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] gives [3, 4, 5, 1, 2]
Through researching online, I came across the cycle function which gets around the problem of losing the list when you drop it, but I feel as if I would benefit far more from producing my own working solution in terms of understanding, even if it is less efficient than a library function. The working solution I have is below:
rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotate _ [] = []
rotate n l = take (length l) $ drop n (cycle l)
Could you suggest, without code, alternative ways of achieving this solution so I can have a crack at those? As I'm stuck without ideas now I have seen this way of doing it!
You can simply do:
rotate n l = drop n l ++ take n l
to achieve the same without cycle.
Since here already exists a solution with code, I'll post another version:
rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotate n [] = []
rotate n xs = xs2 ++ xs1
where (xs1, xs2) = splitAt (n `rem` length xs) xs
Some tests:
main = do
print $ rotate 0 [1..5] -- [1,2,3,4,5]
print $ rotate 2 [1..5] -- [3,4,5,1,2]
print $ rotate 5 [1..5] -- [1,2,3,4,5]
print $ rotate 7 [1..5] -- [3,4,5,1,2]
...what about straightforward solution?
rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotate 0 xs = xs
rotate _ [] = []
rotate n (x:xs) = rotate (pred n) (xs ++ [x])

Filtering a List Haskell

I just started learning Haskell about filtering lists.
Suppose I have the following list : [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11]
I would like to keep only those numbers in the list, which are not divisible by the other members.
The result of our example would be : [2, 3, 5, 11]
[x | x <- src, all (\y -> x `rem` y /= 0) (filter (<x) src)]
where src = [2,3,4,5,8,10,11]
It should be noted that you actually also mean dividable by other numbers that are below it, and not just any number in that list, which is why there's a filter in the 2nd argument for all.
The result, of course, is the one you expect in your question: [2,3,5,11].
Here's how it works (and if I'm missing anything, let me know and I'll update).
I'll explain the code side-by-side with normal English. I suggest you just read just the English first, and afterwards see how each statement is expressed in code - I think it should be the most friendly for a newcomer.
Also note that I flipped the arguments for filter and all below (it is invalid!) to make the explanation fluid.
[x|: Construct a list made out of x
x <- src: Where x is an element from src
,: But only the elements that satisfy the following predicate/rule:
all of the numbers from
(filter src (<x)): src that are lesser-than the current x
(\y -> x 'rem' y /= 0): must not yield a remainder equal to 0.
For the code part to make sense, make sure you've familiarized yourself with all, filter, rem, and the syntax for: list comprehensions, lambda expressions, sections, and backticks.
Prelude> :m + Data.List
Prelude Data.List> nubBy (\a b -> rem a b == 0) [2,3,4,5,8,10,11]
does the trick. On Haskell98-compatible systems (e.g. Hugs), use nubBy (\b a -> rem a b == 0).
This answer was posted as a comment by Will Ness.
Using filter
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
and from Data.Numbers.Primes the function
isPrime :: Integral int => int -> Bool
may be
filter isPrime [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11]
or using list comprehension
[ x | x <- [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11], isPrime x]
change filter predicate as you wish, e.g.
-- None `xs` element (different than `x`) divide `x`
noneDiv xs x = and [x `mod` y /= 0 | y <- xs, x /= y]
myFilter xs = filter (noneDiv xs) xs
myFilter xs = [x | x <- xs, noneDiv xs x]