How to use NetRemoteTOD function in MFC application - c++

Can anyone give an example to get date/time from internet, which I only found info using NetRemoteTOD function so far.
But the point is I do not know how to use it, what is the server name. I just tried the below code in my function but it gives run time error.
Appreciate helps
LPTSTR pszServerName = NULL;
int CurrentYear ;
int CurrentMonth ;
int CurrentDay ;
int CurrentHour;
int CurrentMin;
pszServerName = (LPTSTR) "";
// Call the NetRemoteTOD function.
nStatus = NetRemoteTOD((LPCWSTR) pszServerName,(LPBYTE *)&pBuf);
// If the function succeeds, display the current date and time.
if (nStatus == NERR_Success)
if (pBuf != NULL)
CurrentYear = pBuf->tod_year;
CurrentMonth =pBuf->tod_month;
CurrentDay = pBuf->tod_day;
// Otherwise, display a system error.
m_SharesEdit[9].SetWindowText("No time");
// Free the allocated buffer.
if (pBuf != NULL)
if( CTime(CurrentYear,CurrentMonth,CurrentDay,CurrentHour,CurrentMin,0) >= CTime(2013,11,25,9,00,00) )
return true;
return false;

NetRemoteTOD only works with Windows servers, not to read the time using something like NTP or SNTP. It actually uses RPC to get the time, and I can't quite imagine most people running a Windows server allowing unverified users to make RPC calls on their server, so for most practical purposes, this is going to be restricted to your own local server.
To get the date/time from the Internet (which seems to be your real intent) you want to write or use an NTP or SNTP client, not NetRemoteTOD. Windows already has an SNTP client in the form of the w32time service. Others were mentioned in answers to a previous question.
Edit in response to comment: Given that you probably don't care about split-second precision, or anything like that, you might want to write code that follows RFC 868 to retrieve time. It's only precise to the second, and makes no attempt at compensating for things like network delays (as NTP can), but when the precision you care about is (roughly) to the day, it's probably more than adequate.
It's also quite simple to implement: open a UDP1 socket on port 37 and read a 4-byte time stamp. That will be given in roughly the traditional Unix format: number of seconds since midnight January 1, 1900. Much simpler than NTP (or SNTP) and probably still entirely adequate to the task at hand.
1. TCP port 37 will work as well, but UDP is usually preferable--you're not doing anything to justify the overhead of TCP.


ASIOCallbacks::bufferSwitchTimeInfo comes very slowly in 2.8MHz Samplerate with DSD format on Sony PHA-3

I bought a Sony PHA-3 and try to write an app to play DSD in native mode. (I've succeeded in DoP mode.)
However, When I set the samplerate to 2.8MHz, I found the ASIOCallbacks::bufferSwitchTimeInfo come not so fast as it should be.
It'll take nearly 8 seconds to request for 2.8MHz samples which should be completed in 1 second.
The code is merely modified from the host sample of asiosdk 2.3, thus I'll post a part of the key codes to help complete my question.
After ASIO Start, the host sample will keep printing the progress to indicating the time info like this:
fprintf (stdout, "%d ms / %d ms / %d samples **%ds**", asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime,
(long)(asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds / 1000000.0),
(long)(**asioDriverInfo.samples / asioDriverInfo.sampleRate**));
The final expression will tell me how many seconds has elapsed. (asioDriverInfo.samples/asioDriverInfo.sampleRate).
Where asioDriverInfo.sampleRate is 2822400 Hz.
And asioDriverInfo.samples is assigned in the ASIOCallbacks::bufferSwitchTimeInfo like below:
if (timeInfo->timeInfo.flags & kSamplePositionValid)
asioDriverInfo.samples = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeInfo.samplePosition);
asioDriverInfo.samples = 0;
It's the original code of the sample.
So I can easily find out the time elapsed very slowly.
I've tried to raise the samplerate to even higher, say 2.8MHz * 4, it's even longer to see the time to advance 1 second.
I tried to lower the samplerate to below 2.8MHz, the API failed.
I surely have set the SampleFormat according to the guide of the sdk.
ASIOIoFormat aif;
memset(&aif, 0, sizeof(aif));
aif.FormatType = kASIODSDFormat;
ASIOSampleRate finalSampleRate = 176400;
if(ASE_SUCCESS == ASIOFuture(kAsioSetIoFormat,&aif) ){
finalSampleRate = 2822400;
In fact, without setting the SampleFormat to DSD, setting samplerate to 2.8MHz will lead to an API failure.
Finally, I remembered all the DAW (Cubase / Reaper, ...) have an option to set the thread priority, so I doubted the thread of the callback is not high enough and also try to raise its thread priority to see if this could help. However, when I check the thread priority, it returns THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL.
static double processedSamples = 0;
if (processedSamples == 0)
HANDLE t = GetCurrentThread();
int p = GetThreadPriority(t); // I get THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL here
SetThreadPriority(t, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); // So the priority is no need to raise anymore....(SAD)
It's same for the ThreadPriorityBoost property. It's not disabled (already boosted).
Anybody has tried to write a host asio demo and help me resolve this issue?
Thanks very much in advance.
Issue cleared.
I should getBufferSize and createBuffers after kAsioSetIoFormat.

libircclient : Selective connection absolutely impossible to debug

I'm not usually the type to post a question, and more to search why something doesn't work first, but this time I did everything I could, and I just can't figure out what is wrong.
So here's the thing:
I'm currently programming an IRC Bot, and I'm using libircclient, a small C library to handle IRC connections. It's working pretty great, it does the job and is kinda easy to use, but ...
I'm connecting to two different servers, and so I'm using the custom networking loop, which uses the select function. On my personal computer, there's no problem with this loop, and everything works great.
But (Here's the problem), on my remote server, where the bot will be hosted, I can connect to one server but not the other.
I tried to debug everything I could. I even went to examine the sources of libircclient, to see how it worked, and put some printfs where I could, and I could see where does it comes from, but I don't understand why it does this.
So here's the code for the server (The irc_session_t objects are encapsulated, but it's normally kinda easy to understand. Feel free to ask for more informations if you want to):
// Connect the first session
// Connect the osu! session
// Initialize sockets sets
fd_set sockets, out_sockets;
// Initialize sockets count
int sockets_count;
// Initialize timeout struct
struct timeval timeout;
// Set running as true
running = true;
// While the server is running (Which means always)
while (running)
// First session has disconnected
if (!first.connected())
// Reconnect it
// Second session has disconnected
if (!second.connected())
// Reconnect it
// Reset timeout values
timeout.tv_sec = 1;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
// Reset sockets count
sockets_count = 0;
// Reset sockets and out sockets
// Add sessions descriptors
irc_add_select_descriptors(first.session(), &sockets, &out_sockets, &sockets_count);
irc_add_select_descriptors(second.session(), &sockets, &out_sockets, &sockets_count);
// Select something. If it went wrong
int available = select(sockets_count + 1, &sockets, &out_sockets, NULL, &timeout);
// Error
if (available < 0)
// Error
Utils::throw_error("Server", "run", "Something went wrong when selecting a socket");
// We have a socket
if (available > 0)
// If there was something wrong when processing the first session
if (irc_process_select_descriptors(first.session(), &sockets, &out_sockets))
// Error
Utils::throw_error("Server", "run", Utils::string_format("Error with the first session: %s", first.get_error()));
// If there was something wrong when processing the second session
if (irc_process_select_descriptors(second.session(), &sockets, &out_sockets))
// Error
Utils::throw_error("Server", "run", Utils::string_format("Error with the second session: %s", second.get_error()));
The problem in this code is that this line:
irc_process_select_descriptors(second.session(), &sockets, &out_sockets)
Always return an error the first time it's called, and only for one server. The weird thing is that on my Windows computer, it works perfectly, while on the Ubuntu server, it just doesn't want to, and I just can't understand why.
I did some in-depth debug, and I saw that libircclient does this:
if (session->state == LIBIRC_STATE_CONNECTING && FD_ISSET(session->sock, out_set))
And this is where everything goes wrong. The session state is correctly set to LIBIRC_STATE_CONNECTING, but the second thing, FD_ISSET(session->sock, out_set) always return false. It returns true for the first session, but for the second session, never.
The two servers are and The servers are correctly set, and the server passwords are correct too, since everything works fine on my personal computer.
Sorry for the very long post.
Thanks in advance !
Alright, after some hours of debug, I finally got the problem.
So when a session is connected, it will enter in the LIBIRC_STATE_CONNECTING state, and then when calling irc_process_select_descriptors, it will check this:
if (session->state == LIBIRC_STATE_CONNECTING && FD_ISSET(session->sock, out_set))
The problem is that select() will alter the sockets sets, and will remove all the sets that are not relevant.
So if the server didn't send any messages before calling the irc_process_select_descriptors, FD_ISSET will return 0, because select() thought that this socket is not relevant.
I fixed it by just writing
if (session->state == LIBIRC_STATE_CONNECTING)
if(!FD_ISSET(session->sock, out_set))
return 0;
So it will make the program wait until the server has sent us anything.
Sorry for not having checked everything !

pselect blocks even though data is available for read on socket

I'm experiencing an intermittent delay when reading from a POSIX socket (RHEL6 x86_64 C++ icpc). My code is designed such that a user can provide an absolute timespec deadline (vs. a relative timeout) to be used across multiple calls to recv. I call pselect to make sure that data is available for reading before attempting to call recv.
This typically works as expected (will wait for data but not exceed deadline, introducing no noticeable delay if data is available to recv). However, I have a user that can periodically (~50% of the time) get his application into a state where the select blocks for ~400-500 ms even though data is available on the socket. If I watch /proc/net/tcp, I can see that data is available in the RX queue and I can see the application slowly reading the data off the queue. If I skip the call to pselect and just call recv, the behavior is similar (but less delay overall indicating recv is also blocking unnecessarily). When the application gets into this state it stays this way (experiences consistent delay with each pselect/recv).
I spent several hours poking around here and on other sites. This is the closest similar issue I could find, but there was no resolution...
Has anyone run into this sort of behavior before? I'm at a loss for what to do. I've instrumented the code to validate that this is where the delay is happening. (Edit: We actually just validated that the entire method below was slow, not any particular system call.) It seems like a kernel/OS issue but I'm not sure where to look. Here's the code...
// protected
Message::wait(int socket, const timespec & deadline) {
// Bail if deadline not provided
if (deadline.tv_sec == 0 && deadline.tv_nsec == 0) {
return true;
// Make sure we haven't already exceeded deadline
timespec currentTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &currentTime);
if (VirtualClock::cmptime(currentTime, deadline) >= 0) {
LOG_WARNING("Timed out waiting to receive data");
m_timedOut = true;
return false;
// Calculate receive timeout
timespec timeout;
memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeout));
timeout.tv_nsec = VirtualClock::nsecs(currentTime, deadline);
// Wait for data
fd_set descSet;
FD_SET(socket, &descSet);
int result = pselect(socket + 1, &descSet, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL);
if (result == -1) {
m_error = errno;
LOG_ERROR("Failed to wait for data: %d, %s",
m_error, strerror(m_error));
return false;
} else if (result == 0 || !FD_ISSET(socket, &descSet)) {
LOG_WARNING("Timed out waiting to receive data");
m_timedOut = true;
return false;
return true;
VirtualClock is a time-related utility class just used here to compare/fix-up timespecs (i.e. not introducing any delays). I'd appreciate any insight on this behavior.
This was in fact not a problem with any system call. We used strace to diagnose and were seeing tons of calls to clock_gettime. Another (third) review of the calling code revealed a programming error resulting in the called code having a reference to corrupt stack data. This was facilitated by a flawed API design on my part resulting in corruption of the deadline.
I was allowing the user to pass in a reference to a ServerConfig class containing configuration (including data related to the deadline). My Server class was saving the reference instead of copying the object. The user created an instance of my Server class on the heap, passed in a reference a ServerConfig on the stack (in a method) resulting in non-deterministic garbage in the configuration when the method exited and the ServerConfig went out of scope. This is older code and I've since prevented this sort of thing from happening in other places after being burned but this one slipped through.
So lessons learned for me are: be careful with writing APIs that hang on to user-provided references, rethink premature optimization (the whole reason I was hanging onto a reference instead of just doing a copy), and look for stack corruption when you see non-deterministic behavior like this (something that I check for when I suspect builds are jacked up but didn't suspect this time). Also, strace is a great tool...I've seen others use it but now I'm comfortable using it myself.
Thanks for the comments and sorry for the false alarm.

C++ non blocking socket select send too slow?

I have a program that maintains a list of "streaming" sockets. These sockets are configured to be non-blocking sockets.
Currently, I have used a list to store these streaming sockets. I have some data that I need to send to all these streaming sockets hence I used the iterator to loop through this list of streaming sockets and calling the send_TCP_NB function below:
The issue is that my own program buffer that stores the data before sending to this send_TCP_NB function slowly decreases in free size indicating that the send is slower than the rate at which data is put into the program buffer. The rate at which the program buffer is about 1000 data per second. Each data is quite small, about 100 bytes.
Hence, i am not sure if my send_TCP_NB function is working efficiently or correct?
int send_TCP_NB(int cs, char data[], int data_length) {
bool sent = false;
FD_ZERO(&write_flags); // initialize the writer socket set
FD_SET(cs, &write_flags); // set the write notification for the socket based on the current state of the buffer
int status;
int err;
struct timeval waitd; // set the time limit for waiting
waitd.tv_sec = 0;
waitd.tv_usec = 1000;
err = select(cs+1, NULL, &write_flags, NULL, &waitd);
// time limit expired
printf("Time limit expired!\n");
return 0; // send failed
if(FD_ISSET(cs, &write_flags))
FD_CLR(cs, &write_flags);
status = send(cs, data, data_length, 0);
sent = true;
int nError = WSAGetLastError();
if(nError != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && nError != 0)
printf("Error sending non blocking data\n");
return 0;
printf("%d\n", nError);
return 1;
One thing that would help is if you thought out exactly what this function is supposed to do. What it actually does is probably not what you wanted, and has some bad features.
The major features of what it does that I've noticed are:
Modify some global state
Wait (up to 1 millisecond) for the write buffer to have some empty space
Abort if the buffer is still full
Send 1 or more bytes on the socket (ignoring how much was sent)
If there was an error (including the send decided it would have blocked despite the earlier check), obtain its value. Otherwise, obtain a random error value
Possibly print something to screen, depending on the value obtained
Return 0 or 1, depending on the error value.
Comments on these points:
Why is write_flags global?
Did you really intend to block in this function?
This is probably fine
Surely you care how much of the data was sent?
I do not see anything in the documentation that suggests that this will be zero if send succeeds
If you cleared up what the actual intent of this function was, it would probably be much easier to ensure that this function actually fulfills that intent.
That said
I have some data that I need to send to all these streaming sockets
What precisely is your need?
If your need is that the data must be sent before proceeding, then using a non-blocking write is inappropriate*, since you're going to have to wait until you can write the data anyways.
If your need is that the data must be sent sometime in the future, then your solution is missing a very critical piece: you need to create a buffer for each socket which holds the data that needs to be sent, and then you periodically need to invoke a function that checks the sockets to try writing whatever it can. If you spawn a new thread for this latter purpose, this is the sort of thing select is very useful for, since you can make that new thread block until it is able to write something. However, if you don't spawn a new thread and just periodically invoke a function from the main thread to check, then you don't need to bother. (just write what you can to everything, even if it's zero bytes)
*: At least, it is a very premature optimization. There are some edge cases where you could get slightly more performance by using the non-blocking writes intelligently, but if you don't understand what those edge cases are and how the non-blocking writes would help, then guessing at it is unlikely to get good results.
EDIT: as another answer implied, this is something the operating system is good at anyways. Rather than try to write your own code to manage this, if you find your socket buffers filling up, then make the system buffers larger. And if they're still filling up, you should really give serious thought to the idea that your program needs to block anyways, so that it stops sending data faster than the other end can handle it. i.e. just use ordinary blocking sends for all of your data.
Some general advice:
Keep in mind you are multiplying data. So if you get 1 MB/s in, you output N MB/s with N clients. Are you sure your network card can take it ? It gets worse with smaller packets, you get more general overhead. You may want to consider broadcasting.
You are using non blocking sockets, but you block while they are not free. If you want to be non blocking, better discard the packet immediately if the socket is not ready.
What would be better is to "select" more than one socket at once. Do everything that you are doing but for all the sockets that are available. You'll write to each "ready" socket, then repeat again while there are sockets that are not ready. This way, you'll proceed with the sockets that are available first, and then with some chance, the busy sockets will become themselves available.
the while (!sent) loop is useless and probably buggy. Since you are checking only one socket FD_ISSET will always be true. It is wrong to check again FD_ISSET after a FD_CLR
Keep in mind that your OS has some internal buffers for the sockets and that there are way to extend them (not easy on Linux, though, to get large values you need to do some config as root).
There are some socket libraries that will probably work better than what you can implement in a reasonable time (boost::asio and zmq for the ones I know).
If you need to implement it yourself, (i.e. because for instance zmq has its own packet format), consider using a threadpool library.
Sleeping 1 millisecond is probably a bad idea. Your thread will probably get descheduled and it will take much more than that before you get some CPU time again.
This is just a horrible way to do things. The select serves no purpose but to waste time. If the send is non-blocking, it can mangle data on a partial send. If it's blocking, you still waste arbitrarily much time waiting for one receiver.
You need to pick a sensible I/O strategy. Here is one: Set all sockets non-blocking. When you need to send data to a socket, just call write. If all the data writes, lovely. If not, save the portion of data that wasn't sent for later and add the socket to your write set. When you have nothing else to do, call select. If you get a hit on any socket in your write set, write as many bytes as you can from what you saved. If you write all of them, remove that socket from the write set.
(If you need to write to a data that's already in your write set, just add the data to the saved data to be sent. You may need to close the connection if too much data gets buffered.)
A better idea might be to use a library that already does all these things. Boost::asio is a good one.
You are calling select() before calling send(). Do it the other way around. Call select() only if send() reports WSAEWOULDBLOCK, eg:
int send_TCP_NB(int cs, char data[], int data_length)
int status;
int err;
struct timeval waitd;
char *data_ptr = data;
while (data_length > 0)
status = send(cs, data_ptr, data_length, 0);
if (status > 0)
data_ptr += status;
data_length -= status;
err = WSAGetLastError();
printf("Error sending non blocking data\n");
return 0; // send failed
FD_SET(cs, &write_flags); // set the write notification for the socket based on the current state of the buffer
waitd.tv_sec = 0;
waitd.tv_usec = 1000;
status = select(cs+1, NULL, &write_flags, NULL, &waitd);
if (status > 0)
if (status == 0)
printf("Time limit expired!\n");
printf("Error waiting for time limit!\n");
return 0; // send failed
return 1;

Win32 Overlapped Readfile on COM Port returning ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED

Ok, one for the SO hive mind...
I have code which has - until today - run just fine on many systems and is deployed at many sites. It involves threads reading and writing data from a serial port.
Trying to check out a new device, my code was swamped with 995 ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED errors calling GetOverlappedResult after the ReadFile. Sometimes the read would work, othertimes I'd get this error. Just ignoring the error and retrying would - amazingly - work without dropping any data. No ClearCommError required.
Here's the snippet.
if (!ReadFile(handle,&c,1,&read, &olap))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw Exception("ser_rx_char:ReadFile");
WaitForSingleObjectEx(r_event, INFINITE, true); // alertable, so, thread can be closed correctly.
if (GetOverlappedResult(handle,&olap,&read, TRUE) != 0)
if (read != 1)
throw Exception("ser_rx_char: no data");
logger().log(LOG_VERBOSE,"read char %d ( read = %d) ",c, read);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err != 995) //Filters our ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED
logger().log_api(LOG_ERROR,"ser_rx_char: GetOverlappedResult");
throw Exception("ser_rx_char:GetOverlappedResult");
My first guess is to blame the COM port driver, which I havent' used before (it's a RS422 port on a Blackmagic Decklink, FYI), but that feels like a cop-out.
Oh, and Vista SP1 Business 32-bit, for my sins.
Before I just put this down to "Someone else's problem", does anyone have any ideas of what might cause this?
How are you setting over the OVERLAPPED structure before the ReadFile? - I always zero them (other than the hEvent, obviously), which is perhaps part superstition, but I have a feeling that it's caused me a problem in the past.
I'm afraid blaming the driver (if it's non-MS and not just a tiny tweak from the reference) is not completely unrealistic. To write a COM driver is an incredibly complex thing, and the difficulty with testing it is that every application ever written uses the serial ports and their IOCTLs slightly differently.
Another common problem is not to set the whole port up - for example not calling SetCommTimeouts or SetupComm. I've no idea if you're making this sort of mistake, but I have met people who say they're not using timeouts when they actually mean that they didn't call SetCommTimeouts so they're using them but don't have a notion what they're set to...
This kind of stuff can be murder for 3rd-party COM drivers, because people have often got away with any old crap with the MS driver, and it doesn't always work the same with another device.
in addition to zeroing the OVERLAPPED, you might also check how you're setting olap.hEvent, that is, what are your arguments to CreateEvent? If you're creating an event that's pre-signalled (i.e. the third argument to CreateEvent is TRUE) I would expect an immediate return. Also, don't forget that if you specify manualReset (the second argument to CreateEvent) as FALSE, GetOverlappedResult() will helpfully clear the event for you - which might explain why it works the second time around.
Can't really tell from your snippet whether either of these affect you - hope this helps.